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How to get a list of users from a server

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27 Nov 20018 min read 242.9K   4.1K   45   47
How to get a list of users and their details from a specified server.



I'm still no closer to finishing the application that spurred me to write this article, but I have written several more since. As you can see from the comments below, I was informed of a potential memory leak (quite some time ago I have to admit), well now I've finally got round to updating the source to fix this problem.

Basically, the problem is that the buffer used by NetQueryDisplayInformation can't be freed until the user has finished with the returned information. So I changed the buffer to be a static member of the CNetInfo class and used this buffer instead. The first thing I did then was to put a call to NetApiBufferFree in the class destructor. Of course, this doesn't work because an instance isn't created so the destructor never gets called. So I added a CleanUp function, which is also static and should be called by the user when they have finished.

Use of CNetInfo now looks like this (disregard the same example further down the article):

CString szServer = "\\\\MYSERVER"
DWORD dwResult = ssl_net::CNetInfo::GetUserInfo (pUsers, szServer);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwResult) {
    // Process the results
    POSITION pos = pUsers->GetHeadPosition ();
    while (NULL != pos) {
        NET_DISPLAY_USER ndu = pUsers->GetNext (pos); 
        CString szName, szComment, szFlags, szFullName, szUserID; 
        szName.Format ("%S", ndu.usri1_name);
        szComment.Format ("%S", ndu.usri1_comment); 
        szFlags.Format ("%d", ndu.usri1_flags); 
        szFullName.Format ("%S",n du.usri1_full_name); 
        szUserID.Format ("%d", ndu.usri1_user_id);
        TRACE ("%S\n%S\n%d\n%S\n%d\n", ndu.usri1_name,
            ndu.usri1_comment, ndu.usri1_flags,
            ndu.usri1_full_name, ndu.usri1_user_id);
else {
    // Handle any errors
    CString szErrMsg = ssl_net::CNetInfo::FormatMessage (dwResult);
    AfxMessageBox (szErrMsg);
delete pUsers;
// **** The New Bit **** //
ssl_net::CNetInfo::CleanUp ();


The other thing noticeable from the comments below is that several people have had trouble accessing information on another machine. To save myself the effort of typing the same information and to save others from having to look up the information, here are the security requirements for NetQueryDisplayInformation (the function at the heart of this article):

Security Requirements

Windows NT: No special group membership is required to successfully execute the NetQueryDisplayInformation function.

Windows 2000: If you call this function on a domain controller that is running Active Directory, access is allowed or denied based on the access-control list (ACL) for the securable object. The default ACL permits all authenticated users and members of the "Pre-Windows 2000 compatible access" group to view the information. By default, the "Pre-Windows 2000 compatible access" group includes Everyone as a member. This enables anonymous access to the information if the system allows anonymous access.

If you call this function on a member server or workstation, all authenticated users can view the information. Anonymous access is also permitted if the RestrictAnonymous policy setting allows anonymous access.

Windows XP: If you call this function on a domain controller that is running Active Directory, access is allowed or denied based on the ACL for the securable object. To enable anonymous access, the user Anonymous must be a member of the "Pre-Windows 2000 compatible access" group. This is because anonymous tokens do not include the Everyone group SID by default.

If you call this function on a member server or workstation, all authenticated users can view the information. Anonymous access is also permitted if the EveryoneIncludesAnonymous policy setting allows anonymous access.


I am in the middle of writing a multi-user application which has an administrative component to define the users for the system and their security access. Rather than have the system administrator enter the users manually, I thought it would be nice to allow them to choose from existing users of their network.

This functionality didn't ring any bells from my usual work with the MFCs (though I don't usually do much comm.s or network related stuff), so I instantly reached for the browser and headed off to the CodeProject. The Internet/Network section at CodeProject is fairly slim and so I didn't find any joy there. My next port of call was a series of searches through my MSDN collection. I didn't find much there, but (as I later found out) I wasn't really looking in the right place. After a bit more digging and several more searches on the Internet and through the MSDN collection, I came across the NetUserEnum function. A little bit more digging came up trumps with the NetQueryDisplayInformation (NQDI) function. This function is used to return user account, computer or group account information. These are both part of the Network Management area of the Platform SDK. MSDN says that the NQDI function should be called "to quickly enumerate account information for display in user interfaces". Perfect! Exactly what I wanted.

The remainder of this article discusses how to use NetQueryDisplayInformation to specifically retrieve user account information, and then presents a class to provide more generic access to the services it provides.

Function details

First things first, what does it look like? Well, the function prototype is as follows:

NET_API_STATUS NetQueryDisplayInformation(
  LPCWSTR ServerName,
  DWORD Level,
  DWORD Index,
  DWORD EntriesRequested,
  DWORD PreferredMaximumLength,
  LPDWORD ReturnedEntryCount,
  PVOID *SortedBuffer);

The return type, NET_API_STATUS was new to me, but a quick look at the API documentation revealed that it's a DWORD. If the function succeeds, then the return value is ERROR_SUCCESS (Win32 error code 0). The documentation incorrectly says that if the function fails, it returns one of the following error codes:

ERROR_ACCESS_DENIEDThe user does not have access to the requested information.
ERROR_INVALID_LEVELThe Level parameter specifies an invalid value.
ERROR_MORE_DATAMore entries are available. That is, the last entry returned in the SortedBuffer parameter is not the last entry available. To retrieve additional entries, call NetQueryDisplayInformation again with the Index parameter set to the value returned in the next_index member of the last entry in SortedBuffer.

In actual fact, the function will also return the Win32 error code if none of the above cases is true. For example, whilst debugging I kept getting a return value of 1722, which is error code RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE. The server I was querying wasn't actually active while I was trying to query it.

The first parameter, ServerName, is a Unicode wide-character string, so we're going to need to use MultiByteToWideChar to convert any standard strings to the required format. It may be NULL, in which case the function provides information about the local computer. If it is not NULL, then the string must begin with \\.

The only other parameter of any interest at the moment is the Level parameter. This parameter specifies the information level of the data and can be one of the following values.

1Return user account information. The SortedBuffer parameter points to an array of NET_DISPLAY_USER structures.
2Return individual computer information. The SortedBuffer parameter points to an array of NET_DISPLAY_MACHINE structures.
3Return group account information. The SortedBuffer parameter points to an array of NET_DISPLAY_GROUP structures.

I'm interested in user account information so I need to set this parameter to level 1, but what on earth is the NET_DISPLAY_USER structure? Time to reach for the documentation again. The NET_DISPLAY_USER structure looks like this:

typedef struct _NET_DISPLAY_USER {
  LPWSTR   usri1_name;
  LPWSTR   usri1_comment;
  DWORD    usri1_flags;
  LPWSTR   usri1_full_name;
  DWORD    usri1_user_id;
  DWORD    usri1_next_index;

I'll leave it to you to look up the details of what each field contains, but basically the user name is provided in usri1_name and the full name for that account is provided in usri1_full_name, both of which are Unicode wide-character strings.

Function use

So, how do you go about using all this? There are essentially three main parts to the process:

  1. Set-up the parameters to pass to the function.
  2. Call the function and process the results.
  3. Handle any errors.

Parameter setup looks like this:

// First we need to convert our string into Unicode wide-character format    
CString szServer = "\\\\MYSERVER";    // Server to query
LPWSTR pWideServer;
int nBytesSource = strlen(pString) * 2;
// Query the number of WChars required to store the destination string
int nWCharNeeded = MultiByteToWideChar (CP_ACP, 
    MB_PRECOMPOSED, pString, nBytesSource, NULL, 0);
// Allocate the required amount of space plus 2 more bytes for '\0'
pWideServer = (LPWSTR)GlobalAlloc (GPTR, (nWCharNeeded + 1) * 2);
// Do the conversion
nWCharNeeded = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, pString,
    nBytesSource,(LPWSTR)pWideServer, nWCharNeeded);

if (0L == nWCharNeeded) {
    pWideServer = NULL;
else {
    *(LPWSTR)(pWideServer + nWCharNeeded) = L'\0';
nIndex = 0;        // Index into the list of user accounts
DWORD dwCount;        // Returned  entry count
void* pBuffer;        // Buffer to  store the results  in
NET_DISPLAY_USER* ndu;    // The actual info we want
DWORD dwResult,  i;    // Function return code and an index

To process the results, we need this bit of code, too:

do {
    dwResult = NetQueryDisplayInformation ((LPCWSTR)pWideServer, 
                           1, nIndex, 10, 24, &dwCount, &pBuffer);
    if ((dwResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) || (dwResult == ERROR_MORE_DATA)) { 
        for (i = 0, ndu = (NET_DISPLAY_USER*)pBuffer; 
                            i < dwCount; ++i, ++ndu) {
            CString szName, szFullName, szComment;
            // Use %S, not %s for wide strings
            szName.Format("%S", ndu->usri1_name);
            szFullName.Format("%S", ndu->usri1_full_name);
            szComment.Format ("%S", ndu->usri1_comment);
            TRACE ("Name:\t\t" + szName + "\n"); 
            TRACE ("Full Name:\t" + szFullName + "\n"); 
            TRACE ("Comment:\t" + szComment + "\n"); 
            TRACE ("--------------------------------\n");
            if (dwCount >  0){
              nIndex = ((NET_DISPLAY_USER *)pBuffer)[dwCount - 1].usri1_next_index;
} while (dwResult == ERROR_MORE_DATA);

Initially, this calls NQDI asking for index 0. It will keep calling the function, incrementing the index to ask for, until there are no more results or an error occurs. The index for the next item is given in the usri1_next_index field of the NET_DISPLAY_USER structure.

switch (dwResult) { 
        TRACE ("%s(%i): The user does not have"
           " access to the requested information.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); 
        TRACE ("%s(%i): The Level parameter specifies"
           " an invalid value.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); 
    case ERROR_MORE_DATA: 
        TRACE ("%s(%i): More entries are available.\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); 
    case ERROR_SUCCESS: 
        //    Do nothing 
    default: {
        // Some other error, probably RPC related 
        LPVOID lpMsgBuf; // Windows    will allocate
            MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), // Default language 
            (LPTSTR)&lpMsgBuf, 0, NULL ); 
        TRACE ("%s(%i): %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, lpMsgBuf); 
        // Free the buffer that was allocated using LocalAlloc() 
        ::LocalFree (lpMsgBuf);
GlobalFree (pWideServer);

The OO Stuff

Like all good developers, I couldn't leave it there, I had to wrap it all up into a class! It's quite simple and has three main static functions and one extra in a class called CNetInfo:

static DWORD GetUserInfo (USER_LIST* pUsers, LPCSTR pServer = NULL);
static DWORD GetMachineInfo (MACHINE_LIST* pMachines, LPCSTR pServer = NULL);
static DWORD GetGroupInfo (GROUP_LIST* pGroups, LPCSTR pServer = NULL); 
static CString FormatMessage (DWORD dwError);

The first three are the main functionality and actually call NQDI. The last one is a generally useful function that receives a Win32 error code and returns a string containing the text description for that error.

The types USER_LIST, MACHINE_LIST and GROUP_LIST are defined as follows:


There is no real need to do this, but I'm lazy and it saves typing! There are also three defines for the different levels of information, just for convenience:

#define LEVEL_USER    1
#define LEVEL_MACHINE    2
#define LEVEL_GROUP    3

Using it is fairly simple. Just create a list of the relevant type, pass a pointer to it and a server name to the relevant function and then iterate through the resulting list. The other thing to note is that the class is defined in a namespace called ssl_net, so you'll either have to add the line using namespace ssl_net;, or fully qualify the class name (like the code below):

CString szServer = "\\\\MYSERVER"
DWORD dwResult = ssl_net::CNetInfo::GetUserInfo (pUsers, szServer);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == dwResult) {
    // Process the results
    POSITION pos = pUsers->GetHeadPosition ();
    while (NULL != pos) {
        NET_DISPLAY_USER ndu = pUsers->GetNext (pos); 
        CString szName, szComment, szFlags, szFullName, szUserID; 
        szName.Format ("%S", ndu.usri1_name);
        szComment.Format ("%S", ndu.usri1_comment); 
        szFlags.Format ("%d", ndu.usri1_flags); 
        szFullName.Format ("%S",n du.usri1_full_name); 
        szUserID.Format ("%d", ndu.usri1_user_id);
        TRACE ("%S\n%S\n%d\n%S\n%d\n", ndu.usri1_name,
            ndu.usri1_comment, ndu.usri1_flags,
            ndu.usri1_full_name, ndu.usri1_user_id);
else {
    // Handle any errors
    CString szErrMsg = ssl_net::CNetInfo::FormatMessage (dwResult);
    AfxMessageBox (szErrMsg);
delete pUsers;

To make it all work, you will need to include NetInfo.h and link to NetApi32.lib.

The code was written using Visual C++ 6 SP4, but I don't think there are any VC6 or service pack dependant sections to the code.

The code has been tested under Windows NT 4 SP6a only. The documentation states that the NQDI function is supported on Windows NT 3.1 or later (which includes Windows 2000), but it is not supported under Windows 95 or 98. No mention is made of Windows Me and I don't have access to a machine to test on.

Parting Thoughts

Here ends my first article for the CodeProject. I've enjoyed doing this one, so hopefully there will be more in the future. Now that I have surmounted this problem, I'll have to get on and write the rest of my application. No doubt I'll be browsing CodeProject for more help!


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Written By
Software Developer (Senior)
United Kingdom United Kingdom
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.

Comments and Discussions

GeneralRe: Why cann't get the USER info of other machine? Pin
Jesus Oliva28-Dec-02 23:18
Jesus Oliva28-Dec-02 23:18 
GeneralRe: Why cann't get the USER info of other machine? Pin
Member 2737089-Mar-03 23:40
Member 2737089-Mar-03 23:40 
GeneralRe: Why cann't get the USER info of other machine? Pin
Derek Lakin10-Mar-03 8:30
Derek Lakin10-Mar-03 8:30 
QuestionHow to know who are logged on? Pin
8-Oct-01 20:25
suss8-Oct-01 20:25 
AnswerRe: How to know who are logged on? Pin
Derek Lakin9-Oct-01 2:54
Derek Lakin9-Oct-01 2:54 
GeneralRe: How to know who are logged on? Pin
rama_ii25-Jun-03 14:00
rama_ii25-Jun-03 14:00 
GeneralNetQueryDisplayInformation returns zero records Pin
A.A.1-Oct-01 11:28
A.A.1-Oct-01 11:28 
GeneralRe: NetQueryDisplayInformation returns zero records Pin
Derek Lakin2-Oct-01 23:04
Derek Lakin2-Oct-01 23:04 
I suspect the problem is one of permissions. Obvioulsy I don't know what your code is like, but I assume you have tried my demo with the same results.

The documentation has this to say on the Security Requirements:
Windows NT: No special group membership is required to successfully execute the NetQueryDisplayInformation function.

Windows 2000 or later: If you call this function on a Windows 2000 domain controller that is running Active Directory, access is allowed or denied based on the access-control list (ACL) for the securable object. The default ACL permits all authenticated users and members of the "Pre-Windows 2000 compatible access" group to view the information. By default, the "Pre-Windows 2000 compatible access" group includes Everyone as a member. This enables anonymous access to the information if the system allows anonymous access.

If you call this function on a Windows 2000 member server or workstation, all authenticated users can view the information. Anonymous access is also permitted if the RestrictAnonymous policy setting allows anonymous access.

Is your network NT or 2K? Do you have anonymous permissions?

My demo code does return machine information on my NT4 network.

Derek Lakin.
Salamander Software Ltd.
GeneralRe: NetQueryDisplayInformation returns zero records Pin
A.A.5-Oct-01 13:05
A.A.5-Oct-01 13:05 
GeneralRe: NetQueryDisplayInformation returns zero records Pin
Derek Lakin5-Oct-01 22:55
Derek Lakin5-Oct-01 22:55 
GeneralDomain Name Pin
David Brett12-Sep-01 23:44
David Brett12-Sep-01 23:44 
GeneralRe: Domain Name Pin
Derek Lakin13-Sep-01 0:40
Derek Lakin13-Sep-01 0:40 
QuestionWhen is NetApiBufferFree called? Pin
Rod Hamilton13-Jul-01 3:37
Rod Hamilton13-Jul-01 3:37 
AnswerRe: When is NetApiBufferFree called? Pin
Derek Lakin13-Jul-01 7:56
Derek Lakin13-Jul-01 7:56 
QuestionModify to get user context? Pin
Mark Findlay18-May-01 21:06
Mark Findlay18-May-01 21:06 
AnswerRe: Modify to get user context? Pin
Derek Lakin20-May-01 6:44
Derek Lakin20-May-01 6:44 

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