Problem Statement
Recently in my practical work I came across the following problem.
There are several Data Stores located in different worker machines, each of which has unsorted set of objects of the same type. The sets are large and volatile meaning that items often are inserted to / removed from the sets (we control insertion / removal procedure). The system should respond to the following query: present in another Aggregator machine a page of p objects of a merged sorted list of objects from all sets with some offset from the beginning of this combined sorted list.
Such a problem arises, for example, when a user wants to see (either by pages or in scrollable table) a sorted merged list of frequently changed objects scattered over different computers.
A straightforward solution to the problem is to
- copy and merge sets from all Data Stores to Aggregator machine,
- sort the combined set to a global sorted list, and
- take p objects starting with offset object.
This naive solution does not suit our case with large and frequently updated Data Stores due to massive objects transfer from Data Stores to Aggregator on each query. A better solution should reduce the number of transferred objects as much as possible.
Although the above problem looks fairly widespread, I failed to find its documented solution on the Internet, let alone its code implementation.
The proposed solution is the following. Objects in all Data Stores are categorized according to some simple rules to certain buckets. Rules to place an object to a bucket are uniform for all Data Stores. Categorizing procedure should be relatively simple and inexpensive. For example, if our objects are words then division to buckets may be done by the first or by two leading letters of the word. To solve our problem we
- temporary freeze all Data Stores,
- Aggregator collects length of each bucket in all Data Stores,
- Aggregator calculates total number of objects in each bucket in all Data Storage, and
Sk - number of all objects in the first k buckets (numbers between 0 and k - 1) in all Data Stores.
- find bucket numbers x and y satisfying the following conditions:
Sx ≤ offset & Sx+1 > offset (1)
Sy ≤ offset + p & Sy+1 > offset + p (2)
- load content of buckets with numbers beween x and y inclusively from all Data Stores to Aggregator (at this point Data Stores freeze may be lifted)
- sort objects of each bucket from all Data Stores separately and
- compose final sorted list of all buckets and take a result page of p objects from the list starting from object number a where
a = offset - Sx (3)
The following figure illustrates the above algorithm.

In the figure, data is inserted to / remove from z Data Stores 0, 1, ..., z - 1. Objects in the Data Stores categorized in n buckets numbered 0, 1, ..., n - 1. Red frame encompassing buckets between x and y defined by conditions (1) and (2) depicts content transferred to Aggregator. Red rectangle Result shows final result page of p objects starting at object a of merged sorted list in Aggregator. Number a is calculated by (3).
Sotfware Implementation
The algorithm is implemented in plain C# in assembly (DLL) AggregatedSortedPage. The assembly contains interface IDataStoreBucketsContainer<T>
, where T is a type of the objects to be sorted, and classes DataStoreBucketsContainer<T>
(implementing the interface), Aggregator and Query. Interface IDataStoreBucketsContainer<T>
provides methods to get buckets length GetBucketsLength() and content GetBucketsContent()
. Class DataStoreBucketsContainer<T>
implementing interface IDataStoreBucketsContainer<T>
, deals with real Data Store and contains buckets in its dictionary. It is also able to add / remove objects to / from its buckets. In order to get buckets length and content Aggregator has to call methods of IDataStoreBucketsContainer<T>
interface. If Aggregator
and DataStoreBucketsContainer<T>
are located in the same process (like in our rather illustrative and not quite realistic sample) then Aggregator
calls methods of DataStoreBucketsContainer<T>
directly. But in reality Aggregator
queries Data Stores from different processes. For that purpose appropriate proxy implementing interface IDataStoreBucketsContainer<T>
is required (not shown in this code sample). The proxy is capable to call methods of remote DataStoreBucketsContainer<T>
object from the Aggregator
's process. Appropriate infrastructure should be provided in order to support these inter-process calls.
Aggregator is a stateless static class. Its the only public method GetPage<T>()
takes as parameter instance of IDataStoreBucketsContainer<T>
(either proxy or real DataStoreBucketsContainer<T>
), object implementing System.Collections.Generic.IComparer<T>
interface for comparison of T
type objects in order to sort them, and query object of Query
Described above software does not impose any requirements on sortable objects of type T
. Rules for distibution them to buckets, objects comparison and queries are separated from both the objects' type and algorithm implementation. To serve query on each index (criterion) two outer entities should be provided, namely,
- method for categorizing objects by buckets (delegate of type
System.Func<T, int>
as a parameter in constructor of DataStoreBucketsContainer<T>
), and - method for comparison of two objects (as implementation of
interface as a parameter for static Aggregator.GetPage<T>()
These methods are used in different places since in real life classes DataStoreBucketsContainer<T>
and Aggregator
run in different processes.
Class DataStoreBucketsContainer<T>
provides method GetInfo()
for its buckets inspection. It returns tuple containing list of length of each bucket in the Data Store, average number of objects and ratio of buckets length to the average. Although this method is not used for directly for the problem solution, it may be useful to optimize bucket distribution rules.
Code Sample
In order to test assembly AggregatedSortedPage console application TestApp is used. Class Item
represents the sorting objects type. It is sorted by alphabetic order of its public string property Word
. Class ComparerItem
contains both method to categorized Word
property to buckets and to comparer two words implementing interface System.Collections.Generic.IComparer<T>
. The buckets roughly follow the first letter of a word although some letters are combined to a single bucket where as some others are split to two buckets (in the latter case two leading letters are analyzed).
Text file t8.shakespeare.txt containing all writings of William Shakespeare downloaded from here is used as words source with auxiliary symbols like commas, apostrophs, etc. removed. Only distinct words are taken for the test (no words duplications). Empty strings are also taken out of the list. After these modifications there are 29541 words remaining in the list. File should be downloaded and placed either in folder with TestApp.exe or in folder of TestApp.csproj. The file name in hardcoded in Program.cs (of course, any other large enough text file may be used for testing - just name should be changed in the code). To facilitate subsequent check for correctness of queries execution all items in the list were alphabetically sorted and their serial numbers and Data Stores were placed in their appropriate properties used for testing purposes and described below.
Class Item
has two auxiliary properties used only for testing purposes. Property DataStore
indicates Data Store containing this item, and property Num
presents serial number of the item in full sorted list (i.e. list of all distinct words in the file sorted in alphabetic order). These two properties allow us effectively check result of our query execution. Please note that in real life the properties are of no use.
For test we evenly divide all our words to three Data Stores and execute query with offset = 15000 and p = 25. This query is executed first for the set of words without change and then with a word adding to and removal from one of the Data Stores. Results of query on unchanged words set is presented below (as you can see some of words spell incorrect since symbols like apostrophes were removed):
Data Stores Lists Aggregator
start: 15000, num: 25
15000 0 2 loaf
15001 1 0 loam
15002 2 1 loan
15003 3 1 loath
15004 4 2 loathd
15005 5 0 loathe
15006 6 1 loathed
15007 7 0 loather
15008 8 0 loathes
15009 9 1 loathing
15010 10 0 loathly
15011 11 2 loathness
15012 12 2 loathsome
15013 13 1 loathsomeness
15014 14 2 loathsomest
15015 15 1 loaves
15016 16 0 lob
15017 17 2 lobbies
15018 18 1 lobby
15019 19 1 local
15020 20 0 lochaber
15021 21 0 lock
15022 22 1 lockd
15023 23 2 locked
15024 24 0 locking
We got COMBINED SERIAL NUM. and DATA STORE columns contents due to auxiliary properties of Item class. From above result we see that our query was fulfilled correctly and words come from all Data Stores.
To increase effectiveness of the algorithm each bucket should contain a relatively small number of objects (of course, number of buckets should be reasonable). This allows the system to transfer less objects from Data Stores to Aggregator and sort less objects by Aggregator for final combined list. On the other hand, rules for object distribution to buckets should be simple and inexpensive to reduce calculation and locking time in case of objects massive adding.