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How to set the DefaultValue for the Font property

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12 Feb 2006 2  
How to set the DefaultValue for the Font property.


This article tells you about solving a very common problem in Visual Studio .NET 2003! You know that we could set the default value for some properties with the DefaultValue attribute, such as in the below command:


But if you want to set the default value for the Font property in this manner, you will see a very abnormal behavior and it doesn't work! Because, the Font property is not a simple property. I spent some time to solve this problem, and at last, I got the solution...

Scenario: Suppose that you want to create a button that is inherited from Microsoft Button, and you want to set the default value of the Font property to Tahoma with an 8 point size.

Solution: The below example will tell you how to do that:

public class Button : System.Windows.Forms.Button
    private static System.Drawing.Font _defaultFont =
        new System.Drawing.Font("Tahoma",
        8.25f, System.Drawing.FontStyle.Regular,

        public override System.Drawing.Font Font
                if(value == null)
                    base.Font = _defaultFont;
                    if(value == System.Windows.Forms.Control.DefaultFont)
                        base.Font = _defaultFont;
                        base.Font = value;

        public override void ResetFont()
            Font = null;

        private bool ShouldSerializeFont()

        public Button()
            Font = _defaultFont;

As you see in the above code, I did not write any attributes for the Font property, and instead, I used two methods with the names of ResetFont() and ShouldSerializeFont(). You should know that for each property in .NET, we have these two methods:

  • ResetSomeProperty()
  • ShouldSerializeSomeProperty()


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