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An "Explorer-Style" TreeView Control

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21 Feb 20062 min read 339.6K   15.8K   153   84
An article describing how to create an Explorer-style treeview with system icons.

ExplorerTreeView Demo


This is a simple TreeView derived control that mimics the Windows Explorer interface. It provides no added functionality aside from the standard TreeView control methods, properties, and events, however it does provide a ShellItem class, which can be used to extend this basic example for your own needs, and it is also a good starting point for those wanting to get to grips with the system image list and Shell32 programming.


Originally, I started researching this topic as I wanted to develop an FTP client in C# that would implement a local system explorer similar to that of the Windows Explorer, but it soon became apparent that it was not going to be an easy undertaking. Thanks to CodeProject and other code repositories, I came across some good examples of how to achieve what I wanted, however the best examples were written in VB.NET or Delphi, so I decided to write a simple C# control based on what I'd found.

Parts of the code are based on other CodeProject tutorials and code samples found elsewhere on the Internet. All of the code was written by myself but some of the concepts were "borrowed".

Helpful Hints

For each node in the TreeView, an associated ShellItem object is created and stored in the node's "Tag" property. The ShellItem object allows you to retrieve information for the shell folder represented by the node, such as whether the folder has any sub-folders. For example, in the TreeView's "OnBeforeCollapse" event, we can obtain the ShellItem object to perform a simple test...

ShellItem shNodeItem = (ShellItem)e.Node.Tag;
if (shNodeItem.HasSubFolder)
    // Do something...

We can also get the folder's IShellFolder interface from the ShellItem object using the ShellFolder property. Using this interface, we can do all sorts of nifty stuff, such as implementing shell context menus:

// Get the ShellItem for this node.
ShellItem shNodeItem = (ShellItem)e.Node.Tag;

// Create an array of PIDL's for obtaining
// the IContextMenu interface pointer.
IntPtr[] arrPidls = new IntPtr[0]; 
arrPidls[0] = shNodeItem.PIDL;

// Request the interface pointer.
uint uRetVal = 
  1, arrPidls, ref IID_IContextMenu, 
  IntPtr.Zero, out pCtx);
if (uRetVal != 0)




None yet.


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Written By
Software Developer
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Software Engineering Undergraduate

Comments and Discussions

SuggestionTreeView Control MFC Sample for Windows File Exploer Pin
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QuestionLicense Pin
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GeneralHuh!? - Nodes.Count - Allways return 1 Pin
Mr.Jinky29-Jan-11 8:44
Mr.Jinky29-Jan-11 8:44 
GeneralRe: Huh!? - Nodes.Count - Allways return 1 Pin
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QuestionHow to get files in selected folder Pin
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professionalDjibril7-Jul-10 23:42 
AnswerRe: How to get files in selected folder [modified] Pin
Joakim Anandh25-Nov-10 5:54
Joakim Anandh25-Nov-10 5:54 
GeneralRe: How to get files in selected folder Pin
StehtimSchilf23-Jan-11 12:50
StehtimSchilf23-Jan-11 12:50 
GeneralRe: How to get files in selected folder Pin
junli27-Jan-11 16:07
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AnswerRe: How to get files in selected folder [modified] Pin
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AnswerRe: How to get files in selected folder Pin
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QuestionLicense? Pin
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