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Programmatically scrolling WebBrowser control from Visual C/C++

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22 Aug 2001 4  
Article describes how to obtain IHTML interfaces to prrogrammatically scroll WebBrowser control from Visual C/C++.


For some time I struggled to do these simple tasks in Visual C++:

  1. How to get browser window to scroll programmatically?

    It does not accept Windows scroll messages. Calling the MFC GetScrollInfo APIs does not do anything. But there is a way.

  2. To scroll we use IHTMLElement2 API get_scrollTop/put_scrollTop... but how do I obtain IHTMLElement2?

The way is a bit obscure...

Now, the code


    // All this code does is what

    // "m_browser.Document.Body.ScrollTop = 100;"

    // does in VB. Gotta love COM in C++.


    // let's say m_browser is the WebBrowser's member variable.

    HRESULT hr;

    // get the document dispatch from browser

    IDispatch *pDisp = m_browser.GetDocument();
    ASSERT( pDisp ); //if NULL, we failed

    // get document interface

    IHTMLDocument2 *pDocument = NULL;
    hr = pDisp->QueryInterface( IID_IHTMLDocument2, (void**)&pDocument );
    ASSERT( SUCCEEDED( hr ) );
    ASSERT( pDocument );


    // this is the trick! 

    // take the body element from document...


    IHTMLElement *pBody = NULL;
    hr = pDocument->get_body( &pBody );
    ASSERT( SUCCEEDED( hr ) );
    ASSERT( pBody );

    // from body we can get element2 interface,

    // which allows us to do scrolling

    IHTMLElement2 *pElement = NULL;
    hr = pBody->QueryInterface(IID_IHTMLElement2,(void**)&pElement);
    ASSERT( pElement );

    // now we are ready to scroll

    // scroll down to 100th pixel from top

    pElement->put_scrollTop( 100 ); 
    // try to get the whole page size - but the returned number

    // is not allways correct. especially with pages that use dynamic html

    // tricks...

    long scroll_height; 
    pElement->get_scrollHeight( &s );

    // we can use this workaround!

    long real_scroll_height;
    pElement->put_scrollTop( 20000000 ); // ask to scroll really far down...

    pElement->get_scrollTop( &real_scroll_height );
    real_scroll_height += window_height; // will return the scroll height

    // for the first visible pixel, to get whole html page size must

    // add the window's height... (to obtain window_height is

    // left as an exercise for the reader)

    // print to debug output

    TRACE( "real scroll height: %ld, get_scrollHeight: %ld\n", 
                     real_scroll_height, scroll_height );

And there we have it.


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