I am trying to capture video to an AVI file. I have a WinTv PVR 150 card and I can get the preview, my graph is correct. I've created an AVI file for capturing. My program records something but I can't see the recorded video. It always searches for some codecs and "says" that it cannot play the file. What could be missing? Do I need somekind of decompressor? Does anybody knows how to resolve the problem?
try to change compression with WM_CAP_DLG_VIDEOCOMPRESSION before capture....
I've created a program to works great using AVICAP to capture still images from a webcam (acutally high-end medical equipment) and save as a JPEG to disk. My question is how can I set the capture resolution (i.e. pixels per inch)? It looks like it merely grabs a 72 dpi image in that is the size of the preview window I created, but even at 1024x768, the image is fuzzy. I know the equipment is capable of producing much higher quality, but I don't know how to make AVICAP capture at a higher resolution. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
following is partial pseudo code.
just enumerate the capturing device capabilities and set the relevant config type:
IAMStreamConfig *pConfig;
AM_MEDIA_TYPE* I420MediaType;
hr = g_pCapture->FindInterface(
IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void**)&pConfig);
int iCount = 0, iSize = 0;
hr = pConfig->GetNumberOfCapabilities(&iCount, &iSize);
AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmtConfig = NULL;
hr = pConfig->GetStreamCaps(iCounter, &pmtConfig, (BYTE*)&scc);
LONG lWidth = pVih->bmiHeader.biWidth;
LONG lHeight = pVih->bmiHeader.biHeight;
hr = pConfig->SetFormat(I420MediaType);
Using either of the demo applications, this doesn't seem to work at all for my camera. It's hooked up via Firewire and shows up as a source. All I get is a window with garbage inside it. The camera works fine in other applications. Also, the light on it does indicate it's capturing. There are no crashes or errors show up.
Did you figure it out? My application uses the old CapStill.dll and FSFWrap.dll, and I'd like to upgrade it to new dll's that are easier to work with. I was hoping avicap32.dll would work, but like you, I get nothing, or in my case a plain black window with the hourglass cursor.
Thanks for any suggestions!
can any body tell me how would i make and implement my own class in the cavicap project. i want my class to be displayed on the main screen of the cavicap window. what will be the process...
hello, this is shahzad.
Is there a way to be able to capture grayscale images.
could anyone tell me the header file for capCreateCaptureWindow in win 32 programing..
Can you help me in sending the libraray vfw32.lib for reading AVI file
Usman Shabbir
I have to develop an application that captures the images into a buffer from the remote cam (This cam has a fixed IP and producing the JPG images) .
Is there any tools or libraries to get the frames into a buffer from the remote cam?
I have to do this job in C++/VC++.
I appriciate your kind help.
Thanks & Regards,
how can i capture real time in vc++
BUGS -----------------------
On Cavicap.cpp line 1058, there is
return capSetVideoFormat(GetSafeHwnd(), _bmpInfo, (WORD)_getBMIsize(_bmpInfo));
Before returning, following line needs to be added
_fShow = oldFlag;
So, it will look like
_fShow = oldFlag;
return capSetVideoFormat(GetSafeHwnd(), _bmpInfo, (WORD)_getBMIsize(_bmpInfo));
Also, on the OnPaint() function, if fNeedStretch is set to true, it will never paint anything. I don't think this check is necessary because StreachDIBits function handles if the source and destination sizes are same.
ERROR ------------------
On the Caviapp.cpp file, and in OnPaint() function, the StretchDIBits is not drawing anything. The function is returning the error code 0, which I believe it indicates success. I am not sure why StretchDIBits are not doing anything, but I assume there is something wrong with the data it is given.. Can somebody guess why? The _bmpInfo are all set correctly except biCompression. It cointaied a bogus value, and I tried to reset this to 0, but that didn't help.
Can I use CAviCap to capture the video transported to PC by 1394 interface?
Thanks very much!!!!!
I am trying to grab a frame from the CAViCAp Test ( I don't want to use CFrameGrabber).
I am trying this but doesn't work :
void CCamCaptureView::DoSomeImageProcessing(LPVIDEOHDR lpVHdr)
if(!bEnableProcessing) return;
//LPBYTE nextImage = (LPBYTE)lpVHdr->lpData;
m_ImageBitmap.CreateFromDib( lpBi );
if(m_ImageBitmap.GetSafeHandle() &&
SetClipboardData(CF_DIB, m_ImageBitmap.DibFromBitmap());
when running a program using dshow.h , an error appears in strmif.h (Generated IDL header file for streams interfaces) which is included in dshow.h saying a missing semicolon at line 1024 , and i didn't find any error in it , what can i do ?
Plz send a program for creating a thread in VC++
Plz ,send a thread program using vc++
Hello there.
I'm student and I have a project that uses CAviCap in itself. To be precise I have to debug the project that someone else made a few years ago and test it on the Win2000 platform and as you suppose, now it has a problem to work properly on XP. Precisely, in a communication between two users, which both uses cameras (of course ), after succesfull (or not, nevermind ) session when one user tries to shut down his application, application window won't turn off and it'll have to be turn off in a way that is not suppose to be... Probabily there's something that's not freed properly in memory in the end, but I didn't understand yet what is it...
So... Does someone has the similar problem like this, or hopefully, a solution for mine... ... so that I wouldn't have to torture myself...
Thanks in advance
How to combine two videos
My application requires that the video preview callback function still be called even if the preview window is out of view so that I may keep processing incoming video frames. Spy++ tells me that the preview window still receives WM_TIMER messages, but no longer recvs WM_PAINT or WM_ERASEBKGND messages when minimized or out of view.
Does anyone have a solution so that the callback function keeps getting called? I'm stumped for a solution.
Gilles Bessens
Very useful project !
I have to be able to grab frames from a webcam for image testing on products so I took the FrameGrabberTest application and made the following changes:
1. Start a timer in CFrameGrabberTestView::OnInitialUpdate()
2. In CFrameGrabberTestDoc create a public member FileSaveAs() which calls the protected member OnFileSaveAs()
3. Modify OnFileSaveAs() to save without prompting under a fixed file name
4. In the OnTimer method, call the document FileSaveAs()
5. Still within the OnTimer method, get the handle of the main frame and send a WM_CLOSE message.
Yes, it's crude but it supplied a quick means of capturing an image and now I've proven the means I have time produce a proper solution using CFrameGrabber.
Just goes to show how useful these articles can be.
The tigress is here
Dear Sir,
I am a final year student of Karachi, Pakistan. I am working on a Motion Detection System, which is capable of detecting meaningful motion in an Area where human motion is prohibited. First it needs to grab each and every frame and then involves image processing on each and every frame. Application of different filters and a lot.
Please recommend me suitable platforms, language and any other thing that could help me.
Please guide me
Wishing for a reply.
Thanks a lot.
M.Adil Hayat Khan
Hello Everyone,
i need to get live stream from digital webcam in MFC... This CAviCap class is not helping me as im integrating it with my own program i just have no idea that what parameters to pass in some of the CAviCap class' member functions.. Kindly help me some one...
Regards, Haris..
Je cherche comment, à partir d'un fichier avi format dv pal, récupérer toutes les images (film de 45 images) dans un tableau de unsigned char. Si vous pouvez me donner le petit bout de code qui fait ca avec directshow, ce serait génial. URGENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Merci d'avance