In my recent project, a part of requirement is, to generate KPI score card. The KPI score card is a chart showing the KPI in tree like structures. All the KPIs are categorised and each category represents a tree. The tree hirarchy is defiend in database. This basically requires Treeviews to be dynamically generated based on the details in database.
I have been trying for resources on Treeview over Web. I was not able to find an exact sample of such kind. I was able to find articles on Treeviews added to web form at design time, and adding controls dynamically to web form seperately, But no example was illustrating dynamic treeview controls. Because of this I thought of uploading this article, which illustrates creating treeviews dynamically and databinding.
I am pretty sure that there is nothing new (which is not known) in this. This article is just a union of two kinds of articles found on web (Treeview and Adding Controls dynamically), Which may be a ready made solution for some people who my customise it for their use.
For this article I used VS 2003, SQL Server Database. This is a sample project in which i used Microsoft Treeview Control, whereas In my actual project I used a third party treeview control for more flexibility and better aesthetic view.
Database Preparation
The database for this project contains two tables 1. SC_Master 2. SC_Detail
The table structure and data are as follows. (Script for generating tables is included in Database folder of source code.)


Project Structure

Using the code
The core of the project is an User control "Scorecard.ascx" which creates and populates the treeviews. The main page which uses the user control is "ScorecardPage.aspx". First let us discuss about the code in User control
Function to retrive data from database:
#Region " Retrieve DataSet "
Public Function Retrieve_DataSet(ByVal sSQL As String) As DataSet
Dim cmdCommand As New OleDbCommand()
Dim daAdapter As New OleDbDataAdapter()
Dim dsDataSet As New DataSet()
Dim cnConnection As New OleDbConnection("Provider=SQLOLEDB;" & _
"Password=MyPwd;User ID=MyId;" & _
"Data Source=MyServer;Initial Catalog=SCORECARD;")
With cmdCommand
.Connection = cnConnection
.CommandType = CommandType.Text
.CommandText = sSQL
End With
daAdapter.SelectCommand = cmdCommand
dsDataSet.EnforceConstraints = False
dsDataSet.EnforceConstraints = True
Return dsDataSet.Copy
Catch err As Exception
End Try
End Function
#End Region
Code to Create and Populate Treeviews:
#Region " Generate Treeviews "
Private Sub CreateRootnodes()
Dim dbRow As System.Data.DataRow
Dim ds As New System.Data.DataSet()
Dim strSqlMain As String = "select m.SC_ID_NO as SC_ID_NO, " & _
strSqlMain = strSqlMain & " sum(d.SC_ACTUAL) as SC_ACTUAL,"
strSqlMain = strSqlMain & " sum(d.SC_PLAN) as SC_PLAN,"
strSqlMain = strSqlMain & " sum(d.SC_ACTUAL - d.SC_PLAN) as SC_Better"
strSqlMain = strSqlMain & " from SC_Master m, SC_Detail d"
strSqlMain = strSqlMain & _
" where d.SC_ID = m.SC_ID_NO and m.SC_PARENT is NULL"
strSqlMain = strSqlMain & " group by SC_ID_NO,SC_SHORT_DESC,SC_PARENT"
strSqlMain = strSqlMain & " order by SC_ID_NO"
ds = Retrieve_DataSet(strSqlMain)
Dim i As Int32
Dim tbl As New Table()
Dim tblrow As New TableRow()
For Each dbRow In ds.Tables(0).Rows
Dim newTreeview As New TreeView()
Dim tblcel As New TableCell()
newTreeview.ShowLines = True
Dim strSqlSub As String = "select m.SC_ID_NO as SC_ID_NO, " & _
strSqlSub = strSqlSub & " sum(d.SC_ACTUAL) as SC_ACTUAL,"
strSqlSub = strSqlSub & " sum(d.SC_PLAN) as SC_PLAN,"
strSqlSub = strSqlSub & " sum(d.SC_ACTUAL - d.SC_PLAN) as SC_Better"
strSqlSub = strSqlSub & " from SC_Master m, SC_Detail d"
strSqlSub = strSqlSub & " where d.SC_ID = m.SC_ID_NO and (m.SC_PARENT='"
strSqlSub = strSqlSub & dbRow("SC_ID_NO").ToString() & "' or m.SC_ID_NO='"
strSqlSub = strSqlSub & dbRow("SC_ID_NO").ToString() & "')"
strSqlSub = strSqlSub & " group by SC_ID_NO,SC_SHORT_DESC,SC_PARENT"
strSqlSub = strSqlSub & " order by SC_ID_NO"
buildTree(newTreeview, strSqlSub)
tblcel.ID = dbRow("SC_ID_NO").ToString()
tblcel.VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Top
Next dbRow
tbl.ID = "TreeTable"
End Sub
Private Sub buildTree(ByRef treeview As TreeView, ByVal sql As String)
Dim dbSubTreeRow As System.Data.DataRow
Dim dsSubtree As New System.Data.DataSet()
dsSubtree = Retrieve_DataSet(sql)
dsSubtree.Relations.Add("NodeRelation", _
dsSubtree.Tables(0).Columns("SC_ID_NO"), _
Dim strNodeText As String
For Each dbSubTreeRow In dsSubtree.Tables(0).Rows
If (dbSubTreeRow.IsNull("SC_PARENT")) Then
Dim newNode As TreeNode
strNodeText = Trim(dbSubTreeRow("SC_SHORT_DESC").ToString())
Dim j As Int32
Dim addstr As String = ""
For j = 1 To 40
addstr = addstr & " "
strNodeText = addstr & "
" & strNodeText & "
" & Format(dbSubTreeRow("SC_Better"), Me.dfDecimal)
newNode = CreateNode(strNodeText, "", True)
If dbSubTreeRow("SC_Better") > 0 Then
newNode.SelectedStyle = _
newNode.DefaultStyle = _
newNode.HoverStyle = _
ElseIf dbSubTreeRow("SC_Better") = 0 Then
newNode.SelectedStyle = CssCollection.FromString(yellowBackground)
newNode.DefaultStyle = CssCollection.FromString(yellowBackground)
newNode.HoverStyle = CssCollection.FromString(yellowBackground)
newNode.SelectedStyle = CssCollection.FromString(redBackground)
newNode.DefaultStyle = CssCollection.FromString(redBackground)
newNode.HoverStyle = CssCollection.FromString(redBackground)
End If
newNode.Expanded = True
newNode.Expandable = ExpandableValue.Always
PopulateSubTree(dbSubTreeRow, newNode)
End If
Next dbSubTreeRow
End Sub
Private Sub PopulateSubTree _
(ByVal dbRow As System.Data.DataRow, _
ByVal node As TreeNode)
Dim childRow As System.Data.DataRow
Dim strNodeText As String
Dim j As Int32
Dim addstr As String = ""
For j = 1 To 40
addstr = addstr & " "
For Each childRow In dbRow.GetChildRows("NodeRelation")
strNodeText = Trim(childRow("SC_SHORT_DESC").ToString())
strNodeText = addstr & "
" & strNodeText & "
" & Format(childRow("SC_Better"), Me.dfDecimal)
Dim childNode As TreeNode = _
CreateNode(strNodeText, "", True)
If childRow("SC_Better") > 0 Then
childNode.SelectedStyle = CssCollection.FromString(greenBackground)
childNode.DefaultStyle = CssCollection.FromString(greenBackground)
childNode.HoverStyle = CssCollection.FromString(greenBackground)
ElseIf childRow("SC_Better") = 0 Then
childNode.SelectedStyle = CssCollection.FromString(yellowBackground)
childNode.DefaultStyle = CssCollection.FromString(yellowBackground)
childNode.HoverStyle = CssCollection.FromString(yellowBackground)
childNode.SelectedStyle = CssCollection.FromString(redBackground)
childNode.DefaultStyle = CssCollection.FromString(redBackground)
childNode.HoverStyle = CssCollection.FromString(redBackground)
End If
node.Expanded = True
node.Expandable = ExpandableValue.Always
PopulateSubTree(childRow, childNode)
Next childRow
End Sub
Private Function CreateNode _
(ByVal text As String, ByVal _
imageurl As String, ByVal expanded As Boolean) _
As TreeNode
Dim node As New TreeNode()
node.Text = text
node.ImageUrl = imageurl
node.Expanded = expanded
Return node
End Function
#End Region
Code to initialize display of user control.
Public Sub InitDisplay()
Catch err As Exception
End Try
End Sub
Code to display User control on "ScorecardPage.aspx"
#Region " Show Controls "
Public Sub ShowControls()
Dim ucScoreCard As Scorecard = _
ucScoreCard.ID = "ucScoreCard"
End Sub
#End Region
Call "ShowControls" method in the pageload event of "ScorecardPage.aspx".
Points of Interest
There are lot of things that can be done with treeview properties, which i did not touch in this article. I used style sheets to get the required backgrounds, which highlight the value of the element (negative, positive, and zero).
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03/31/2006 - Initial Version