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Fluent NHibernate - Working with Database Views

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5 Mar 2011CPOL 33.4K   1   6
Fluent NHibernate - Working with Database Views

So, it turns out you can work with Views with Fluent NHibernate just as you were to work with tables. All you need to do is define your entity with the name of the view, instead of the table name.

For example:

public class UserEntity
    public virtual int UserId { get; private set; }
    public virtual String FirstName { get; set; }
    public virtual String LastName { get; set; }
    public virtual int UserStatusId { get; set; }
    public virtual String UserStatus { get; set; }

public class UserEntityMap : ClassMap<UserEntity>
    public UserEntityMap()
        Table("view_Users");  // this is mapped to a view, and not a table

        Id(x => x.UserId);
        Map(x => x.FirstName);
        Map(x => x.LastName);
        Map(x => x.UserStatusId);
        Map(x => x.UserStatus);  // This field is from another table
                                 // it is from a separate code table 
			// that describes the different statuses in the system

An exception is thrown, when trying to update the entity that is mapped to a view. The problem is actually because when working with a view, you cannot execute an update query that updates rows on different tables. It will only work when updating rows on one table in the view.

In order to get around this, we need to tell the mapping that some properties aren't to be updated. This will solve the problem.

For example:

public class UserEntityMap : ClassMap<UserEntity>
    public UserEntityMap()
        Table("view_Users");  // this is mapped to a view, and not a table

        Id(x => x.UserId);
        Map(x => x.FirstName);
        Map(x => x.LastName);
        Map(x => x.UserStatusId);
        Map(x => x.UserStatus).Not.Update();

Marking the mapping class with '.Not.Update()' tells FNH to return false on the update property of this field.

Likewise, we can also mark an attribute as '.Not.Insert()' and then the field will only be updatable, or mark a field as '.ReadOnly()' and the field will act as if it has a private set.


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Web Developer
Israel Israel
Started programming e-commerce sites with PHP & MySQL at the age of 14. Worked for me well for about 5 years.

Transfered to C# &, while serving in the IDF.
Worked on the 'Core Performance' Team at (Sears Israel)
Currently working at

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Comments and Discussions

QuestionRestrict Update Pin
aldari17-Jan-13 20:30
aldari17-Jan-13 20:30 
AnswerRe: Restrict Update Pin
Gilly Barr2-Feb-13 7:08
Gilly Barr2-Feb-13 7:08 
QuestionHow to refresh view values Pin
Metalp27-Jun-12 8:24
Metalp27-Jun-12 8:24 
Generalmapping doesn't work for me Pin
abrzezin23-Mar-11 6:02
abrzezin23-Mar-11 6:02 
Hi Gilly,

Thanks for the article. I'm trying to configure fluent nhibernate to work with my view but it doesn't to work. I map my class to a specific view in my db, just like you do, but it doesn't seem to see it. I can map it to whatever name (Table("anything")) and it won't even throw any sort of exception that given db object doesn't exist. Other objects, normal tables, mapped in the same manner, work perfectly well. Could you please help me reproduce steps to get it to work (apart from the code you supplied)?

GeneralRe: mapping doesn't work for me Pin
abrzezin23-Mar-11 7:14
abrzezin23-Mar-11 7:14 
GeneralRe: mapping doesn't work for me Pin
Gilly Barr23-Mar-11 22:03
Gilly Barr23-Mar-11 22:03 

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