I assume the readers are acquainted with multi-tier application design,
databases, XML, COM+, C# and .NET Framework.
Thanks to Sandy Place for his wonderful article on
Declarative Transactions using ADO.NET and without Enterprise Services which
inspired me for this data access component (DAC) in the first place, as well as
to microsoft.public.dotnet newsgroup contributors!
Because the functionality of the component was extended quite a bit I shall
split the article into two parts - the first one dealing with the methods
of the common interface, implemented by MsSqlData and OleDbData, transaction
support etc. and the second one dealing with the XmlData class and XQuery
Unless I use COM+ when writing a transactional Business Logic Layer I
can't effectively write encapsulated code. That means that I can't have 2
methods (belonging to different classes in different components), participating
in the same DECLARATIVE transaction without needing to be very much aware
of the transaction (either by sharing the same connection explicitly or by
merging their functionality in a common stored procedure etc.). That means,
that I can't write a simple Customer class and let's say Order class with
the logic completely encapsulated in them and reusable in different
situations/applications without modification, logic merging etc. etc. ...
COM+ is a solution to the problem in the VS6 world but has the following
The overhead of context interception and two phase commit is too big and it is
mainly oriented to a scenario in which more than one database is used
transaction spanning multiple computers are coordinated.
COM+ allows for marking WHOLE classes with a certain transaction attribute (for
example RequiresNew), which does not allow to have 1 method in the class which
does not run under a transaction and another one, which requires a transaction.
This implies, that in order to separate the methods the developer should create
2 classes - for example EmployeeReader and EmployeeWriter, which is a
By default the transaction isolation level is Serializable in COM+ and if you
want to override this setting you have to start all your stored procedures with
SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL ... The latest version of COM+ allows for
administrative setting of the isolation level, but again at the class level.
What if I want to mark my methods in 1 class with different isolation settings?
In the .NET managed world using COM+ is absolutely possible, but taking into
consideration the additional overhead of COM Interop etc. I don't find
it's really applicable ;). Many people are expecting some kind of managed MTS
Another issue is that I want to centralise my data access code(don't like typing
lots of identical data access code) and to be able afterwards to easily
change the datasource (choose a different database or even XML files as a
datasource) without rewriting a significant percentage of the application.
The Data Access Component (DAC), which I have written, supports the following:
Declarative transaction at the method level - in 1 class certain methods
are marked as transactional and execute in a certain transactional context,
while the others execute without transaction. For example if you have a
Employee class with method
and Insert()
the first will not participate in a transaction (as it just selects data) while
the second can be marked as transactional.
Transactions can span several datasources. If the operation in 1
datasource fails, the other are rolled back automatically.
Support for XML files as datasource and the XQuery language for querying.
Uniform design of all data classes, common interfaces allowing for
plugging new classes, abstraction of the underlying implementation.
Transactionless Data Access - if no transaction attribute is
specified for the method, then the DAC will short circuit and skip the
transactional internal code => there will be almost no additional
overhead (in comparison with directly using ADO.NET specific classes).
Using the DAC I am able to accomplish the following (otherwise impossible) taks:
To use EXACTLY the same interface for different data sources, databases etc.
Switch from one to another later, if needed.
Write LESS code when accessing the data store.
Specify transactions at the Method level with a similar functionality as in
Span transactions across 2 or more different data sources.
When I don't want to use transactions, there is almost no additional overhead,
when I use transactions the additional overhead is the least possible.
In conclusion the DAC offers extended functionality compared with the
transactional support offered by COM+ with much smaller overhead. The drawback
is that it keeps the connection open for a little bit longer but only when the
methods in the executing thread are marked transactional. That's life, nothing
is for free. ;) If used appropriately, I think the DAC is the best
tradeoff so far.
The client perspective
Let's start by a simple example of a transactional method of a Business Logic
Layer class, using the DAC:
[TransactionContext(Transaction.Required, Isolation = Isolation.ReadUncommitted)]
public void Method1() {
try {
IData data = (IData)(new MsSqlData(_connectionString));
DataParamCol dataParams = new DataParamCol(
new InputDataParam("@Description", "TestTransactions.Method1")
data.Modify("Table4_Insert", dataParams);
data = null;
catch(Exception e) {
Method1() simply executes a stored procedure, which inserts a value in Table4,
passing the value as an input parameter.
The first thing to note is the TransactionContext attribute. Two enumerations -
Transaction and Isolation are used in it.
public enum Transaction {
Disabled = 0,
public enum Isolation {
Chaos = 0,
The TransactionContextAttribute
is looked up when the data
operation is executed. A transaction context is created behind the scenes and
it manages internally a connection and in certain cases a transaction.
In case Transaction.Disabled
or Transaction.NotSupported
is used, then there is no need to specify the Isolation property as no
Transaction will be opened on the connection. Transaction.Disabled
is equivalent to skipping the TransactionContext attribute. If no
TransactionContext attribute is specified (or Transaction.Disabled
is specified) then it is not required that at the end of the current method TransactionManager.SetComplete
or TransactionManager.SetAbort
is called. In this case the
Connection object is opened just before the data operation and closed
immediately after its execution. If Transaction.Supported
, Transaction.Required
or Transaction.RequresNew
is used, then the Isolation property is
taken into consideration, the Connection and Transaction ADO.NET objects are
managed internally and at the end of the method TransactionManager.SetComplete
or TransactionManager.SetAbort
called, otherwise an open Connection will be left.
Next comes the instantiation of a specific data source class. The classes MsSqlData
to MS SQL Server), OleDbData
(connection to other datasources) and
(xml files as a datasource) are instantiated and upcasted to
the common interface IData
public interface IData {
#region Description
int Retrieve(string commandText, DataParamCol dataParams);
#region Description
int Retrieve(string commandText, out DataSet ds);
#region Description
int Retrieve(string commandText, out DataSet ds, string[] tableNames);
#region Description
int Retrieve(string commandText, DataParamCol dataParams, out DataSet ds);
#region Description
int Retrieve(string commandText, DataParamCol dataParams, out DataSet ds,
string[] tableNames);
#region Description
int Retrieve(string commandText, DataSet ds);
#region Description
int Retrieve(string commandText, DataParamCol dataParams, DataSet ds);
#region Description
int Retrieve(string commandText, out IDataReader dr);
#region Description
int Retrieve(string commandText, DataParamCol dataParams,
out IDataReader dr);
#region Description
int Modify(string commandText);
#region Description
int Modify(string commandText, DataParamCol dataParams);
#region Description
void Modify(
DataAdapterCommand dataAdapterCommand,
DataSet ds,
string tableName);
#region Description
void Modify(
DataAdapterCommand[] dataAdapterCommands,
DataSet ds,
string tableName);
So the following instantiations are possible:
IData data = (IData)(new MsSqlData("Server=WIETEC29;Database=Test;" +
"User ID=sa;Password= "));
IData data = (IData)(new OleDbData(@"Provider= Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" +
@"Data Source= C:\TryProjects\DAL3\DB\db1.mdb;" +
@"User Id=admin;Password=;"));
After that a DataParamCol
is instantiated (if needed), which is a
collection of DataParam
objects. The latter can be instantiated
and added to the collection in the constructor or later:
DataParamCol dataParams = new DataParamCol(
new InputDataParam("@Description", "SomeStringValue"),
new OutputDataParam("@Param2", SqlDbType.Int),
new ReturnDataParam("@RETURN_STATUS")
DataParamCol dataParams = new DataParamCol();
dataParams.Add(new InputDataParam("@Description", "SomeStringValue"));
The next step is to execute a command against the data source, for examlpe:
data.Modify("Table4_Insert", dataParams);
The data operation can be generally either Retrieve (with lots of overloads -
returing output params, DataSets, IDataReaders) or Modify(simple
The last step is to vote for the transaction:
On particular occasions when you don't want to close the connection
(when returing a IDataReader for example) the TransactionManager.SetOnHold();
and TransactionManager.SetHoldComplete();
are used.
The server implementation
Let's get to the server implementation details now.

There are three major client classes - MsSqlData
, OleDbData
and XmlData
, all of them implementing the IData
First two inherit from the common abstract class DbData
, which
implements IData
. Other classes like an OraData
so on can be elegantly added to the framework, when a managed provider for
Oracle databases is available. The design allows for treating different data
sources in the same way (by upcasting them upon creation to IData
and eventually easy data source substitution. The abstract DbData
contains common implementation for MsSqlData
and OleDbData
In fact the puprose of the last two classes is to "produce" data provider
specific ADO.NET classes.
All the database operations are meant to execute ONLY Stored Procedures. The
advantages of using Stored procedures compared to inline
Sql statements are numerous and won't be discussed in this artible.

The DataParam
class is the base class for the different parameter
classes - InputDataParam
, BoundInputDataparam
, OutputDataParam
and ReturnDataParam
. The constuctor of the DataParamCol class
accepts variable number of base DataParam
objects. Each specific
class has several overloaded constructors.
The DataParamCol
class represents a collection of data parameters.
Allows for accessing of parameters by index and by key. Additionally the DataParamCol
class features an Add()
method for individually adding DataParam
objects and a Clear()
The automatic transactions are supported through the TransactionManager
, which has only static methods. Besides the public SetComplete()
, SetOnHold()
and SetHoldComplete()
it has internal methods for locating the current transaction context, creating
a new transaction context etc. For each separate transaction a new TransactionContext
is created, which contains the connection and transaction objects and manages
their lifetime internally.
At the heart of the automatic transactions is the CallContext
Framework class, which is something analogous to Thread Local Storage and
contains data specific to the currently running thread and available to all
methods in the call stack of the thread. TransactionContexts
created in the CallContext;
they are used by the methods and
destroyed after the last method in the called stack has finished its database
operations. The TransactionContextCol
class is a thin wrapper
around CallContext
and deals with the collection of TransactionContext
objects stored in the CallContext
internal class TransactionContextCol {
public static void AddContext(TransactionContext TC) {
CallContext.SetData(TC.Name, TC);
public static TransactionContext GetContext(string tcName) {
return(CallContext.GetData(tcName) as TransactionContext);
public static void RemoveContext(string tcName) {
When a method with a unique combination of transaction/isolation attributes is
executed, a new TransactionContext is created in the thread's CallContext
If this method executes another method with the same attributes, the second
method executes in the same transaction context, otherwise another transaction
context is created. When the the execution comes to a SetComplete()
or SetAbort()
, it checks the depth of the call stack and if it is
equal to the depth of the method, which created the transaction context it
checks further the Happy flag and commits or rollbacks the transaction
accordingly. If the method is not marked with a transaction attribute then
defaults apply (TransactionEnum.Disabled
, IsolationEnum.Unspecified
Also the method should issue TrCtx.SetComplete()
or TrCtx.SetAbort()
before its return. This is similar to COM+ where you should call GetObjectContext.SetComplete()
or GetObjectContext.SetAbort()
. These two static methods of the TrCtx
class trigger the process of transaction context handling - first checks if
this is the ROOT method in the transaction context and if it is then determines
whether to commit or rollback the whole transaction.
Running the sample project
In order to successfully compile and run the sample project you should provide
the following:
Ensure you have .NET RTM installed ;).
Change the database connection strings and execute the SQL script in the
project archive or make your own stored procedures/tables.
Compile the project and Run DACClient example console application...
The second part of this article will focus on the XmlData class.
Not being an experienced C# programmer I will appreciate comments and
30 Oct 2002 - updated demo.