I decided to write this line control in C# when I was unable to find a suitable solution on the Internet. My scenario was to draw straight and curved lines to highlight pathways to a destination. Here, the line region is automatically controlled in the bitLineControl
Using the code
Using the code is not difficult; you just have to add the reference bitLineControl
in your project. Declare and initialize the class variable and, while calling the constructor, just pass two points to draw a line between them:
bitLineControl varbitLine;
Point firstPoint = new Point( x1, y1);
Point secondPoint = new Point(x2, y2 );
varbitLine = new bitLineControl(firstPoint, secondPoint);
You can also rotate the line by calling the rotateByAngle(angle)
method of the class. For example, the following code will rotate the line 10 degrees from its current location:
You can also supply a negative value to rotate it back.
Points of interest
The main problem faced here was setting the region for the line control. Because it can be a rotated line or the user can rotate the line whenever required, the coordinates can go into the negative when rotated.
- May 14, 2007 - Original version posted