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An Introduction to Sql 11 (Code Name Denali) –Part VI (T-Sql Features in CTP 3)

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1 Sep 2011CPOL29 min read 36.3K   151   20   3
In this article we will explore on the new features that Denali CTP 3 has offer us from a T-Sql perspective

Table of Content

  1. Introduction
  2. Background
  3. TSql New Features And Enhancements
    1. Math Function (Enhanced Feature)
      1. Log Function
    2. Logical Functions(New Feature)
      1. Choose Function
      2. IIF Function
    3. String Functions(New Feature)
      1. Concat Function
      2. Format Function
    4. Conversion Functions(New Feature)
      1. Try_Convert Function
      2. Try_Parse Function
      3. Parse Function
    5. Date and Time Functions(New Feature)
      1. EOMonth Function
      2. DateFromParts Function
      3. TimeFromParts Function
      4. DateTimeFromParts Function
      5. DateTime2FromParts Function
      6. SmallDateTimeFromParts Function
      7. DateTimeOffSetFromParts Function
    6. Over clause enhancement (Enhanced Feature)
      1. Rows and Range
      2. Between..And clause
      3. Unbounded Preceding
      4. Unbounded Following
      5. Current Row
    7. Analytic Functions(New Feature)
      1. Lead
      2. Lag
      3. First_Value
      4. Last_Value
      5. Percent_Rank
      6. Cume_Dist
      7. Percentile_Disc
      8. Percentile_Cont
  4. Conclusion


One of the hottest and awesome developments by Microsoft in the technology field was come into picture on 8th November, 2010 when they released the Community Technology Preview 1 (CTP 1) version of Sql Server 2011(Code name Denali). The CTP1 is available both in 32-bit and 64-bit versions. As expected, Denali has brought some new features for Sql lovers may that be developers, Administrators or Business Intelligence (BI) professionals. Part I describes about the features and enhancements in SSMS. Part II focuses on the new development and enhanced features from T-Sql perspective. Part III looks into the enhancements made from SSIS angle while Part 4 talks about Contained Database.

But that's not the end of Denali.It is an ongoing development and after the big success of CTP1 , it is now CTP 3 which was launched on 12th July 2011.As expected, Denali is spreading itself in various wings may it be enhancements from TSql perspective, a new look and feel-Juneau, a new report tool using the Project Cresent or enhancing the retrival of datawarehousing process by ColumnStore indexes etc. Denali has given a new dimension to the SQL Server database and this series will explore the new and enhanced functionalities that CTP 3 has offered us from TSql perspective.


In the last few years, Microsoft has brought many technologies under the developers’ hood. A drastic change has been made in the Sql Server jargon with the advent of Sql Server 2005(code name Yukon) and in the subsequent releases like Sql Server 2008(code name Katmai) and Sql 11(code name Denali), the same pace has been kept with introduction to new features and enhancements as well as improvements. In this article we will explore some of the new features that Denali CTP 3 has already offer us from TSql perspective.Earlier we have seen the enhancements made in Denali CTP1 on the same topic. The subsequent articles will focus on the enhancements made in the other areas.

You can read my other articles on Denali as given under

  1. An Introduction to Sql 11 (Code Name Denali) –Part I (SSMS Features in CTP 1)
  2. An Introduction to Sql 11 (Code Name Denali) –Part II (T-Sql Features in CTP 1)
  3. An Introduction to Sql 11 (Code Name Denali) –Part III (SSIS Features in CTP 1)
  4. An Introduction to Sql 11 (Code Name Denali) -Part IV (Contained Database in CTP 1)
  5. An Introduction to Sql 11 (Code Name Denali) –Part V (SSIS Features in CTP 3)

TSql New Features And Enhancements

I.Math Function

A little enhancement has been done in the Mathematical Log function.

a.Enhanced Log Function

Well we have this function for a long time. But the log function has been overloaded this time with an additional base argument.

Syntax : Log (Float Expression [, base])


;With CTE AS
	Select Base = 2
	Union All
	Select Base+1 from CTE 
	Where Base < 10

Select Base, Result = LOG (10, Base) from CTE

	Base	Result
	----	------
	2	3.32192809488736
	3	2.09590327428938
	4	1.66096404744368
	5	1.43067655807339
	6	1.28509720893847
	7	1.18329466245494
	8	1.10730936496245
	9	1.04795163714469
	10	1


II.Logical Function

Logical functions are those functions that determines the result based on some boolean condition.Denali CTP 3 has offered us two such functions which we will discuss now

a.Choose Function

Purpose: Given a list of values and a position, this function will return the value at the indicated position.

Syntax : Choose ([Position], [Value1],[Value2],…,[ValueN])


Position => The position number of the value to return. Position number starts from 1

Value1..ValueN => List of values.

Example 1: Correct Position Number

Select Choose (1,'Simple Choose Demo', 'This is an example') As [Choose Demo]

	Choose Demo
	Simple Choose Demo


In this example, we have specified the position as 1 and hence out of the two values, the first appears as the result.

Example 2: Position Number < 1

Select Choose (0,'Simple Choose Demo', 'This is an example') As [Choose Demo]
Select Choose (-1,'Simple Choose Demo', 'This is an example') As [Choose Demo]

	Choose Demo


If the position is less than 1 then the result will be null.

Example 3: Position Number > Number of values

Select Choose (3,'Simple Choose Demo', 'This is an example') As [Choose Demo]

	Choose Demo


If the position is more than the number of values then the result will be null.

Example 4: Fractional Position Number

It even accepts fractional numbers. E.g.

Select Choose (2.1,'Simple Choose Demo', 'This is an example') As [Choose Demo]
Select Choose (2.99,'Simple Choose Demo', 'This is an example') As [Choose Demo]
Select Choose (.5/.25,'Simple Choose Demo', 'This is an example') As [Choose Demo]

	Choose Demo
	This is an example


In this case, it gets rounded off to the whole number.

Example 5: Choose with Expressions

Suppose we have a table as

Declare @t table(Position int)
Insert into @t values(1),(2),(3),(4)

Now if we write the below query

Select Choose ((Select Top 1 Position from @t),'Apple','Banana') As [Choose Demo]

We will get an error. However, we can use it in the following way

Declare @FirstPosition int  = (Select Top 1 Position from @t)
Select Choose (@FirstPosition,'Apple','Banana') As [Choose Demo]

Example 6: A more feasible example

Suppose we are preparing a quiz game where every question has four options(Kindly ignore the designing of the table.Focus on the usage of Choose function). Now if we need to find out which one the user has answered, we can use this function to get the answer like the below

Declare @tblQuiz table
	[QuestionID] int identity
	,[UserName] Varchar(100)	
	,[Question] Varchar(100)
	,[AnswerID] int
	,[Option1] varchar(50)
	,[Option2] varchar(50)
	,[Option3] varchar(50)
	,[Option4] varchar(50)
Insert into @tblQuiz Values
('Deepak','Who was the Indian Skipper when India bagged the Second World Cup Cricket Tournament?',2,'K.Dev','M.S.Dhoni','M.Singh','S.Gavaskar')
,('Deepak','Which nation got the Cricket World Cup 2011?',4,'Srilanka','England','Bangladesh','India')
,('Deepak','Who was the Man of the Tournament in  Cricket World Cup 2011?',4,'R.Singh','S.Tendulkar','Y.Singh','Z.Khan')
,('Deepak','Between which two nation the Cricket World Cup 2011 final match was played?',1,'India and Australia','India and Srilanka','WestIndies and Pakistan','Srilanka and South Africa')
Select * from @tblQuiz
/* Results truncated for spacing
QuestionID	UserName	Question	AnsID	Opt1	Opt2	Opt3	Opt4
--------	--------	----		---	----	---	--	----
1		Deepak		Who ...		2	K.Dev	M.S.Dho M.Sin	S.Gav
2		Deepak		Which...	4	Sri	Eng	Bang	India
3		Deepak		Who ...		4	R.Singh	S.Ten	Y.Singh Z.Khan
4		Deepak		Bet ...		1	Ind&Aus Ind&Sri WI&Pak Sri&SA

	,[Answer Given] = Choose([AnswerID],[Option1],[Option2],[Option3],[Option4])
from @tblQuiz 	

/* Output (Results truncated for spacing)

UserName Question		Answer Given
--------  --------		------------
Deepak	Who was the..		M.S.Dhoni
Deepak	Which nation..		India
Deepak	Who was the Man..	Z.Khan
Deepak	Between which..		India and Australia

So depending on the [AnswerID] column, we can easily find out the answer given by the user.

b.IIF Function

We are already familiar with IF..Else statement which executes after evaluating a Boolean value. Now from Sql 11 Denali CTP 3, we have the function in place- IIF ().

Purpose:Returns a value as per the specified Boolean condition.

Syntax : IIF([Condition],[True Value],[ False Value])


Condition => Is any valid Boolean expression.

True Value => The value returned if the Condition evaluates to True.

False Value => The value returned if the Condition evaluates to False.

N.B.~ It can be treated as a shorthand version of Case statement.

Let us see this into action

Example 1: Simple IIF()

Select Result = IIF(1=1,'OK','Not OK') 


The same can be done by using case statement as

Select Result = Case When 1 = 1 Then 'OK'  Else 'Not OK'  End

OR using the IF..Else block as

If(1=1) Print 'OK'
Else Print 'Not OK'

Example 2: Nested IIF() . Find the bigger of two numbers

Declare @Num1 As Int = 1
Declare @Num2 As Int = 2

Select Result = IIF(@Num1 > @Num2, 'First Number is bigger',
		  IIF(@Num2 > @Num1,'Second number is bigger','Numbers are equal'))

	Second number is bigger

However, an equivalent case statement will be

Declare @Num1 As Int = 1
Declare @Num2 As Int = 2

Select Result = Case When @Num1 > @Num2 Then 'First Number is bigger' 
			 When @Num2 > @Num1 Then 'Second number is bigger' 
			 Else 'Numbers are equal' End

Example 3: Specifying more than one condition in IIF() . Find the biggest of three numbers

We can always specify any conditional or logical operator for specifying multiple conditions inside the boolean expression as illustrated below

Declare @Num1 As Int = 10
Declare @Num2 As Int = 50
Declare @Num3 As Int = 30

Select Result = IIF(@Num1 > @Num2 And @Num1 > @Num3, 'First Number is biggest',
		  IIF(@Num2 > @Num1 And @Num2 > @Num3,'Second number is biggest',
    'Third Number is biggest'))

The equivalent case statement will be

Declare @Num1 As Int = 10
Declare @Num2 As Int = 50
Declare @Num3 As Int = 30

Select Result = Case When @Num1 > @Num2 And @Num1 > @Num3 Then 'First Number is bigger' 
			 When @Num2 > @Num1 And @Num2 > @Num3 Then 'Second number is bigger' 
			 Else 'Third Number is biggest' End

Example 4: An erroneous IIF()

Select IIF('a' > 'b', Null,Null)

Msg 8133, Level16, State 1, Line 2
At least one of the result expressions in a case specification must be an expression other than the NULL constant.

However, the below works

Declare @null sql_variant
Select IIF('a' = 'b', @null, @null)

Will result to Null

It is because of the fact that both the options of the Boolean expression results into the @null variable which has null value.

Case 5: IIF() And Choose() function

Let us once again go back to the Quiz table which we created in the last example of Choose function.

Along with that table let us add an Answer table as under

Declare @tblAnswer table([QuestionID] int identity, [Correct Answer] varchar(50))
Insert into @tblAnswer Values('M.S.Dhoni'),('India'),('Y.Singh'),('India and Australia')

Now fire the below query

;With Cte As(
	,[Answer Given] = Choose([AnswerID],[Option1],[Option2],[Option3],[Option4])
from @tblQuiz 
Select c.*,Result = IIF(c.[Answer Given] = a.[Correct Answer]
   			   ,'Correct Answer','Wrong Answer')
from Cte c Join @tblAnswer a on a.QuestionID  = c.QuestionID 

/* Results truncated for spacing
UserName Question		Answer Given	Result
--------  --------		------------	------
Deepak	Who was the..		M.S.Dhoni	Correct Answer
Deepak	Which nation..		India		Correct Answer
Deepak	Who was the Man..	Z.Khan		Wrong Answer
Deepak	Between which..		India and Aus	Correct Answer

N.B.~So far I hope that we have seen some examples on the newly introduce logical (IIF and Choose) functions.Now let us see how they are being treated by the Sql Engine

For this, we will create a test environment as under

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE name = N'tbl_Test' AND type = 'U')
    DROP TABLE tbl_Test
--Create the table
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tbl_Test](
	[PlayerId] [INT] NOT NULL,
	[PlayerName] [VARCHAR](50) NOT NULL,
	[PhoneNumber] [INT]  NULL,
	[PlayerId] ASC

--Populate the Cte with some records
;With Cte(Id,Name,BelongsTo,PhoneNo) As (
	Id = 1
	,Name='Name' + CAST( 1 As Varchar(50))
	,BelongsTo = 1
	, PhoneNo=12345678
Union All 
	,Name= 'Name' + CAST( Id+1 As Varchar(50)) 
	,BelongsTo  = Case When ID  <= 250 Then 1
					   When ID > 250 And ID <= 500 Then 2
					   When ID > 500 And ID <= 750 Then 3
					   Else 4
	, PhoneNo = Case When ID % 2  = 0 Then Null
				     Else 12345678
From Cte
Where Id <100000
--Insert the records into the table
Insert Into dbo.tbl_test
Select * From Cte
Option( Maxrecursion 0)

--Display the records
Select * 
From tbl_Test

/* Partial output

PlayerId	PlayerName	BelongsTo	PhoneNumber
1		Name1		1		12345678
2		Name2		1		12345678
3		Name3		1		NULL
4		Name4		1		12345678
5		Name5		1		NULL
6		Name6		1		12345678
7		Name7		1		NULL
8		Name8		1		12345678
9		Name9		1		NULL
10		Name10		1		12345678


IIF being viewed by SQL Engine

Consider the statement

	, PhoneStatus = IIF(PhoneNumber Is Not Null,'Person has a personal phone','Yet to buy a phone')   
From tbl_Test

/* Partial output

PlayerId	PlayerName	PhoneStatus
1		Name1		Person has a personal phone
2		Name2		Person has a personal phone
3		Name3		Yet to buy a phone
4		Name4		Person has a personal phone


The execution plan being generated is as under


As can be figured out that, the IIF gets expanded into the corresponding Case statement and that's how the operation happens

An equivalent case statement will give the same execution plan

	, PhoneStatus = Case When PhoneNumber Is Not Null Then 'Person has a personal phone'
						Else 'Yet to buy a phone'
From tbl_Test


We can even do a simple preformance testing of these two functions which yields

FunctionCPU TimeElapsed Time
IIF31 ms994 ms
Case46 ms986 ms

As can be figure out that there is not much performance gain using the new IIF function.Please note that the values may differ in other system but the overall gain will not be significant.

Choose being viewed by SQL Engine

Consider the below statement

	,PlayerType = CHOOSE(BelongsTo,'Indian Player','USA Player','Japanese Player','Australian Player') 
From tbl_Test

/* Partial output

PlayerId	PlayerName	BelongsTo	PlayerType
1		Name1		1		Indian Player
2		Name2		1		Indian Player
3		Name3		1		Indian Player
4		Name4		1		Indian Player

The execution plan being generated is as under


As can be figured out that like IIF, Choose gets expanded into the corresponding Case statement and that's how the operation happens

An equivalent case statement will give the same execution plan

	,PlayerType = Case When BelongsTo = 1 Then 'Indian Player'
					   When BelongsTo = 2 Then 'USA Player'
					   When BelongsTo = 3 Then 'Japanese Player'
					   When BelongsTo = 4 Then 'Australian Player'
From tbl_Test


We can even do a simple preformance testing of these two functions which yields

FunctionCPU TimeElapsed Time
Choose141 ms1011 ms
Case78 ms1048 ms

As can be figure out that atleast for this experiment, Case yields better CPU time (time use to execute the query) but the Elapsed time (time taken by the query to run) is almost identical.Please note that the values may differ in other system but the overall gain will not be significant.

III.String Function

Two new string functions has been introduce in this release. They are Concat and Format about which we will look under

a.Concat Function

As the name suggests, it concatenates strings. In earlier versions of Sql Server we have the option of performing concatenation using the '+' symbol. But the overhead was that if the types that are participating in the concatenation are not of varchar type, then we had to do explicit conversion else it was resulting in error. However, the new Concat() function takes care of this explicit conversion.

Purpose: Concatenates variable number of string arguments and returns a single string.

Syntax: Concat( Value1,Value2,...,ValueN)

Example1: Simple Concat

Select Concat('Hello',' ' ,'Concat') As [Concat]

/* Output

Hello Concat


Example 2: Concat string with integer

Select Concat('String',10) As [Concat]

/* Output

Example 3: Concat with multiple datatypes

Select Concat('Sql',11, Null, 'Code Name', 'Denali', 'CTP' ,3) As [MultipleField Concat]

/* Output
MultipleField Concat
Sql11Code NameDenaliCTP3

The null is converted to empty string. Where as the traditional '+' symbol would have return null

Select 'Sql' + CAST(11 as varchar(10)) + Null + 'Code Name Denali CTP 3' As [MultipleField Concat]
/* Output
MultipleField Concat

We would have to use either ISNull Or Coalesce to get the desired result as

Select 'Sql' + CAST(11 as varchar(10)) + Coalesce(Null,'') + 'Code Name Denali CTP 3' As [MultipleField Concat]
Select 'Sql' + CAST(11 as varchar(10)) + IsNull(Null,'') + 'Code Name Denali CTP 3' As [MultipleField Concat]

/* Output
MultipleField Concat
Sql11Code Name Denali CTP 3

Example 4: Concat with table columns

Declare @t table(FirstName varchar(10),LastNAme varchar(10))
Insert into @t select 'Niladri','Biswas' Union All Select 'Deepak','Goyal'

Select FullName = Concat(Concat(FirstName,' ' ),LastName) from @t

/* Output

Niladri Biswas
Deepak Goyal


In this case we have seen how Concat can be use in conjunction with table columns as well as it's nesting.

Example 5: Concat with one argument

Select Concat('Single argument') As [Concat]


Msg 189, Level 15,State 1,Line 1 The concat function requires 2 to 254 arguments

b.Format Function

This function is there in dot net for a long time and now has been added in Sql Server. It formats the value as indicated.

Syntax: Format (expression, format [, culture])


Expression = > the expression to format

Format => A valid dot net framework format pattern.

Culture => It is optional and is use for specifying the culture

Example 1: Date Formatting

Declare @t table(Culture varchar(10))
Insert into @t values('en-US'),('fr')

Declare @dt Date = '06/15/2011'

,Res1 = FORMAT(@dt,'d',Culture) 
,Res2 = FORMAT(@dt,'yyyy/mm/dd',Culture)
From @t 

	Culture		Res1			Res2
	-------		----			----
	en-US		6/15/2011		2011/00/15
	fr		15/06/2011		2011/00/15

Example 2: Currency Formatting

Declare @t table(Culture varchar(10))
Insert into @t values('en-US'),('ru'),('no')

Declare @currency int = 200

,FormattedCurrency = FORMAT(@currency,'c',Culture) 
From @t 

	Culture		FormattedCurrency
	-------		-----------------
	en-US		$200.00
	ru		200,00p.
	no		kr 200,00

Even we can specify the number of characters that will appear after the decimal point. Let's have a look

Declare @t table(Culture varchar(10))
Insert into @t values('en-US'),('ru'),('no')

Declare @currency money = 10.25

,Res1 = FORMAT(@currency,'C1',Culture) 
,Res2 = FORMAT(@currency,'C2',Culture) 
,Res3 = FORMAT(@currency,'C3',Culture) 
,Res4 = FORMAT(@currency,'C4',Culture) 
From @t 

	Culture		Res1	  Res2		Res3		Res4
	-------		-----	  -----		----		----
	en-US		$10.3	  $10.25	$10.250		$10.2500
	ru		10,3p.	  10,25p.   	10,250p.	10,2500p.
	no		kr 10,3   kr 10,25	kr 10,250	kr 10,250  

As we have noticed that, this function happens to be a good addition into the box and it supports advance formatting with specified culture which was a difficult choice with Cast and Convert.

IV.Conversion Function

Denali CTP 3's conversion functions helps us to perform check on the datatype and if the conversion can be done then it helps to do so.Basically these functions are CLR functions and are already present in dotnet framework for a long time.However, we can get the same flavour now in TSql environemnt too.

a.Try_Convert Function

In earlier version of Sql Server till Sql 11 (code name: Denali) CTP 2, there was no option to check if a conversion from one data type to another was possible or not.Consider the below example where we are trying to convert a varchar to int

Select CONVERT(int,'Just a string') 


Select CAST('Just a string' as int)

Upon executing the statement, we will get the error

Msg 245, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'Just a string' to data type int.

Would not it be nice if we can know beforehand whether the conversion is possible and if so then we should go ahead for that? If this is the need, then Try_Convert is the solution.

Purpose:It basically checks whether conversion from one type to other is possible or not. Transforms the source data into the target type if the conversion is possible else null.

Syntax: Try_Convert (data type, expression [ , style ])


Datatype=> The target datatype

Expression => The value to be cast

Style => It is optional integer expression. It indicates how the function will translate the expression.

Example 1: Simple Try_Convert

	Try_Convert(int, 'Just a string') As Result1
	,Try_Convert(int, '100') As Result2
	,Try_Convert(int,null) As Result3
	,Try_Convert(Date,'18500412') As Result4
	,Try_Convert(DateTime,'18500412') As Result5
	,Try_Convert(Numeric(10,4),'18500412') As Result6

	Result1	Result2	Result3	Result4		Result5			Result6
	NULL	100	NULL	1850-04-12	1850-04-12 00:00:00.000	NULL

Example 2: Try_Convert with style

Consider the below

Select CONVERT(varchar(10),getdate(),101) as Result


Can also be achieved as

Select Try_Convert(varchar(10),getdate(),101) as Result

As can be observed that it is an enhanced version of the Convert as well as Cast function. This is a CLR function that has been added into the Sql Server environment.

b.Try_Parse Function

We have encountered this in dot net from framework 2.0. Now we have this in Denali from CTP 3.

Purpose: It basically identifies if the type specified is applicable for parsing or not and returns the appropriate status.

Syntax: TRY_PARSE ( string_value AS data_type [ USING culture ] )


String_value => the value specified

Data_type = > the target type into which the string_value will be transformed

Culture => If any culture needs to be provided for the string_value to be formatted. This is optional and if not provided then the current session language will be use.

Example 1: Simple Try_Parse

Declare @t table(Data varchar(10))
Insert into @t values('12'),('a'),('.5'),('2011-22-07')
--Select * from @t

	,TryParseDateTime = Try_Parse(Data AS Date) 
	,TryParseDecimal = Try_Parse(Data AS Decimal) 
	,TryParseNumeric = Try_Parse(Data AS Numeric(20,10)) 
,TryParseWithConcat = Try_Parse(Concat(Data,'7') AS int using 'en-US')
from @t

/* Output

Data		TryParseDateTime	TryParseDecimal	TryParseNumeric	TryParseWithConcat
12			NULL			12	12.0000000000	127
.5			NULL			1	0.5000000000	NULL
2011-22-07		NULL			NULL	NULL		NULL


Example 2: Try Parse inside Nested IIF

Declare @str as Varchar(2)  = '1'
			Try_Parse(@str as int) Is Not Null
					Try_Parse(@str as decimal) Is Not Null
					,'Conversion failed in second level'
			,'Conversion failed in first level'
		) Result
/* Output



N.B.~ This function is not fully stable

Select Try_Parse('0' AS Numeric(10,10)) As [Try_Parse_Example] 

Will throw error

Msg 6521, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Msg 6521, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
A .NET Framework error occurred during statement execution:
System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypeException: Invalid numeric precision/scale.
at System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal.CheckValidPrecScale(Byte bPrec, Byte bScale)
at System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDecimal..ctor(Byte bPrecision, Byte bScale, Boolean fPositive, Int32 data1, Int32 data2, Int32 data3, Int32 data4)
at System.Data.SqlServer.Internal.Number.NumberBufferToSqlDecimal(NumberBuffer number, SqlDecimal& value)
at System.Data.SqlServer.Internal.Number.ParseSqlDecimal(String value, NumberStyles options, NumberFormatInfo numfmt)
at System.Data.SqlServer.Internal.SqlParseIntrinsicImpl.<>c__DisplayClass20.<parsedecimal>b__1f(CXVariantBase* pxvar, String strParse, CultureInfo ci).

But we can always create our own CLR Function in such situations. Here is an attempt to make a basic TRY_PARSE.

Step 1:

Let us create a new project inside Visual Studio. File->New -> Project -> Database -> SQL Server Project.


Next, right click on the project and select Add -> User-Defined Function.


From the Add New Item template that appears, let us choose User Define Function


Let us click on Add button and write the below code

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;

public partial class UserDefinedFunctions
   [Microsoft.SqlServer.Server.SqlFunction(DataAccess = DataAccessKind.Read)]

    public static SqlBoolean TryParseFn(string value, string dataType)
        bool status = TryParse(value, dataType);
        return new SqlBoolean(status);

    /// <summary>
    /// Function: TryParse
    /// Purpose: Converts a string value to the target type. If succeeds returns true else false
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="val"></param>
    /// <param name="key"></param>
    /// <returns>bool</returns>
    private static bool TryParse(string val, string key)
           /* Dictionary<string, /> dict = new Dictionary<string, />();
            dict.Add("int", typeof(Int32));
            dict.Add("bigint", typeof(Int64));
            dict.Add("datetime", typeof(DateTime));
            dict.Add("numeric", typeof(Decimal));

                return true;
                return false;
             bool flag = true;
	    Dictionary<string, System.Type> dict = new Dictionary<string, System.Type>();
	            dict.Add("int", typeof(Int32));
	            dict.Add("bigint", typeof(Int64));
	            dict.Add("datetime", typeof(DateTime));
	            dict.Add("numeric", typeof(Decimal));
	                switch (dict[key].FullName)
	                    case "System.Int32":Int32.Parse(val);break; 
	                    case "System.Int64":Int64.Parse(val); break; 
	                    case "System.DateTime":DateTime.Parse(val); break;
	                    case "System.Decimal":DateTime.Parse(val);break;
	                flag = !flag;
        return flag;        

And build the solution. We will find a dll by the name SqlClassLibrary.dll has been created.


Now open the SSMS and choose the database say ExperimentDB

First thing is that, we need to Enable CLR. Henceforth, let us execute the below query

EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options' , '1'; -- Enable Advanced option 
EXEC sp_configure 'clr enabled' , '1' -- Enables CLR option in SQL SERVER
EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options' , '0'; -- Disable Advanced option

/* Message 
Configuration option 'show advanced options' changed from 0 to 1. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install.
Configuration option 'clr enabled' changed from 1 to 1. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install.
Configuration option 'show advanced options' changed from 1 to 0. Run the RECONFIGURE statement to install.

The next step is to register the assembly in our database. This can be done

a) By issuing a tsql script

b) Without issuing tsql script

(A)Create Assembly by issuing tsql script

--Drop the function if it exists
IF EXISTS(SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE type = 'FS' AND schema_id = SCHEMA_ID('dbo')AND name = 'Try_Parse')
--Drop the assembly if it exists
IF  EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.assemblies a WHERE = N'SqlClassLibrary' and is_user_defined = 1)
DROP ASSEMBLY [SqlClassLibrary]

--Create the assembly
FROM 'D:\CustomTryParse\CLRTryParse\CLRTryParse\bin\Debug\SqlClassLibrary.dll'
CREATE FUNCTION Try_Parse(@value AS NVARCHAR(255), @dataType AS NVARCHAR(255)) RETURNS Bit
AS EXTERNAL NAME SqlClassLibrary.UserDefinedFunctions.TryParseFn;

(B) Create Assembly Without issuing tsql script

Expand the Programmability node->Assemblies->Right Click->New Assemblies.

From the New Assembly window, set the Permission to Safe and specify the assembly path and then click OK.


The assembly has been added to the Assembly folder. This can also be verified by issuing the tsql command

SELECT * FROM sys.assemblies where is_user_defined = 1


Then issue the below command

USE [ExperimentDB]

IF  EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[Try_Parse]') AND type in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF', N'FS', N'FT'))
DROP FUNCTION [dbo].[Try_Parse]

USE [ExperimentDB]

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[Try_Parse](@value [nvarchar](255), @dataType [nvarchar](255))
EXTERNAL NAME [SqlClassLibrary].[UserDefinedFunctions].[TryParseFn]

So, our work is done. Now we can invoke our Try_Parse as

	Select Result = Case When dbo.Try_Parse('12/12/2011','datetime') = 1 
						Then 'True'  
						Else Null 
/* Output



It was just a small attempt to demonstrate our own Try_Parse.It can be enhanced as per the developer's wish if they need to do so.

N.B.~There is some problem with Try_Parse when dealing with DateTime field

Look at the below example

Declare @presentDate datetime = GetDate()

Select IIF(Try_Parse(
			@presentDate As Datetime) IS not null
			,'Sorry conversion not possible'
		      ) Result

Msg 8116, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
Argument data type datetime is invalid for argument 1 of parse function.

If we change

Declare @presentDate datetime = GetDate()


Declare @presentDate varchar(10) = GetDate()

and run the same query, then we will receive the below error

Msg 6521, Level 16, State 1, Line 3
A .NET Framework error occurred during statement execution:
System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlTypeException: SqlDateTime overflow. Must be between 1/1/1753 12:00:00 AM and 12/31/9999 11:59:59 PM.
at System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime.FromTimeSpan(TimeSpan value)
at System.Data.SqlTypes.SqlDateTime.FromDateTime(DateTime value)
at System.Data.SqlServer.Internal.CXVariantBase.DateTimeToSSDate(DateTime dt)
at System.Data.SqlServer.Internal.SqlParseIntrinsicImpl.<parsessdate>b__12(CXVariantBase* pxvar, String strParse, CultureInfo ci) .

However, the below is the workaround for it

Declare @presentDate DateTime = GetDate()

Select IIF(Try_Parse(Convert(varchar(10),@presentDate,101) As Datetime) Is Not null
			,'Sorry conversion not possible'
		      ) Result

c.Parse Function

Well dot net developers don't need any new introduction to it but for those who are encountering this function for the first time the answer is that it accepts a string datatype and converts to the requested datatype.

Purpose: It accepts a string datatype and converts to the requested datatype

Syntax: PARSE ( string_value AS data_type [ USING culture ] )


String_value => the value specified

Data_type = > the target type into which the string_value will be transformed

Culture => If any culture needs to be provided for the string_value to be formatted. This is optional and if not provided then the current session language will be use.

Example 1: Parse from Varchar to DateTime

Select ParseExample1 =Parse(CONVERT(varchar(10),getdate(),22) as datetime using 'en-US')
2011-07-24 00:00:00.0000000

Example 2: Parse from Varchar to Interger

Select ParseExample2 =Parse('1234' as int)

Example 3: Parse and Try_Parse

Declare @value as varchar(10) = '$100.00'
Declare @culture as varchar(10) = 'en-US'

Select Result = IIF(
			Try_Parse(@value AS money using @culture) Is Not Null
			,Parse(@value AS money using @culture)
			,'Conversion not possible'


As we can make out that, we can use Try_Parse function to check whether the conversion is possible or not and if so then we can go ahead.

V.Date and Time Function

Denali CTP 3 has brought some new DateTime functions which are as under

a.EOMonth Function

It expands to End Of Month. That means it helps to find out the last day of the month. Prior to the introduction of this function, we used to do the same by using something similar to the following

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[EOMonth]') AND type in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF', N'FS', N'FT'))


CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[EOMonth](@startDate Datetime,@offset int)
	Declare @EOM datetime
	Select @EOM = DATEADD(mm,@offset,@startDate - DAY(@startDate)+1)-1
	Return @EOM


Declare @presentDate DateTime = GetDate()

	[PresentDate] = CONVERT(varchar(10),GetDate(),110)
	,[EOPrevMonth] = CONVERT(varchar(10),dbo.EOMonth(@presentDate,0),110)
	,[EOCurrMonth] = CONVERT(varchar(10),dbo.EOMonth(@presentDate,1),110)
	,[EONextMonth] = CONVERT(varchar(10),dbo.EOMonth(@presentDate,2),110)

	PresentDate	EOPrevMonth	EOCurrMonth	EONextMonth
	-----------	-----------	-----------	-----------
	07-24-2011	06-30-2011	07-31-2011	08-31-2011

But with the advent of this function, it will be helpful for tsql developers to do the same operation easily.

Purpose:This function helps to get the last day of any month given a date. It also has an optional offset that helps to calculate the end of month which is N months later or before to the specified input date.

Syntax: EOMonth (StartDate [, Offset ] )


StartDate => Input date

Offset => An integer which indicates the end of month which is N months later or before to the specified StartDate.

Example1: Simple example

Declare @presentDate DateTime = GetDate()

	[PresentDate] = CONVERT(varchar(10),GetDate(),110)
	,[EOPrevMonth] = CONVERT(varchar(10),EOMonth(@presentDate,-1),110)
	,[EOCurrMonth] = CONVERT(varchar(10),EOMonth(@presentDate),110)
	,[EONextMonth] = CONVERT(varchar(10),EOMonth(@presentDate,1),110)

	PresentDate	EOPrevMonth	EOCurrMonth	EONextMonth
	-----------	-----------	-----------	-----------
	07-24-2011	06-30-2011	07-31-2011	08-31-2011

Example 2: EOMonth with Try_Parse

We may need to check before using the EOMonth function if the conversion is at all possible or not. For that we can use Try_Parse in conjunction with EOMonth.

Declare @presentDate DateTime = GetDate()

Select IIF(Try_Parse(Convert(varchar(10),@presentDate,101) As Datetime) Is Not null
			,'Sorry conversion not possible'
		      ) Result

b.DateFromParts Function

Well,the function states that build a date given the various parts like year, month and day. We have already seen this function in dotnet. Out of the various overloaded constructor of DateTime struct, we have

public DateTime(int year, int month, int day);

So if we write

Console.WriteLine(new DateTime(2011, 7, 23));

The output will be: 7/23/2011 12:00:00 AM

Now we have the same opportunity to do from Sql Server with the help of DateFromParts.

Purpose:Returns a date given its parts like year, month, day.

Syntax: DateFromParts(year,month,day)


Year => the year value

Month => the month value

Day => Day value.

Example 1: Simple example

Select DateFromParts(2011,7,23) [Result]


Example 2: Specifying all nulls

Select DateFromParts(null,null,null) [Result]


Example 3: Omitting mandatory fields will raise exception

Select DateFromParts(2011,23) [Result]

Msg 174, Level 15, State1, Line1
The datefromparts function requires 3 argument(s)

Example 4: Inserting value 2 for all the fields

Select DateFromParts(2,2,2) [Result]


c.TimeFromParts Function

As DateFromParts function returns Date so like TimeFromParts function returns time.

Syntax: TimeFromParts(hour,minute,seconds,fractions,precision)

Example 1: Simple example

Select TimeFromParts(23,22,15,147,3) [Result]


Example 2: Specifying all nulls

Select TimeFromParts (null,null,null,null,null) [Result]

Msg 10760, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Scale argument is not valid. Valid expressions for data type time scale argument are integer constants and integer constant expressions.

Example 3: Omitting mandatory fields will raise exception

Select TimeFromParts (23,22,15) [Result]

Msg 174, Level 15, State1, Line1
The timefromparts function requires 5 argument(s)

d. DateTimeFromParts Function

It is almost similar to the DateFromParts function with the change that it returns a Date time component. We have already seen this function in dotnet. Out of the various overloaded constructor of DateTime struct, we have

public DateTime(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute, int second, int millisecond);

So if we write

Console.WriteLine(new DateTime(2011, 7, 23, 22, 15, 49, 147).ToString("M/dd/yyyy h:mm:ss.fff tt"));

The output will be: 7/23/2011 10:15:49.147 PM

Syntax: DateTimeFromParts(year,month,day,hour,minute,seconds,milliseconds)

Example 1: Simple example

Select [DateTimeFromPartsExample] = DateTimeFromParts(2011, 7, 23, 22, 15, 49, 147)

	2011-07-23 22:15:49.147

Example 2: Specifying all nulls

Select DateTimeFromParts (null,null,null,null,null,null,null) [Result]


Example 3: Omitting mandatory fields will raise exception

Select DateTimeFromParts(2011, 7, 23) [Result]

Msg 174, Level 15, State1, Line1
The datetimefromparts function requires 7 argument(s)

N.B. ~ The valid date range should be between 1/1/1753 to 12/31/9999.

e. DateTime2FromParts Function

This function is almost identical to DateTimeFromParts function except that it returns a datetime2 value. In addition to this, it also needs a precision value.

Syntax: DateTime2FromParts (year,month,day,hour,minute,seconds,fractions,precision)

Example 1: Simple example

Select DateTime2FromParts(2011, 7, 23,22,15,49,147,3) [Result]

	2011-07-23 22:15:49.147

Example 2: Specifying all nulls

Select DateTime2FromParts (null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null) [Result]

Msg 10760, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Scale argument is not valid. Valid expressions for data type datetime2 scale argument are integer constants and integer constant expressions.

Example 3: Omitting mandatory fields will raise exception

Select DateTime2FromParts(2011, 7, 23,22,15,49,147) [Result]

Msg 174, Level 15, State1, Line1
The datetime2fromparts function requires 8 argument(s)

f.SmallDateTimeFromParts Function

Similar to DateTimeFromParts, we have SmallDateTimeFromParts which returns a smalldatetime value for the given date and time.

Syntax: SmallDateTimeFromParts(year,month,day,hour,minute)

Example 1: Simple example

Select SmallDateTimeFromParts(2011, 7, 23,22,15) [Result]

	2011-07-23 22:15:00

Example 2: Specifying all nulls

Select SmallDateTimeFromParts (null,null,null,null,null) [Result]


Example 3: Omitting mandatory fields will raise exception

Select SmallDateTimeFromParts(2011, 7, 23) [Result]

Msg 174, Level 15, State1, Line1
The smalldatetimefromparts function requires 5 argument(s)

g. DateTimeOffSetFromParts Function

This function returns a datetimeoffset value.

Syntax: DateTimeOffsetFromParts (year, month, day, hour, minute, seconds, fractions, houroffset, minuteoffset, precision)

Example 1: Simple example

Select DateTimeOffsetFromParts (2011,7,24,0,15,44,120,0,0,3) [Result]

	2011-07-24 00:10:44.120 +00:00

Example 2: Specifying all nulls

 DateTimeOffsetFromParts (null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null) [Result]

Msg 10760, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Scale argument is not valid. Valid expressions for data type datetime2 scale argument are integer constants and integer constant expressions.

Example 3: Omitting mandatory fields will raise exception

Select DateTimeOffsetFromParts (2011,7,24,0,15,44,120) [Result]

Msg 174, Level 15, State1, Line1
The datetimeoffsetfromparts function requires 10 argument(s)

VI.Over clause enhancement (Enhanced Feature)

In Denali CTP 3, the Over clause has been enhanced a lot. Let us look into them as below

a.Rows and Range

These keywords specifies that the function will be applied for every row a window use for calculating the function result. The Rows specifies the window in physical units while Range does it in logical offset. These keywords must be use in conjunction with order by clause.

b.Between..And clause

Defines the start (expression before And clause) and end point (expression after And clause) of the window.

c.Unbounded Preceding

It indicates that the window starts at the first row of the partition.

d.Unbounded Following

It indicates that the window ends at the last row of the partition.

e.Current Row

Depending on the Row or Range specified, it indicates that the window initiates at the start row or value.

N.B.~If we ignore the windowing clause completely, then the default Range Between Unbounded Preceding and Current Row is taken into consideration.

VII.Analytic Functions

We will use the below script for the demonstration of the Analytic Functions unless otherwise anything else is specified.We will have two tables a)MatchTable and b)PlayerTable.

For the demonstration of Lead,Lag,First_Value,Last Value,Percentile_Cont and Percentile_Disc we will use the MatchTable while for the rest the PlayerTable will come into picture

Script for MatchTable generation

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE name = N'MatchTable' AND type = 'U')
    DROP TABLE MatchTable
--Create the table
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MatchTable](
	[MatchID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
	[MatchGroup] [varchar](8) NULL,
	[MatchBetween] [varchar](50) NULL,
	[ScheduleDate] [date] NULL

--Insert records
Insert Into MatchTable Values
('Group-A','India VS Australia','08/14/2011')
,('Group-A','India VS Pakistan','08/15/2011')
,('Group-A','India VS Newzealand','08/16/2011')
,('Group-A','Australia VS Pakistan','08/17/2011')
,('Group-A','Australia VS Newzealand','08/18/2011')
,('Group-A','Newzealand VS Pakistan','08/19/2011')
,('Group-B','USA VS WestIndies','08/20/2011')
,('Group-B','USA VS Ireland','08/21/2011')
,('Group-B','USA VS Bangaladesh','08/22/2011')
,('Group-B','WestIndies VS Ireland','08/23/2011')
,('Group-B','WestIndies VS Bangaladesh','08/24/2011')
,('Group-B','Ireland VS Bangaladesh','08/25/2011')

-- Project the records
Select * From MatchTable

/* Result
MatchID	MatchGroup	MatchBetween		ScheduleDate
1	Group-A		India VS Australia	2011-08-14
2	Group-A		India VS Pakistan	2011-08-15
3	Group-A		India VS Newzealand	2011-08-16
4	Group-A		Australia VS Pakistan	2011-08-17
5	Group-A		Australia VS Newzealand	2011-08-18
6	Group-A		Newzealand VS Pakistan	2011-08-19
7	Group-B		USA VS WestIndies	2011-08-20
8	Group-B		USA VS Ireland		2011-08-21
9	Group-B		USA VS Bangaladesh	2011-08-22
10	Group-B		WestIndies VS Ireland	2011-08-23
11	Group-B		WestIndies VS Bangaladesh2011-08-24
12	Group-B		Ireland VS Bangaladesh	2011-08-25


Script for PlayerTable generation

IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE name = N'PlayerTable' AND type = 'U')
    DROP TABLE PlayerTable
--Create the table
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[PlayerTable](
	PlayerID INT IDENTITY(1001,1),
	PlayerName VARCHAR(15),
	BelongsTo VARCHAR(15),
	MatchPlayed INT,
	RunsMade INT,
	WicketsTaken INT,
	FeePerMatch NUMERIC(16,2)

--Insert records
INSERT INTO PlayerTable(PlayerName, BelongsTo, MatchPlayed,RunsMade,WicketsTaken,FeePerMatch) VALUES('A. Won','India',10,440,10, 1000)
INSERT INTO PlayerTable(PlayerName, BelongsTo, MatchPlayed,RunsMade,WicketsTaken,FeePerMatch) VALUES('A. Cricket','India',10,50,17, 4000)
INSERT INTO PlayerTable(PlayerName, BelongsTo, MatchPlayed,RunsMade,WicketsTaken,FeePerMatch) VALUES('B. Dhanman','India',10,650,0,3600)
INSERT INTO PlayerTable(PlayerName, BelongsTo, MatchPlayed,RunsMade,WicketsTaken,FeePerMatch) VALUES('C. Barsat','India',10,950,0,5000)
INSERT INTO PlayerTable(PlayerName, BelongsTo, MatchPlayed,RunsMade,WicketsTaken,FeePerMatch) VALUES('A. Mirza','India',2,3,38, 3600)
INSERT INTO PlayerTable(PlayerName, BelongsTo, MatchPlayed,RunsMade,WicketsTaken,FeePerMatch) VALUES('M. Karol','US',15,44,4, 2000)
INSERT INTO PlayerTable(PlayerName, BelongsTo, MatchPlayed,RunsMade,WicketsTaken,FeePerMatch) VALUES('Z. Hamsa','US',3,580,0, 400)
INSERT INTO PlayerTable(PlayerName, BelongsTo, MatchPlayed,RunsMade,WicketsTaken,FeePerMatch) VALUES('K. Loly','US',6,500,12,8000)
INSERT INTO PlayerTable(PlayerName, BelongsTo, MatchPlayed,RunsMade,WicketsTaken,FeePerMatch) VALUES('S. Summer','US',87,50,8,1230)
INSERT INTO PlayerTable(PlayerName, BelongsTo, MatchPlayed,RunsMade,WicketsTaken,FeePerMatch) VALUES('J.June','US',12,510,9, 4988)
INSERT INTO PlayerTable(PlayerName, BelongsTo, MatchPlayed,RunsMade,WicketsTaken,FeePerMatch) VALUES('A.Namaki','Australia',1,4,180, 9999)
INSERT INTO PlayerTable(PlayerName, BelongsTo, MatchPlayed,RunsMade,WicketsTaken,FeePerMatch) VALUES('Z. Samaki','Australia',2,6,147, 8888)
INSERT INTO PlayerTable(PlayerName, BelongsTo, MatchPlayed,RunsMade,WicketsTaken,FeePerMatch) VALUES('MS. Kaki','Australia',40,66,0,1234)
INSERT INTO PlayerTable(PlayerName, BelongsTo, MatchPlayed,RunsMade,WicketsTaken,FeePerMatch) VALUES('S. Boon','Australia',170,888,10,890)
INSERT INTO PlayerTable(PlayerName, BelongsTo, MatchPlayed,RunsMade,WicketsTaken,FeePerMatch) VALUES('DC. Shane','Australia',28,39,338, 4444)
INSERT INTO PlayerTable(PlayerName, BelongsTo, MatchPlayed,RunsMade,WicketsTaken,FeePerMatch) VALUES('S. Noami','Singapore',165,484,45, 5678)
INSERT INTO PlayerTable(PlayerName, BelongsTo, MatchPlayed,RunsMade,WicketsTaken,FeePerMatch) VALUES('Z. Biswas','Singapore',73,51,50, 2222)
INSERT INTO PlayerTable(PlayerName, BelongsTo, MatchPlayed,RunsMade,WicketsTaken,FeePerMatch) VALUES('K. Dolly','Singapore',65,59,1,9999)
INSERT INTO PlayerTable(PlayerName, BelongsTo, MatchPlayed,RunsMade,WicketsTaken,FeePerMatch) VALUES('S. Winter','Singapore',7,50,8,128)
INSERT INTO PlayerTable(PlayerName, BelongsTo, MatchPlayed,RunsMade,WicketsTaken,FeePerMatch) VALUES('J.August','Singapore',9,99,98, 890)

-- Project the records
Select * from PlayerTable


PlayerID	PlayerName	BelongsTo	MatchPlayed	RunsMade	WicketsTaken	FeePerMatch
1001		A. Won		India		10		440		10		1000.00
1002		A. Cricket	India		10		50		17		4000.00
1003		B. Dhanman	India		10		650		0		3600.00
1004		C. Barsat	India		10		950		0		5000.00
1005		A. Mirza	India		2		3		38		3600.00
1006		M. Karol	US		15		44		4		2000.00
1007		Z. Hamsa	US		3		580		0		400.00
1008		K. Loly		US		6		500		12		8000.00
1009		S. Summer	US		87		50		8		1230.00
1010		J.June		US		12		510		9		4988.00
1011		A.Namaki	Australia	1		4		180		9999.00
1012		Z. Samaki	Australia	2		6		147		8888.00
1013		MS. Kaki	Australia	40		66		0		1234.00
1014		S. Boon		Australia	170		888		10		890.00
1015		DC. Shane	Australia	28		39		338		4444.00
1016		S. Noami	Singapore	165		484		45		5678.00
1017		Z. Biswas	Singapore	73		51		50		2222.00
1018		K. Dolly	Singapore	65		59		1		9999.00
1019		S. Winter	Singapore	7		50		8		128.00
1020		J.August	Singapore	9		99		98		890.00



a.Lead Function

Purpose:This function returns result set starting from the next row in the table.

Syntax:Lead(expression [,offset [,default] ] ) over( [ Partition_By_clause] order by clause)


Expression => A table column or built-in function but not analytical functions

Offset => It is optional and represents the physical offset from the current row in the table. If not specified, the default value is 1 and cannot accept negative numbers.

Default = > It is again optional. If not specified, then whenever the offset value goes out of the table bounds, then default null is returned.

Partition_By_clause = > Partition the query result set. It is again optional

Order By Clause = > Indicates how the data is ordered within the partition.

Example 1: Find next row result/Skip first row

Suppose we want to see the next match date and the next match between the teams. We can do this easily using the Lead function as under

	,NextMatchBetween = Lead (MatchBetween) Over(Order by ScheduleDate)
	,NextMatchDate = Lead (ScheduleDate) Over(Order by ScheduleDate)
From MatchTable

	,NextMatchBetween = Lead (MatchBetween,1) Over(Order by ScheduleDate)
	,NextMatchDate = Lead (ScheduleDate,1) Over(Order by ScheduleDate)
From MatchTable 


Now let us try to understand the behavior of the Lead function. We have not specified any offset in this query and hence the default value of 1 has been taken into granted. Henceforth, it started from the second row . However, if we explicitly specify the offset value as 1, it will return the same result. This function takes into account TopRowNumber and BottomRowNumber and skips the number of rows from the top specified as bolstered in the below figure


Example 2:Find next to next row result/Skip first 2 rows

If we need to skip 2 rows, we need to specify 2 in the offset as under

	,NextMatchBetween = Lead (MatchBetween,2) Over(Order by ScheduleDate)
	,NextMatchDate = Lead (ScheduleDate,2) Over(Order by ScheduleDate)
From MatchTable 


We have skipped two rows as revealed from the above figure

Example 3:Specifying 0 or space in offset

If we give 0 in offset, indicates that we are not skipping any row

	,NextMatchBetween = Lead (MatchBetween,0) Over(Order by ScheduleDate)
	,NextMatchDate = Lead (ScheduleDate,0) Over(Order by ScheduleDate)
From MatchTable 

MatchID	MatchGroup	MatchBetween		ScheduleDate	NextMatchBetween	NextMatchDate
1	Group-A		India VS Australia	2011-08-14	India VS Australia	2011-08-14
2	Group-A		India VS Pakistan	2011-08-15	India VS Pakistan	2011-08-15
3	Group-A		India VS Newzealand	2011-08-16	India VS Newzealand	2011-08-16
4	Group-A		Australia VS Pakistan	2011-08-17	Australia VS Pakistan	2011-08-17
5	Group-A		Australia VS Newzealand	2011-08-18	Australia VS Newzealand	2011-08-18
6	Group-A		Newzealand VS Pakistan	2011-08-19	Newzealand VS Pakistan	2011-08-19
7	Group-B		USA VS WestIndies	2011-08-20	USA VS WestIndies	2011-08-20
8	Group-B		USA VS Ireland		2011-08-21	USA VS Ireland		2011-08-21
9	Group-B		USA VS Bangaladesh	2011-08-22	USA VS Bangaladesh	2011-08-22
10	Group-B		WestIndies VS Ireland	2011-08-23	WestIndies VS Ireland	2011-08-23
11	Group-B		WestIndies VS Bangaladesh2011-08-24	WestIndies VS Bangaladesh2011-08-24
12	Group-B		Ireland VS Bangaladesh	2011-08-25	Ireland VS Bangaladesh	2011-08-25

Same thing can be achieved if we specify space as under

	,NextMatchBetween = Lead (MatchBetween,'') Over(Order by ScheduleDate)
	,NextMatchDate = Lead (ScheduleDate,'') Over(Order by ScheduleDate)
From MatchTable 

Example 4:Specifying negative offset

Lead function cannot accept negative offset

	,NextMatchBetween = Lead (MatchBetween,-1) Over(Order by ScheduleDate)
	,NextMatchDate = Lead (ScheduleDate,-1) Over(Order by ScheduleDate)
From MatchTable 

Msg 8730, Level 16, State 1, Line 43
Offset parameter for Lag and Lead functions cannot be a negative value.


Example 5:Specifying null value in offset yields null

Giving null value in offset yields null

	,NextMatchBetween = Lead (MatchBetween,null) Over(Order by ScheduleDate)
	,NextMatchDate = Lead (ScheduleDate,null) Over(Order by ScheduleDate)
From MatchTable 

Example 6:Working Lead function with fractional parts

We can even use fractions in the offset clause of Lead function.Let's see the below

	,NextMatchBetween = Lead (MatchBetween,12/10) Over(Order by ScheduleDate)
	,NextMatchDate = Lead (ScheduleDate,12/10) Over(Order by ScheduleDate)
From MatchTable


Example 7: Lead demonstration with Calendar table

It can be use in conjunction with Common Table Expression as

;With DtCalender As(
Select Dt = Convert(Date,'8/1/2011') 
Union All
Select DATEADD(dd,1,Dt) 
From DtCalender 
Where Dt < Convert(Date,'8/31/2011')

	   ,Lead(c.Dt,1) Over(Order by c.Dt) As [Lead Example]
From MatchTable  m
join DtCalender c  on c.Dt = m.ScheduleDate
option (maxrecursion 0)

/* Result

MatchID	MatchBetween		Lead Example
1	India VS Australia	2011-08-15
2	India VS Pakistan	2011-08-16
3	India VS Newzealand	2011-08-17
4	Australia VS Pakistan	2011-08-18
5	Australia VS Newzealand	2011-08-19
6	Newzealand VS Pakistan	2011-08-20
7	USA VS WestIndies	2011-08-21
8	USA VS Ireland		2011-08-22
9	USA VS Bangaladesh	2011-08-23
10	WestIndies VS Ireland	2011-08-24
11	WestIndies VS Bangaladesh2011-08-25
12	Ireland VS Bangaladesh	NULL


The query is simple to understand. We have created a calendar table on the fly for one month (August, 2011) and that we are using inside the lead function only for those dates that matches with the match date column.

Example 8:Working with Scalar Expression or Function

We can even use a saclar expression or function in the expression field as

	,NextMatchBetween = Lead ((Select Top 1 MatchGroup from MatchTable),1) Over(Order by ScheduleDate)
	,NextMatchDate = Lead (ScheduleDate,1) Over(Order by ScheduleDate)
From MatchTable 

/* Result 

MatchID	MatchGroup	MatchBetween		ScheduleDate	NextMatchBetween	NextMatchDate
1	Group-A		India VS Australia	2011-08-14	Group-A			2011-08-15
2	Group-A		India VS Pakistan	2011-08-15	Group-A			2011-08-16
3	Group-A		India VS Newzealand	2011-08-16	Group-A			2011-08-17
4	Group-A		Australia VS Pakistan	2011-08-17	Group-A			2011-08-18
5	Group-A		Australia VS Newzealand	2011-08-18	Group-A			2011-08-19
6	Group-A		Newzealand VS Pakistan	2011-08-19	Group-A			2011-08-20
7	Group-B		USA VS WestIndies	2011-08-20	Group-A			2011-08-21
8	Group-B		USA VS Ireland		2011-08-21	Group-A			2011-08-22
9	Group-B		USA VS Bangaladesh	2011-08-22	Group-A			2011-08-23
10	Group-B		WestIndies VS Ireland	2011-08-23	Group-A			2011-08-24
11	Group-B		WestIndies VS Bangaladesh2011-08-24	Group-A			2011-08-25
12	Group-B		Ireland VS Bangaladesh	2011-08-25	NULL			NULL


Example 9:Using the Default Value of Lead function

This is also an optional argument.If not specified, then the implicit NULL value will be taken into account as the default which we have already seen in the previous examples. However, we can specify our own default value.

	,NextMatchBetween = Lead (MatchBetween,1,'No more Match') Over(Order by ScheduleDate)
	,NextMatchDate = Lead (ScheduleDate,1) Over(Order by ScheduleDate)
From MatchTable 

MatchID	MatchGroup	MatchBetween		ScheduleDate	NextMatchBetween		NextMatchDate
1	Group-A		India VS Australia	2011-08-14	India VS Pakistan		2011-08-15
2	Group-A		India VS Pakistan	2011-08-15	India VS Newzealand		2011-08-16
3	Group-A		India VS Newzealand	2011-08-16	Australia VS Pakistan		2011-08-17
4	Group-A		Australia VS Pakistan	2011-08-17	Australia VS Newzealand		2011-08-18
5	Group-A		Australia VS Newzealand	2011-08-18	Newzealand VS Pakistan		2011-08-19
6	Group-A		Newzealand VS Pakistan	2011-08-19	USA VS WestIndies		2011-08-20
7	Group-B		USA VS WestIndies	2011-08-20	USA VS Ireland			2011-08-21
8	Group-B		USA VS Ireland	2011-08-21		USA VS Bangaladesh		2011-08-22
9	Group-B		USA VS Bangaladesh	2011-08-22	WestIndies VS Ireland		2011-08-23
10	Group-B		WestIndies VS Ireland	2011-08-23	WestIndies VS Bangaladesh	2011-08-24
11	Group-B		WestIndies VS Bangaladesh2011-08-24	Ireland VS Bangaladesh		2011-08-25
12	Group-B		Ireland VS Bangaladesh	2011-08-25	No more Match<- Default value 	NULL

The default date has been marked for easy understanding. If we read the graphical execution plan we can make out that,it is calling the Convert_Implicit method for the conversion of the default value specified


However, the default value’s datatype should be such that it can be converted by the engine as per the datatype of the scalar expression.Henceforth, if any value specified that the Convert_Implicit method fail to convert, then it will result into exception

	,NextMatchBetween = Lead (MatchBetween,1,'No more Match') Over(Order by ScheduleDate)
	,NextMatchDate = Lead (ScheduleDate,1,'No more Match') Over(Order by ScheduleDate)
From MatchTable 

Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 45
Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string.



This statement failed because the default value should of date data type but we are passing varchar type.In order to avoid this,we can use try parse in conjunction with IIF as under

Declare @defaultValue VARCHAR(20) = 'No more Match'

	,NextMatchBetween = Lead (MatchBetween,1,@defaultValue) Over(Order by ScheduleDate)
	,NextMatchDate = Lead (	ScheduleDate
									Try_Parse(@defaultValue as Date) Is Not Null
						    ) Over(Order by ScheduleDate)
From MatchTable 


Example 10 : Working with Partition by clause

It can work smoothly in conjunction with partition by clause as under

	,NextMatchBetween = Lead (MatchBetween,1,'No more Match in this group') Over(Partition By MatchGroup Order by ScheduleDate)
	,NextMatchDate = Lead (ScheduleDate,1) Over(Partition By MatchGroup Order by ScheduleDate)
From MatchTable 


Example 11 : Lead demonstration with partition by clause to restricted rows

We can even restrict rows as under

	,NextMatchBetween = Lead (MatchBetween,1,'No more Match in this group') 
						Over(Partition By MatchGroup Order by ScheduleDate)

	,NextMatchDate =	Lead (ScheduleDate,1) 
						Over(Partition By MatchGroup Order by ScheduleDate)
From MatchTable 
Where MatchGroup = 'Group-A'

/* Result

MatchID	MatchGroup	MatchBetween		ScheduleDate	NextMatchBetween		NextMatchDate
1	Group-A		India VS Australia	2011-08-14	India VS Pakistan		2011-08-15
2	Group-A		India VS Pakistan	2011-08-15	India VS Newzealand		2011-08-16
3	Group-A		India VS Newzealand	2011-08-16	Australia VS Pakistan		2011-08-17
4	Group-A		Australia VS Pakistan	2011-08-17	Australia VS Newzealand		2011-08-18
5	Group-A		Australia VS Newzealand	2011-08-18	Newzealand VS Pakistan		2011-08-19
6	Group-A		Newzealand VS Pakistan	2011-08-19	No more Match in this group	NULL


I believe that we have seen many examples of Lead function and has understand the behaviour of it. So we can proceed to the next function Lag which is the counterpart of it

b.Lag Function

Purpose :This function returns result set starting from the previous row in the table.Syntax :Lag(expression [,offset [,default] ] ) over( [ Partition_By_clause] order by clause)


Expression => A table column or built-in function but not analytical functions

Offset => It is optional and represents the physical offset from the current row in the table. If not specified, the default value is 1 and cannot accept negative numbers.

Default = > It is again optional. If not specified, then whenever the offset value goes out of the table bounds, then default null is returned.

Partition_By_clause = > Partition the query result set. It is again optional

Order By Clause = > Indicates how the data is ordered within the partition.

N.B.~Lag and Lead are the opposite side of a coin and henceforth whatever example we have seen for Lead will be applicable for Lag. Henceforth, it will not be wise to repeat the same scenarios here.We will see some of the example of Lag though

Example 1:Find the previous match date and the previous match between the teams

	,PrevMatchBetween = Lag (MatchBetween) Over(Order by ScheduleDate)
	,PrevMatchDate = Lag (ScheduleDate) Over(Order by ScheduleDate)
From MatchTable 


	,PrevMatchBetween = Lag (MatchBetween,1) Over(Order by ScheduleDate)
	,PrevMatchDate = Lag (ScheduleDate,1) Over(Order by ScheduleDate)
From MatchTable 

/* Result

MatchID	MatchGroup	MatchBetween		ScheduleDate	PrevMatchBetween	PrevMatchDate
1	Group-A		India VS Australia	2011-08-14	NULL			NULL
2	Group-A		India VS Pakistan	2011-08-15	India VS Australia	2011-08-14
3	Group-A		India VS Newzealand	2011-08-16	India VS Pakistan	2011-08-15
4	Group-A		Australia VS Pakistan	2011-08-17	India VS Newzealand	2011-08-16
5	Group-A		Australia VS Newzealand	2011-08-18	Australia VS Pakistan	2011-08-17
6	Group-A		Newzealand VS Pakistan	2011-08-19	Australia VS Newzealand	2011-08-18
7	Group-B		USA VS WestIndies	2011-08-20	Newzealand VS Pakistan	2011-08-19
8	Group-B		USA VS Ireland		2011-08-21	USA VS WestIndies	2011-08-20
9	Group-B		USA VS Bangaladesh	2011-08-22	USA VS Ireland		2011-08-21
10	Group-B		WestIndies VS Ireland	2011-08-23	USA VS Bangaladesh	2011-08-22
11	Group-B		WestIndies VS Bangaladesh2011-08-24	WestIndies VS Ireland	2011-08-23
12	Group-B		Ireland VS Bangaladesh	2011-08-25	WestIndies VS Bangaladesh2011-08-24



Now let us try to understand the behavior of the Lag function. We have not specified any offset in this query and hence the default value of 1 has been taken into granted. Henceforth, it ended at N-1 th row from the bottom. However, if we explicitly specify the offset value as 1, it will return the same result.This function takes into account TopRowNumber and BottomRowNumber(like Lead) and skips the number of rows from the bottom as bolstered in the below figure


As specified earlier, whatever example follows for Lead will be applicable for Lag. Henceforth, the scenarios are not repeated here and we are proceeding to the next function.

c.First_Value Function

Purpose:It returns the first value from the order set of values.

Syntax:First_Value(expression) over( [ Partition_By_clause] order by clause [rows_range_clause])


Expression => A table column or built-in function but not analytical functions.

Rows_range_clause => It helps to further limit the effect of analytical function.

As said, the First_Value function returns the first value from the order set of values. If the first value is null, then the function returns null.Let us see this function into action.

Example 1: Simple First_Value demo for getting the first and the last match played

Suppose we need to find out the first and the last match played. We can achieve it as under

	 ,First_Value(MatchBetween) Over(Order By ScheduleDate  Desc) As [Last Match]
	 ,First_Value(MatchBetween) Over(Order By ScheduleDate ) As [First Match]
From MatchTable

/* Result

MatchBetween		ScheduleDate	Last Match		First Match
India VS Australia	2011-08-14	Ireland VS Bangaladesh	India VS Australia
India VS Pakistan	2011-08-15	Ireland VS Bangaladesh	India VS Australia
India VS Newzealand	2011-08-16	Ireland VS Bangaladesh	India VS Australia
Australia VS Pakistan	2011-08-17	Ireland VS Bangaladesh	India VS Australia
Australia VS Newzealand	2011-08-18	Ireland VS Bangaladesh	India VS Australia
Newzealand VS Pakistan	2011-08-19	Ireland VS Bangaladesh	India VS Australia
USA VS WestIndies	2011-08-20	Ireland VS Bangaladesh	India VS Australia
USA VS Ireland		2011-08-21	Ireland VS Bangaladesh	India VS Australia
USA VS Bangaladesh	2011-08-22	Ireland VS Bangaladesh	India VS Australia
WestIndies VS Ireland	2011-08-23	Ireland VS Bangaladesh	India VS Australia
WestIndies VS Bangaladesh2011-08-24	Ireland VS Bangaladesh	India VS Australia
Ireland VS Bangaladesh	2011-08-25	Ireland VS Bangaladesh	India VS Australia



Well, by looking into the result set for this anyone can argue that, it can be achieved by

a)Row_Number approach as

;With Cte AS(
		RowID = ROW_NUMBER() Over(Order by (select 1))
From MatchTable )

		, [Last Match] = (Select MatchBetween  from Cte where RowID = 12)
		, [First Match] = (Select MatchBetween  from Cte where RowID = 1)
from Cte

N.B.~ I have deliberately used Row_Number() function instead of the [MatchID] column just to get the work done using Row_Number() way.

b)Max/Min approach as

	, [Last Match] = (Select MatchBetween  from MatchTable where ScheduleDate = (Select MAX(ScheduleDate) from MatchTable))
	, [First Match] = (Select MatchBetween from MatchTable where ScheduleDate = (Select MIN(ScheduleDate) from MatchTable))
from MatchTable

And this argument will be valid. But wait, is it the only purpose of First_Value() function? Let’s see some more example.

Example 2: Simple First_Value demo with Partition By clause

	   ,First_Value(MatchBetween) Over(Partition By MatchGroup Order By ScheduleDate Desc) As LastMatch
	   ,First_Value(MatchBetween) Over(Partition By MatchGroup Order By ScheduleDate) As FirstMatch	   
From MatchTable

/* Result

MatchBetween		ScheduleDate	MatchGroup	LastMatch		FirstMatch
India VS Australia	2011-08-14	Group-A		Newzealand VS Pakistan	India VS Australia
India VS Pakistan	2011-08-15	Group-A		Newzealand VS Pakistan	India VS Australia
India VS Newzealand	2011-08-16	Group-A		Newzealand VS Pakistan	India VS Australia
Australia VS Pakistan	2011-08-17	Group-A		Newzealand VS Pakistan	India VS Australia
Australia VS Newzealand	2011-08-18	Group-A		Newzealand VS Pakistan	India VS Australia
Newzealand VS Pakistan	2011-08-19	Group-A		Newzealand VS Pakistan	India VS Australia
USA VS WestIndies	2011-08-20	Group-B		Ireland VS Bangaladesh	USA VS WestIndies
USA VS Ireland		2011-08-21	Group-B		Ireland VS Bangaladesh	USA VS WestIndies
USA VS Bangaladesh	2011-08-22	Group-B		Ireland VS Bangaladesh	USA VS WestIndies
WestIndies VS Ireland	2011-08-23	Group-B		Ireland VS Bangaladesh	USA VS WestIndies
WestIndies VS Bangaladesh2011-08-24	Group-B		Ireland VS Bangaladesh	USA VS WestIndies
Ireland VS Bangaladesh	2011-08-25	Group-B		Ireland VS Bangaladesh	USA VS WestIndies



As can be make out that, in this case the function is working based on the partitions made.

Example 3: First_Value with new windowing clause

	   ,First_Value(MatchBetween) Over(Order By ScheduleDate Range Unbounded Preceding) As Rng_UPrec
	   ,First_Value(MatchBetween) Over(Order By ScheduleDate Rows Unbounded Preceding) As Row_UPrec
	   ,First_Value(MatchBetween) Over(Order By ScheduleDate Range Current Row) As Rng_Curr
	   ,First_Value(MatchBetween) Over(Order By ScheduleDate Rows Current Row) As Row_Curr
	   ,First_Value(MatchBetween) Over(Order By ScheduleDate Range Between Unbounded Preceding And Current Row) As Rng_UPrec_Curr
	   ,First_Value(MatchBetween) Over(Order By ScheduleDate Rows Between Unbounded Preceding And Current Row) As Row_UPrec_Curr
	   ,First_Value(MatchBetween) Over(Order By ScheduleDate Range Between Unbounded Preceding And Unbounded Following) As Rng_UPrec_UFoll
	   ,First_Value(MatchBetween) Over(Order By ScheduleDate Rows Between Unbounded Preceding And Unbounded Following) As Row_UPrec_UFoll
	   ,First_Value(MatchBetween) Over(Order By ScheduleDate Range Between Current Row And Unbounded Following) As Rng_Curr_UFoll
	   ,First_Value(MatchBetween) Over(Order By ScheduleDate Rows Between Current Row And Unbounded Following) As Row_Curr_UFoll	   
From MatchTable


d.Last_Value Function

Purpose:Returns the last value from the order set of values.

Syntax :Last_Value(expression) over( [ Partition_By_clause] order by clause [rows_range_clause])


Expression => A table column or built-in function but not analytical functions

Rows_range_clause => It helps to further limit the effect of analytical function.

As said, the Last _Value function returns the last value from the order set of values. If the last value is null, then the function returns null.

Let us see this function into action.

Example 1: Simple Last_Value demo

Suppose we need to find out the last match played in every group. We can achieve it as under

	 ,Last_Value(MatchBetween) Over(Partition By MatchGroup Order By MatchGroup) As [Last Match In Group]
From MatchTable

/* Result

MatchBetween		MatchGroup	Last Match In Group
------------		---------	---------------------
India VS Australia	Group-A		Newzealand VS Pakistan
India VS Pakistan	Group-A		Newzealand VS Pakistan
India VS Newzealand	Group-A		Newzealand VS Pakistan
Australia VS Pakistan	Group-A		Newzealand VS Pakistan
Australia VS Newzealand	Group-A		Newzealand VS Pakistan
Newzealand VS Pakistan	Group-A		Newzealand VS Pakistan
USA VS WestIndies	Group-B		Ireland VS Bangaladesh
USA VS Ireland		Group-B		Ireland VS Bangaladesh
USA VS Bangaladesh	Group-B		Ireland VS Bangaladesh
WestIndies VS Ireland	Group-B		Ireland VS Bangaladesh
WestIndies VS BangaladeshGroup-B	Ireland VS Bangaladesh
Ireland VS Bangaladesh	Group-B		Ireland VS Bangaladesh


Example 2: Last_Value with new windowing clause

	   ,Last_Value(MatchBetween) Over(Order By ScheduleDate Range Unbounded Preceding) As Rng_UPrec
	   ,Last_Value(MatchBetween) Over(Order By ScheduleDate Rows Unbounded Preceding) As Row_UPrec
	   ,Last_Value(MatchBetween) Over(Order By ScheduleDate Range Current Row) As Rng_Curr
	   ,Last_Value(MatchBetween) Over(Order By ScheduleDate Rows Current Row) As Row_Curr
	   ,Last_Value(MatchBetween) Over(Order By ScheduleDate Range Between Unbounded Preceding And Current Row) As Rng_UPrec_Curr
	   ,Last_Value(MatchBetween) Over(Order By ScheduleDate Rows Between Unbounded Preceding And Current Row) As Row_UPrec_Curr
	   ,Last_Value(MatchBetween) Over(Order By ScheduleDate Range Between Unbounded Preceding And Unbounded Following) As Rng_UPrec_UFoll
	   ,Last_Value(MatchBetween) Over(Order By ScheduleDate Rows Between Unbounded Preceding And Unbounded Following) As Row_UPrec_UFoll
	   ,Last_Value(MatchBetween) Over(Order By ScheduleDate Range Between Current Row And Unbounded Following) As Rng_Curr_UFoll
	   ,Last_Value(MatchBetween) Over(Order By ScheduleDate Rows Between Current Row And Unbounded Following) As Row_Curr_UFoll	   
From MatchTable


e.Percent_Rank Function

Purpose:Within a group of rows, it calculates the relative rank of a row.

Syntax :Percent_Rank () Over ( [partition_by_clause] order_by_clause)


Percent_Rank = (R -1)/(N-1)

Where ,

R => The row whose rank needs to be found

N => Total number of rows or records.

e.g. We have a set with 10 elements. We need to find the relative rank of the 7th row. Henceforth, applying the values to the above formula, we get

R = 7 , N = 10

So, Percent_Rank = (7-1)/(10-1) = 0.6666666666666667

The range of values return by this function is between 0 to 1 inclusive. The return data type is always a positive number.


	,Percent_Rank() Over(Partition By BelongsTo Order By BelongsTo,FeePerMatch) As PercentRank
From PlayerTable

/* Result

PlayerID	PlayerName		BelongsTo	FeePerMatch	PercentRank
1014		S. Boon			Australia	890.00		0
1013		MS. Kaki		Australia	1234.00		0.25
1015		DC. Shane		Australia	4444.00		0.5
1012		Z. Samaki		Australia	8888.00		0.75
1011		A.Namaki		Australia	9999.00		1
1001		A. Won			India		1000.00		0
1003		B. Dhanman		India		3600.00		0.25
1005		A. Mirza		India		3600.00		0.25
1002		A. Cricket		India		4000.00		0.75
1004		C. Barsat		India		5000.00		1
1019		S. Winter		Singapore	128.00		0
1020		J.August		Singapore	890.00		0.25
1017		Z. Biswas		Singapore	2222.00		0.5
1016		S. Noami		Singapore	5678.00		0.75
1018		K. Dolly		Singapore	9999.00		1
1007		Z. Hamsa		US		400.00		0
1009		S. Summer		US		1230.00		0.25
1006		M. Karol		US		2000.00		0.5
1010		J.June			US		4988.00		0.75
1008		K. Loly			US		8000.00		1

Now let us understand how the relative rank for the [Fee Per Match] column has been generated.

Take the case of the row where the Player ID is 1015 i.e. 3rd from the row.

There are altogether 5 rows for the [Belongs to] field “Australia”.

So , we have R = 3 and N = 5.

Placing the values in our formula yields

Percent_Rank = (3 -1)/(5-1) = 2/4 = 0.5

f.Cume_Dist Function

Purpose:Within a group of rows, it calculates the cumulative distribution of a value in a group of values.

Syntax :Cume_Dist() Over ([partition_by_clause] order_by_clause)


Cumulative_Distribution = (R)/(N)


R => The row whose rank needs to be found

N => Total number of rows or records.

e.g. We have a set with 10 elements. We need to find the cumulative distribution of the 7th row. Henceforth, applying the values to the above formula, we get

R = 7 , N = 10

So, Cumulative_Distribution = (7)/(10) = 0.7

The range of values return by this function is between 0 to 1 inclusive. The return data type is always a positive number.


	,Cume_Dist() Over(Partition By BelongsTo Order By BelongsTo,FeePerMatch) As CumilativeDistribution
From PlayerTable

/* Result (Partial)

PlayerID	PlayerName	BelongsTo	FeePerMatch	CumilativeDistribution
1014		S. Boon		Australia	890.00		0.2
1013		MS. Kaki	Australia	1234.00		0.4
1015		DC. Shane	Australia	4444.00		0.6
1012		Z. Samaki	Australia	8888.00		0.8
1011		A.Namaki	Australia	9999.00		1
1001		A. Won		India		1000.00		0.2
1003		B. Dhanman	India		3600.00		0.6
1005		A. Mirza	India		3600.00		0.6
1002		A. Cricket	India		4000.00		0.8
1004		C. Barsat	India		5000.00		1

Now let us understand how the relative rank for the [Fee Per Match] column has been generated.

Take the case of the row where the Player ID is 1015 i.e. 3rd from the row.

There are altogether 5 rows for the [Belongs to] field “Australia”.

So , we have R = 3 and N = 5.

Placing the values in our formula yields

Cumulative_Distribution = (3)/(5) = 0.6

g.Percentile_Cont Function

Purpose:An inverse distribution function which takes a percentile value and a sort specification and returns an interpolated value that would fall into that percentile value with respect to the sort specification.It accepts any numeric datatype or any nonnumeric datatype that can be implicitly converted to a numeric datatype as it's argument and returns the same datatype as the numeric datatype of the argument.

Syntax:Percentile_Cont ( numeric_literal ) within group(Order by sort_expression [asc|desc]) OVER ([partition_by_clause])


      ,Percentile_Cont =PERCENTILE_Cont(.6) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY MatchID)OVER(PARTITION BY [MatchGroup])	 
  FROM MatchTable


MatchID	MatchGroup	MatchBetween		ScheduleDate	Percentile_Cont
1	Group-A		India VS Australia	2011-08-14	4
2	Group-A		India VS Pakistan	2011-08-15	4
3	Group-A		India VS Newzealand	2011-08-16	4
4	Group-A		Australia VS Pakistan	2011-08-17	4
5	Group-A		Australia VS Newzealand	2011-08-18	4
6	Group-A		Newzealand VS Pakistan	2011-08-19	4
7	Group-B		USA VS WestIndies	2011-08-20	10
8	Group-B		USA VS Ireland		2011-08-21	10
9	Group-B		USA VS Bangaladesh	2011-08-22	10
10	Group-B		WestIndies VS Ireland	2011-08-23	10
11	Group-B		WestIndies VS Bangaladesh2011-08-24	10
12	Group-B		Ireland VS Bangaladesh	2011-08-25	10

h.Percentile_Disc Function

Purpose:An inverse distribution function which takes a percentile value and a sort specification and returns an element from the set.It accepts any numeric datatype or any nonnumeric datatype that can be implicitly converted to a numeric datatype as it's argument and returns the same datatype as the numeric datatype of the argument.

Syntax:Percentile_Disc ( numeric_literal ) within group(Order by sort_expression [asc|desc]) OVER ([partition_by_clause])


Percentile_Disc = Cumulative_Distribution * N


N => Total number of rows or records.

e.g. We have a set with 10 elements. We need to find the Percentile_Disc of the 7th row.Let us first find the Cumulative_distribution as

So, Cumulative_Distribution = (7)/(10) = 0.7

So, Percentile_Disc = Cumulative_Distribution * N = 0.7 * 10 = 7

The range of values return by this function is between 0 to 1 inclusive. The return data type is always a positive number.


      ,Cume_Dist() Over(Partition By [MatchGroup] Order By MatchID) As CumilativeDistribution
     ,PercentileDiscByFormula = Cume_Dist() Over(Partition By [MatchGroup] Order By MatchID) * (6)	 
  FROM MatchTable

/* Result

MatchID	MatchGroup	MatchBetween		ScheduleDate	PercentileDisc	CumilativeDistribution	PercentileDiscByFormula
1	Group-A		India VS Australia	2011-08-14	4		0.166666666666667	1
2	Group-A		India VS Pakistan	2011-08-15	4		0.333333333333333	2
3	Group-A		India VS Newzealand	2011-08-16	4		0.5			3
4	Group-A		Australia VS Pakistan	2011-08-17	4		0.666666666666667	4
5	Group-A		Australia VS Newzealand	2011-08-18	4		0.833333333333333	5
6	Group-A		Newzealand VS Pakistan	2011-08-19	4		1			6
7	Group-B		USA VS WestIndies	2011-08-20	10		0.166666666666667	1
8	Group-B		USA VS Ireland		2011-08-21	10		0.333333333333333	2
9	Group-B		USA VS Bangaladesh	2011-08-22	10		0.5			3
10	Group-B		WestIndies VS Ireland	2011-08-23	10		0.666666666666667	4
11	Group-B		WestIndies VS Bangaladesh2011-08-24	10		0.833333333333333	5
12	Group-B		Ireland VS Bangaladesh	2011-08-25	10		1			6




In this article we have seen the new and the enhanced functions from TSql perspective that Denali CTP 3 has offered us.It is really a good list of functions which will help the developeres to write tsql programs easily.In the next article we will explore Column Store Index which is again a new concept.

I hope that this article will help us to know and apply the new TSql featues in a variety of ways.Share your valueable feedback about the same and stay tune for the next one.


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

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smcnulty200029-Aug-11 14:02
smcnulty200029-Aug-11 14:02 
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Anurag Gandhi25-Aug-11 20:36
professionalAnurag Gandhi25-Aug-11 20:36 
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Niladri_Biswas26-Aug-11 22:57
Niladri_Biswas26-Aug-11 22:57 
Niladri Biswas

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