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Windows XP Visual Styles for Windows Forms

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19 Apr 2005Ms-PL6 min read 746.6K   4.8K   164   231
Add Windows XP Visual Styles to your .NET Windows Forms

Sample Image - dotnetvisualstyles.jpg


When Windows XP was first released with Windows XP Visual Styles, or "theming", many people were excited about the new look. When .NET was nearing the 1.0 release, however, many of the same people - including myself - were disappointed that Windows Forms did not support Windows XP Visual Styles. After doing some research into the Visual Styles API and the Microsoft .NET Framework SDK documents, I realized that Visual Styles are not hard to add to a .NET application.

The tutorial that follows is a simple process for adding visual styles to your applications and controls. After setting up your project, this tutorial will cover the basic types of controls that can use Windows XP Visual Styles, what makes the visual styles work, and how to tell Windows to theme your applications and controls.

Update: a bug where a TabPage or a GroupBox within a TabPage is not drawn with theme data has been fixed in .NET Framework 2.0 beta. Please read for more information.


You will need a few things to complete this tutorial:

  1. The Microsoft .NET Framework SDK (required)
  2. Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, which really aids in designing your Windows Forms (optional)
  3. Microsoft Windows XP, the only currently, fully-released Windows operating system that supports theming and is needed for testing (optional)

Getting Started

Getting started is simple (though none of this is hard): open Visual Studio .NET and create a new Windows Application. I'll be using C# for this tutorial, so if you're using Visual Basic .NET, you'll need to translate the code. Once your project is created, open the AssemblyInfo.cs file and fill-in the AssemblyTitle, AssemblyDescription, AssemblyVersion (get rid of dynamic versioning for simplicity with this tutorial), and change AssemblyDelaySign to true. You'll also want to change AssemblyKeyFile to @"..\..\KeyFile.snk", which is a string literal pointing at a file we'll create (or copy) later.

When you're finished, your code should look something like the following:

using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

[assembly: AssemblyTitle("Theme Test")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("Testing Windows XP Visual Styles.")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("")]
[assembly: AssemblyProduct("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCopyright("")]
[assembly: AssemblyTrademark("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCulture("")]		
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]
[assembly: AssemblyDelaySign(true)]
[assembly: AssemblyKeyFile(@"..\..\KeyFile.snk")]
[assembly: AssemblyKeyName("")]

Now, open Form1.cs and add many controls to it, such as ListViews, Buttons, GroupBoxes, ProgressBars, and more. The full list of controls that support visual styles are:

  • TextBox
  • RichTextBox
  • HScrollBar
  • VScrollBar
  • ProgressBar
  • TabControl
  • MainMenu
  • ContextMenu
  • ComboBox
  • DataGrid
  • ListBox
  • ListView
  • TreeView
  • DateTimePicker
  • MonthCalendar
  • Splitter
  • TrackBar
  • StatusBar
  • ToolBar
  • TreeView
  • ListView

Of these controls, several support theming by default. Others - specifically the ones that derive from ButtonBase, GroupBox, or Label - require that you set the FlatStyle property to System, which I'll explain shortly.

Once you've compiled your application, you'll noticed that the visual style of Windows Forms does not look like the Windows XP Visual Style. To figure out why, read on.

How Windows XP Visual Styles Work

Simply put: Comctl32.dll, version 6. Comctl32.dll, or the Common Controls, have been around for a very long time. This library provided basic common controls while User32.dll provided user controls. In version 6 of the Common Controls, all of the controls were put in Comctl32.dll so that all the controls could support theming. Comctl32.dll, version 6, is not redistributable, however, unlike previous versions of Comctl32.dll. In order to use the new Windows XP Visual Styles, you must be using an operating system that contains Comctl32.dll, such as Windows XP.

For supported controls, the control style is associated with a particular theme resource that is drawn in the client area of the control. For controls deriving from ButtonBase, GroupBox, and Label, these controls must use the FlatStyle.System enumeration member in their FlatStyle property so that they allow the operating system to draw the controls.

In order to tell Windows to use theming for your controls, you need to tell Windows to bind to Comctl32.dll, version 6. By default, Windows binds to Comctl32.dll, version 5. Similar to the binding policies of .NET, however, we can tell executables at runtime to bind to other assemblies, or Win32 libraries in this case.

So, add a new XML file to your project and call it [YourApp].exe.manifest, where [YourApp] is the name of the output file your project generates, which is your project name by default. Set the Compile Type to "None", since we'll only including this in your project for simplicity.

If you used the AssemblyInfo.cs code above, your newly created [YourApp].exe.manifest should look like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
        name="Theme Test"
        type="win32" />
    <description>Testing Windows XP Visual Styles.</description>
                language="*" /> 

You should replace the first "version" and "name" attributes with appropriate values for your project, which are the AssemblyVersion and AssemblyTitle attributes respectively. The "description" element should also match your AssemblyDescription attribute.

Next, open a command prompt and change directories to your project output directory, which should be "bin\Debug" with your project directory as the root. Assuming that you have sn.exe in your PATH (part of the .NET Framework SDK), type the following:

sn.exe -k ..\..\KeyFile.snk

This should put a public key file named KeyFile.snk - which we referred to earlier in our AssemblyInfo.cs file - in your project directory. This public key is necessary to sign your assembly with a strong name, which is required in many situations and is recommend for every assembly.

Adding the Manifest and the Final Touches

You should now be in the same directory as your project output file. In my example, my application is simply WindowsApplication1.exe, which I'll refer to later.

Now, back in Visual Studio .NET, click on the File->Open... menu, browse to your application such as WindowsAppication1.exe, and click open. You should now see your resources in a tree view.

  1. Right-click on the root node WindowsApplication.exe and select "Add Resource...".
  2. Click "Import...", browse for WindowsApplication.exe.manifest in your project directory, and click "Open".
  3. In the "Resource Type" text box, type RT_MANIFEST and click "OK".
  4. Save all files and go back to your resource view you were previously in. You should now see a folder named RT_MANIFEST.
  5. Click on the newly added RT_MANIFEST resource, probably named 101. Change its ID to 1 in the property grid and save your application again.
  6. After closing the resource view in which your application was open, go back to the command prompt and type the following:
sn -R WindowsApplication1.exe ..\..\KeyFile.snk

The tool should print some version info and then display:

Assembly 'WindowsApplication1.exe' successfully re-signed

Run your application and see Windows XP Visual Styles at work in your .NET application!


Windows XP Visual Styles can be a very good addition to your applications and control libraries and they don't take a lot of work. Supporting this new visual style will give your application a common look-and-feel with Windows, which is always a definite plus in commercial applications. Many companies strive to keep up with Windows standards and now you can do it without a lot of work.

Just remember to set the FlatStyle property of any applicable control to FlatStyle.System and to embed the manifest resource like the boilerplate above in your executable after compiling. After having done all that, you need only finish signing your assembly, otherwise it won't pass validation if you specified an AssemblyKeyFile. If you need to test your application or have an authority sign it, you can turn off validation for that assembly by typing the following:

sn.exe -Vr WindowsApplication1.exe

Go on now, start cranking out those Windows XP-like applications and controls and make your products stand out above the rest. It doesn't take a lot of work but your results are stylish and beneficial.


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL)

Written By
Software Developer Microsoft
United States United States
Principal Software Engineer currently working on Azure SDKs at Microsoft. My opinions are my own. I work on a number of OSS projects for work and personally in numerous languages including C++, C#, JavaScript, Go, Rust, et. al. See a problem, fix a problem (or at least create an issue)!

Avid outdoor adventurer 🏔️❄️👞🚴‍♂️, husband, father.

Comments and Discussions

GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Manoj Kumar Choubey28-Feb-12 18:28
professionalManoj Kumar Choubey28-Feb-12 18:28 
QuestionUsing it, how do you change styles? Pin
dorn51al3-Apr-08 10:53
dorn51al3-Apr-08 10:53 
AnswerRe: Using it, how do you change styles? Pin
Heath Stewart5-Apr-08 13:06
protectorHeath Stewart5-Apr-08 13:06 
GeneralRe: Using it, how do you change styles? Pin
dorn51al5-Apr-08 13:26
dorn51al5-Apr-08 13:26 
GeneralRe: Using it, how do you change styles? Pin
Heath Stewart19-Apr-08 9:24
protectorHeath Stewart19-Apr-08 9:24 
Questionit can not work!! Pin
vcbegin29-Mar-08 16:13
vcbegin29-Mar-08 16:13 
QuestionI cannot get it to work Pin
joe086713-Feb-08 8:33
joe086713-Feb-08 8:33 
GeneralRe: I cannot get it to work Pin
Heath Stewart23-Feb-08 6:09
protectorHeath Stewart23-Feb-08 6:09 
AnswerRe: I cannot get it to work Pin
Houssam Alshami24-Sep-11 5:08
Houssam Alshami24-Sep-11 5:08 
GeneralButton with Image Pin
Fiorina8111-May-07 10:00
Fiorina8111-May-07 10:00 
GeneralRe: Button with Image Pin
Heath Stewart11-May-07 10:18
protectorHeath Stewart11-May-07 10:18 
QuestionXP Style - TabControl - Left Alignment Pin
Ecaterina26-Mar-07 9:46
Ecaterina26-Mar-07 9:46 
QuestionHi Friends [modified] Pin
Pradeep Shetye22-May-06 21:32
Pradeep Shetye22-May-06 21:32 
AnswerRe: Hi Friends [modified] Pin
Heath Stewart23-May-06 6:48
protectorHeath Stewart23-May-06 6:48 
GeneralQuestions about Windows XP Style Pin
a23715-May-06 6:26
a23715-May-06 6:26 
GeneralRe: Questions about Windows XP Style Pin
Heath Stewart15-May-06 12:01
protectorHeath Stewart15-May-06 12:01 
GeneralI can`t generate KeyFile.snk !! Pin
kotovski3-Feb-06 10:43
kotovski3-Feb-06 10:43 
GeneralRe: I can`t generate KeyFile.snk !! Pin
Heath Stewart4-Feb-06 5:26
protectorHeath Stewart4-Feb-06 5:26 
GeneralStrong name Validation Failed for assembly Pin
Tom Mat20-Jan-06 18:20
Tom Mat20-Jan-06 18:20 
AnswerRe: Strong name Validation Failed for assembly Pin
Heath Stewart20-Jan-06 22:00
protectorHeath Stewart20-Jan-06 22:00 
GeneralIt Worked !! Pin
Tom Mat22-Jan-06 18:38
Tom Mat22-Jan-06 18:38 
GeneralTheme support on any OS Pin
Leyu12-Jan-06 5:46
Leyu12-Jan-06 5:46 
AnswerRe: Theme support on any OS Pin
Heath Stewart16-Jan-06 6:05
protectorHeath Stewart16-Jan-06 6:05 
GeneralToolbars and Visual Styles Pin
gemani5-Jan-06 23:09
gemani5-Jan-06 23:09 
GeneralRe: Toolbars and Visual Styles Pin
Heath Stewart6-Jan-06 6:27
protectorHeath Stewart6-Jan-06 6:27 

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