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How to dynamically load images in Crystal Reports using Visual Studio 2005

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19 Nov 2008CPOL 223.8K   53   28
How to dynamically load images in Crystal Reports in ASP.NET, using the TypedDataSet.


If you have an image path that is stored in your database, Crystal Reports .NET in Visual Studio 2003/2005 cannot display the image file dynamically unless you use the dynamic image location feature in Crystal Report XI.

I searched in the Web, and I found how to display this using a workaround.

Using the code

We must have a field (image path) in our database. We need to create a new DataSet/XML schema (XSD) (TypedDataSet) to use as resource data in creating a report, and add an additional field that is not in the table and which is of type base64Binary:

Image 1

Or add it in XML:

< name=""image_stream"" type=""xs:base64Binary"" minoccurs=""0″">

When designing a report, drag and drop the “image_stream” field in the region where you want it to appear. Add CrystalReportViewer to your ASPX page. In the code-behind of your page, add the following method to load the image:

private void LoadImage(DataRow objDataRow, string strImageField, string FilePath)
        FileStream fs = new FileStream(FilePath, 
                   System.IO.FileMode.Open, System.IO.FileAccess.Read);
        byte[] Image = new byte[fs.Length];
        fs.Read(Image, 0, Convert.ToInt32(fs.Length));
        objDataRow[strImageField] = Image;
    catch (Exception ex)
        Response.Write("<font color=red>" + ex.Message + "</font>");

We need to fill the TypedDataSet, and before assigning this DataSet to the “SetDataSource” of our report, we need to add a few lines of code:

TypedDataSet ds = new TypedDataSet();

SqlConnection cn = new SqlConnection("Data Source=ServerName;" + 
                   "Initial Catalog=DataBaseName;User ID=UserName;" + 
SqlCommand Cmd = new SqlCommand();
SqlDataAdapter myAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter();

Cmd.CommandText = " Select * From TableName";
Cmd.Connection = cn;

myAdapter.SelectCommand = Cmd;

catch (Exception ex)

for (int index = 0; index < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; index++)
    if (ds.Tables[0].Rows[index]["image_path"].ToString() != "")
        string s = this.Server.MapPath(

        if (File.Exists(s))
            LoadImage(ds.Tables[0].Rows[index], "image_stream", s);
            LoadImage(ds.Tables[0].Rows[index], "image_stream", 
        LoadImage(ds.Tables[0].Rows[index], "image_stream", 

    // Finally display report in crystal report viewer
    ReportDocument crDoc = new ReportDocument();
    CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = crDoc;
catch (Exception ex)


I would like to thank the CodeProject team (moderators, users, visitors...) for all their effort. Thank you everybody.


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

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Morocco Morocco
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Comments and Discussions

QuestionThanks Pin
ArmandoHeck22-Jan-18 1:48
ArmandoHeck22-Jan-18 1:48 
QuestionResize images Pin
Alby20042-Mar-17 22:48
Alby20042-Mar-17 22:48 
QuestionThank you so much Pin
Member 124452768-Apr-16 3:18
Member 124452768-Apr-16 3:18 
QuestionPERFECT! Pin
Member 119651327-Sep-15 0:31
Member 119651327-Sep-15 0:31 
Questioncrystal report Pin
prabhu221022-Apr-15 2:09
prabhu221022-Apr-15 2:09 
QuestionColumn Type of image_stream should be image Pin
monishafriends21-Oct-14 21:49
monishafriends21-Oct-14 21:49 
QuestionPicture not repeated through all the pages Pin
Savun Cheam12-Nov-13 19:56
Savun Cheam12-Nov-13 19:56 
QuestionI have reduced the number of lines of code Pin
Prathap Gangireddy30-Jan-13 8:59
Prathap Gangireddy30-Jan-13 8:59 
GeneralThankyou So Much Pin
Member 222171713-Mar-12 15:40
Member 222171713-Mar-12 15:40 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
ganpati121-Nov-11 23:13
ganpati121-Nov-11 23:13 
QuestionThank-You Redouane - Just what I required. Pin
razzleblazzle6-Oct-11 9:03
razzleblazzle6-Oct-11 9:03 
AnswerRe: Thank-You Redouane - Just what I required. Pin
Redouane Mounafia6-Oct-11 21:54
Redouane Mounafia6-Oct-11 21:54 
Questionimage is not showing Pin
mayur csharp G4-Oct-11 1:28
mayur csharp G4-Oct-11 1:28 
I did same as you mentioned
but image is not showing
you should also show how you fetch image in crystal report
please do it it is necessary
AnswerRe: image is not showing Pin
razzleblazzle6-Oct-11 9:09
razzleblazzle6-Oct-11 9:09 
Questionwhat send the image to Crystall Reports? Pin
y.mahdi21-Apr-11 20:38
y.mahdi21-Apr-11 20:38 
Answerhelp me, there's an exception Pin
Kenz Kenza14-Apr-11 16:19
Kenz Kenza14-Apr-11 16:19 
Generalpdf too large Pin
yi23-Oct-10 23:51
yi23-Oct-10 23:51 
GeneralFor desktop Pin
shailesh_j2-Dec-09 20:25
shailesh_j2-Dec-09 20:25 
GeneralRe: For desktop Pin
Redouane Mounafia3-Feb-10 5:18
Redouane Mounafia3-Feb-10 5:18 
GeneralThanks Pin
Wags6-Aug-09 22:25
professionalWags6-Aug-09 22:25 
GeneralRe: Thanks Pin
Redouane Mounafia7-Aug-09 8:30
Redouane Mounafia7-Aug-09 8:30 
GeneralNot working with 2003 Pin
sachinse14-Jun-09 21:11
sachinse14-Jun-09 21:11 
GeneralImage not showing Pin
dannystommen3-Apr-09 4:34
dannystommen3-Apr-09 4:34 
GeneralRe: Image not showing Pin
dannystommen6-Apr-09 23:12
dannystommen6-Apr-09 23:12 
GeneralI don't see any picture - Need help Pin
sharabi_liran2-Feb-09 20:29
sharabi_liran2-Feb-09 20:29 

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