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2D Graph ActiveX Control in C++ with ATL (No MFC Dependency)

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8 Mar 2012CPOL7 min read 127.2K   11.9K   93   43
Plots multiple data sets, interactive tooltip info, zoom/pan, edit color/width/format, annotations, print/save

Image 1


Quite often, developers need to plot various data. They expect to use a light control with minimal dependencies.


NTGraph control is a powerful ActiveX control which plots multiple data sets. Unfortunately, it depends on MFC libraries.

This new 2D Graph ActiveX control, named DMGraph, is based on the NTGraph drawing engine but eliminates the MFC dependency. For DMGraph, ATL 3.0 was used as the framework. The only dependencies are some Microsoft Windows DLLs (the C runtime library msvcrt.dll is part of the OS starting with Windows 2000). This means there are no deployment issues - DMGraph works on Windows 2000 or later.

Another major change compared with old NTGraphCtrl is the exposed COM interface architecture. Instead of putting everything together under one interface, DMGraphCtrl exposes a hierarchy of interfaces which represents entities used on drawing.

Using the Code

The main interface IDMGraphCtrl contains collections of items (managed by the IDMGraphCollection interface). This collection interface exposes the usual methods (such as Add, Delete, Count, Item). What is specific is the concept of "selected item". One item in the collection can be the "selected" one. Sometimes user operations (such as mouse drag) apply to the "selected" item (if any). The IDMGraphCollection::Selected property gets/sets the index of the selected item.

When the user double clicks the graph area, a modal dialog with property pages is displayed. This dialog may be invoked programmatically as well using the ShowProperties method. Modifying data in these property pages has an immediate effect on the displayed graph.

The CDMGraphCtrl class implements the IDMGraphCtrl interface. At runtime, some properties can be viewed or changed using the DM Graph property page:

Image 2

The CDMGraphCtrl class keeps the following collections exposed by the IDMGraphCtrl interface:

1. Element Collection

The get_Elements property exposes the elements collection.

Each item is an instance of the CGraphElement class which exposes the IDMGraphElement interface. A graph element is a collection of points which need to be plotted. The graph element has various properties which define its drawing style. For example, the Linetype property defines what kind of line should be used to connect the points (including "Null" - no lines at all). Color, width, shape can be set for points; the entire set of points can be enabled/disabled for drawing, etc. Each graph element is identified by a "name". All these are accessible through COM properties exposed by the IDMGraphElement interface. When such a property is set, the entire graph is re-drawn to reflect the changes.

The set of points (data to be plotted) is supplied by the client using several methods:

  • Plot - Two one-dimensional arrays with same size (one for X, the other for Y) will set the entire point collection for a specific graph element.
  • PlotXY - Appends just one point to the point collection (both X and Y coordinates are specified).
  • PlotY - Appends just one point to the point collection (only Y is specified, the X is the index of the added point in the points collection).

Each time the point collection is modified, the graph is updated to reflect the changes but the range is not updated. If the new point(s) go(es) out of range, then the SetRange or AutoRange methods need to be called.

New elements can be added to the collection, existing ones removed, selected element index can be changed, and selected element properties can be viewed/changed from the Elements property page.

Image 3

2. Annotation Collection

The get_Annotations property exposes the annotations collection.

One annotation is a piece of text which is displayed on a specific position on the graph. This collection keeps instances of the CGraphAnnotation class which exposes the IDMGraphAnnotation interface. Using this interface, various properties can be accessed - such as caption (the displayed text), position, color, text orientation, background enable/disable. When such a property is set, the entire graph is re-drawn to reflect the changes.

New annotations can be added to the collection, existing ones removed, selected annotation index can be changed, and selected annotation properties can be viewed/changed from the Annotations property page.

Image 4

3. Cursor Collection

The get_Cursors property exposes the cursors collection.

A cursor is made of one or two lines which are parallel with the X or Y axis. The IDMGraphCursor interface deals with cursor specific properties. If the Style property (type is the Crosshair enum) is set to "XY" then the cursor will have two lines: one parallel with X axis and the other parallel with Y axis. If the cursor Mode is set to Snap, then the selected cursor will snap to the closest point of the selected graph element during mouse drag.

New cursors can be added to a collection, existing ones removed, selected cursor index can be changed, and selected cursor properties can be viewed/changed from the Cursors property page.

Image 5

4. Axis Objects

Two objects are exposed by the get_Axis property: one for X (horizontal) axis and the other for Y (vertical) axis. The objects are instances of the CGraphAxis class which exposes the IDMGraphAxis interface. Various properties can be get/set for each axis. If the put_Time property is set to VARIANT_TRUE, then the double values for that axis are considered to be date/time values. These values are interpreted like the DATE type (used in OLE Automation VARIANT union). The values are displayed according to the format string set by the Format property. For date/time, possible format strings are documented in the strftime function in MSDN. Otherwise, for non logarithmic axis, the usual sprintf format strings are accepted. Some axis properties are available in the DM Graph property sheet (see above) while others are available in the Format property page (see below).

Image 6

From the Axis combo box, the X (bottom) or Y (left) axis can be selected. Then the data type can be set for the selected axis. For each type, the Templates list box is filled with the available format templates. When a template item is selected from the left, the Format string on the right is updated.

Basic Usage

1. From a Windows Client Written in C++ with ATL

class CMainWnd : public CWindowImpl<CMainWnd>
     CAxWindow*                 m_pGraphCtrl; 
     CComPtr<IDMGraphCtrl>      m_spDMGraph; 

LRESULT CMainWnd::OnCreate(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL& bHandled)  
     m_pGraphCtrl = new CAxWindow; 
     if(m_pGraphCtrl == NULL) 
           return -1; 
           return -1; 
     HRESULT hr; 
     CComPtr<IAxWinHostWindow> spHost; 
     hr = m_pGraphCtrl->QueryHost(IID_IAxWinHostWindow, (void**)&spHost); 
         Message(hr, NULL, L"Cannot query Ax host"); 
         return -1; 
     hr = spHost->CreateControl(L"DMGraph.DMGraphCtrl", m_pGraphCtrl->m_hWnd, NULL); 
         Message(hr, NULL, L"Cannot start DM Graph control"); 
         return -1; 

     CComVariant vData; 
     hr = m_pGraphCtrl->QueryControl(IID_IDMGraphCtrl, (void**)&m_spDMGraph); 
     if(FAILED(hr) || m_spDMGraph == NULL) 
         Message(hr, NULL, L"Cannot query DM Graph control"); 
         return -1; 
     return 0;
void CMainWnd::SetGraphData(VARIANT* pvarrX, VARIANT* pvarrY, LPCTSTR szName)
  CComBSTR bsName(szName); 
  CComPtr<IDMGraphCollection> spElements; 
  CComPtr<IDMGraphElement> spGraphElement; 
  HRESULT hr = m_spDMGraph->get_Elements(&spElements); 
  long i, nElementCount = 0; 
  BOOL bReplace = FALSE; 
  hr = spElements->get_Count(&nElementCount); 
  for(i=0; i<nElementCount; i++) 
     CComBSTR bsElemName; 
     CComPtr<IDispatch> spDispatch; 
     hr = spElements->get_Item(i, &spDispatch); 

     hr = spDispatch.QueryInterface(&spGraphElement); 

     if(_wcsicmp(bsElemName, bsName) == 0) 
         OLECHAR szMsgText[256]; 
        _snwprintf(szMsgText, 256,
              L"There is ALREADY an element named '%s'.\n"
              L"Do you want to replace it ?", bsElemName); 
         if(::MessageBoxW(m_hWnd, szMsgText, NULL,
         bReplace = TRUE; 
         spGraphElement = NULL; 
  if(bReplace == FALSE || spGraphElement == NULL) 
     CComPtr<IDispatch>     spDispatch; 
     hr = spElements->Add(&spDispatch); 
     spGraphElement = NULL; 
     hr = spDispatch.QueryInterface(&spGraphElement); 

  hr = spGraphElement->put_Name(bsName); 
  hr = spGraphElement->put_PointSymbol( Dots ); 
  hr = spGraphElement->put_PointSize(3); 
  hr = spGraphElement->Plot(*pvarrX, *pvarrY); 
     Message(hr, spGraphElement, L"Failed to plot items");
  hr = m_spDMGraph->AutoRange(); 

2. From an HTML Page using VBScript

Inside the HTML body, the ActiveX is created using the object tag. A button click will execute a script to set the data to be plotted.

<object ID="DMGraphCtrl" 
      width=600 height=400 VIEWASTEXT></object>
<input id=BtnSin value=sin type="button">
<script id=clientEventHandlersVBS language="vbscript">
Sub BtnSin_onclick
  On Error Resume Next
  Dim dmGraphCtrl
  Set dmGraphCtrl = document.getElementById("DMGraphCtrl")
  Dim idx : idx = dmGraphCtrl.Elements.Selected
  If idx < 0 Then
    MsgBox("Error: please create and select an element first." &_
             vbCrLf & "(Double click to see property pages)")
    Dim selElement
    Set selElement = dmGraphCtrl.Elements.Item(idx)
    Dim i
    Dim x()
    Dim y()
    ReDim x(100)
    ReDim y(100)
    For i=0 To 100
      x(i) = i/5
      y(i) = Sin( x(i) )
    selElement.Plot x, y
  End If
  If Err.number <> 0 Then
    MsgBox Err.Description
  End If
End Sub

3. From a Windows Client Written in C++ with MFC

#import "..\DMGraph\DMGraph.tlb" no_namespace raw_interfaces_only

class CDmGraphMfcClientDlg : public CDialog
    ... ... ...

    IDMGraphCtrlPtr m_spGraph;

BOOL CDmGraphMfcClientDlg::OnInitDialog()
    ... ... ...

    CWnd* pwndCtrl = GetDlgItem(IDC_DMGRAPHCTRL1);
    IUnknown* pUnkCtrl = pwndCtrl->GetControlUnknown(); //weak reference

    HRESULT hr;
    m_spGraph = pUnkCtrl;
    IDMGraphCollectionPtr colElements;
    hr = m_spGraph->get_Elements(&colElements);

    IDispatchPtr spDisp;
    IDMGraphElementPtr spElem;
    hr = colElements->Add(&spDisp);
    spElem = spDisp;
    hr = spElem->put_Name(_bstr_t("sin"));
    hr = spElem->put_PointSymbol( Dots );
    hr = spElem->put_PointSize(1);
    hr = spElem->put_PointColor( RGB(255, 0, 0) );
    COleSafeArray arrx, arry;
    arrx.CreateOneDim(VT_R8, 100);
    arry.CreateOneDim(VT_R8, 100);
    long i;
    for(i=0; i<100; i++)
        double x, y;
        x = i/10.;
        y = sin(x);

        arrx.PutElement(&i, &x);
        arry.PutElement(&i, &y);

    hr = spElem->Plot(COleVariant(arrx), COleVariant(arry));
    hr = m_spGraph->AutoRange();

    return TRUE;  // return TRUE  unless you set the focus to a control

Points of interest

  • The "sprintf" code which formats the input data needs to be guarded against exceptions.
  • The WM_ERASEBKGND needs to be handled to avoid window flickering while resizing.
  • The VARIANT passed by a VBScript client usually needs indirection for contained safe array and conversion for array elements.


  • Version
    • Updated the "About" dialog box with the developer site new URL
  • Version
    • Corrected a registration error (wrong LIBID was used inside CLSID key)
    • Added the "control" flag for the type library (as attribute in IDL). In this way, DMGraph is listed as an ActiveX in Visual Basic Component Control List / Excel Control Toolbox
    • Changed the DrawGraphOffScreen function to behave properly even if the supplied HDC is a metafile DC. This is useful when COM client invokes IDataObject::GetData method. The ATL implementation for this method uses a metafile DC.
  • Version
    • Added UI in DM Graph property page to allow grid step changes.
  • Version
    • Fixed a minor defect which raised an Assert in the 'Debug build' when the ActiveX was not in place active (example: when inserted into a dialog by the C++ resource editor).
    • Updated help file with MFC client sample code.
  • Version 5.0
    • MFC dependency is removed; the old .OCX library is now a .DLL using ATL. The DLL depends only on standard Windows libraries and on the standard C++ library (msvcrt.dll) which is part of the OS starting with Windows 2000. This means there are no deployment issues.
    • Major re-design in exposed COM interfaces. More interfaces were added. They group together methods and properties which apply to the same kind of objects. As a consequence, there is no backward compatibility with the COM exposed by the old NTGraphCtrl.ocx. Hence all GUIDs and ProgIDs are new.
    • The new DLL exposes dual interfaces (as opposed with the old dispinterfaces).
    • Fixed GDI and memory leaks when printing.
    • Added new API to pass an array of points using just one method call.
    • Added selective zoom (zoom just on X or just on Y).
    • Added a new tracking mode which displays in a tooltip the value of the closest point near the mouse.
    • Printing uses the new OS Print Wizard dialog.
    • Documentation (help) is presented in CHM format.


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Software Developer (Senior)
Canada Canada

Comments and Discussions

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AnswerRe: Load Fail VB6 project on win7 but not xp Pin
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QuestionCan this Library be used with VS 2010? Pin
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Questionpassing array string in DMGRH Pin
Member 89030-Apr-12 18:11
Member 89030-Apr-12 18:11 
AnswerRe: passing array string in DMGRH Pin
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AnswerRe: runtime error in plot x,y Pin
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