While many are familiar with OpenGL, using WebGL is a little less familiar. However, many of the concepts and format of OpenGL also apply to WebGL.
This article is a test to see how difficult programming something in WebGL would be. It took me less than 6 hours to make this, being a newbie at WebGL and with very
little experience in OpenGL. There are many protien viewers available in either pre-packaged Java applets or C++ programs. This project attempts to see how
difficult it would be to make one using JavaScript and WebGL. Surprisingly, it was fairy simple!
WebGL is a JavaScript browser implementation of graphics processing code that allows browsers to utilize the GPU.
Using the Code
Install the code on a web server, either a local web server or a remote one. Go to index.html, click on the Choose File button, select a local PDB for your computer,
and see the molecule.
Keys are as follows:
A: Move Along -X Axis
W: Move Along +Y Axis
S: Move Along -Y Axis
D: Move Along +X Axis
Left Arrow: Move Along -X Axis
Right Arrow:Move Along +X Axis
Down Arrow: Move Along +Z Axis
Up Arrow: Move Along -Z Axis
Shift+A: Tilt to the left
Shift+W: Look Up
Shift+S: Look Down
Shift+D: Tile to the right
Shift+Left Arrow: Rotate to the Left
Shift+Right Arrow:Rotate to the right
Shift+Down Arrow: Look Down
Shift+Up Arrow: Look UP
Mouse Drag Left: Rotate X
Mouse Drag Right:Rotate X
Mouse Drag Up: Rotate Y
Mouse Drag Down: Rotate Y
Mouse Wheel Forward: Zoom In
Mouse Wheel Back: Zoom Out
A sample PDB File:
ATOM 1 C 1 1.241 0.444 0.349 1.00 0.00
ATOM 2 C 1 -0.011 -0.441 0.333 1.00 0.00
ATOM 3 C 1 -1.176 0.296 -0.332 1.00 0.00
ATOM 4 H 1 1.516 0.699 -0.675 1.00 0.00
ATOM 5 H 1 2.058 -0.099 0.827 1.00 0.00
ATOM 6 H 1 1.035 1.354 0.913 1.00 0.00
ATOM 7 H 1 -0.283 -0.691 1.359 1.00 0.00
ATOM 8 H 1 0.204 -1.354 -0.225 1.00 0.00
ATOM 9 H 1 -0.914 0.551 -1.359 1.00 0.00
ATOM 10 H 1 -1.396 1.211 0.219 1.00 0.00
ATOM 11 H 1 -2.058 -0.345 -0.332 1.00 0.00
TER 12 1
The first step is to select a file and parse the file for the ATOM entries. We select a file using the onclick
operator of the file input button.
Next we set up a FileReader
object and parse the file. Once we have the file contents, we call var lines = contents.split("\n");
to split
the file into lines. Next we have to go through the lines and split them using spaces into an array. Then we create an array to hold our ATOM objects, and fill it
with the line entries. There are blank array entries when we separate the line, so we have to loop through the line and only copy the values we want. Also some lines
have more spaces then others, so we cannot use a set position. Therefore we just copy all non-null values. The process looks like this:
for (y = 0; y < singleLine.length; y++)
if (singleLine[y]!="" && singleLine[y]!=",")
objects[object_count][counter++] = singleLine[y];
The next step is to loop through our array of objects and find the atoms and draw them. Notice that we did not already set the atoms apart,
we copied all non-empty values instead. So now we need to find the ATOM structures we want to draw. Looking at the file format above, we can see that the x, y, z coordinates
for each atom are in the 5th, 6th, 7th columns, respectively. The code looks like this:
for (i = 0; i < object_count; ++i) {
if (objects[i][0] == "ATOM")
if (setcamera != true)
g.perspectiveMatrix.lookat(0, 0, objects[i][7], 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0);
setcamera = true;
drawOne(ctx, 30,
Next, we need to set the camera and object in the right position. To do this, we use a model-view matrix and set it to translate and rotate by the camera,
then translate again by the atom we are drawing. It looks like this:
var pos = controller.getPosition();
mvMatrix.rotate(controller.getRoll(), 1, 0, 0);
mvMatrix.rotate(controller.getYaw(), 0, 1, 0);
mvMatrix.rotate(controller.getPitch(), 0, 0, 1);
Okay, so we have our matrix of where to draw the atom, now we draw the atom after any final projections:
ctx.bindTexture(ctx.TEXTURE_2D, texture);
ctx.drawElements(ctx.TRIANGLES, g.sphere.numIndices, ctx.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);
All that is left is to move our camera using keys:
function keyCamera(event){
var cam = controller;
if(event.shiftKey) {
switch(event.keyCode) {
case 65:
cam.roll(-Math.PI * 0.25);
case 37:
cam.yaw(Math.PI * 0.25);
case 68:
cam.roll(Math.PI * 0.25);
case 39:
cam.yaw(-Math.PI * 0.25);
case 83:
case 40:
cam.pitch(Math.PI * 0.25);
case 87:
case 38:
cam.pitch(-Math.PI * 0.25);
else {
var pos = cam.getPosition();
switch(event.keyCode) {
case 65:
case 37:
case 68:
case 39:
case 83:
case 40:
case 87:
case 38:
To initialize the WebGL, we use something like this:
var gl = initWebGL("molview");
if (!gl) {
var c = document.getElementById("molview");
c.addEventListener('webglcontextlost', handleContextLost, false);
c.addEventListener('webglcontextrestored', handleContextRestored, false);
g.program = simpleSetup(gl, "vshader", "fshader",
[ "vNormal", "vTexCoord", "vPosition"],
[ 0, 0, 0, 1 ], 10000);
gl.uniform3f(gl.getUniformLocation(g.program, "lightDir"), 0, 0, 1);
gl.uniform1i(gl.getUniformLocation(g.program, "sampler2d"), 0);
if (g.program) {
g.u_normalMatrixLoc = gl.getUniformLocation(g.program, "u_normalMatrix");
g.u_modelViewProjMatrixLoc = gl.getUniformLocation(g.program, "u_modelViewProjMatrix");
g.sphere = makeSphere(gl, 1, 30, 30);
molTexture = loadImageTexture(gl, "./h1.jpg");
And finally the camera, we just implement something to keep track of our position and rotation and then we are good to go. There is too much code in the camera to post,
so I will leave it up to interested parties to look at the source code attached. I have left out some of the functionality on an effort to keeping it brief.
The attached code has everything needed and a couple of PDB file samples.
Points of Interest
I learned how relatively easy it is program using WebGL. Nice little introduction to creating something visible in a short amount of time. WebGL and HTML5 are both
things I look forward to using in the future.
version 0.1: Basic ATOM viewer implemented for PDB files.