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Fast Algorithm to check the numbers 2^n

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12 Dec 2002 66.1K   25   10
Optimised code for valid data length to FFT


Some applications of signal processing, like Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) need the length of sampled-data input equal to 2^n (where n : integer, n=1,2,3,...), and requires fast testing for this number. This test must be done in a very short time especially in real-time applications operated in DSP cart (as in TMS320C6xxx DSP). Here is an optimized code snippet for this purpose.

Source code

The following function return TRUE if the number x has the form 2^n

bool CheckInputToFFT(int x)
    return (!(x & (x-1)));

That's all, which means each of the numbers (2,4,8,16,...2^n) gives zero when ANDed with previous number!


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Web Developer
Hong Kong Hong Kong
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Comments and Discussions

GeneralC# Trick Pin
KK Adams30-Jun-08 16:12
KK Adams30-Jun-08 16:12 
GeneralRe: C# Trick Pin
Member 150696612-Jun-09 9:36
Member 150696612-Jun-09 9:36 
GeneralMod - Works for n = 0 Pin
User 238229218-Feb-08 19:04
User 238229218-Feb-08 19:04 
GeneralFFT in Visual C++ Pin
Anonymous7-Jul-03 1:18
Anonymous7-Jul-03 1:18 
GeneralQuick Mod for 2^0 and others Pin
ColinDavies27-Dec-02 14:16
ColinDavies27-Dec-02 14:16 
GeneralRe: Quick Mod for 2^0 and others Pin
nutty21-Mar-06 6:23
nutty21-Mar-06 6:23 
is it possible that this assumption is not always correct?

if you change it to

return (!(x & (x-4)));

You don't get all multiples of 4, missing 12, 20, 24, 28..

the result is rather the powers of 2 and the numbers below 4 taken away.

By the way, since we were looking for multiples of 2 I suggest that a good change would do the same with 4, like looking for powers of 4.

This is also not true for the above formula.

Or did I get something wrong?

GeneralThanks... Pin
Rocky1010-Dec-02 3:36
Rocky1010-Dec-02 3:36 
GeneralHacker's Delight by Warren Pin
George V. Reilly9-Dec-02 15:58
George V. Reilly9-Dec-02 15:58 
GeneralMake it slightly faster... Pin
KevinHall5-Dec-02 18:08
KevinHall5-Dec-02 18:08 
GeneralHmmm.... Pin
Nitron5-Dec-02 17:38
Nitron5-Dec-02 17:38 

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