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Sunset and Sunrise Calculation Based on Latitude, Longitude and UTC Offset for SQL Server 2005

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11 May 2012CPOL 25K   3   3
Determining sunrise and sunset values for a certain latitude and longitude with SQL Server 2005


The main goal of this tip is to provide a set of functionality to SQL Server 2005 databases from which sunset and sunrise values will be determined from geopositional information provided as parameters and return a DateTime value.

The main goal for this set of functions is to be used as an astronomic calculator for daylight related calculations that need to be done from DB directly.


This is an implementation of the United States Naval Observatory's sunset/sunrise algorithm for SQL Server and probably (but not tested) compatible with most of the SQL based engines available in the market.

Using the Code

The usage is pretty straight forward. Two main stored procedures are included: DetermineSunrise and DetermineSunset. Each of them will expect date and geo location parameters.

DECLARE @OffSet int
SET @OffSet = dbo.udf_getUTCOffSet()

-- Buenos Aires, Argentina, 34, 35 S, 58, 22 W, 11th May 2012
-- Parameters:
-- -------------
-- Today's date
-- latitude
-- longitude
-- UTC offset

Exec DetermineSunrise
Exec DetermineSunset 


2012-05-11 07:37:19.200
2012-05-11 18:01:19.200 

These are the related functions:

CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[TimeFromDecimal]
	@dTime decimal(28,4),
	@dateTime datetime
-- Add the T-SQL statements to compute the return value here
DECLARE @iHour int, @iMin int, @iSec int, @imSec int
set @iHour = @dTime 
--concatenate hours
set @iMin = ((@dTime - @iHour)*60.) 
--subtract hours and convert to mins
--select mins and secs in dec form subtract mins and convert remainder to seconds:
set @iSec = (((@dTime-@iHour)*60-@iMin)*60)
set @imSec = ((((@dTime-@iHour)*60-@iMin)*60) - @iSec)* 1000
if @iHour > 0
        set @dateTime = dateadd(hh, @ihour, @dateTime)
    else --will subtract into the day before
        set @dateTime = dateadd(d, 1, @datetime)
        set @dateTime = dateadd(hh, @ihour, @dateTime)
set @dateTime = dateadd(mi, @imin, @dateTime)
set @dateTime = dateadd(s, @isec, @dateTime)
set @dateTime = dateadd(ms, @imsec, @dateTime)
-- Return the result of the function
 CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[udf_calcDayofYear]
    @dDate datetime
    DECLARE @N1 int, @N2 int, @N3 int, @N int
    set @N1 = floor(275 * (select month(@dDate)) / 9)
    set @N2 = floor(((select month(@dDate)) + 9) / 12)
    set @N3 = (1 + floor(((select year(@dDate)) - 
    4 * floor((select year(@dDate)) / 4) + 2) / 3))
    set @N = @N1 - (@N2 * @N3) + (select day(@dDate)) - 30
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[udf_getUTCOffSet]()

Stored procedures described in implementation:

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[DetermineSunrise]
	@localDate datetime,
	@latitude decimal(18,3),
	@longitude decimal(18,3),
	@GMT int
DECLARE @ZENITH decimal(18,3)
SET @ZENITH = 90.83

	  offical      = 90 degrees 50'
	  civil        = 96 degrees
	  nautical     = 102 degrees
	  astronomical = 108 degrees
	--Calculate the day of the year
	DECLARE @DayOfYear int
	SET @DayOfYear = dbo.udf_calcDayofYear(@localDate)

	-- convert the longitude to hour value and calculate an approximate time

	DECLARE @lngHour decimal(18,3)
	DECLARE @t decimal(18,3)

	SET @lngHour = @longitude / 15
	SET @t = @DayOfYear + ((6 - @lngHour) / 24)

	-- calculate the Sun's mean anomaly

	DECLARE @Mean decimal(18,3)	
	SET @Mean = (0.9856 * @t) - 3.289

	-- calculate the Sun's true longitude

	DECLARE @SunLon decimal(18,3)

	SET @SunLon = @Mean + (1.916 * sin(RADIANS(@Mean))) + 
	(0.020 * sin(2 * RADIANS(@Mean))) + 282.634 - 360

	---- calculate the Sun's right ascension

	DECLARE @SunRightAsention decimal(18,3)
	SET @SunRightAsention = DEGREES(atan(0.91764 * tan(RADIANS(@SunLon))))

	---- right ascension value needs to be in the same quadrant as L

	DECLARE @Lquadrant decimal(18,3)
	DECLARE @Rquadrant decimal(18,3)

	SET @Lquadrant  = (floor( @SunLon/90)) * 90
	SET @Rquadrant = (floor(@SunRightAsention/90)) * 90
	SET @SunRightAsention = @SunRightAsention + (@Lquadrant - @Rquadrant)

	----right ascension value needs to be converted into hours

	SET @SunRightAsention = @SunRightAsention / 15

	---- calculate the Sun's declination

	DECLARE @sinDec decimal(18,3)
	DECLARE @cosDec decimal(18,3)

	SET @sinDec = 0.39782 * sin(RADIANS(@SunLon))
	SET @cosDec = cos(asin(@sinDec))

	---- calculate the Sun's local hour angle
	DECLARE @cosH decimal(18,3)	
	SET @cosH = (cos(radians(@ZENITH)) - (@sinDec * 
	sin(radians(@latitude)))) / (@cosDec * cos(radians(@latitude)))

	----if (cosH >  1) 
	----  the sun never rises on this location (on the specified date)
	----if (cosH < -1)
	----  the sun never sets on this location (on the specified date)

	DECLARE @H decimal(18,3)
	SET @H = 360 - degrees(ACOS(@cosH))
	SET @H = @H / 15

	---- calculate local mean time of rising/setting
	DECLARE @MeanTime decimal(18,3)	
	SET @MeanTime = @H + @SunRightAsention - (0.06571 * @t) - 6.622
	DECLARE @UT decimal(18,3)
	SET @UT = @MeanTime - @lngHour

	SELECT dbo.TimeFromDecimal(@UT + @GMT, @localDate)  
CRATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[DetermineSunset]
	@localDate datetime,
	@latitude decimal(18,3),
	@longitude decimal(18,3),
	@GMT int
DECLARE @ZENITH decimal(18,3)
SET @ZENITH = 90.83

	  offical      = 90 degrees 50'
	  civil        = 96 degrees
	  nautical     = 102 degrees
	  astronomical = 108 degrees
	--Calculate the day of the year
	DECLARE @DayOfYear int
	SET @DayOfYear = dbo.udf_calcDayofYear(@localDate)

	-- convert the longitude to hour value and calculate an approximate time

	DECLARE @lngHour decimal(18,3)
	DECLARE @t decimal(18,3)

	SET @lngHour = @longitude / 15
	SET @t = @DayOfYear + ((18 - @lngHour) / 24)

	-- calculate the Sun's mean anomaly

	DECLARE @Mean decimal(18,3)	
	SET @Mean = (0.9856 * @t) - 3.289

	-- calculate the Sun's true longitude

	DECLARE @SunLon decimal(18,3)

	SET @SunLon = @Mean + (1.916 * sin(RADIANS(@Mean))) + 
	(0.020 * sin(2 * RADIANS(@Mean))) + 282.634 - 360

	---- calculate the Sun's right ascension

	DECLARE @SunRightAsention decimal(18,3)
	SET @SunRightAsention = DEGREES(atan(0.91764 * tan(RADIANS(@SunLon))))

	---- right ascension value needs to be in the same quadrant as L

	DECLARE @Lquadrant decimal(18,3)
	DECLARE @Rquadrant decimal(18,3)

	SET @Lquadrant  = (floor( @SunLon/90)) * 90
	SET @Rquadrant = (floor(@SunRightAsention/90)) * 90
	SET @SunRightAsention = @SunRightAsention + (@Lquadrant - @Rquadrant)

	----right ascension value needs to be converted into hours

	SET @SunRightAsention = @SunRightAsention / 15

	---- calculate the Sun's declination

	DECLARE @sinDec decimal(18,3)
	DECLARE @cosDec decimal(18,3)

	SET @sinDec = 0.39782 * sin(RADIANS(@SunLon))
	SET @cosDec = cos(asin(@sinDec))

	---- calculate the Sun's local hour angle
	DECLARE @cosH decimal(18,3)	
	SET @cosH = (cos(radians(@ZENITH)) - (@sinDec * 
	sin(radians(@latitude)))) / (@cosDec * cos(radians(@latitude)))

	----if (cosH >  1) 
	----  the sun never rises on this location (on the specified date)
	----if (cosH < -1)
	----  the sun never sets on this location (on the specified date)

	DECLARE @H decimal(18,3)
	SET @H = degrees(ACOS(@cosH))
	SET @H = @H / 15

	---- calculate local mean time of rising/setting
	DECLARE @MeanTime decimal(18,3)	
	SET @MeanTime = @H + @SunRightAsention - (0.06571 * @t) - 6.622
	DECLARE @UT decimal(18,3)
	SET @UT = @MeanTime - @lngHour

	SELECT dbo.TimeFromDecimal(@UT + @GMT, @localDate) 

Hope you find this information useful. Happy coding!


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Argentina Argentina
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.

Comments and Discussions

QuestionAnd here it is translated to MySQL... Pin
Member 1465671715-Nov-19 1:16
Member 1465671715-Nov-19 1:16 
QuestionHow to calculate MOONrise and MOONset? Pin
gbrown203626-Jul-19 9:49
gbrown203626-Jul-19 9:49 
QuestionNot all timezones are differentiated by Hour Pin
JohnGalt1730-Aug-12 7:55
JohnGalt1730-Aug-12 7:55 

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