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Dynamically resize uploaded images & save in PNG format

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7 May 2003 1  
Overcome the problem of image quality deterioration on resizing by converting to PNG format.

Sample Image - PNGUploader.jpg


Uploading images & storing them dynamically after resizing is a painless affair now using .NET, unlike what it used to be in Classic ASP. There are several good articles on uploading & resizing images on CodeProject (.NET Image Uploading [^], File Upload with ASP.NET [^], Thumbnail Image Creation and Image format Conversion Utility [^]) & elsewhere on the net (True Image Resizing [^]). One issue with resizing images is that the quality of the image deteriorates. This article is written in praise of the PNG image format & shows how the original quality of the uploaded image of any regular format can be maintained & even be improved.

PNG - What's it?

Check out this excellent article on the PNG image format - FAQ: Converting GIF or JPG to PNG [^]. To paraphrase the article -

  • PNG stands for Portable Network Graphics and pronounced "ping".
  • PNG is supported by the major browsers (Microsoft IE and Netscape 4.x and higher)
  • The images are a lot clearer, no more grainy GIF images or pixelated JPGs!

Source code

This application allows the user to set the dimensions for the image to be resized & uploaded. The resized image is converted into the W3C Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image format by using the PNG property of the ImageFormat class.

<%@ Page Language="C#" %>
<%@ import Namespace="System.Drawing.Imaging" %>
<script runat="server">
//Pics folder has to be created under the current folder
void UploadBtn_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
    String UploadedFile = MyFile.PostedFile.FileName;
    int ExtractPos = UploadedFile.LastIndexOf("\\") + 1;
    //to retrieve only Filename from the complete path
    String UploadedFileName = UploadedFile.Substring(ExtractPos,UploadedFile.Length - ExtractPos);
    // Display information about posted file. Div is invisible by default   
    FileName.InnerHtml = UploadedFileName;
    MyContentType.InnerHtml = MyFile.PostedFile.ContentType;
    ContentLength.InnerHtml = MyFile.PostedFile.ContentLength.ToString();
    FileDetails.Visible = true; //div is made visible
    // Save uploaded file to server at the in the Pics folder
                            + "pics\\" + UploadedFileName );

   //thumbnail creation starts
      //Retrieve the image filename whose thumbnail has to be created
      String imageUrl =  UploadedFileName;
      //Read in the width and height
      int imageHeight =Convert.ToInt32(h.Text);
      int imageWidth  = Convert.ToInt32(w.Text); 
      //You may even specify a standard thumbnail size
      //int imageWidth  = 70; 
      //int imageHeight = 70;
      if (imageUrl.IndexOf("/") >= 0 || imageUrl.IndexOf("\\") >= 0 )
         //We found a / or \
      //the uploaded image will be stored in the Pics folder.
      //to get resize the image, the original image has to be
      //accessed from the Pics folder
      imageUrl = "pics/" + imageUrl;
      System.Drawing.Image fullSizeImg 
              = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(Server.MapPath(imageUrl));
      System.Drawing.Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort dummyCallBack 
              = new System.Drawing.Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort(ThumbnailCallback);
      System.Drawing.Image thumbNailImg 
              = fullSizeImg.GetThumbnailImage(imageWidth, imageHeight, 
                                              dummyCallBack, IntPtr.Zero);
      //We need to create a unique filename for each generated image
      DateTime MyDate = DateTime.Now;
      String MyString  = MyDate.ToString("ddMMyyhhmmss") + ".png" ;
      //Save the thumbnail in PNG format. 
      //You may change it to a diff format with the ImageFormat property
      thumbNailImg.Save ( Request.PhysicalApplicationPath 
                          + "pics\\" +   MyString , ImageFormat.Png);
      //Display the original & the newly generated thumbnail
      Image1.AlternateText = "Original image";  
      Image1.ImageUrl="pics\\" + UploadedFileName;
      Image2.AlternateText = "Thumbnail";
      Image2.ImageUrl="pics\\" + MyString;
   catch(Exception ex)
      Response.Write("An error occurred - " + ex.ToString());
//this function is reqd for thumbnail creation
public bool ThumbnailCallback()
   return false;

How to run the app

Unzip & run the .aspx file using IIS. Make sure a folder named PICS is created before-hand in the current working directory.


This article demonstrates how the quality of dynamically created images can be maintained & even enhanced by saving them in PNG format.


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