There are many important aspects of a complete Zero
Footprint DICOM Viewer built using HTML5 and JavaScript. The latest medical
imaging development product from LEADTOOLS has it all: image display, image
processing, fast client-side window leveling, series stack, annotations and
more. In our first
article, we introduced the viewer and highlighted its PACS query / retrieve
and client-side window leveling features. In this article, we will continue
digging into the HTML5 DICOM viewer and take a closer look at its client side annotations
and markup.
Key HTML5 DICOM Viewer Features in LEADTOOLS SDKs
HTML5 / JavaScript Viewer Control for cross-platform image
- Supports both mouse and multi-touch (gesture) input
- Fast, client-side tools for Window Level, Series Stack, image
processing and more
- View DICOM images anywhere, on your desktop, tablet or mobile
device, from your local archive or a remote PACS using DICOM communication
- RESTful Web Services for performing query/retrieve and streaming
DICOM metadata and image data in any format or compression
- Native HTML5 Image Annotation and Markup
- Signed and unsigned display for extended grayscale images
- Client caching of downloaded image data for fast reloads and
network traffic reduction
Full featured HTML5 DICOM Viewing application with source code,
for easy customization and branding
SDK Products that Include HTML5 DICOM Viewer Technology
The HTML5 DICOM Viewer Code
The LEADTOOLS HTML5 zero footprint DICOM viewer is actually
a fully functional ASP.NET web application that integrates directly with any PACS
to stream DICOM images to the client. The source code is provided so that
developers can easily make modifications, customizations and branding changes
to the application as they see fit. In what follows below, some of the key
features are explained with screenshots and code snippets to illustrate the
benefits of the toolkit.
HTML5 Annotations for DICOM Images
Once a DICOM series has been selected and the images begin
streaming to the viewer, the annotations are initialized for use. The AnnAutomationManager object is created and attached to the
viewer. As you can see below, the annotations are given their own HTML5 canvas
which is overlaid on top of the viewer. This allows the annotations to be
drawn in a separate layer from the image and increases efficiency and reduces
the possibility for corruption of the canvas being displayed underneath.
function initializeAnnotations() {
_automationManager = new Leadtools.Annotations.Automation.AnnAutomationManager();
var divElemnt = document.getElementById("ViewerParent");
_overlayCanvas = document.createElement("canvas"); = "overlayCanvas";
_overlayCanvas.width = $(divElemnt).width();
_overlayCanvas.height = $(divElemnt).height();
var parent = document.getElementById(_leadViewer.get_canvasId()).parentNode;
_automationInteractiveMode = new Leadtools.Annotations.Automation.ImageViewerAutomationControl(_leadViewer);
The great thing about the AnnAutomationManager
is that it does everything for you. All the events are handled internally so
mouse and touch events are correctly interpreted to draw, modify, transform and
scale the annotations anytime the user interacts with the canvas or annotation
objects. Additionally, it will rescale and translate the annotations
accordingly whenever the viewer’s display properties such as zooming and
scrolling are altered so that the annotations stay in the same logical position
on the image.
To use the annotations, all one must do next is select the
object you wish to draw, or use the Select tool to modify an existing
annotation. In the demo application, we include several buttons that, when
clicked, enable the desired annotation tool. You can enable or disable as many
as you wish, but we ship the demo with the most popular annotations used in the
healthcare industry (Arrow, Rectangle, Ellipse, Text, Highlight, Ruler, Poly
Ruler and Protractor). The snippet below shows the onClick event of several
buttons to give an idea of how little is needed for so many features.
function OnAnnotationSelect() {
if (null != _leadViewer && null != _currentAutomation && _annotationSelect.enabled) {
function OnAnnotationArrow() {
if (null != _leadViewer && null != _currentAutomation && _annotationArrow.enabled) {
function OnAnnotationText() {
if (null != _leadViewer && null != _currentAutomation && _annotationText.enabled) {

Loading and Saving Annotations Using the Web Service
The ability to load and save annotations is crucial to the
workflow of medical applications. First and foremost, they help describe,
point out, or make note of something in the image. The most important piece of
information is still the image itself so annotations should have a simple
method of being hidden and brought back. DICOM viewing applications are also collaborative.
Radiologists, nurses, doctors and patients alike can look at the images and
often need to get second opinions, making the ability to pass notes and
annotations back and forth very handy. Finally, this is a web application so
the users of the application will need to see the image and annotations on any
computer, mobile device or tablet from any location.
LEADTOOLS uses a RESTful web service to load and save the
annotations. As shown below, the first step is to get a description (e.g. "Dr.
Brown’s Notes", "John please review!", etc.) and the image frame on which the
annotations are drawn (SOP Instance UID). These two pieces of information are sent
in the userData parameter via JSON, and the LEADTOOLS
web service takes care of the rest by saving the annotation data to the
server’s database.
function DoSaveAnn(annotationsData) {
var firstFrame = _dicomLoader.GetFrame(0);
var description = $('#annSaveDescText').val();
if (!description) {
alert("You must enter a description");
var series = firstFrame.Instance.SeriesInstanceUID;
var userData = { Description: description,
ReferencedSOPInstance: firstFrame.Instance.SOPInstanceUID
annotationsProxy.SaveAnnotations(series, annotationsData, JSON.stringify(userData), SaveAnnotationsError, SaveAnnotationsSuccess);
When an image frame is loaded, the application does a quick
permissions check and then retrieves an array of previously saved annotation
files associated with the image.
function OnSeriesLoaded(args, frames) {
if (_userPermissions.CanViewAnnotations) {
FindAnnotationsError, FindAnnotationsSuccess);
function FindAnnotationsSuccess(annotations) {
if (annotations && annotations.length > 0) {
_loadedAnnotationsIds = annotations;
else {
_loadedAnnotationsIds = null;
If the image has annotations, then the load button is
enabled. Clicking the load button brings up a dialog with each set of
annotations associated with the frame. After the user selects an annotation
file, the following code will get the annotation data from the server and begin
adding each annotation to the canvas.
function LoadSelectedServerAnn() {
var annID = _loadedAnnotationsIds[parseInt($($(".annItemSelected")[0]).attr("annIndex"))];
annotationsProxy.GetAnnotations(annID.AnnotationID, GetAnnotationsError, GetAnnotationsSuccess);
function GetAnnotationsSuccess(annotationsData) {
if (annotationsData) {
try {
var length = _automationArray.length;
var codecs = new Leadtools.Annotations.Core.AnnCodecs();
while (length--) {
var frame = _dicomLoader.GetFrame(length);
var automation = _automationArray[length];
var container = automation.get_container();
var destChildren = container.get_children();
var instanceNumber = frame.Instance.InstanceNumber;
var loadContainer = codecs.loadFromXmlDocument(annotationsData, parseInt (instanceNumber));
if (loadContainer) {
var srcChildren = loadContainer.get_children();
var childrenCount = srcChildren.get_count();
for (var i = 0; i < childrenCount; i++) {
var child = srcChildren.get_item(i);
alert("Annotations Loaded");
catch (er) {
alert('Invalid annotations data.\n\r' + er );
else {
alert("No annotations found");

As you can see in the next screenshot, the same image and
annotations load perfectly from an iPhone.

LEADTOOLS provides developers with access to the world’s
best performing and most stable imaging libraries in easy-to-use, high-level
programming interfaces enabling rapid development of business-critical
The zero footprint HTML5 DICOM Viewer is only one of the
many technologies LEADTOOLS has to offer. For more information on our other
products, be sure to visit our home
page, download a free fully functioning evaluation SDK, and take advantage
of our free technical support during your evaluation.
Download the Full HTML5 DICOM Viewer Example
To get started with this example, you can preview it online where it is
hosted on our website. Or you can download a fully functional demo which
includes the features discussed above. To run this example you will need the
LEADTOOLS free 60 day evaluation
- Browse to C:\LEADTOOLS 17.5\Shortcuts\HTML5\02 Medical\Medical
Web Viewer
- Execute "Run This First To Config 32-bit Demos" and at
the Database Configuration Wizard screen, change the default configuration of
each database to use Microsoft SQL Server (e.g. SQLEXPRESS) rather than
Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5. Remember the user name and password supplied
because those will be used at the login screen of the demo. Use defaults for
everything else.
- Execute "Run This Second To Configure the REST Services"
and use the default options.
Execute "Run Web Viewer 32-bit Demo" and click
"Fix Problems" if necessary to correct any differences in versions
between database and IIS requirements.
Need help getting this sample up and running? Contact
our support team for free technical support! For pricing or licensing
questions, you can contact our sales team (
or call us at 704-332-5532.
For More Information on HTML5 Imaging with LEADTOOLS