I'm enjoying the weekend, with Microsoft SQL Server R2 November CTP and its new features from Database engine features to Analysis Services features, Reporting Service features, etc...
I'll post a series about those features en shaaa ALLAH in the next days, but let's begin with Database engine features #1 connectivity to SQL Azure: what's
SQL Azure?
is a cloud-based relational database service built on SQL ServerĀ® technologies. To learn more about SQL Azure press
First you need to have Microsoft SQL Server R2 November CTP, get all about it from
here and SQL Azure account (I got it from
Microsoft Connect)
How to connect to SQL Azure

Open SSMS, and using your Azure account (Server name, username and password) try to login

And if it's your first time to use SQL Azure you'll get that

Then you should configure SQL Azure to accept connections from your IP, go to and select your project or create a new one

Select firewall settings to set your IP allowed to Access SQL Azure

Enter the rule name make it meaningful to be easy for your to manage, IP range, here's I select my IP I don't want anyone to access else me

Important note, don't run to SSMS to login, it just take some minutes from 2-5 minutes to apply changes.

Try now

Congrats, you're now connected -have problem till now?- please contact me Open new query window, create database, objects using T-SQL... you just need to create your database

Then close this query window to create objects inside "FirstDatabase" database you should refersh server databases and select "FirstDatabase" then new query Window, because USE Database not supported.

Version 1.0 submitted 17th November 2009.