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Registry Comparator (GUI) in C#

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31 Aug 2012CPOL10 min read 38.9K   1.9K   35   10
Registry hive reader and comparator.


In order to see how some software manipulate the Windows Registry, I needed a tool that could take two hive files, load them, and then compare them to show the differences between the two. I did find some code on the net that would compare files but not two registry hives in a nice graphical way. So I thought of coding one myself in C#. (Registry Hives are binary files, I don't mean here the .reg text based files made by regedit.exe.)


Windows stores the Registry in binary files. The format of this Registry hive is not publicly available. The way data is stored in the Registry is simple. It begins with a Registry header of size 4096 bytes. It then starts off with Logical Data blocks - aka Cells. Based on the type of Logical Data blocks, it will have a list of pointers (called offsets = file offset from 4096th byte). These pointers point to another logical cell which has more information or data in them. Broadly speaking, there are two types of cells:

  1. Node Key Cell
  2. Value Key Cell

Node keys - as the name suggests - are nodes of a tree. It's like the directory in the Windows file system. A directory can have in it more directories and files. This node cell has four important pieces of information.

  1. Number of Subkeys in this Node (or Key)
  2. Pointer to a Cell that stores the address of these Subkeys.
  3. Number of Value Key Cells in this node.
  4. Pointer to a Cell that stores addresses of Value Keys.

A value key cell stores data. Value keys behave like files which have different types of formats and information. Values keys are broadly categorized into having text based information or binary information.

HIVE starts off with the ROOT node at (4096+32) address. Information is read by reading this first Node Key type cell. The subkey node information provides us link to the sub keys present in this node. We have to iterate through all the nodes to read the entire Registry hive. We also read the Value Keys as we iterate deeper into levels.

I have got some very good information (and coding help too) from these articles:

We then read these node information into a WinForms TreeNode and then plot them in a TreeView.

Once we have two hives loaded in two separate TreeViews, we then compare them using a simple iteration method. We assign color to TreeNodes based on the search status: Green is an unchanged reg key type, red is a key that was deleted (or not present) in the second file, blue is a key that was added into the second file (not present in the first), and pink means a Value Key that was changed in its data. 

Using the code

The code starts off by creating a WinForm and adding to it a TreeView, Buttons, and some Labels. Labels provide information about the two Registry hives, Buttons just call a method to load a hive in a TreeNode. We jump straight to loading the first registry file into memory as a byte array. 

fs = File.OpenRead(InputputRegistryFile);  // File Stream
byte[] data = new byte[fs.Length];  //data[] has the file in memory as byte[]
fs.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
if (fs.Length < 4096) { MessageBox.Show("Not a reg hive file."); fs.Close(); return; }
     // reg file cant be smaller than 4096 bytes. A simple check to see if file is a hive
fs.Close();  // File closed 

The node loading starts by creating the first root node.

TreeNode treenode = new TreeNode();
treenode.Text = "--Registry--Root--" //you could name anything as you like
TreeView treeView1 = new TreeView();  // create a tree view

The process begins by reading the first Node Key Logical cell from the Data[] array. The Node Key cell structure is as below:

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
struct key_block  { 
    public int  block_size;

    [MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 2)]
    public byte[] block_type;// "nk" identifies this as a NODE KEY (nk) type cell.

    [MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 18)]
    public byte[] dum1;
    public uint   subkey_count;  // number of sub keys (or sub nodes) in this node
    [MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 4)]
    public byte[] dum2;

    public int   offsettosubkeys;  //stores the offset to subkey list
    [MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 4)]
    public byte[] dum3;

    public int   value_count;  // number of values in the node or key
    public int   offsettovaluelist; // offset to cell which stores value key information
    [MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 28)]
    public byte[] dum4;
    public ushort len;
    public ushort du;
    // Name of Node Key is stored at the end of this structure.
    // Length of name is the len variable of this structure.

We shall create a method to which we pass on the address in data[] and read this structure. We then using the len variable of this structure read the name of the node. This name is stored immediately after the structure ends. 

We use the Queue in C# to iterate sub key reading level by level. The general concept followed is:

  1. Add to the queue the root node address.
  2. Start the loop and process until the queue is empty.
  3. In the processing, read one node address from queue and then read the Key Node structure pointed at this address.
  4. Process the sub node keys information of this node. If any subkeys are present, add the address of each subkey in the queue.
  5. If any Value Key is present, make a TreeNode with the name and information and add it to the tree node (the one that points to the TreeView).

Here, we do one more thing. In the queue, we add a structure. The structure has only two items: a pointer to the Node Key Cell and the present TreeNode. The idea is to preserve the 'present node' as we are continuously reading and processing subkeys. Every time we read a subkey from the queue, we also have its parent treenode available to us. This facilitates adding information at that address in the TreeNode.

public struct stackobject
    public int offset;
    public TreeNode treend;
stackobject tstackobject = new stackobject();
public Queue<stackobject> jobstack = new Queue<stackobject>();

tstackobject.offset = 4128; // the first Root node is at this address
tstackobject.treend = treenode; // the root of TreeNode
jobstack.Enqueue(tstackobject);  //Queue the first stackobject
presentnode = treenode;   // present node stores information about current node level

    tstackobject = jobstack.Dequeue(); //read object from queue
    presentkey = tstackobject.offset;  // read the offset where node key is stored
    presentnode = tstackobject.treend;
    readkeyblock(presentkey);  // read keyblock in tmpblock using a method
    tstring = getstringataddress(presentkey + 80,tmpblock.len); //read the key name
    TreeNode newnode = new TreeNode(); // create a new Treenode
    newnode.Text = tstring;
    presentnode = newnode;

Once the name is added to the TreeNode, we now process the information stored in the key block. We start with Value Keys in this Node (or Key). The Node Key points to an address where the address of each Value Key block is stored (like the point to pointers). From the Node key, we know the number of Value Keys so it now reduces to simply reading the address of each Value Key and reading the Value Key structure at that address. A Value Key block has this structure:

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
struct value_block {
    public int  block_size;

    [MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 2)]
    public byte[] block_type;// "vk"
    public ushort name_len;
    public uint  size;
    public uint  offset;
    public uint  value_type;
    public ushort flags;
    public ushort dummy;
   // char  name; 

The Value Key provides information about the key type using the value_type uinteger. A value of 1, 2, 6, and 7 are treated as text based data, 4 is binary DWORD, and rest is binary data. Offset data in this structure is the address where the actual information is stored with size providing the length of this data. (OFFSET is offset from 4096th byte- not the file start.) Here also, the name of the Value Node is stored immediately after this structure with name_len providing the length of it.

A Value Key with zero name length becomes the 'default' value key as seen in regedit. The code below shows the reading of Value Nodes:

if (tmpblock.value_count != 0) //if number of values in the node key is not zero
 for(int v=0;v < tmpblock.value_count; v++){
  ad= (int)readuintataddress(tmpblock.offsettovaluelist + root +4 + 4*v) + root; //root = 4096
  readvalueblock(ad); // read value block structure at address pointed by ad in tvalueblock.
  if (tvalueblock.size > 0)
    TreeNode newnode1 = new TreeNode(); // create a TreeNode for this Value Key
    vstring = getstringataddress(ad + Marshal.SizeOf(tvalueblock), tvalueblock.name_len);
    // store the length of key name in Treenode tag.
    // This will help us in the comparison of the files.
    newnode1.Tag = vstring.Length;
    switch (tvalueblock.value_type)
    {  // read the data based on valuetype

Once the Value Nodes are read, it is time to process the sub nodes (or sub keys) in the present node key. Here also, we follow the same procedure. Offset provides the address of the location where the address of each sub node key is stored. Unlike value key processing, this pointer to the list of sub nodes could be one dimensional or two. Which means, the address pointed by the offset data may be a list of subkey addresses or a list of addresses that stores a list of actual addresses pointing to node keys. This is decided based on a simple offset type structure. We simply start of by reading this offset type structure pointed by the Node Key offset data. 

[StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)]
struct offsets {   //subkey_list
public int  block_size;
[MarshalAsAttribute(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 2)]
public byte[] block_type;// // "lf" "il" "ri"
public  ushort count;   

lf or lh type offset block means a one dimensional array of Node Key addresses. li or ri type offset block means a two dimensional addressing of node key addresses. We simply process this structure and get to the Node Key address. For each Node Key address that we read, we just push the address into our queue. These nodes will get processed by itself as our loop progresses and reads the queue objects.

This way, the entire file is scanned level by level, we create a TreeNode for each object found, and add them to the TreeNode that is also saved in the queue.

File Comparison 

For comparison, we first load the hives into two separate TreeViews. The first is made visible but the second one is only for comparison purposes. treenode and treenode2 are the respective nodes of these TreeViews.

The approach followed is similar to what regedit does for every search. Instead of the recursive search published at the MSDN website, we will do a level by level search using a queue managed by ourselves (and not the system managed queue used in recursive iterations). Here is the code to do simple level by level data handling of TreeView nodes. 

public Queue<TreeNode> treequeue = new Queue<TreeNode>();
treequeue.Enqueue(treenode);  //treenode is the root node of TreeView
while (treequeue.Count != 0)
   Treenode ttree = treequeue.Dequeue();
        ttree.BackColor = Color.Red;  // process the node anyhow
        if (ttree.FirstNode != null) treequeue.Enqueue(ttree.FirstNode);
        ttree = ttree.NextNode;
    } while (ttree != null) ;

In the code above, we are changing the back color of each node of the tree. This is being done level by level.

To begin the comparison, we will make the back color of Tree1 as red and Tree2 as Blue. We will compare each node of Tree2 with every node of Tree1 level by level. There could be only two cases for this search:

  1. If at a given level the node is found, we change the back color of Tree one nodes to Green.
  2. If at a given level the node is not found, we simply copy the entire Node that we are searching into Tree1. (we had already marked the entire Tree2 as Blue, so this makes this node as a Added Later data).
  3. For this entire sub node that we added to Tree1, we don't search within this sub node. This is done by not adding this sub node to the Queue and the entire sub node is automatically removed from processing.
  4. If the node being searched is a Value type node, we not just compare the node name but also the data in that node. Remember we had saved the length of Node name in the Node.Tag key. This helps us in searching the name and data. (Also see that we have the name and data both stored as a single string in the Node.Text property, and we needed some place to store the length of the key name -rest being its data).
treequeue.Enqueue(treenode2);  //Queue up the Root node of Tree2
while (treequeue.Count != 0)
   TreeNode ttree = treequeue.Dequeue();
       stackthisnode = 1;
       // find this node in Treeone. If there fine, if not we wont add this
       // to stack for processing. Method adjust the value of stackthisnode to signal its stacking
       if (ttree.FirstNode != null && stackthisnode == 1) treequeue.Enqueue(ttree.FirstNode);
       ttree = ttree.NextNode;
   } while (ttree != null);

Finally the method - Findthisnodeintree1 - takes in the Treenode from Tree2 and search for its presence in Tree1. 

  1. To make search simple, it first checks if the Tree2 node has child elements. This is done using the Node.Tag element. (Remember for Value type keys we had saved the length of key name into Node.Tag). If this Node.Tag is null, it means its a Node Key type data.
  2. We use the Node.Fulllength property we get the full address of the Node. We parse this name for '\\' and get the names of the nodes at each level.
  3. For each level and with the key name available, we search in Tree1. If found we keep on going (and make the Tree1 node as green) until the last level. If even the last one is found, we want to process the subkeys in that node and thus allow the Queuing of this Node Key.
  4. If its not found at any level, we simple copy the Node from that level into Tree1 and disallow the queuing of the Node for further processing. 
void searchforthisnodeintree1(TreeNode tn)
    searchqueue.Enqueue(treenode);  //treenode is the masternode of Treeview1
    string fullpath = tn.FullPath;
    string shrt = "", nodetext="";
    int index = -1, comparestatus=0, last=0, level=0;
    if (tn.Tag == null)  //find only directory nodes. tag = null only for key nodes
        str2 = tn.Text;
        while (searchqueue.Count != 0)
            index = -1;
            ttree = searchqueue.Dequeue();
            temp = ttree;  //making a copy of ttree
            index = fullpath.IndexOf('\\'); last = 0;
            if (index == -1) { shrt = fullpath; last = 1; }
            else { shrt = fullpath.Substring(0, index); fullpath = fullpath.Substring(index + 1); }
                found = 0;
                if (ttree.Tag == null)//we are not interested in value nodes
                    nodetext = ttree.Text;
                    comparestatus = string.Compare(shrt, nodetext);
                    if (comparestatus == 0)
                        ttree.BackColor = Color.Green;
                        found = 1; if (last == 1) searchqueue.Clear(); break;
                ttree = ttree.NextNode;
            } while (ttree != null);
            if (found == 0) //if the node is not found,means it was added in second file
                stackthisnode = 0; //disallow queuing of this node
                if (temp.Parent != null) { temp = temp.Parent; temp.Nodes.Add((TreeNode)tn.Clone()); }
                else { treeView1.Nodes.Add((TreeNode)tn.Clone()); }

The Value nodes are also searched in a similar manner. Only difference being, we have to search for the name first and if found, compare the data string. If data is not similar, we mark the tree1 object pink. 

Image 1

Points of Interest

This code also shows how to compare two Treenodes quickly. I think Regedit also follows a similar approach in searching for information.


I would like to give credit to the two links mentioned above for providing assistance in making this utility. Changes made to the software:

  1. Form Resize has been incorporated to make view better on bigger screen.
  2. Boundary condition to detect if Key node is empty. It was causing null entry in Queue and was not handled properly while dequeing.
  3. C++
    ttree = searchqueue.Dequeue();
    if (ttree == null)
        stackthisnode = 0; 
    }// this happens when the last node is empty, means items were added here
  4. Button was added to remove the common data nodes. This makes the viewing a little easier. We actually create a new Treenode (=Finaltreenode) and only copy in there the nodes that are not marked as Green. To make the task of deleting the same nodes, we start be deleting the value keys first. This way we will empty the node keys that have all green marked keys. 
  5. C++
    newqueue.Clear();start = 1;
    FinalNode.Text = "--REGISTRY--ROOT--";//"--Registry--Root--";
    FinalNode.BackColor = Color.Green;
    FinalNode.Tag = null;
    while (treequeue.Count != 0)
        ttree = treequeue.Dequeue();
        tnn = newqueue.Dequeue();
        if (ttree.Tag != null && ttree.BackColor != Color.Green)  // if value key
                tnn1 = new TreeNode();
                tnn1.Text = ttree.Text;
                tnn1.BackColor = ttree.BackColor;
                tnn1.Tag = 1;
                tnn1.ImageIndex = ttree.ImageIndex;
            if (ttree.Tag == null )  //if node key
           if (ttree.FirstNode != null) treequeue.Enqueue(ttree.FirstNode);
                    tnn1 = new TreeNode(); tnn1.Text = ttree.Text;
                    tnn1.Tag = null;
                    tnn1.BackColor = ttree.BackColor;// Color.Green; 
                    if (start == 1) { start = 0; newqueue.Enqueue(FinalNode); }
                    { tnn.Nodes.Add(tnn1);
                        if (ttree.FirstNode != null) newqueue.Enqueue(tnn1);
           try { ttree = ttree.NextNode; }
            catch { ttree = null; }
        } while (ttree != null);
  6. We then proceed in a similar manner to delete the Node (or the directory) keys. For this, we shall have to make multiple iterations. The logic here is we delete All the Node keys that are marked Green and have no Child node. The nodes are deleted from the last level in a single iteration. We then iterate again deleting more last green marked nodes, and we keep on doing this until there are no more last green nodes to delete. Its done this way: 
  7. The idea here is we create a new Treenode and copy all the nodes but the last empty nodes.
  8. C++
    while(anynodesdeleted !=0) //Run until no more nodes to delete
        newqueue.Clear();start = 1;
        treenode = (TreeNode) FinalNode.Clone();
        FinalNode.Text = "--REGISTRY--ROOT--";//set up root node
        FinalNode.BackColor = Color.Green;
        FinalNode.Tag = null; //all node types have Tag=null; Value keys have integer Tag
        anynodesdeleted = 0;
        while (treequeue.Count != 0)
            ttree = treequeue.Dequeue();
            tnn = newqueue.Dequeue();
                if (ttree.Tag != null && ttree.BackColor != Color.Green)// if value key just copy over
                    tnn1 = new TreeNode();
                    tnn1.Text = ttree.Text;
                    tnn1.BackColor = ttree.BackColor;
                    tnn1.Tag = 1;
                    tnn1.ImageIndex = ttree.ImageIndex;
                if (ttree.Tag == null )  //if node key
                    if (ttree.FirstNode != null) treequeue.Enqueue(ttree.FirstNode);
                    tnn1 = new TreeNode(); tnn1.Text = ttree.Text;
                    tnn1.Tag = null;
                    tnn1.BackColor = ttree.BackColor;// Color.Green; 
                    if (start == 1) { start = 0; newqueue.Enqueue(FinalNode); }
                        if (ttree.BackColor == Color.Green && ttree.FirstNode == null) { anynodesdeleted++; }
                        else tnn.Nodes.Add(tnn1); //copy if not last node
                        if (ttree.FirstNode != null) newqueue.Enqueue(tnn1);
    	       try { ttree = ttree.NextNode; }
    	       catch { ttree = null; }
    	    } while (ttree != null);


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
India India
Tarsem has been working in the Oil and Gas Industry for more than 10 years as a Field Engineer acquiring well data and then as Petrophysicist, analyzing the data for oil/gas presence.

Comments and Discussions

QuestionCan I publish a modified version of your code on github? Pin
altiris4ever5-Feb-20 1:57
altiris4ever5-Feb-20 1:57 
QuestionCan you explain code below ? Pin
Tran Ptit19-Sep-15 2:43
Tran Ptit19-Sep-15 2:43 
I don't understand code in region, how can decide case and write about it ? Can you help me and explain so clearly, thanks you very much !

if (tmpblock.value_count != 0)
int blankcount = 0;
for (int v = 0; v < tmpblock.value_count; v++)
// offset to value list is a series of address location (after 4 bytes of offset)
// these address points to value blocks
ad = (int)readuintataddress(tmpblock.offsettovaluelist + root + 4 + 4 * v) + root;
iindex = 2; //image index default to string type
if (tvalueblock.block_type[0] != 'v' || tvalueblock.block_type[1] != 'k')
MessageBox.Show("Value Block not VK type. Quitting.");
if (tvalueblock.size > 0)
vstring = "";
TreeNode newnode1 = new TreeNode();
if (tvalueblock.name_len == 0)
vstring = "Default: ";
} //the default key
vstring = getstringataddress(ad + Marshal.SizeOf(tvalueblock), tvalueblock.name_len) + ": ";
newnode1.Tag = vstring.Length;
switch (tvalueblock.value_type)
case 1: // simple dotted string
case 2: // "system root" type string keys
case 6: //regkey link in string frmat
// if data is in offset, than there can be only two characters in it as its in dotted format. if size is two, it means zero size string, if size is 4, one characted string.
if (tvalueblock.size >= hex)
tvalueblock.size <<= 1;
tvalueblock.size >>= 1;
if (tvalueblock.size < 3) vstring += "BLANK";
else vstring = string.Concat(vstring, (char)tvalueblock.offset);
vstring += getUTF16stringataddress((int)tvalueblock.offset + root + 4, (int)tvalueblock.size);

case 7: //series of string terminated by 00 and also then fully terminated by 00
if (tvalueblock.size >= hex)
vstring += "BLANK";
vstring += getUTF16stringataddress((int)tvalueblock.offset + root + 4, (int)tvalueblock.size);
case 4: // Dword 4 bytes . would normally be stored in offset value
iindex = 1;
if (tvalueblock.size >= hex) vstring += tvalueblock.offset.ToString();
else vstring += "INVALID DWORD LENGTH";
case 3: //binary data
case 0:
case 8:
case 9:
case 10:
case 11: // 64bit Endian Integer...Regedit marks this as binary value
iindex = 1;
if (tvalueblock.size >= hex)
tvalueblock.size <<= 1;
tvalueblock.size >>= 1;
vstring += offsettostring(tvalueblock.offset, tvalueblock.size);
vstring += getstringataddressvalueof3((int)tvalueblock.offset + root + 4, (int)tvalueblock.size);

default: iindex = 1;
if (tvalueblock.value_type < 15)
MessageBox.Show("Use this file to add another value type");
if (tvalueblock.size >= hex)
tvalueblock.size <<= 1;
tvalueblock.size >>= 1;
vstring += offsettostring(tvalueblock.offset, tvalueblock.size);
vstring += getstringataddress((int)tvalueblock.offset + root + 4, (int)tvalueblock.size);

} //switch
if (blankcount > 1)
MessageBox.Show("More than one blank item in node.");

newnode1.Text = vstring;
newnode1.ImageIndex = iindex;
newnode1.SelectedImageIndex = iindex;
QuestionAdd registry field change Pin
Member 1066229025-Mar-14 5:53
Member 1066229025-Mar-14 5:53 
Questionvery efficient and nice but -- Unicode key and value names: Pin
Michael Hinman27-Mar-13 7:04
Michael Hinman27-Mar-13 7:04 
QuestionCool tool, but I've got a couple of suggestions... Pin
Johnny J.28-Aug-12 23:49
professionalJohnny J.28-Aug-12 23:49 
AnswerRe: Cool tool, but I've got a couple of suggestions... Pin
mittaltarsem30-Aug-12 19:18
mittaltarsem30-Aug-12 19:18 
GeneralMy vote of 4 Pin
Christian Amado23-Aug-12 6:04
professionalChristian Amado23-Aug-12 6:04 
QuestionCode? Pin
fjdiewornncalwe21-Aug-12 17:07
professionalfjdiewornncalwe21-Aug-12 17:07 
AnswerRe: Code? Pin
wvd_vegt22-Aug-12 2:39
professionalwvd_vegt22-Aug-12 2:39 
GeneralRe: Code? Pin
mittaltarsem23-Aug-12 0:07
mittaltarsem23-Aug-12 0:07 

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