![Sample image](googleapisinasp/googleapi.gif)
I have found how to use the Google API in ASP! Before you use these functions, please check out http://api.google.com/. In order to use these examples, you need a key which will limit you to 1000 queries a day. This is available free from the API website. The Google API uses SOAP to allow data transfer between two different OSs easily. These examples use Microsoft's SOAP Toolkit to manage the connection to the remote server (in this case Google). Above is a screenshot of it in action on my website. Here is a fully working example of the search function. To use the API, call these functions in your ASP file where you want it to appear, and specify the necessary parameters.
To search Google, use this function:
GoogleSearch(Query, Start, MaxResults, Filter, Restrict, SafeSurf, Lr)
Dim Key
Key = "your key goes here"
Dim SoapClient
set SoapClient = Server.CreateObject("MSSOAP.SoapClient")
Dim NodeList
SoapClient.ClientProperty("ServerHTTPRequest") = True
SoapClient.mssoapinit "http://api.google.com/GoogleSearch.wsdl"
Set NodeList = SoapClient.doGoogleSearch(key, _
Query, Start, MaxResults, Filter,
Restrict, SafeSurf, Lr, "", "")
Set NodeList = Nothing
Set SoapClient = Nothing
End Function
This will give you an array that you will have to parse, to get the useful information out. Here is a function which will format the results in a similar format to Google's own results:
Function DisplayList(ByRef ResultNodeList)
Dim documentFiltering, estimatedTotalResultsCount
Dim searchTime, endIndex, searchTips, searchComments
Dim startindex, estimateIsExact, searchQuery
Dim yIndex, tempDir, CategoryHTML, DocSize
Dim DocSnippet, DocCat, DocRelated, DocCatTitle
Dim DocCatDesc, DocURL, DocTitle, iIndex, HTMLOutput
documentFiltering = ResultNodeList.Item(1).Text
estimatedTotalResultsCount = ResultNodeList.Item(3).Text
searchTime = ResultNodeList.Item(7).Text
endIndex = ResultNodeList.Item(11).Text
searchTips = ResultNodeList.Item(13).Text
searchComments = ResultNodeList.Item(15).Text
startindex = ResultNodeList.Item(17).Text
estimateIsExact = ResultNodeList.Item(19).Text
searchQuery = ResultNodeList.Item(21).Text
CategoryHTML = "<H3>Results " & startindex & " - " & endIndex & " of
about " & estimatedTotalResultsCount & ". Search took " & searchTime
& " seconds.</H3>"
For yIndex = 0 To
ResultNodeList.Item(5).childNodes.length - 1
If ResultNodeList.Item(5).childNodes.Item(yIndex).nodeName _
= "item" Then
tempDir = ResultNodeList.Item(5).childNodes.Item(yIndex).Text
CategoryHTML = CategoryHTML & _
"<a href=""http://directory.google.com/" & _
tempDir & "/"">" & DirTree(tempDir) & _
Response.Write CategoryHTML
End If
For iIndex = 0 To
ResultNodeList.Item(9).childNodes.length - 1
If ResultNodeList.Item(9).childNodes.Item(iIndex).nodeName = "item" Then
DocSize = _
DocSnippet = _
DocCat = _
DocRelated = _
DocCatTitle = _
DocCatDesc = _
DocURL = _
DocTitle = _
DocCat = RemoveLB(DocCat)
If DocTitle = "" Then
DocTitle = "Untitled"
End If
If DocSnippet <> "" Then
DocSnippet = DocSnippet & "<br>"
End If
If DocCatDesc <> "" Then
DocCatDesc = "<font color=gray class=sm>Description:</font> " _
& DocCatDesc & "<br>"
End If
If DocCat <> "" Then
DocCat = "<font color=gray class=sm>Category:" & _
" <a href=""http://directory.google.com/" & DocCat & _
"/"">" & DirTree(DocCat) & "</a></font><br>"
End If
HTMLOutput = HTMLOutput & _
"<a href=""" & DocURL & """>" & DocTitle & "</a><br>" & _
DocSnippet & DocCatDesc & DocCat & _
"<font color=green>" & DocURL & " - " & DocSize & _
End If
Response.Write HTMLOutput
End Function
Function DirTree(tempDir)
Dim tempDirTree, RemoveLB
tempDirTree = Replace(tempDir, "Top/", "")
tempDirTree = Replace(tempDirTree, "/", " > ")
tempDirTree = Replace(tempDirTree, "_", " ")
DirTree = tempDirTree
End Function
Function RemoveLB(in_str)
in_str = Replace(in_str, Chr(10), "")
RemoveLB = in_str
End Function
You would call this with DisplayList NodeList
The Google API also provides a Spell Checker service. Here is the function to use it.
Function PerformGoogleSpellingSuggestion(Words)
Dim Key
Key = "your key goes here"
Dim SoapClient
set SoapClient = Server.CreateObject("MSSOAP.SoapClient")
Dim RetVal
SoapClient.ClientProperty("ServerHTTPRequest") = True
SoapClient.mssoapinit "http://api.google.com/GoogleSearch.wsdl"
RetVal = SoapClient.doSpellingSuggestion(Key, Words)
If RetVal > "" Then
Response.write RetVal
Response.Write "No Suggestions"
End If
Set SoapClient = Nothing
End Function
There is also Google's Cached Page function which gives you a 'snapshot' of the page when Google visited it. Here it is:
Function PerformGoogleGetCachedPage(Url)
Dim Key
Key = "your key goes here"
Dim SoapClient
Set SoapClient = Server.CreateObject("MSSOAP.SoapClient")
Dim RetVal
Dim DecodedPage
Dim i
dim NewArray
SoapClient.ClientProperty("ServerHTTPRequest") = True
SoapClient.mssoapinit "http://api.google.com/GoogleSearch.wsdl"
RetVal = SoapClient.doGetCachedPage(Key, Url)
NewArray = RetVal
for i = 1 to ubound(NewArray)
DecodedPage = DecodedPage & chr(ascB(MidB(NewArray, i, 1)))
Response.Write DecodedPage
Set SoapClient = Nothing
End Function
So there are all the functions available to you to use on your web page. These services are completely free and are provided by Google. Beware of the 1000 a day limit!
Checkout my website.