Alright, I knew this was coming. At least, I inferred. When I went to
Microsoft few months back to attend the MVP summit, we had an awesome session
from Anders, and I asked him what is the future of C#. He muttered something
like “JavaScript is the true cross platform language” (Did I hear that

And there was some
speculation that Anders was working on something related to JavaScript. And
now, Typescript is here. TypeScript
is a neat little language that compiles in to JavaScript, and the compiled
output is readable and pretty printed it seems, so that you can use the compiled
JavaScript directly where ever you normally use Javascript.
I played around with Typescript, and it
looks pretty neat (Yea, I’m repeating the term ‘neat’). The syntax has some
magical similarity to the aesthetics of C# (or that was my feeling?). I’ve seen
few people wondering whether TypeScript is Microsoft’s version of Dart or
whether it is some kind of Coffee Script on Steroids – but after trying
TypeScript out for sometime, I’m in love with Typescript. I was making some
notes, and combined them for this post. I felt TypeScript is more 'aligned' with Javascript (not an alien syntax like Coffeescript), and also the generated output is human readable unlike Coffee Script output. And there is much more to Typescript - Enabling typed contracts for functions, call backs, return types and much more.
You can install Typescript from
here , and then in Visual Studio, try creating an HTML application with
Typescript. (OSS Fans Cheer up, Support
for VI, Sublime and Emacs is also available)
A Quick Hello World in TypeScript
Here is a quick hello world script I wrote using Typescript. You can see the
type script file (app.ts), and the generated app.js file. As I mentioned, the
syntax is very much similar to C#. And the big surprise – as the name indicates,
TypeScript supports ‘Types’. See my HelloWorld class below, I’m having
a constructor which takes an HTMLElement, and I’ve got a sayHello method that
accepts a message of type string. I feel having these type contracts will be a
big boon because that’ll help programmers to specify expected types for a
Here is the Typescript code, and generated Javascript code. While working in
Visual Studio, I’ve noticed that Visual Studio Typescript editor provides type
inference, that’s cool. See my HelloWorld class – pretty self explanatory.
class HelloWorld {
element: HTMLElement;
constructor (e: HTMLElement) {
this.element = e;
sayHello(message: string) {
this.element.innerHTML = message;
window.onload = () => {
var e = document.getElementById('content');
var hello = new HelloWorld(e);
hello.sayHello("Hello World");
Awesome. Now, here is the generated Javascript code, that's equivalent
to the above Typescript code. Neat and clean generation.
var HelloWorld = (function () {
function HelloWorld(e) {
this.element = e;
HelloWorld.prototype.sayHello = function (message) {
this.element.innerHTML = message;
return HelloWorld;
window.onload = function () {
var e = document.getElementById('content');
var hello = new HelloWorld(e);
hello.sayHello("Hello World");
You can even use scope keywords in your TypeScript class - try making the
element variable private, and sayHello method
public. I also skimmed through the Type Script specification, and here
are few other interested points I noticed apart from the Types support.
Function Types
Typescript uses Function Types for handling call backs. Let us modify the
above code, to have a call back. See that I've added a notify parameter to our
sayHello method of type
(feedback : string)=>any
This simply represents a function which takes a an input parameter of type
string, and returns ‘any’ back to the caller (See ‘any’ type below). Upon the
completion of sayHello, we are calling the notify(..) back, which will invoke
the function(..) we passed to sayHello from window.onload – This is almost like
passing a Function over a delegate type and invoking it back in the C# sense..
class HelloWorld {
element: HTMLElement;
constructor (e: HTMLElement) {
this.element = e;
sayHello(message: string, notify: (feedback : string)=>any ) {
notify("completed sayHello");
window.onload = () => {
var e = document.getElementById('content');
var hello = new HelloWorld(e);
hello.sayHello("Hello World", function (feedback) {
Run the project, fire up the HTML page, and you’ll see the first message box
with “hello world”, and second message box with “completed sayHello” message.
Pretty cool. We just learned how to write type safe call backs in TypeScript,
elegantly, with out worrying about closures
Object Types
An Object type looks like { parameter1: type1, parameter2: type2, … }.
Example is
{name: string, age: number}
You can give a name to an object type,
like this.
interface Human
name: string,
age: number
Once you define an interface, you can use it as a contract, for specifying
input, for return types, for call backs etc, with full Intellisense support. See
A Bit more about Type based contracts in Typescript
TypeScript has multiple types. Here is a quick overview
‘any’ type
“Any Type is a super set of all types”
- Example:
- var x : any; //x is explicitly typed to any
- var y; //type of y is any by default as no other type is specified
Primitive Types
TypeScript supports number, bool, string, null and undefined
- Example
- Number
- var num : number;
- var num = 20; //number type will be automatically inferred for num
variable, same as var num : number = 20
- String
- var name : string;
- var message=”hello”; //string type will be automatically inferred for
message variable
- Bool
- var isOpen : bool;
- var isEnabled=true; //bool type will be automatically inferred for
isEnabled variable
‘void’ type
Used as the return type of functions that don’t return any value
Object Types
This include class, interface, module and literal types. These Object types
contain one or more
- Properties
- Call signatures (Parameters and return types associated with a call
- Construct signatures (Parameters and return types associated with applying
the ‘new’ operator)
- Index signatures
- Brands (Brands are categories the given object type belongs to)
- More about this later. Examples
- Object obj = {name : “Vinod”, age: 30 };
- Function square = (x: number)=> x * x; //Almost like the lambda syntax in
Overall, I found that there is a strange attraction factor that connects C#
developers with Type Script. I was able to start with out much hassle, and was
able to grasp the basics in a couple of hours. Of course, introducing types
( CLARIFIED: i.e, types for enabling well defined contracts for functions,
input parameters, return types etc) on a meta level and still maintaining
the dynamic feature of JavaScript is a big thing as this means better
refactoring, easier maintainability and better documentation. Enjoy TypeScript,
I’m pretty sure I’ll write more about this pretty soon. I’m in love with
Typescript. Follow Me in Twitter and absolutely Follow My Blog