Enterprise Java Beans (EJB)
[1] are an established technology for
implementing software components on a Java platform; a lot of software exists
that relies on them. Many IT key-players are providing application servers for
hosting EBJs, in particular IBM's WebSphere, BEA's WebLogic, and the opensource
JBoss. EBJs can be used to create distributed object systems, and rely on Java
RMI/IIOP to exchange messages; EJBs can also be exposed as Web Services.
Although using Web Services to interoperate is currently trendy, they also
have their share of limitations. Web Services are great when it comes to
integrate heterogeneous loosely coupled systems, but they have no support for
remote object references. In practice, they are stateless and closer to a remote
method call than to a distributed object system. Furthermore, SOAP and XML are
by no means a compressed format and tend to be quite verbose.
In a previous article [2], I did show how to access a .NET component
from Java using IIOP.NET; this article presents the opposite direction: how to
access a Java EJB service from a .NET client using the IIOP.NET remoting
channel. No modification on the EJB site is required for this purpose.
IIOP.NET [3] is a .NET remoting channel based on the IIOP
protocol, the same used by Java's RMI/IIOP [4]. IIOP is part of the CORBA stardard [5]. IIOP.NET acts as an ORB (a CORBA object
request broker): it makes objects defined in your .NET application accessible to
other remote ORBs, and vice-versa. Java RMI/IIOP implements a subset of the
CORBA type system (due to some limitations in Java's type system) and roughly
provides the same features as IIOP.NET for the J2EE platform.

Figure 1: Overview of an
IIOP-based distributed object system
Using IIOP.NET is almost as simple as using .NET's built-in remoting.
IIOP.NET is an open-source project hosted on sourceforge (
It was developed by Dominic Ullmann as part of his master thesis at ETH-Z; further work is
now sponsored by his current employer ELCA
Informatique SA [6], where IIOP.NET is
used to let the Java and .NET flavours of its LEAF
framework [7] interoperate.
Not surprisingly, IIOP.NET is not the only software you can use for this
purpose. The open-source project Remoting.Corba [8] is quite similar in its goals but doesn't
support EJBs at the moment, and Janeva [9] from Borland promises to do the same, but is
not free.
The Example: an EJB-based Chatroom
To show you how to access an EJB from .NET, we will use a simple non-trivial
example: a chat service. The service is an EJB, which allows users to register
and unregister a listener for receiving the messages submitted to the chatroom;
the EJB manages the list of clients and dispatches the messages to all
registered clients. The followig Java interfaces and classes are used to
communicate with the service; they will be converted to IDL files to allow
access from other CORBA clients.
A Message
contains the name of the sender and the message
itself. The message is mapped to a CORBA valuetype, i.e. an object that is
serialized and sent to a remote machine, instead of being remotely accessed.
public class Message implements Serializable {
private String m_originator;
private String m_msg;
public Message() { ... }
public Message(String msg, String originator) { ... }
public String getMsg() { ... }
public String getOriginator() { ... }
The MessageListener
interface must be implemented by all
chatroom clients wishing to receive the chat messages. The interface extends
because the clients are remote and the
communication will be performed with RMI/IIOP.
public interface MessageListener extends java.rmi.Remote {
public void notifyMessage(Message msg) throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
Finally, the Chatroom
interface defines the features supported
by the stateless bean, which allows sending messages and administrating the list
of listeners. The home interface contains only the call to create a new
component, and is not shown here.
public interface Chatroom extends EJBObject {
public void broadCast(Message msg)
throws java.rmi.RemoteException;
public void registerMe(MessageListener listener, String forUser)
throws java.rmi.RemoteException, AlreadyRegisteredException;
public void unregisterMe(String userName)
throws java.rmi.RemoteException, NotRegisteredException;
The chatroom works according to the following UML sequence diagram:

Figure 2: chatroom
sequence diagram
In the attached example, the EJB is implemented and configured for WebSphere 5.0 [10]; the IIOP.NET release also contains a
version for WebLogic
6.1 [11] , and for JBoss 3.2.1 [12] . Although
written for WebSphere, we will try to keep the code in this article as generic
as possible, assuming you know your application server well enough to configure
the EJB for it.
We not start the realization of the EJB chatroom server and of the .NET
client. This requires 6 steps.
Step 1: Install IIOP.NET
To build and execute this example, you need at least a Java SDK 1.3, an
application server (we assume IBM WebSphere 5.0), the Microsoft .NET Framework
SDK 1.0 or 1.1 [13], the Microsoft J# SDK
version 1.0 or 1.1, and IIOP.NET (at least 1.3.1). Installing the first four is
out of this article's scope. To install IIOP.NET, download the latest version from sourceforge.
The IIOP.NET project contains a few directories:
- IIOPChannel contains the channel code
- CLSToIDLGenerator contains a generator to create the IDL definition
files from a .NET assembly
- IDLToCLSCompiler contains a generator to create CLS files (.NET
multimodule assemblies) from the IDL definitions
- Examples contains examples and tutorials. The one presented in this
article is EJBChatRoom\WebSphere_5; the WebLogic version is in
EJBChatRoom\WLS6.1; the JBoss version is in
Before building IIOP.NET, copy the files lib\ir.idl and
lib\orb.idl from your Java SDK directory into IIOP.NET's
directory, and set the environment variable WAS_HOME to the
WebSphere application server directory. Compile everything by executing
Step 2: Implementing the EJB
Given the previous definitions, the implementation of the EJB is quite
straightforward. We create the class Message
, and the interfaces
and Chatroom
containing the
definitions shown above.
For the bean implementation, three files are provided: the bean home
interface is in the interface ChatroomHome
, the bean itself in
, and the implementation of the client management in
. The management is realized in a separate singleton
class because this must be the same for each bean (whereas each client gets a
different bean instance), and the access to the structures must be synchronized;
this pattern doesn't follow the recommended EJB scalability practices (avoid
synchronization), but a "correct" implementation would be far too complex to fit
in such a small example. The bean forwards the calls to the client management
public void registerMe(MessageListener listener,
String forUser) throws AlreadyRegisteredException {
ChatroomServer server = ChatroomServer.getSingleton();
server.addClient(listener, forUser);
public void unregisterMe(String userName) throws NotRegisteredException {
ChatroomServer server = ChatroomServer.getSingleton();
public void broadCast(Message msg) {
ChatroomServer server = ChatroomServer.getSingleton();
MessageListener[] listeners = server.getClients();
for (int i = 0; i < listeners.length; i++) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
System.err.println("error sending msg: " + e);
System.err.println("--> removing listener");
Broadcasting the message is done in the Java bean itself to minimize the time
spent in the chatroom (during which the chatroom is locked). Sending the
messages can take a long time, in particular when a client is not available. The
ideal solution here would be a CORBA one-way asynchronous call, but this is not
possible in EJB; the proposed way of implementing this requires using the Java Message Service (JMS) [14], which is out of this article's scope;
thus, for the sake of simplicity, we will let each bean send out the
The implementation of ChatroomClient
consists in a singleton
instance handling the list of clients:
public class ChatroomServer {
private static ChatroomServer s_chatroomServer = new ChatroomServer();
private Hashtable m_clients = new Hashtable();
private ChatroomServer() { super(); }
public static ChatroomServer getSingleton() { return s_chatroomServer; }
public synchronized void addClient(MessageListener ml, String forUser)
throws AlreadyRegisteredException {
if (!m_clients.containsKey(forUser)) {
m_clients.put(forUser, ml);
} else {
throw new AlreadyRegisteredException(
"a message listener is already registered for user: "
+ forUser);
public synchronized void removeClient(String forUser)
throws NotRegisteredException {
if (m_clients.containsKey(forUser)) {
} else {
throw new NotRegisteredException(
"no message listener registered for the user: " + forUser);
public synchronized void removeListener(MessageListener listener) {
public synchronized MessageListener[] getClients() {
MessageListener[] result = new MessageListener[m_clients.size()];
result = (MessageListener[])(m_clients.values().toArray(result));
return result;
Note the getClients()
method implementation, which returns a
copy of the listener list to avoid synchronization issues.
Step 3: Generating the IDL files
Once the service is implemented, the next step is the generation of the IDL
files, which describe the service interface using the CORBA model.
Each application server provides its own way to generate the IDL, because
each application server works with different versions of the EJB specifications,
which in turn have different interfaces.
Refer to your application server documentation for the exact procedure to
generate the IDL files.
Step 4: Generating the CLS modules from the IDL files
From the IDL files, the IDLToCLSCompiler
tool generates a CLS
multimodule assembly containing the classes and interfaces needed to access the
EJB-based service.
Why does the generator create a netmodule instead of a C# stub? Well, there
are a few reasons, but the most important ones are simplicity and portability.
First, netmodules are quite easy to generate using the reflection-emit interface
of .NET; generating source code would require some pretty-printing algorithm.
Second, the netmodules contain the definitions in the CLS form, which is
understood by all .NET-compliant languages, thus it doesn't matter whether you
code is in C# or Visual Basic (or even Oberon).
Invoke the generator specifying the output directory (-o) and the idl files
to use.
IDLToCLSCompiler.exe -o ..\bin chatroom
The generator will remind you that you must provide the implementation for
some classes: these are the classes implementing the CORBA valuetypes; in .NET
these classes are defined with the Serializable
attribute (do not
confuse CORBA's valuetypes with .NET valuetype class). The content of these
classes is cloned to the target system, thus the methods they provide must also
be available on the remote system. Because the IDL contains no code, you have to
provide this code (don't worry! this effort is usually limited to the class
In our example, the classes to be implemented are the
, AlreadyRegisteredException
and Message
defined by our service; and Throwable
, CreateException
(defined by Java,
RMI, or the EJB). Some EJBs may require the definition of additional
Our implementation of those classes is in ExceptionImpl.cs
using System;
namespace ch.elca.iiop.demo.ejbChatroom {
[Serializable] public class MessageImpl : Message {
public MessageImpl() { }
public MessageImpl(string originator, string msg) {
m_originator = originator;
m_msg = msg;
public override string fromUser {
get { return m_originator; }
public override string msg {
get { return m_msg; }
Keep in mind that IIOP.NET will search for class ClassImpl
implementation for CORBA valuetype Class
. Thus, the classes to
provide are named NotRegisteredExceptionImpl
, and so on.
Step 5: Implementing the C# client
The client provides a user interface to collect the user's messages, invoke
the service, and display the information sent by the service. A simple GUI is
used in the example; independently of the user interface, there are a few
important things to do. First, register the IIOP.NET channel, connect to the
EJB, and get an instance of the service.
IiopChannel channel = new IiopChannel(callbackPort);
RmiIiopInit init = new RmiIiopInit(ejbNameServiceHost,
NamingContext nameService = (NamingContext)init.GetService(
NameComponent[] name = new NameComponent[] {
new NameComponent("demo", ""),
new NameComponent("chatroomHome", "") };
ChatroomHome home = (ChatroomHome) nameService.resolve(name);
Chatroom chatroom = home.create();
The ejbNameServiceHost
and ejbNameServicePort
, and
the component name heavily depend on the application server and the way the
service is configured and registered there.
To be able to receive messages, the client must register a listener, i.e. a
remotable object implementing the MessageListener
m_listener = new MessageListenerImpl(m_usernameTextbox.Text, this);
m_chatroom.registerMe(m_listener, m_listener.userName);
Now the chatroom is ready to be used. Sending a message to the room is
MessageImpl msg = new MessageImpl(m_listener.userName,
try {
} catch (Exception ex) {
Console.WriteLine("exception encountered, while broadcasting: " + ex);
MessageBox.Show("an exception occured, while broadcasting!");
This code performs a synchronous method invocation, i.e. it waits for the
server to complete the broadcast and return. However, this is not mandatory, as
the call returns no result and the client has no need to synchronize with the
server. Thus, an asynchronous invocation is also possible:
delegate void BroadCastDelegate(Message msg);
MessageImpl msg = new MessageImpl(m_listener.userName,
try {
BroadCastDelegate bcd = new BroadCastDelegate(m_chatroom.broadCast);
bcd.BeginInvoke(msg, null, null);
} catch (Exception ex) {
Console.WriteLine("exception encountered, while broadcasting: " + ex);
MessageBox.Show("an exception occured, while broadcasting!");
The listener's notifyMessage()
method will be called by the EJB
service whenever a new message is available. This method implements the
processing of incoming calls by the client.
Step 6: Run the example
Running the example is the last step. On the server side, the
for the Websphere-hosted EJB service automatically
registers it to the application server, so you just need to start the server (in
case it is not already running).
On the client side, launch the application; then set your name, connect to
the server, and you will be able to send and receive messages.

Figure 3: the .NET Client
Problems and Pitfalls
The presented example is conceptually simple. Nevertheless, a few pitfalls
may ruin your day and prevent the code from running. Most problems are related
to the various application servers and their cumbersome configuration (many
errors show only at execution-time, causing a tedious and time-consuming
try-and-correct loop).
In IIOP.NET, CORBA valuetypes prevent the fully automated generation of
proxies. When invoking a method on a remote object, the call is forwarded to the
machine holding the object instance by the remoting infrastructure. Valuetypes
are cloned and all invocations are processed locally, thus their implementation
must also be available locally. Because the IDL contains solely the interface
definitions, the implementation must be provided by hand. This is not needed
when remoting from .NET to .NET: the DLL containing the definitions also
contains the implementation of the classes.
Synchronization is another problem specific to this example. When using the
graphical user interface, each operation (i.e. clicking on a button) locks the
whole frame during the execution of the associated code. When sending a message
to the server, the server will obviously forward the same message to the client,
whereas the incoming message arrives in a different thread, and the frame lock
prevents it from being delivered (causing a classical deadlock). Various
solutions are possible: special handling of own messages is one approach,
asynchronous calls are the other one: asynchronous calls can be made on the
client side while sending or receiving the message, and on the server side while
dispatching the message. In this examples we implemented asynchronous calls on
message reception; furthermore, the client allows choosing between synchronous
and asynchrounous message sending.
This article presents an example in which the IIOP.NET channel is used to
provide access to a Java EJB from a .NET-based client. The various steps
involved are presented and detailed. The IIOP protocol used to access the object
is well established and quite efficient compared to the fancier and less
powerful Web Services. The example itself is quite elaborate: it includes the
.NET and J2EE platforms, and the CORBA technology to allow them to
The development of such an application includes some pitfalls, often caused
by the complex and non-trivial configuration and use of the various application
servers hosting the EJB services.In particular, the service naming and location
may heavily differ among the various servers.
Interacting with the various application servers was quite an eye-opener: we
discovered many different interpretations of the same IIOP specifications, far
more than we could imagine in our wildest dreams! A big fat thank goes here to
the fast-growing IIOP.NET community, which helped us testing the channel on the
many different servers in just a few weeks time.
Nevertheless, IIOP.NET has been tested with the most common application
servers; code and configuration examples are available for WebSphere 5, WebLogic
6.1, and JBoss 3.2.1.
Links and References