Counter is a C# control that displays a value with digits from a bitmap. Thirteen themes are included in the control resources but others can be added. The counter will start to move when the ToValue
property is changed. A "fall" animation effect happen when a digit is changed. The timer interval that increment/ decrement the value can be changed from the default of 1000(1 sec). The animation speed, number of digits displayed can also be changed. The CounterFinish
event is raised when the counter Value
equals ToValue
Another theme for the Counter
The code
The c# control class Counter
is derived from System.Windows.Forms.UserControl
. It overrides the OnPaintBackground
method to draw itself.
protected override void OnPaintBackground(
System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs e)
for(int i=0; i!=DigitCount; i++)
(digits[i] as CounterDigit).DigitBitmap,
i * digitWidth, 0);
catch {}
There are two timers in the control. The main timer it is used to Increment / Decrement the Value
towards the ToValue
. The other timer - animation timer - is used to animate the digits to obtain the "fall" effect.
private void animationTimer_Tick(object source, EventArgs e)
for(int i=0; i!=DigitCount; i++)
CounterDigit cd = digits[i] as CounterDigit;
Every digit frame is moved to the next frame until the last frame is reached and the animation stops. After that the control is invalidated to force repaint itself.
There is an additional helper class CounterDigit
for an digit representation.
The image displayed at a certain moment of time depend on the Frame
property used for animation effect. This is built from the current digit and the previous digit.
public Bitmap DigitBitmap
Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(framedDigitBitmap);
numbersBitmap, 0, 0,
new Rectangle(Digit * width, frames - Frame, width, frames),
numbersBitmap, 0, Frame,
new Rectangle( PrevDigit * width, 0, width, frames - Frame + 2),
return framedDigitBitmap;
Properties for adjusting the appearance and behavior
There are a couple of properties that modify the appearance and behavior of the Counter control:
- is the value displayed in the control
- is the value that the Counter intend to reach
- is the number of digits displayed. For example for 5 and the value 34 the control will display 00034
- is the interval between automatic value updates that increment / decrement the counter to the ToValue
- is the speed for digit fall animation
- is the theme used to display the digits. Can be chosen from 13 predefined bitmaps embedded in the control resources.
Final thoughts
The Counter is a pretty looking control and that its its main quality. I build it to show how a simple animation effect can be achieved. To actually be useful the control might require some modifications. Have fun with it!
- 1 Sep 2003 - updated source code