first of all ur code is great million thanks for the same
i am facing little issue it would be great of u if u help
whenever i delete selected control its 8 labels in background stays
Please suggest how to i delete those labels with controls.
NOTE: 1) i need to delete those labels not hide
2) all the controls i am using are dynamically created
this is great just what i needed, but i was working with the user control and it seems picbox doesn't work with it. is there any other options for me to make it work with usercontrols
thanks you
Thanks for the show of appreciation.
I'm afraid that I've been away from coding for a while. Recently loaded up VS12 trial to attempt to answer your question, but the project doesn't seem to be importable into the new version of VS. I unfortunately don't have much time available to devote to my hobbies .
I hope that someone keener than me that has taken this sample to the next level can answer your question. Sorry for the lack of assistance.
please upload the source project, the demo project having the project but having some errors.
We are using your code in a GUI designer for a windows based game engine that we are making. It works very well and saved me a ton of time so thanks!
Hi loving the resize and move but is there anyway to constrain proportions
Many thanks
I am creating panel as form. Depending on particular panel i am adding controls to that panel .
like that i am adding some no of controls on panel .
How to create multiple selection ,Moving of controls at runtime like in Visual studio design time environment .,cut,copy ,paste of those controls under selection . to another panel or with in panel .???
like that i am having shape from PPacks
For all type of controls how to get multiple selection ,drag n drop , move
Thank Very Much My Dear . this Class Very Good For me.
I added additional logic to be able to avoid collision and overlap. A bit of rectangle intersect logic in lbl and ctl MouseMove events. I had to also capture if the user action was to reduce the size or increase. works grt. thanks for your article.
can you please post your changes?
Dear Jim,
Is there any license required to use this patent in a commercial package ?
Thank you.
Please feel free to use all or any part of the code in any way that you wish. I did it as a hobbyist as a stand-alone example and not part of a software project, just to get a feel for NET technology. I hope it will be of help to you.
Good luck,
Too good! This is exactly what I was looking for! Plus the implementation looks well written.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace ScreenEditor
/// This class implements sizing and moving functions for
/// runtime editing of graphic controls
public class ObjectSelect
private class DummySelect
public Control dummyCtl;
public Label[] lbl = new Label[8];
private const int BOX_SIZE = 8;
private Color BOX_COLOR = Color.White;
//private ContainerControl m_container;
private Control m_control;
private Label[] lbl = new Label[8];
private int startl;
private int startt;
private int startw;
private int starth;
private int startx;
private int starty;
private bool dragging;
private Cursor[] arrArrow = new Cursor[] {Cursors.SizeNWSE, Cursors.SizeNS,
Cursors.SizeNESW, Cursors.SizeWE, Cursors.SizeNWSE, Cursors.SizeNS,
Cursors.SizeNESW, Cursors.SizeWE};
private Cursor oldCursor;
private Rectangle objectContainer;
private const int MIN_SIZE = 20;
//DUMMY Select labels List
private List<dummyselect> DummySelectList = new List<dummyselect>();
// Constructor creates 8 sizing handles & wires mouse events
// to each that implement sizing functions
public ObjectSelect()
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
lbl[i] = new Label();
lbl[i].TabIndex = i;
lbl[i].FlatStyle = 0;
lbl[i].BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
lbl[i].BackColor = BOX_COLOR;
lbl[i].Cursor = arrArrow[i];
lbl[i].Text = "";
lbl[i].MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(this.lbl_MouseDown);
lbl[i].MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(this.lbl_MouseMove);
lbl[i].MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler(this.lbl_MouseUp);
// Wires a Click event handler to the passed Control
// that attaches a pick box to the control when it is clicked
public void WireControl(Control ctl)
ctl.Click += new EventHandler(this.SelectControl);
//Call this when removing an object from the container, this simply
//cleans up some event handlers from the system, make sure you call
//before actually destroying the Control.
public void UnWireControl(Control ctl)
if (m_control == ctl)
//m_control will be the only one having these handlers
ctl.MouseDown -= new MouseEventHandler(this.ctl_MouseDown);
ctl.MouseMove -= new MouseEventHandler(this.ctl_MouseMove);
ctl.MouseUp -= new MouseEventHandler(this.ctl_MouseUp);
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
lbl[i].Visible = false;
m_control.Cursor = oldCursor;
m_control = null;
ctl.Click -= new EventHandler(this.SelectControl);
//This will establish a boundry for the objects within it
public void SetScreenContainerBounds(Rectangle ScreenContainerBounds)
objectContainer = ScreenContainerBounds;
//Capture the Arrow Keys keyboard presses and send them here
public void MoveSelectedObject(int ArrowDirection)
if (m_control == null)
int t = m_control.Top;
int l = m_control.Left;
switch (ArrowDirection)
case (int)Keys.Left:
l = l - 1;
case (int)Keys.Right:
l = l + 1;
case (int)Keys.Up:
t = t - 1;
case (int)Keys.Down:
t = t + 1;
int holdT = t;
int holdL = l;
int w = m_control.Width;
int h = m_control.Height;
int RightBoundry = objectContainer.Width + objectContainer.Left;
int BottomBoundry = objectContainer.Height + objectContainer.Top;
int LeftBoundry = objectContainer.Left;
int TopBoundry = objectContainer.Top;
l = (l < LeftBoundry) ? LeftBoundry : ((l + w > RightBoundry) ? RightBoundry - w : l);
t = (t < TopBoundry) ? TopBoundry : ((t + h > BottomBoundry) ? BottomBoundry - h : t);
m_control.Left = l;
m_control.Top = t;
if (holdL != l || holdT != t)
return;//we have reached the border so discontinue
//Now move any dummy objects
foreach (DummySelect ds in DummySelectList)
l = ds.dummyCtl.Left;
t = ds.dummyCtl.Top;
w = ds.dummyCtl.Width;
h = ds.dummyCtl.Height;
switch (ArrowDirection)
case (int)Keys.Left:
l = l - 1;
case (int)Keys.Right:
l = l + 1;
case (int)Keys.Up:
t = t - 1;
case (int)Keys.Down:
t = t + 1;
RightBoundry = objectContainer.Width + objectContainer.Left;
BottomBoundry = objectContainer.Height + objectContainer.Top;
LeftBoundry = objectContainer.Left;
TopBoundry = objectContainer.Top;
l = (l < LeftBoundry) ? LeftBoundry : ((l + w > RightBoundry) ? RightBoundry - w : l);
t = (t < TopBoundry) ? TopBoundry : ((t + h > BottomBoundry) ? BottomBoundry - h : t);
ds.dummyCtl.Left = l;
ds.dummyCtl.Top = t;
//Get an array of the controls that have a selection band
internal Control[] GetSelectedControls()
int controlCount = DummySelectList.Count;
if (m_control != null)//shouldnt be null if this function is called
Control [] cArray = new Control[controlCount];
int i = 0;
foreach (DummySelect ds in DummySelectList)
cArray[i] = ds.dummyCtl;
if (m_control != null)//shouldnt be null if this function is called
cArray[i] = m_control;
return cArray;
// Attaches a pick box to the sender Control
private void SelectControl(object sender, EventArgs e)
if ((Control)sender == m_control)
return;//user clicked on the same control
if (Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Control)
RemoveDummyFromList(null);//null will remove all dummy's
if (m_control is Control)
m_control.Cursor = oldCursor;
//Remove event any pre-existing event handlers appended by this class
m_control.MouseDown -= new MouseEventHandler(this.ctl_MouseDown);
m_control.MouseMove -= new MouseEventHandler(this.ctl_MouseMove);
m_control.MouseUp -= new MouseEventHandler(this.ctl_MouseUp);
//Is the Control Key down?
if (Control.ModifierKeys == Keys.Control)
//("Control Key is down");
//Then add the control that was selected to the dummy list
//and put off-color labels on it
DummySelect ds = new DummySelect();
ds.dummyCtl = m_control;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
ds.lbl[i] = new Label();
ds.lbl[i].TabIndex = i;
ds.lbl[i].FlatStyle = 0;
ds.lbl[i].BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
ds.lbl[i].BackColor = Color.CadetBlue;
ds.lbl[i].Text = "";
ds.lbl[i].Visible = true;
m_control = null;
m_control = (Control)sender;
//Add event handlers for moving the selected control around
m_control.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(this.ctl_MouseDown);
m_control.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(this.ctl_MouseMove);
m_control.MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler(this.ctl_MouseUp);
//Add sizing handles to Control's container (Form or PictureBox)
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
//Position sizing handles around Control
//Display sizing handles
oldCursor = m_control.Cursor;
m_control.Cursor = Cursors.Hand;
private void RemoveDummyFromList(Control control)
if (control != null)
DummySelect dsToRemove = null;
foreach (DummySelect ds in DummySelectList)
if (ds.dummyCtl == control)
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
dsToRemove = ds;
if (dsToRemove != null)
else// if control is null then remove all
foreach (DummySelect ds in DummySelectList)
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
public void Remove()
m_control.Cursor = oldCursor;
private void ShowHandles()
if (m_control != null)
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
lbl[i].Visible = true;
//Show any dummy's labels
foreach (DummySelect ds in DummySelectList)
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
ds.lbl[i].Visible = true;
private void HideHandles()
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
lbl[i].Visible = false;
//Hide any dummy's labels
foreach (DummySelect ds in DummySelectList)
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
ds.lbl[i].Visible = false;
private void MoveHandles()
int sX = m_control.Left - BOX_SIZE;
int sY = m_control.Top - BOX_SIZE;
int sW = m_control.Width + BOX_SIZE;
int sH = m_control.Height + BOX_SIZE;
int hB = BOX_SIZE / 2;
int[] arrPosX = new int[] {sX+hB, sX + sW / 2, sX + sW-hB, sX + sW-hB,
sX + sW-hB, sX + sW / 2, sX+hB, sX+hB};
int[] arrPosY = new int[] {sY+hB, sY+hB, sY+hB, sY + sH / 2, sY + sH-hB,
sY + sH-hB, sY + sH-hB, sY + sH / 2};
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
lbl[i].SetBounds(arrPosX[i], arrPosY[i], BOX_SIZE, BOX_SIZE);
foreach (DummySelect ds in DummySelectList)
sX = ds.dummyCtl.Left - BOX_SIZE;
sY = ds.dummyCtl.Top - BOX_SIZE;
sW = ds.dummyCtl.Width + BOX_SIZE;
sH = ds.dummyCtl.Height + BOX_SIZE;
hB = BOX_SIZE / 2;
arrPosX = new int[] {sX+hB, sX + sW / 2, sX + sW-hB, sX + sW-hB, sX + sW-hB, sX + sW / 2, sX+hB, sX+hB};
arrPosY = new int[] {sY+hB, sY+hB, sY+hB, sY + sH / 2, sY + sH-hB, sY + sH-hB, sY + sH-hB, sY + sH / 2};
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
ds.lbl[i].SetBounds(arrPosX[i], arrPosY[i], BOX_SIZE, BOX_SIZE);
// Store control position and size when mouse button pushed over
// any sizing handle
private void lbl_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
dragging = true;
startl = m_control.Left;
startt = m_control.Top;
startw = m_control.Width;
starth = m_control.Height;
// Size the picked control in accordance with sizing handle being dragged
// 0 1 2
// 7 3
// 6 5 4
private void lbl_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
int l = m_control.Left;
int w = m_control.Width;
int t = m_control.Top;
int h = m_control.Height;
int RightBoundry = objectContainer.Width + objectContainer.Left;
int BottomBoundry = objectContainer.Height + objectContainer.Top;
int LeftBoundry = objectContainer.Left;
int TopBoundry = objectContainer.Top;
if (dragging)
switch (((Label)sender).TabIndex)
case 0: // Dragging top-left sizing box
if (t >= TopBoundry)
t = startt + e.Y < startt + starth - MIN_SIZE ? startt + e.Y : startt + starth - MIN_SIZE;
h = startt + starth - m_control.Top;
if (l >= LeftBoundry)
l = startl + e.X < startl + startw - MIN_SIZE ? startl + e.X : startl + startw - MIN_SIZE;
w = startl + startw - m_control.Left;
case 1: // Dragging top-center sizing box
if (t >= TopBoundry)
t = startt + e.Y < startt + starth - MIN_SIZE ? startt + e.Y : startt + starth - MIN_SIZE;
h = startt + starth - m_control.Top;
case 2: // Dragging top-right sizing box
if (l + (startw + e.X) < RightBoundry)
w = startw + e.X > MIN_SIZE ? startw + e.X : MIN_SIZE;
if (t >= TopBoundry)
t = startt + e.Y < startt + starth - MIN_SIZE ? startt + e.Y : startt + starth - MIN_SIZE;
h = startt + starth - m_control.Top;
case 3: // Dragging right-middle sizing box
if (l + (startw + e.X) < RightBoundry)
w = startw + e.X > MIN_SIZE ? startw + e.X : MIN_SIZE;
case 4: // Dragging right-bottom sizing box
if (l + (startw + e.X) < RightBoundry)
w = startw + e.X > MIN_SIZE ? startw + e.X : MIN_SIZE;
if (t + (starth + e.Y) < BottomBoundry)
h = starth + e.Y > MIN_SIZE ? starth + e.Y : MIN_SIZE;
case 5: // Dragging center-bottom sizing box
if (t + (starth + e.Y) < BottomBoundry)
h = starth + e.Y > MIN_SIZE ? starth + e.Y : MIN_SIZE;
case 6: // Dragging left-bottom sizing box
if (l >= LeftBoundry)
l = startl + e.X < startl + startw - MIN_SIZE ? startl + e.X : startl + startw - MIN_SIZE;
w = startl + startw - m_control.Left;
if (t + (starth + e.Y) <= BottomBoundry)
h = starth + e.Y > MIN_SIZE ? starth + e.Y : MIN_SIZE;
case 7: // Dragging left-middle sizing box
if (l >= LeftBoundry)
l = startl + e.X < startl + startw - MIN_SIZE ? startl + e.X : startl + startw - MIN_SIZE;
w = startl + startw - m_control.Left;
l = (l < LeftBoundry) ? LeftBoundry : l;
t = (t < TopBoundry) ? TopBoundry : t;
m_control.SetBounds(l, t, w, h);
// Display sizing handles around picked control once sizing has completed
private void lbl_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
dragging = false;
// Get mouse pointer starting position on mouse down and hide sizing handles
private void ctl_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
dragging = true;
startx = e.X;
starty = e.Y;
// Reposition the dragged control
private void ctl_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (dragging)
int l = m_control.Left + e.X - startx;
int holdL = l;
int t = m_control.Top + e.Y - starty;
int holdT = t;
int w = m_control.Width;
int h = m_control.Height;
int RightBoundry = objectContainer.Width + objectContainer.Left;
int BottomBoundry = objectContainer.Height + objectContainer.Top;
int LeftBoundry = objectContainer.Left;
int TopBoundry = objectContainer.Top;
l = (l < LeftBoundry) ? LeftBoundry : ((l + w > RightBoundry) ? RightBoundry - w : l);
t = (t < TopBoundry) ? TopBoundry : ((t + h > BottomBoundry) ? BottomBoundry - h : t);
m_control.Left = l;
m_control.Top = t;
if (holdL != l || holdT != t)
return;//we have reached the border so discontinue
foreach (DummySelect ds in DummySelectList)
l = ds.dummyCtl.Left + e.X - startx;
t = ds.dummyCtl.Top + e.Y - starty;
w = ds.dummyCtl.Width;
h = ds.dummyCtl.Height;
RightBoundry = objectContainer.Width + objectContainer.Left;
BottomBoundry = objectContainer.Height + objectContainer.Top;
LeftBoundry = objectContainer.Left;
TopBoundry = objectContainer.Top;
l = (l < LeftBoundry) ? LeftBoundry : ((l + w > RightBoundry) ? RightBoundry - w : l);
t = (t < TopBoundry) ? TopBoundry : ((t + h > BottomBoundry) ? BottomBoundry - h : t);
ds.dummyCtl.Left = l;
ds.dummyCtl.Top = t;
// Display sizing handles around picked control once dragging has completed
private void ctl_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
dragging = false;
Hi all.
I have the great PickBox class working in my VB Project but I have one problem.
When expanding my picturebox the box scales but the image doesn't.
I had a similar command then did work before I moved to PickBox that basically did:
picturebox1.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.StretchImage
but sizemode isn't available as attribute of m_Control.
Can anyone advise at how I can get the image to scale too?
Thanks in advance.
Hi Jim,
Thanks for your great code . I try to create a selections for multiple controls when ctrl +click . i am creating instances for the pickbox and i am changing the color of label controls to identify .
But how can i delete the instance again after ctrl +click once again on the selected control .I am not able to identify the instance of the pickbox for new multiple controls . so i am not able to unwire it as possible . Those instances are appearing on the screen which is not exaclty like in Visual Studio 2005 .
I am not identify the instance of pickbox and not able to dispose the instance causing the selection to stay on top when i click the control.
Private Sub ShowNewSelection(ByVal sender As Object)
Dim pickselect As New pickbox()
pickselect .SelectControl(sender, New EventArgs)
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
on ctrl+ click on the control/s.
I am trying to create exactly like in Visual Studio 2005.
I struck here .
Any help ??
modified on Friday, February 20, 2009 7:57 AM
This is just what i was looking for.
I just added a few events so that i could show the current size and location of the control that was moved.
Hi all. Thank you Jim for your great work
I'm developing a designer that use your code. But, I had a little issue: I need to select more than one control, to allow resizing and moving in group.
I send your code with my own implementation for that multiple selection (C#, VS 2005). I hope this help to someone (sorry for the long message):
public class PickBox
private const int BOX_SIZE = 8;
private Color BOX_COLOR = Color.White;
private Label[] lbl = new Label[8];
private int startl;
private int startt;
private int startw;
private int starth;
private int startx;
private int starty;
private bool dragging;
private bool moved;
private Cursor[] arrArrow = new Cursor[] {Cursors.SizeNWSE, Cursors.SizeNS,
Cursors.SizeNESW, Cursors.SizeWE, Cursors.SizeNWSE, Cursors.SizeNS,
Cursors.SizeNESW, Cursors.SizeWE};
private const int MIN_SIZE = 20;
public PickBox()
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
lbl[i] = new Label();
lbl[i].TabIndex = i;
lbl[i].FlatStyle = 0;
lbl[i].BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
lbl[i].BackColor = BOX_COLOR;
lbl[i].Cursor = arrArrow[i];
lbl[i].Text = "";
lbl[i].MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(this.lbl_MouseDown);
lbl[i].MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(this.lbl_MouseMove);
lbl[i].MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler(this.lbl_MouseUp);
public void WireControl(Control ctl)
ctl.Click += new EventHandler(this.SelectControl);
private Hashtable SelectedControlCursors = new Hashtable();
private List[Control] _SelectedControls = new List[Control]();
public List[Control] SelectedControls
return _SelectedControls;
public void ClearSelection()
while (SelectedControls.Count > 0)
private bool IsEmptySelection
return SelectedControls.Count == 0;
private void AddOrRemoveControl(Control c)
if (SelectedControls.Contains(c))
private void AddControl(Control c)
c.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(this.ctl_MouseDown);
c.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(this.ctl_MouseMove);
c.MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler(this.ctl_MouseUp);
c.Click -= new EventHandler(this.SelectControl);
SelectedControlCursors.Add(c, c.Cursor);
c.Cursor = Cursors.SizeAll;
private void RemoveControl(Control c)
c.Cursor = (Cursor)SelectedControlCursors[c];
c.MouseDown -= new MouseEventHandler(this.ctl_MouseDown);
c.MouseMove -= new MouseEventHandler(this.ctl_MouseMove);
c.MouseUp -= new MouseEventHandler(this.ctl_MouseUp);
c.Click += new EventHandler(this.SelectControl);
private Rectangle GetSelectionBounds()
if (SelectedControls.Count == 0)
return Rectangle.Empty;
int l = int.MaxValue;
int r = int.MinValue;
int t = int.MaxValue;
int b = int.MinValue;
foreach (Control c in SelectedControls)
l = Math.Min(l, c.Left);
r = Math.Max(r, c.Right);
t = Math.Min(t, c.Top);
b = Math.Max(b, c.Bottom);
return new Rectangle(l, t, r - l, b - t);
private void SelectControl(object sender, EventArgs e)
Control c = (Control)sender;
if (IsEmptySelection)
Control container = SelectedControls[0].Parent;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
if (lbl[i].Parent == null) container.Controls.Add(lbl[i]);
private void ShowHandles()
if (!IsEmptySelection)
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
lbl[i].Visible = true;
private void HideHandles()
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
lbl[i].Visible = false;
private void MoveHandles()
Rectangle bounds = GetSelectionBounds();
int sX = bounds.Left - BOX_SIZE;
int sY = bounds.Top - BOX_SIZE;
int sW = bounds.Width + BOX_SIZE;
int sH = bounds.Height + BOX_SIZE;
int hB = BOX_SIZE / 2;
int[] arrPosX = new int[] {sX+hB, sX + sW / 2, sX + sW-hB, sX + sW-hB,
sX + sW-hB, sX + sW / 2, sX+hB, sX+hB};
int[] arrPosY = new int[] {sY+hB, sY+hB, sY+hB, sY + sH / 2, sY + sH-hB,
sY + sH-hB, sY + sH-hB, sY + sH / 2};
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
lbl[i].SetBounds(arrPosX[i], arrPosY[i], BOX_SIZE, BOX_SIZE);
private void lbl_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
dragging = true;
Rectangle bounds = GetSelectionBounds();
startl = bounds.Left;
startt = bounds.Top;
startw = bounds.Width;
starth = bounds.Height;
private void lbl_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
Rectangle bounds = GetSelectionBounds();
int l = bounds.Left;
int w = bounds.Width;
int t = bounds.Top;
int h = bounds.Height;
if (dragging)
switch (((Label)sender).TabIndex)
case 0:
l = startl + e.X < startl + startw - MIN_SIZE ? startl + e.X : startl + startw - MIN_SIZE;
t = startt + e.Y < startt + starth - MIN_SIZE ? startt + e.Y : startt + starth - MIN_SIZE;
w = startl + startw - bounds.Left;
h = startt + starth - bounds.Top;
case 1:
t = startt + e.Y < startt + starth - MIN_SIZE ? startt + e.Y : startt + starth - MIN_SIZE;
h = startt + starth - bounds.Top;
case 2:
w = startw + e.X > MIN_SIZE ? startw + e.X : MIN_SIZE;
t = startt + e.Y < startt + starth - MIN_SIZE ? startt + e.Y : startt + starth - MIN_SIZE;
h = startt + starth - bounds.Top;
case 3:
w = startw + e.X > MIN_SIZE ? startw + e.X : MIN_SIZE;
case 4:
w = startw + e.X > MIN_SIZE ? startw + e.X : MIN_SIZE;
h = starth + e.Y > MIN_SIZE ? starth + e.Y : MIN_SIZE;
case 5:
h = starth + e.Y > MIN_SIZE ? starth + e.Y : MIN_SIZE;
case 6:
l = startl + e.X < startl + startw - MIN_SIZE ? startl + e.X : startl + startw - MIN_SIZE;
w = startl + startw - bounds.Left;
h = starth + e.Y > MIN_SIZE ? starth + e.Y : MIN_SIZE;
case 7:
l = startl + e.X < startl + startw - MIN_SIZE ? startl + e.X : startl + startw - MIN_SIZE;
w = startl + startw - bounds.Left;
l = (l < 0) ? 0 : l;
t = (t < 0) ? 0 : t;
ChangeSelectionBounds(l, t, w, h);
private void ChangeSelectionBounds(int l, int t, int w, int h)
Rectangle oldB = GetSelectionBounds();
int deltaX = l - oldB.Left;
int deltaY = t - oldB.Top;
int deltaW = w - oldB.Width;
int deltaH = h - oldB.Height;
foreach(Control c in SelectedControls)
c.SetBounds(c.Left + deltaX, c.Top + deltaY, c.Width + deltaW, c.Height + deltaH);
private void lbl_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
dragging = false;
private void ctl_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
dragging = true;
moved = false;
startx = e.X;
starty = e.Y;
private void ctl_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (dragging)
int deltaX = e.X - startx;
int deltaY = e.Y - starty;
Rectangle bounds = GetSelectionBounds();
Control parent = SelectedControls[0].Parent;
if (bounds.Left + deltaX < 0)
deltaX = bounds.Left * -1;
if (bounds.Top + deltaY < 0)
deltaY = bounds.Top * -1;
if (bounds.Right + deltaX > parent.ClientRectangle.Width)
deltaX = parent.ClientRectangle.Width - bounds.Right;
if (bounds.Bottom + deltaY > parent.ClientRectangle.Height)
deltaY = parent.ClientRectangle.Height - bounds.Bottom;
foreach (Control c in SelectedControls)
c.Location = new Point(c.Left + deltaX, c.Top + deltaY);
if (deltaX != 0 || deltaY != 0)
moved = true;
private void ctl_MouseUp(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (dragging && !moved) RemoveControl((Control)sender);
dragging = false;
moved = false;
modified on Friday, December 26, 2008 10:49 PM
Hi Diego,
private List[Control] _SelectedControls = new List[Control]();
Invalid token '[' in class, struct, or interface member declaration
I am getting this error in VS2008. Can you help me, because i liked the multiple selection idea.
Hi Ammar, please change "[" and "]" with "<" and ">". I wrote this way because the browser take my code as HTML when my post is shown. Now I know how to do it better
In the example:
private List[Control] _SelectedControls = new List[Control]();
after you change it:
private List<Control> _SelectedControls = new List<Control>();
Thanks for a great piece of software. Would it be possible to change it so that a dragged control can be moved between containers, for example the label could be dropped into the panel or the panel into another panel?
thanks for your great work, but the problem is adding a Container control like a panel (level2) into a panel with another controls (level1), and then wiring the children controls of this panel. this way, when you click on a level1 control and then clicking on level2 control, you'll see that you have 2 controls selected.... !! got what i mean ?
1. how can i put the Mouse_Right Click event for selection of a control
while its now selecting on left mouse click i want to use Right mouse click for resize a control..
2. and how to put the control resize option under Tabs , pannel or subcontrols
how do i implement this class using keyboard to move controls..any idea guys???thanks...
Create a Keydown event under select Control method.
m_control.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(m_control_KeyDown);
and add this menthod .
private void m_control_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
//left = 37,Up= 38,right= 39,down=40;
if (e.KeyValue == 37)
int l = m_control.Left - 1;
int t = m_control.Top;
int w = m_control.Width;
int h = m_control.Height;
l = (l < 0) ? 0 : ((l + w > m_control.Parent.ClientRectangle.Width) ?
m_control.Parent.ClientRectangle.Width - w : l);
t = (t < 0) ? 0 : ((t + h > m_control.Parent.ClientRectangle.Height) ?
m_control.Parent.ClientRectangle.Height - h : t);
m_control.Left = l;
m_control.Top = t;
if (e.KeyValue == 38)
int l = m_control.Left;
int t = m_control.Top - 1;
int w = m_control.Width;
int h = m_control.Height;
l = (l < 0) ? 0 : ((l + w > m_control.Parent.ClientRectangle.Width) ?
m_control.Parent.ClientRectangle.Width - w : l);
t = (t < 0) ? 0 : ((t + h > m_control.Parent.ClientRectangle.Height) ?
m_control.Parent.ClientRectangle.Height - h : t);
m_control.Left = l;
m_control.Top = t;
if (e.KeyValue == 39)
int l = m_control.Left + 1;
int t = m_control.Top;
int w = m_control.Width;
int h = m_control.Height;
l = (l < 0) ? 0 : ((l + w > m_control.Parent.ClientRectangle.Width) ?
m_control.Parent.ClientRectangle.Width - w : l);
t = (t < 0) ? 0 : ((t + h > m_control.Parent.ClientRectangle.Height) ?
m_control.Parent.ClientRectangle.Height - h : t);
m_control.Left = l;
m_control.Top = t;
if (e.KeyValue == 40)
int l = m_control.Left;
int t = m_control.Top + 1;
int w = m_control.Width;
int h = m_control.Height;
l = (l < 0) ? 0 : ((l + w > m_control.Parent.ClientRectangle.Width) ?
m_control.Parent.ClientRectangle.Width - w : l);
t = (t < 0) ? 0 : ((t + h > m_control.Parent.ClientRectangle.Height) ?
m_control.Parent.ClientRectangle.Height - h : t);
m_control.Left = l;
m_control.Top = t;
This should work fine.
I have used 1 px as a movement of the control when keyboard arrows are moved.