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A Simple Blazor Modal Dialog Implementation

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25 Mar 2023CPOL3 min read 43.3K   12   9
How to build a Modal Dialog for Blazor
A web based SPA [Single Page Application] needs modal dialogs to provide the same user experience as a desktop application. This article demonstrates how to create a simple generic modal dialog container for Blazor Components and build vanilla and Bootstrap versions.

Code Repository

The code repository is here: Modal Dialog Repository

The Implementation


The implementation consists of two interfaces, four classes and an enum:

  1. IModalOptions
  2. IModalDialogContext
  3. ModalOptions
  4. ModalResult
  5. ModalResultType
  6. ModalDialogContext
  7. ModalDialogBase

The example code uses the standard Blazor template and shows how to open an edit form component from the WeatherForecast list in FetchData.

The code below demonstrates the basics: how to open a WeatherEditForm in a modal dialog. The method builds an IModalOptions object containing the Uid of the record. It calls ShowAsync<WeatherForm>(options), defining the component form to display and the options for that form, and awaits the returned Task. The Task doesn't complete until the modal closes.

private async Task EditAsync(Guid uid)
    if (_modal is not null)
        var options = new BsModalOptions();
        options.ControlParameters.Add("Uid", uid);

        var result = await _modal.Context.ShowAsync<WeatherEditForm>(options);
        // Code to run after the Dialog closes 

The form calls Close(modal result) which completes the Task and EditAsync runs to completion.

private void Close()


IModalOptions defines three ways to pass data to the dialog. A modal dialog implementation can use the generic ModalOptions or define a specific IModalOptions.

public interface IModalOptions 
    public Dictionary<string, object> ControlParameters { get; }
    public Dictionary<string, object> OptionsList { get; }
    public object Data { get; }


A basic implementation of IModalOptions.

public class ModalOptions: IModalOptions
    public Dictionary<string, object> 
           ControlParameters { get; } = new Dictionary<string, object>();
    public Dictionary<string, object> OptionsList { get; } = 
                      new Dictionary<string, object>();
    public object Data { get; set; } = new();


ModalResult is a return record that provides status and data back to the caller.

public sealed record ModalResult
    public ModalResultType ResultType { get; private set; } = ModalResultType.NoSet;
    public object? Data { get; set; } = null;
    public static ModalResult OK() => new ModalResult() 
                  { ResultType = ModalResultType.OK };

    //... lots of static constructors

And ModalResultType.

public enum ModalResultType { NoSet, OK, Cancel, Exit }


ModalDialogContext encapsulates state and state management for a modal dialog component in a context class.

IModalDialogContext defines the interface.

public interface IModalDialogContext
    public IModalOptions? Options { get; }
    public bool Display { get; }
    public bool IsActive { get; }
    public Type? ModalContentType { get; }
    public Action? NotifyRenderRequired { get; set; }

    public Task<ModalResult> ShowAsync<TModal>(IModalOptions options) 
           where TModal : IComponent;
    public Task<ModalResult> ShowAsync(Type control, IModalOptions options);
    public bool Switch<TModal>(IModalOptions options) where TModal : IComponent;
    public bool Switch(Type control, IModalOptions options);
    public void Update(IModalOptions? options = null);
    public void Dismiss();
    public void Close(ModalResult result);


ModalDialogContext implements IModalDialogContext, providing the boilerplate code for ModalDialog implementations.

It consists of properties to maintain state and methods to show, hide, switch and reset the component content.


  1. Ensures the passed type is a component i.e implements IComponent.
  2. Sets the state.
  3. Invokes the callback to notify the component to render: this will show the dialog framework and create the content component.
  4. Uses a TaskCompletionSource to construct a manual active Task and passes the task back to the caller to await.
protected TaskCompletionSource<ModalResult> _ModalTask 
    { get; set; } = new TaskCompletionSource<ModalResult>();

private Task<ModalResult> ShowModalAsync(Type control, IModalOptions options)
    if (!(typeof(IComponent).IsAssignableFrom(control)))
        throw new InvalidOperationException
        ("Passed control must implement IComponent");

    this.Options = options;
    this.ModalContentType = control;
    this.Display = true;
    this._ModalTask = new TaskCompletionSource<ModalResult>();
    return this._ModalTask.Task;


  1. clears the state.
  2. invokes the callback to notify the component to render: this will hide the dialog framework and destroy the content component.
  3. sets the TaskCompletionSource to complete. If the caller awaited Show, the call method will now run to completion.
private void CloseModal(ModalResult result)
    this.Display = false;
    this.ModalContentType = null;
    _ = this._ModalTask.TrySetResult(result);


  1. sets the state.
  2. invokes the callback to notify the component to render: this will show the dialog framework with the new content component.
private async Task<bool> SwitchModalAsync(Type control, IModalOptions options)
    if (!(typeof(IComponent).IsAssignableFrom(control)))
        throw new InvalidOperationException("Passed control must implement IComponent");

    this.ModalContentType = control;
    this.Options = options;
    await this.InvokeAsync(StateHasChanged);
    return true;

The full class:

public class ModalDialogContext : IModalDialogContext
    public IModalOptions? Options { get; protected set; }
    public bool Display { get; protected set; }
    public bool IsActive => this.ModalContentType is not null;
    public Action? NotifyRenderRequired { get; set; }
    private TaskCompletionSource<ModalResult> _ModalTask 
            { get; set; } = new TaskCompletionSource<ModalResult>();
    public Type? ModalContentType {get; private set;} = null;

    public Task<ModalResult> ShowAsync<TModal>(IModalOptions options) 
           where TModal : IComponent
        => this.ShowModalAsync(typeof(TModal), options);

    public Task<ModalResult> ShowAsync(Type control, IModalOptions options)
        => this.ShowModalAsync(control, options);

    public bool Switch<TModal>(IModalOptions options) where TModal : IComponent
        => this.SwitchModal(typeof(TModal), options);

    public bool Switch(Type control, IModalOptions options)
        => this.SwitchModal(control, options);

    public void Update(IModalOptions? options = null)
        this.Options = options ?? this.Options;

    public void Dismiss()
        => this.CloseModal(ModalResult.Cancel());

    public void Close(ModalResult result)
        => this.CloseModal(result);

    private Task<ModalResult> ShowModalAsync(Type control, IModalOptions options)
        if (!(typeof(IComponent).IsAssignableFrom(control)))
            throw new InvalidOperationException
                  ("Passed control must implement IComponent");

        this.Options = options;
        this.ModalContentType = control;
        this.Display = true;
        this._ModalTask = new TaskCompletionSource<ModalResult>();
        return this._ModalTask.Task;

    private bool SwitchModal(Type control, IModalOptions options)
        if (!(typeof(IComponent).IsAssignableFrom(control)))
            throw new InvalidOperationException
                  ("Passed control must implement IComponent");

        this.ModalContentType = control;
        this.Options = options;
        return true;

    private void CloseModal(ModalResult result)
        this.Display = false;
        this.ModalContentType = null;
        _ = this._ModalTask.TrySetResult(result);


ModalDialogBase implements the boilerplate code for modal dialog components.

It creates an instance of ModalDialogContext and sets the callback in SetParametersAsync: this ensures inheriting classes can't inadvertently override it.

public abstract class ModalDialogBase : ComponentBase
    public readonly IModalDialogContext Context = new ModalDialogContext();

    public override Task SetParametersAsync(ParameterView parameters)
        this.Context.NotifyRenderRequired = this.OnRenderRequested;
        return base.SetParametersAsync(ParameterView.Empty);

    private void OnRenderRequested()
        => StateHasChanged();


VanillaModalDialog provides a basic CSS styled modal dialog component wrapper. It has:

  1. a clickable background
  2. configurable width
  3. uses DynamicComponent to render the requested component


@namespace Blazr.ModalDialog.Components
@inherits ModalDialogBase
@implements IModalDialog

@if (this.Display)
    <CascadingValue Value="(IModalDialog)this">
        <div class="base-modal-background" @onclick="OnBackClick">
            <div class="base-modal-content" style="@this.Width" 
                <DynamicComponent Type=this.ModalContentType 
                 Parameters=this.Options?.ControlParameters />

@code {
    private VanillaModalOptions modalOptions => 
            this.Options as VanillaModalOptions ?? new();

    protected string Width
        => string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(modalOptions.ModalWidth) ? 
           string.Empty : $"width:{modalOptions.ModalWidth}";

    private void OnBackClick()
        if (modalOptions.ExitOnBackgroundClick)


div.base-modal-background {
    display: block;
    position: fixed;
    z-index: 101; /* Sit on top */
    left: 0;
    top: 0;
    width: 100%; /* Full width */
    height: 100%; /* Full height */
    overflow: auto; /* Enable scroll if needed */
    background-color: rgb(0,0,0); /* Fallback color */
    background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.4); /* Black w/ opacity */

div.base-modal-content {
    background-color: #fefefe;
    margin: 10% auto;
    padding: 10px;
    border: 2px solid #888;
    width: 90%;


BsModalDialog provides a Bootstrap styled modal dialog component wrapper.

It has a custom IModalOptions where you can set the modal size.

public sealed class BsModalOptions: IModalOptions
    public string ModalSize { get; set; } = "modal-xl";
    public Dictionary<string, object> ControlParameters { get; } = 
           new Dictionary<string, object>();
    public Dictionary<string, object> OptionsList { get; } = 
           new Dictionary<string, object>();
    public object Data { get; set; } = new();


@namespace Blazr.ModalDialog.Components
@inherits ModalDialogBase

@if (this.Context.Display)
    <CascadingValue Value="(IModalDialogContext)this.Context">
        <div class="modal show-modal" tabindex="-1">
            <div class="modal-dialog @this.Size">
                <div class="modal-content">
                    <div class="modal-body">
                        <DynamicComponent Type=this.Context.ModalContentType 
                         Parameters=this.Context.Options?.ControlParameters />

@code {
    private BsModalOptions modalOptions => 
            this.Context.Options as BsModalOptions ?? new();
    protected string Size => modalOptions.ModalSize;

and BsModalDialog.razor.css:

.modal-body {
    padding: 0;

.show-modal {
    display: block;
    background-color: rgb(0,0,0,0.6);


The demonstration uses the FetchData page, adding a modal dialog editor for the weather forecasts. You can view all the code in the repository, including the updated WeatherForecastService.


WeatherEditForm is the edit form for a WeatherForecast record.


  1. captures the cascaded IModalDialogContext.
  2. throws an expection if there's no cascaded IModalDialogContext: the form is designed to run in a modal dialog context.
  3. uses EditStateTracker. This tracks the edit state and is detailed here Blazr.EditStateTracker.
  4. interacts with the modal context in Save and Close.
// WeatherEditForm.razor

@inject WeatherForecastService DataService

<div class="p-3">

    <div class="mb-3 display-6 border-bottom">
        Weather Forecast Editor

    <EditForm Model=this.model OnSubmit=this.SaveAsync>

        <EditStateTracker LockNavigation EditStateChanged=this.OnEditStateChanged />

        <div class="mb-3">
            <label class="form-label">Date</label>
            <InputDate class="form-control" @bind-Value=this.model.Date />

        <div class="mb-3">
            <label class="form-label">Temperature &deg;C</label>
            <InputNumber class="form-control" @bind-Value=this.model.TemperatureC />

        <div class="mb-3">
            <label class="form-label">Summary</label>
            <InputSelect class="form-select" @bind-Value=this.model.Summary>
                @if (model.Summary is null)
                    <option disbabled selected value="null"> 
                     -- Select a Summary -- </option>
                @foreach (var summary in this.DataService.Summaries)
                    <option value="@summary">@summary</option>

        <div class="mb-3 text-end">
            <button disabled="@(!_isDirty)" type="submit" 
             class="btn btn-primary" @onclick=SaveAsync>Save</button>
            <button disabled="@_isDirty" type="button" 
             class="btn btn-dark" @onclick=Close>Exit</button>



<div class="bg-dark text-white m-4 p-2">
    <pre>Date : @this.model.Date</pre>
    <pre>Temperature &deg;C : @this.model.TemperatureC</pre>
    <pre>Summary: @this.model.Summary</pre>
    <pre>State: @(_isDirty ? "Dirty" : "Clean")</pre>

@code {
    [Parameter] public Guid Uid { get; set; }
    [CascadingParameter] private IModalDialogContext? Modal { get; set; }

    private WeatherForecast model = new();
    private bool _isDirty;

    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
        model = await this.DataService.GetForecastAsync(this.Uid) ?? new() 
                { Date = DateOnly.FromDateTime(DateTime.Now), TemperatureC = 10 };
    private void OnEditStateChanged(bool isDirty)
        => _isDirty = isDirty;

    private async Task SaveAsync()
        await this.DataService.SaveForecastAsync(model);

    private void Close()
        =>  this.Modal?.Close(ModalResult.OK());

And FetchData

  1. adds an Edit button to each row.
  2. adds the BsModalDialog component to the page.
  3. calls ShowAsync on the modal component to open the modal dialog with the Edit Form.
@page "/fetchdata"
@using Blazr.ModalDialog.Data
@inject WeatherForecastService ForecastService

<PageTitle>Weather forecast</PageTitle>

<h1>Weather forecast</h1>

<p>This component demonstrates fetching data from a service.</p>

<table class="table">
            <th>Temp. (C)</th>
            <th>Temp. (F)</th>
        @foreach (var forecast in forecasts)
                <td><button class="btn btn-sm btn-primary" 
                 @onclick="() => EditAsync(forecast.Uid)">Edit</button></td>

<BsModalDialog @ref=_modal />

@code {
    private IEnumerable<WeatherForecast> forecasts = 
    private BsModalDialog? _modal;

    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
        forecasts = await ForecastService.GetForecastAsync();

    private async Task EditAsync(Guid uid)
        if (_modal is not null)
            var options = new BsModalOptions();
            options.ControlParameters.Add("Uid", uid);

            var result = await _modal.Context.ShowAsync<WeatherEditForm>(options);

Wrap Up

This implementation demonstrates several techniques and practices in developing Blazor components.

  1. How to use TaskCompletionSource to manage showing and hiding the dialog.
  2. Separation of component state into a context class, so you can cascade the state context and not the component.
  3. The example code demonstrates both Edit state tracking and Navigation locking.


  • 19th November, 2020: Initial version
  • 25th March, 2023: Revision 2


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Retired Cold Elm
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Ex Geologist, Project Manager, Web Hoster, Business Owner and IT Consultant. Now, a traveller to places less travelled. And part time developer trying to keep up!

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Comments and Discussions

GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Member 1051439513-Jan-24 13:56
Member 1051439513-Jan-24 13:56 
QuestionI think having Blazor native stuff makes sense Pin
Sacha Barber26-Mar-23 22:52
Sacha Barber26-Mar-23 22:52 
QuestionMy Vote of 5 Pin
StarPilot123-Dec-20 23:47
StarPilot123-Dec-20 23:47 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Vaso Elias23-Nov-20 11:30
Vaso Elias23-Nov-20 11:30 
GeneralAwful lot of code for a simple Alert Pin
TMags20-Nov-20 6:19
TMags20-Nov-20 6:19 
GeneralRe: Awful lot of code for a simple Alert Pin
Shaun C Curtis20-Nov-20 6:37
mvaShaun C Curtis20-Nov-20 6:37 
GeneralRe: Awful lot of code for a simple Alert Pin
GµårÐïåñ22-Nov-20 9:01
professionalGµårÐïåñ22-Nov-20 9:01 
AnswerRe: Awful lot of code for a simple Alert Pin
Shaun C Curtis22-Nov-20 22:31
mvaShaun C Curtis22-Nov-20 22:31 
GeneralRe: Awful lot of code for a simple Alert Pin
Vaso Elias23-Nov-20 11:30
Vaso Elias23-Nov-20 11:30 

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