The BigFloat library for C# offers an innovative solution for handling large floating-point numbers, extending beyond the limitations of standard IEEE floating-point representations. A flexible mantissa and a broad exponent range enable precise arithmetic operations and mathematical functions on large or small numbers. This library is ideal for scientific computing, financial calculations, and high-precision applications. Available on GitHub, BigFloat is easily integrated into C# projects, providing a robust tool for developers needing advanced numerical computation capabilities.
Note: This article was co-created with ChatGPT and Grammarly - details here.
is a C# library tailored for handling substantially large floating-point numbers. It extends the capabilities of standard IEEE floating points like single and double by providing a flexible-sized mantissa and a large exponent range. This library offers a unique blend of precision and flexibility, making it an ideal choice for computations requiring high accuracy in large numbers like scientific computing. Recently published on GitHub, BigFloat
is now also featured in this detailed CodeProject article.

Key Differences from IEEE Floating Points
, while similar to IEEE standards in structure, introduces notable differences:
- Two's Complement Representation:
employs two's complement for its sign as it uses BigInteger
's under the hood. Two's complement arithmetic is generally more efficient. - Scale vs. Exponent: Unlike IEEE's left-measured exponent,
's "Scale" measures the radix point from the least significant digit on the right. - Flexible Mantissa Size: The mantissa, called
s in BigFloat
, has an adjustable size ranging up to two billion bits.
Data Structure
's architecture consists of three core components:
- DataBits (of type
): The DataBit
s represent the mantissa, holding the binary form of the number. - Scale (of type
): Scale dictates the position of the radix point, allowing for scalable precision. A positive value would move the radix point right, increasing the number size; a negative value would move the radix point left, creating a fractional part. A zero value would essentially represent an integer. - Size (of type
): A cached value representing the size of DataBit
s. It is added for optimizing frequent access. '_size
' is equivalent to the function 'int _size = > ABS(dataBits).GetBitSize();

Using the Code
Incorporating BigFloat
into your project is straightforward. The primary file, 'BigFloat.cs', contains all necessary functions, while an optional 'BigConstants.cs' file offers access to extended mathematical constants. Adding these files to your project and optional references is all that's required.
Also, because of some language features that are used, C# 11 / .NET 7 is required.
BigConstants.cs provides up to 5000 decimal digits, but some optionally included text files in the values folder extend this to 1,000,000 digits.
Initializing and Basic Arithmetic Examples
A quick note on the output notation. Below, we will see outputs that look like 232XXXXXXXX. When we see this, BigFloat
lets the user know that only the 232 part is in-precision.
BigFloat a = new("123456789.012345678901234");
BigFloat b = new(1234.56789012345678);
BigFloat sum = a + b;
BigFloat difference = a - b;
BigFloat product = a * b;
BigFloat quotient = a / b;
Console.WriteLine($"Sum: {sum}");
Console.WriteLine($"Difference: {difference}");
Console.WriteLine($"Product: {product}");
Console.WriteLine($"Quotient: {quotient}");
Working with Mathematical Constants
BigFloat.BigConstants bigConstants = new(
requestedAccuracyInBits: 1000,
onInsufficientBitsThenSetToZero: true,
cutOnTrailingZero: true);
BigFloat pi = bigConstants.Pi;
BigFloat e = bigConstants.E;
Console.WriteLine($"e to 1000 binary digits: {e.ToString()}");
BigFloat radius = new("100.0000000000000000");
BigFloat area = pi * radius * radius;
Console.WriteLine($"Area of the circle: {area}");
Precision Manipulation
BigFloat preciseNumber = new("123.45678901234567890123");
BigFloat morePreciseNumber = BigFloat.ExtendPrecision(preciseNumber, bitsToAdd: 50);
Console.WriteLine($"Extend Precision result: {morePreciseNumber}");
BigFloat c = BigFloat.IntWithAccuracy(10, 100);
Console.WriteLine($"Int with specified accuracy: {c}");
Comparing Numbers
BigFloat num1 = new("12345.6790");
BigFloat num2 = new("12345.6789");
bool areEqual = num1 == num2;
bool isFirstBigger = num1 > num2;
Console.WriteLine($"Are the numbers equal? {areEqual}");
Console.WriteLine($"Is the first number bigger? {isFirstBigger}");
Depending on the base, a number could either round up or down. In base 10, the following 12345.67896
would round up to 12345.6790
. However, in binary, it rounds down to 11000000111001.1010110111010
. Since BigFloat
is base-2, this is correct, but it can cause odd side effects like the example below.
BigFloat num3 = new("12345.6789");
BigFloat num4 = new("12345.67896");
areEqual = num3 == num4;
isFirstBigger = num3 > num4;
Console.WriteLine($"Are the numbers equal? {areEqual}");
Console.WriteLine($"Is the first number bigger? {isFirstBigger}");
Handling Very Large or Small Exponents
BigFloat largeNumber = new("1234e+7");
Console.WriteLine($"Large Number: {largeNumber}");
BigFloat veryLargeNumber = new("1e+300");
Console.WriteLine($"Very Large Number: {veryLargeNumber}");
BigFloat smallNumber = new("1e-300");
Console.WriteLine($"Small Number: {smallNumber}");
BigFloat num5 = new("12121212.1212");
BigFloat num6 = new("1234");
Console.WriteLine($"{num5} * {num6} = {num5 * num6}");
num5 = new("12121212.1212");
num6 = new("3");
BigFloat result = num5 * num6;
Console.WriteLine($"{num5} * {num6} = {result}");
num5 = new("121212.1212");
num6 = new("1234567");
Console.WriteLine($"{num5} * {num6} = {num5 * num6}");
Console.WriteLine($"GetPrecision: {num6.GetPrecision}");
Understanding ‘HiddenBits’
In BigFloat
, the actual "data bits" are stored in a BigInteger
. BigFloat
designates the 32 least significant bits as "hidden bits." These bits are not generally considered precise but play a vital role in maintaining accuracy.
The Role of Hidden Bits
To help with the accuracy of the final result, BigFloat
keeps some extra bits that act as an extended buffer during arithmetic operations. Think of them as extended precision that is partially accurate and holds the remnants of calculations. This might not be substantial, but it leads to a more precise outcome after several consecutive math operations.
Example Illustration
Consider the following binary addition, where the pipe character '|
' separates precise bits from non-precision hidden-bits:
101.01100|110011001100110011001100110011 (approximately 5.4)
+ 100.01001|100110011001100110011001100110 (approximately +4.3)
1001.1011|0011001100110011001100110011001 (approximately 9.7)
If we were only to add the precise bits, our result would be `1001.101
`, missing the crucial information that the actual result is closer to `100.110
`. These extra bits help with better rounding and accuracy during subsequent mathematical operations.
Practical Implications
By carrying these extra 32 hidden bits, BigFloat
can perform operations with higher accuracy. When multiple operations are chained, these "hidden bits" help to correct cumulative rounding errors that would otherwise lead to significant inaccuracies. In essence, they serve as a "safety net" for precision.
Decimal-to-Binary and Binary-to-Decimal Conversions
This section covers some essential points regarding converting decimal strings to binary and back.
Conversion Precision Loss
There can be some precision loss when converting from a Decimal String to binary or vice versa, using Parse()
and ToString()
. This is because when most base-10 decimal numbers are converted to binary, they produce a repeating pattern.
Some Examples
→ 101.011001100110011001100... (repeats forever)
→ 100.01001100110011001100.... (repeats forever)
→ 0.01 (can be converted precisely)
Infinitely repeating binary digits do not fit in an integer very well! We must cut it off or do some magic trickery - that I will get to later. In a nutshell, most decimal numbers cannot be accurately represented.
Hidden bits to the rescue! Well, kind of. The advantage of keeping some extra hidden bits is that we can more accurately represent additional repeating bits. The bits are considered out-of-precision, but at the same time, more repeated bits can be stored for better accuracy. We can store more of those repeated binary digits. When we say 5.3 liters of water, we specify two decimal digits (or about seven binary digits, 101.0110). But at the same time, 5.3 can be better described with more bits, 101.0110011001100.
Accurate Representation of Repeating Bits - a Possible Future Feature
Earlier, I noted there was a better way. While not implemented in BigFloat
, I wanted to mention it as it is a possible addition in the future or a suggestion for some other class. To store repeated digits, we could introduce a new attribute called '_repeat
.' If there is a value, then it's the number of least significant digits in DataBits
that repeat. If zero, there are no repeating numbers; hence, this feature is not used.
Decimal to Binary - Selecting the Number of Target Bits
When converting from a real decimal number, for example, 4.3, to a binary number, we must figure out how many bits it should be encoded. The fact that each decimal digit translates to 3.32192809 bits makes this challenging! Our 4.3 example would translate to 6.64 bits. We need to put some thought into this.
When viewing things in binary precision, it becomes clearer because binary is the smallest base. The decimal numbers, like 1, 3, 4, or 9, all have one place in precision, but in binary, these numbers have anywhere from 1 to 4 bits of precision. In fact, we can calculate the number of binary digits by finding Floor(log-base-2(x)+1)
, or programmatically (int)Log2(n) + 1
. If we check out some results for just a single digit, Floor(Log2(3)+1)
is 2 bits, and Floor(Log2(9)+1)
is 4 bits. We can see the larger the number, the more binary places it will have and, thus, the more binary precision it will have. 19 has more significant binary digits than 11. So, the number of bits required to represent a number grows as the number grows in binary.
However, unexpected issues could arise. If we multiply 3 by 7, we expect to get 21. In multiplication, the output precision is the smaller one of the two factors. Since 3 is just 2 bits, the output should also have two bits (plus its shift). So instead of 3 x 7 = 21 (or 11 x 111 = 10101), we end up with a confusing 18 (or, 11 x 111 = 11 << 3 => 18). Here come the hidden bits to the rescue again. This oddity goes away with just a few extra hidden bits for this example. (11.000 x 111.000 = 10101. => 21). Hidden bits will prevent this, but only when the multipliers differ by less than 32 bits. If we take two multipliers with even more differences in size, it will exhaust the hidden bits.
Output Notation
When interpreting the outputs from the examples provided, you may encounter figures represented as "232XXXXXXXX
". This format is utilized to differentiate between the segments of the output that are within the bounds of precision and those that are not. Specifically, the "232
" portion signifies the digits that are precise and reliable. The sequence of "X" characters indicates the digits that fall beyond the scope of precision and, as such, are not displayed because their accuracy cannot be guaranteed.
For outputs where the imprecise portion extends significantly, BigFloat
adopts scientific notation to convey the scale of these numbers. For instance, an output that might otherwise be shown as "232XXXXXXXXXXX
" will be presented as "232 x 10^11
". This shift to scientific notation aids in maintaining clarity, especially when dealing with large numbers where numerous X's can become hard to read.
While it's possible to display these numbers with trailing zeros, like "232000000000
", doing so could misleadingly imply that the number is precise up to the last zero. This representation contrasts with the practices of many basic calculators and computational tools, which might display out-of-precision digits without clear distinction. More sophisticated calculators and tools prefer to use scientific notation to reflect the precision of the results, a practice BigFloat
aligns with.
Maintaining Precision - A Core Focus
Some of BigFloat
's recent developments have been focused on rounding to increase accuracy. Initially, BigFloat
would drop the least significant bits. This is not a huge deal since these removed bits were past even the lower 32 sub-precision hidden bits. However, after billions of math operations of constant rounding down, this could eat up all the 32 hidden bits and cause an unfavorable result. As the project evolved, the importance of rounding these bits became evident. Rounding helps maintain precision, especially in sequential mathematical operations.
Many of the functions have been updated to round the last sub-precision hidden bit, but not all. Some math functions still need updating.
Rounding in BigFloat
- How it's Done: After an operation, rounding is applied by checking the most significant digit removed. If set, we increment by one. This rounding method is a simple yet effective approach.
- Impact on Precision: Proper rounding can reduce precision loss. After billions of operations, this would even use up the 32
While this is more of a perfect-world example, here is an example:
- With Dropping Bits: With a trillion (or 240) serial add operations and just dropping the extra bits, we would end up with a result 239 too low. This is because half of the math operations would round down when they should be rounding up. This would translate into the bottom 39 bits being out-of-precision, depleting the 32 hidden bits and even going into the bits considered in-precision.
- With Rounding: If we round those dropped bits instead, those trillion serial operations would only see 18 bits affected on average, keeping us within the 32 hidden bits, thus maintaining accuracy. We get to the 18 because the rounding is correct 75% of the time. So the standard deviation would be Sqrt(240 / 4) / 2 => an average deviation of 262144 or 18 bits.
Banker's Rounding Not Employed
In the realm of floating-point arithmetic, particularly with Float
data types, Banker's rounding plays a pivotal role in enhancing accuracy. This rounding technique is commonly applied in IEEE float operations, where, upon encountering extra bits that exceed the capacity of the representation—akin to encountering a situation where a decision must be made whether to round a number ending in 0.5000... up or down—Banker's rounding opts to round to the nearest even number, effectively rounding up only half of the time. This approach is crucial for IEEE floats, which maintain only a limited number of extra bits, making encounters with such borderline rounding decisions relatively frequent.
However, in the case of BigFloat
, Banker's rounding is not utilized. The reason behind this deviation lies in BigFloat
's capacity to handle significantly more HiddenBits
. Given this enhanced bit capacity, the likelihood of a rounding decision falling precisely on the halfway mark is exceedingly rare. As such, the specific conditions that necessitate Banker's rounding in IEEE floats are not a concern for BigFloat
, obviating the need for its implementation.
Theoretical Limits of Precision
- Using Up Hidden Bits
When rounding up, our 32 hidden bits would take some time to be used up. It would take approximately (232 * 2)2 *4 or 1.5 x 10^21 math operations before we get into what we consider in-precision bits. That would take a little while. Also, this is in the perfect world, probably much sooner than that.
Rounding Example
101.|11001011101101001000101100110100 (approximately 6)
x 100.|01011001101001011100101110110101 (approximately 4)
110.|11001100100110110010011001111111[101100...] (true bits to remove)
110.|11001100100110110010011001111111 (if rounding down or dropping bits)
110.|11001100100110110010011010000000 (if rounded to nearest)
* "|" is the separator for the in-precision and out-of-precision hidden bits.
** "[ ]" bits even past the hidden bits - the bits to be rounded
Even though these bits were in the hidden area and are considered out-of-precision, rounding helps with the loss of precision with successive math operations operating on it. The precision slowly decreases with chopping off the bits (i.e., rounding down). However, if rounding is done correctly for some math functions, the rounding up and down of the least significant digit will cancel each other out over time. This is equivalent to counting the number of heads when flipping a coin several times.
Here is an example where hidden bits correct cumulative rounding errors.
For Reference, the correct answer...
1000.110100|000000010000000001010110... (exact)
Dropping the Bits...
+ 1.010001|011001100110110101100010 (add operation)
100.111111|110011011011100000101101 (subtotal)
+ 1.010001|011001100110110101100010 (add operation)
110.010001|001101000010010110001111 (subtotal)
+ 1.010001|011001100110110101100010 (add operation)
111.100010|100110101001001011110001 (subtotal)
+ 1.010001|011001100110110101100010 (add operation)
1000.110100|000000010000000001010011 (total is off by 3)
Using Rounding...
+ 1.010001|01100110011011010110001011 (round and add operation)
100.111111|110011011011100000101110 (subtotal)
+ 1.010001|01100110011011010110001011 (round and add operation)
110.010001|001101000010010110010001 (subtotal)
+ 1.010001|01100110011011010110001011 (round and add operation)
111.100010|100110101001001011110100 (subtotal)
+ 1.010001|01100110011011010110001011 (round and add operation)
1000.110100|000000010000000001010111 (total - off by 1)
Background of BigFloat
In 2020, I encountered a challenge that required calculations on very large numbers that were not integers. To tackle this, I initially resorted to leveraging a BigInteger
while manually managing the position of the decimal point. While functional, this makeshift solution proved to be unwieldy, leading to code cluttered, time-intensive to manage, and prone to errors. After a search for an existing tool that met my needs in 2020, I was compelled to create this BigFloat
was conceived as a modest class, its primary function being to accurately track the position of the radix point—a term synonymous with 'decimal point' but applicable across any numerical base. As time progressed, the library underwent numerous enhancements, expanding its repertoire of functions and significantly improving its precision.
This journey from a simple utility to manage radix points in large-scale arithmetic to a comprehensive BigFloat
library exemplifies the evolution of a tool designed to address a specific need, which, through continuous refinement and expansion, has grown to offer robust support for high-precision calculations across a wide array of applications.
Questions and Answers
- Is BigFloat Complete? While robust and functional,
is a never-ending project with ongoing enhancements and performance optimizations. - How Long Has BigFloat Been Around? Starting as a personal tool in November 2020,
has evolved since then. - Dependencies:
requires .NET 7 or later and has no other dependencies. - Data Storage: At its core,
has three items: (1) BigInteger
for storing the actual DataBits
. (2) a Scale
showing how many binary places to shift the radix point. (3) The data bits size is accessed frequently. To facilitate quick access, this value, equivalent to ABS(BigInteger).GetBitCount()
is cached. - Why is it called BigFloat?
: This would indicate a base-2 number with a floating decimal point. BigRational
: This indicates the number is stored as an actual fraction with a numerator and denominator. BigDecimal
: This indicates processing/storage is in base-10. However, this class is in base 2. Some projects use Base 2, however, with the name BigDecimal
Future Wish List
- Add the
for more exact results storage for rational numbers. - Finish the
function. It works but needs to be converted to use BigInteger
internally for better performance.
- 29th November, 2020: Initial version
- 6th January, 2024: Public release
- 26th February, 2024: Article posted
Article Creation Process
The development of this article was a synergy of human creativity and artificial intelligence. Initially, Ryan White crafted a comprehensive draft, which was then refined using Word and Grammarly for initial edits. Subsequently, we leveraged the capabilities of ChatGPT 4 to restructure and condense the article. Initially, the extent of information reduction was a concern; however, we recognized the value in brevity, as ChatGPT's edits transformed the piece from a potentially dry technical narrative into a compelling and succinct read.
This iterative process involved continuous enhancements and refinements between manual inputs and AI suggestions. This collaboration streamlined the content and ensured the article maintained a lively and engaging tone. The final touches included meticulous proofreading with Grammarly and Word, underscoring our commitment to quality.
Additionally, the article features the BigFloat
image, conceived by ChatGPT, with a minor manual adjustment to incorporate the term Float
for clarity.