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Zero Dynamic Allocation JSON Parser in C

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9 May 2024CPOL16 min read 2.6K   13   2   6
The article discusses the implementation of a zero allocation JSON parser in C, which is suitable for systems with limited memory resources.


The purpose of this project is to implement a zero allocation JSON parser. Making it ideal for embedded systems or projects with tight memory requirements.

Unlike other libraries that claim to do zero allocations, but actually just implement a 'push parser' or a tokenizer (leaving the responsibility of allocation to the caller), this library actually implements a parser that does reinterpret the JSON text into a iterable structure, with native types and decoded data.

The library avoids heap allocations by parsing the JSON data into the same buffer that held the original JSON text, so it actually reuses the same memory space. This does mean, the original data is destroyed, so if you want to keep the original text data, a copy of the buffer must be made before passing it into the parser.

Many times, the resulting structure has a smaller size than the JSON text, so if there is need to persist the parsed information for long, a copy to a smaller buffer can be made (releasing the original 'larger' buffer).


Parsing a json object

JsonResult oResult = Json_Parse("{\"foo\":\"bar\"}");
if (!oResult.Success)
    printf("Parsing failed : %s at %i\n", oResult.Error, oResult.Index);
    JsonProperty oProperty = Json_GetPropertyByName(oResult.RootObject, "foo");
    print("The object has property \"%s\" with value \"%s\"\n", oProperty.Name, oProperty.Value.StringValue)

Parsing a json array

JsonResult oResult = Json_Parse("[1,2,3]");
if (!oResult.Success)
    printf("Parsing failed : %s at %i\n", oResult.Error, oResult.Index);
    JsonElement oElement = Json_GetElementAtIndex(oResult.RootObject ,1);
    print("The array has value \"%s\" at index %i\n", oElement.Index, oElement.Value.DoubleValue)

Parsing a json scalar

Although JSON specification does not allow scalar values as root objects, the parser is still able to produce values for them.

JsonResult oResult = Json_Parse("\"this is just a string\"");
if (!oResult.Success)
    printf("Parsing failed : %s at %i\n", oResult.Error, oResult.Index);
    print("the root is not an object but a string : \"%s\"\n", oResult.RootObject.StringValue)


Parsing api

Element Description
enum JsonType An enumerator that qualifies que type of data that a JsonObject contains, or JsonTypeInvalid if a parsing or enumeration error as occurred
struct JsonObject A structure that holds a parsed value, indicating it's type or JsonTypeInvalid if a parsing or enumeration error as occurred
struct JsonResult A structure returned by Json_Parse function, containing that parsing status, the error in case of failure or the root JsonObject in case of success
struct JsonProperty A structure returned by the object enumeration functions that holds the name of the property and its value as a JsonObject
struct JsonElement A structure returned by the array enumeration functions that has its value as a JsonObject, and an index for the element.
JsonResult Json_Parse(char* pJson) Parses a JSON text into a serialized native structure, reusing the same buffer, this is a destructive operation, if the original data is needed a copy of the text data must be made before calling this function
JsonObject Json_Load(char* pJson) Loads a previously parsed buffer, for the cases where it has been persisted after parsing.
JsonProperty Json_IterateProperties(JsonObject oJsonObject) Returns the first property of the given JsonObject, the given object must be of type JsonTypeObject
JsonProperty Json_NextProperty(JsonProperty oJsonProperty) Returns the property following of the given JsonProperty, if the given property was the last one the returned JsonProperty will have its properties zeroed and the type of the value will be JsonTypeInvalid
JsonProperty Json_GetPropertyByName(JsonObject oJsonObject, char* pName) Iterates the object and retrieves a property of the given JsonObject that has the given name, if no such property is found the returned JsonProperty will have its properties zeroed and the type of the value will be JsonTypeInvalid
int Json_GetPropertyCount(JsonObject oJsonObject) Return the number of properties that the given JsonObject has, useful if you wish to copy values to another structure and you need the allocation size
JsonElement Json_IterateElements(JsonObject oJsonArray) Returns the first value of the given JsonObject, the given object must be of type JsonTypeArray
JsonElement Json_NextElement(JsonElement oJsonElement) Returns the value following of the given JsonElement, if the given element was the last one the returned JsonElement will have its properties zeroed and the type of the value will be JsonTypeInvalid
JsonElement Json_GetElementAtIndex(JsonObject oJsonArray, int nIndex) Iterates the array and retrieves a value of the given JsonObject at the given property, if the index out of range the JsonElement will have its properties zeroed and the type of the value will be JsonTypeInvalid
int Json_GetElementCount(JsonObject oJsonArray) Return the number of values that the given JsonObject has

enum JsonType

The enumerator is used to reflect the type of data found in the JSON text, a special JsonTypeInvalid is included to allow the parsing or enumeration functions to return a failure

enumeration JsonType
    JsonTypeInvalid //returned if the parsing or enumeration failed
    JsonTypeNull    //a literal "null" in the JSON
    JsonTypeBool    //a literal "true" or "false" in the JSON, the value will be parsed into JsonObject.BoolValue
    JsonTypeNumber  //an integer or decimal value in the JSON, the value will be parsed into JsonObject.DoubleValue
    JsonTypeString  //a double quote delimited string JSON, the value will be parsed into JsonObject.StringValue
    JsonTypeObject  //a {} delimited object JSON
    JsonTypeArray   //a [] delimited array JSON

structure JsonResult

A structure that holds a parsed value, indicating it's type or JsonTypeInvalid if a parsing or enumeration error as occurred.

if JsonResult.Success equals 0 The Error element will point to a string containing a description and Index will point to the index of the input at which the parsing failed. if JsonResult.Success is any other value, the InitialSize and EndSize will have the initial string size and the final used size (remaining bytes to InitialSize will be zeroed) , which will give you an idea of the "compression" achieved and EndSize can be used to allocate a new buffer for long time persistance. The RootObject will have the parsed value, the object should be checked against its type before usage, making sure it is not JsonTypeInvalid.

After parsing the JSON text, the parser will fill the remaining buffer with \0

struct JsonResult
    int Success             //0 in case of failure
    //if Success == 0
    char* Error             //a description in case of error, undefined otherwise
    int Index               //the index at which the parser failed, undefined otherwise
    //if Success != 0
    int InitialSize         //the size of the parsed json text
    int EndSize             //the size of buffer used to hold the parsed data ( will be <= than InitialSize )
    JsonObject RootObject   //the object that was parsed out of the JSON text

structure JsonObject

This struct represents a json value or a json structure, JSON definition supports two types of structure. An object which is an unordered set of name/value pairs delimited by {}, or a ordered list of values delimited by [] These types are set as JsonTypeObject and JsonTypeArray respectively. In such case the JsonObject as no value and the iteration methods should be used.

For other types, the other properties contain the parsed value, except JsonTypeNull that represents a literal null in the JSON, or JsonTypeInvalid that is used to represent failure.

struct JsonObject
    char* Position      //used internally, by the iteration functions to locate a referenced object
    JsonType Type       //the type of the JSON value/structure that this object represents 
    char* StringValue   //a null terminated string in case of "JsonTypeString", undefined otherwise
    double DoubleValue  //a decimal numbers in case of "JsonTypeNumber", undefined otherwise
    char BoolValue      //0 or 1 case of "JsonTypeBool", undefined otherwise

structure JsonProperty

This structure is return by Json_IterateProperties and Json_GetPropertyByName, it also must be passed to the Json_NextProperty for a continuation of the iteration.

struct JsonProperty
    char* Position      //used internally, by the iteration functions to locate a referenced object
    char* Name          //the null terminated string that holds the name of the property 
    JsonObject Value    //an object that holds that property value

structure JsonElement

This structure is return by Json_IterateElements and Json_GetElementAtIndex, it also must be passed to the Json_NextElement for a continuation of the iteration.

struct JsonElement
    char* Position      //used internally, by the iteration functions to locate a referenced object
    int Index           //index of the value in the parent array
    JsonObject Value    //the value found at the index

function Json_Parse

This function accept a writable null terminated string, containing a valid JSON text and parses the text into the same buffer memory space. You must be aware that this is a destructive operation.

The JsonResult is returned and used only by this function, to easily allow catch of parsing failures.

After parsing the JSON text, the parser will fill the remaining buffer with \0

This is a destructive operation, if the original data is needed, you must make a copy before calling this function.

JsonResult oResult = Json_Parse("{\"foo\":\"bar\"}");
    //do something with oResult.RootObject

functions Json_IterateProperties & Json_NextProperty

These functions can be used to "explore" JSON object with an unknown structure, by enumerating all of it's properties Their behavior and result is similar, the only major difference being that Json_IterateProperties receives a JsonObject and retrieves the first JsonProperty. While Json_NextProperty retrieves the next JsonProperty following the given one.

JsonProperty oFirstProperty = Json_IterateProperties(oObject);
if(oFirstProperty.Value.Type != JsonTypeInvalid)
    //the object has at least 1 property 

JsonProperty oSecondProperty = Json_NextProperty(oFirstProperty);
if(oSecondProperty.Value.Type != JsonTypeInvalid)
    //the object has at least 2 properties
//lets output them all
for (JsonProperty oProperty = Json_IterateProperties(oObject); oProperty.Value.Type != JsonTypeInvalid; oProperty = Json_NextProperty(oProperty))
   print("The object has property named \"%s\" \n", oProperty.Name)

function Json_GetPropertyByName

If the JSON data as a known structure you can use the Json_GetPropertyByName to access the property value directly. Be aware that if the property does not exist an object of type JsonTypeInvalid, so the returned type should be validated to prevent errors.

Be aware that this operation is O(n)

JsonProperty oUnsureProperty = Json_GetPropertyByName(oObject,"user_name");
if(oUnsureProperty.Value.Type != JsonTypeInvalid)
    //the property is present
//get values from a known structure disregarding validations
double nPrice = Json_GetPropertyByName(oObject,"product_price").Value.DoubleValue;
int bActive = Json_GetPropertyByName(oObject,"is_active").Value.BoolValue == 1;

function Json_GetPropertyCount

This is just a helper function that returns the count of properties of a JsonObject. Since properties can't be get by index, there is not much use for this functions. but it may help if you need to make allocations proportional do the object "size".

If the JsonObject passed is not of type JsonTypeObject -1 is returned

Be aware that this operation is O(n)

JsonObject oObject; //gotten from a previous parsing

int nTotalProperties = Json_GetPropertyCount(oObject);

functions Json_IterateElements & Json_NextElement

These functions are be used to iterate over a JSON array. Their behavior and result is similar, the difference being that Json_IterateElements receives a JsonObject retrieves the first JsonElement. While Json_NextElement retrieves the next JsonElement following the given one.

JsonElement oFirstElement = Json_IterateElements(oObject);
if(oFirstElement.Value.Type == JsonTypeInvalid)
    print("array is empty");
//lets output them all
for (JsonElement oElement = Json_IterateElements(oObject); oElement.Value.Type != JsonTypeInvalid; oElement = Json_NextElement(oElement))
    print("The array contains \"%s\" \n", oElement.Value.StringValue)

function Json_GetElementCount

This is just a helper function that returns the number of elements in a JsonObject array.

Be aware that this operation is O(n)

int nTotalElements = Json_GetElementCount(oObject);

function Json_GetElementAtIndex

Elements in a array items can be accessed in random order by their index. The given index must be in valid range. To get the total number of items use the Json_GetElementCount function

Be aware that this operation is O(n)


//if iteration of the full array is needed you should use "IterateElements" and "NextElement"
//as this takes O(n) + O(n log n)
int nTotalElements = Json_GetElementCount(oObject);
for(int i = 0 ; i < nTotalElements ; i++)


An example file as reference for the below code

    "name": "my house",

Parsing the file, trying to validade every step to avoid any run time errors.

#include "json.h"

//load from a file to a "big enough" buffer (this is lazy , bad code, DON'T COPY) 
char pBuffer[1024];
hFile = fopen("sample.json", "r");
fgets(pBuffer, 1024, hFile);

//this first example will show some defensive code and how to process the data with the correct validations to avoid runtime errors
JsonResult oResult = Json_Parse(pBuffer);
if (!oResult.Success)
    printf("Parsing failed : %s at %i\n", oResult.Error, oResult.Index);
else if(oResult.RootObject.Type == JsonTypeObject)
    //get the name property
    JsonProperty oName = Json_GetPropertyByName(oResult.RootObject, "name");
    if(oName.Value.Type == JsonTypeString)
        printf("the name of my object : %s \n", oName.Value.StringValue);

    //get the sub object of the "location" property 
    JsonProperty oLocation = Json_GetPropertyByName(oResult.RootObject, "location");
    if(oLocation.Value.Type == JsonTypeObject)
        //iterate its properties
       JsonObject oCoordinates = oLocation.Value;
       for (JsonProperty oDimension = Json_IterateProperties(oCoordinates); oDimension.Value.Type != JsonTypeInvalid; oDimension = Json_NextProperty(oDimension))
           if(oDimension.Value.Type == JsonTypeNumber)
                print("coordinate \"%s\" is %f \n", oDimension.Name,oDimension.Value.DoubleValue)
                print("coordinate \"%s\" is not of type number\n", oDimension.Name)

    JsonProperty oMixed = Json_GetPropertyByName(oResult.RootObject, "mixed_array");
    if(oMixed.Value.Type == JsonTypeArray)
        //iterate the items of the array
       JsonObject oTheArray = oMixed.Value;
       for (JsonProperty oEntry = Json_IterateElements(oTheArray); oEntry.Value.Type != JsonTypeInvalid; oEntry = Json_NextElement(oEntry))
         switch (oEntry.Type)
                case JsonTypeArray:
                    printf("an array with %i items\n", Json_GetElementCount(oEntry));
                case JsonTypeBool:
                    printf("a boolean literal: %s \n", oEntry.BoolValue ? "true" : "false");
                case JsonTypeNull:
                    printf("literally just a null");
                case JsonTypeNumber:
                    printf("a number: %f\n", oEntry.DoubleValue);
                case JsonTypeObject:
                    printf("an inner object with %i properties\n", Json_GetPropertyCount(oEntry));
                case JsonTypeString:
                    printf("a string containing: %s\n", oEntry.StringValue);
                case JsonTypeInvalid:
                    printf("but it worked on by machine!!!");

Short and simple code example, I wish everything could be this simple, but honestly, this one will probably blow up in your face because of the lack of validations

#include "json.h"

//If the previous example seems to have to much code... well...
//If you know the structure of the object and is guarantied that it is properly constructed 
//You can go straight for the prize (at you own risk)

JsonResult oObject = Json_Parse(pBuffer).RootObject;

printf("the name of my object : %s \n", Json_GetPropertyByName(oObject, "name").Value.StringValue);
JsonObject oCoordinates = Json_GetPropertyByName(oObject, "location").Value
print("coordinate \"lat\" is %f \n", Json_GetPropertyByName(oCoordinates, "lat").Value.DoubleValue)
print("coordinate \"lon\" is %f \n", Json_GetPropertyByName(oCoordinates, "lon").Value.DoubleValue)
JsonObject oArray = Json_GetPropertyByName(oObject, "mixed_array").Value
printf("a string containing: %s\n", Json_GetElementAtIndex(oObject, 3).Value.StringValue);
printf("a boolean literal: %s \n", Json_GetElementAtIndex(oObject, 1).Value.BoolValue ? "true" : "false");

Finally some code to "explore" and print an unknown JSON text

void dump_object(int nLevel, JsonObject oJson)
    switch (oJson.Type)
        case JsonTypeArray:
            printf("%*s array(%i)\n", nLevel * 4, "", Json_GetElementCount(oJson));
            for (JsonElement oElement = Json_IterateElements(oJson); oElement.Value.Type != JsonTypeInvalid; oElement = Json_NextElement(oElement))
                printf("%*s element(%i)\n", (nLevel + 1) * 4, "", oElement.Index);
                dump_object(nLevel + 1, oElement.Value);

        case JsonTypeBool:
            printf("%*s bool(%s)\n", nLevel * 4, "", oJson.BoolValue ? "true" : "false");
        case JsonTypeNull:
            printf("%*s null\n", nLevel * 4, "");
        case JsonTypeNumber:
            printf("%*s number(%f)\n", nLevel * 4, "", oJson.DoubleValue);
        case JsonTypeObject:
            printf("%*s object(%i)\n", nLevel * 4, "", Json_GetPropertyCount(oJson));
            for (JsonProperty oProperty = Json_IterateProperties(oJson); oProperty.Value.Type != JsonTypeInvalid; oProperty = Json_NextProperty(oProperty))
                printf("%*s property(%s)\n", (nLevel + 1) * 4, "", oProperty.Name);
                dump_object(nLevel + 1, oProperty.Value);

        case JsonTypeString:
            printf("%*s string(%s)\n", nLevel * 4, "", oJson.StringValue);
        case JsonTypeInvalid:
            printf("%*s invalid\n", nLevel * 4, "");

//call the "dump" function that will print everything it finds 
JsonResult oResult = Json_Parse(pBuffer);
if (oResult.Success && oResult.RootObject.Type != JsonTypeInvalid)
    dumpObject(0, oResult.RootObject);

Construction api

Since many times parsing a JSON text also involves creating it, the library also includes functions to write a JSON text. In this case dynamic memory allocation is unavoidable, but the allocation and reallocation of the buffer is managed by the library itself. The only remarkable thing about the way it is done, is that at every step the buffer contains a valid JSON text. This does mean a some extra memory copying is done at every interaction.

The construction functions receive a pointer to a pointer, because as they reallocate the buffer, the buffer address may change

Element Description
char* Json_CreateBuffer() Allocates a buffer for the construction of the JSON text, it can be used wherever a string can be used. But it can't reallocated/freed by normal functions.
void Json_ReleaseBuffer(char*) Releases the memory of a previous allocated buffer.
int Json_AddNull(char** pBuffer) Write a literal null value at the insertion point of the current array scope
int Json_AddBool(char** pBuffer, int bValue) Adds a literal true or false value at the insertion point of the current array scope
int Json_AddString(char** pBuffer, const char* sValue) Adds a string value at the insertion point of the current array scope
int Json_AddNumber(char** pBuffer, double nValue) Adds a number value at the insertion point of the current array scope
int Json_AddArray(char** pBuffer) Opens a array scope at the current insertion point of an array and moves the insertion point into the scope of the newly created array
int Json_AddObject(char** pBuffer) Opens a object scope at the current insertion point of an array and moves the insertion point into the scope of the newly created object
int Json_AddPropertyNull(char** pBuffer, const char* sName) Write property with null value at the insertion point of the current object scope
int Json_AddPropertyBool(char** pBuffer, const char* sName, int bValue) Write property with true or false value at the insertion point of the current object scope
int Json_AddPropertyString(char** pBuffer, const char* sName, const char* sValue) Write property with a string value at the insertion point of the current object scope
int Json_AddPropertyNumber(char** pBuffer, const char* sName, double nValue) Write property with a number value at the insertion point of the current object scope
int Json_AddPropertyArray(char** pBuffer, const char* sName) Write a property with the value of an empty array at the current insertion point of an object, and moves the insertion point into the scope of the newly created array
int Json_AddPropertyObject(char** pBuffer, const char* sName) Write a property with the value of an empty object at the current insertion point of an object, and moves the insertion point into the scope of the newly created object
int Json_ExitScope(char** pBuffer) Moves the insertion pointer back to the parent scope,
const char* Json_GetError(char* pBuffer) Returns the error message in the case that any of the previous functions have returned 0
char* Json_Indent(char*) Returns a allocated buffer with a indented version of the passes JSON text.(the buffer must be de-allocated with free())
char* Json_Compress(char* pChar) Removes non significant white-spaces from the JSON text(The modification is done in place)


An example file as reference for the below code

char* pBuffer = Json_CreateBuffer();
//the root object will be an array (brackets are used only for indentation)
    Json_AddObject(&pBuffer);//this opens a new scope and moves the insertion point to that scope
        //so now we are adding properties to the object
        Json_AddPropertyNull(&pBuffer, "null_property");
        Json_AddPropertyBool(&pBuffer, "bool_property", 1);
        Json_AddPropertyString(&pBuffer, "string_property", "foo\nbar");
        Json_AddPropertyNumber(&pBuffer, "number_property", -111.222);
        Json_AddPropertyObject(&pBuffer, "child_object");//opens a new scope for child object
            Json_AddPropertyArray(&pBuffer, "empty_array");//opens a new scope for an array
            Json_ExitScope(&pBuffer);//exit the newly created array scope (leaving it empty)
        Json_ExitScope(&pBuffer);//exit the child object scope
        Json_AddPropertyString(&pBuffer, "parent_scope", "after the child object");
    Json_ExitScope(&pBuffer);//exits the object scope, meaning we return to the array scope
    //these are added to the array
    Json_AddBool(&pBuffer, 0);
    Json_AddString(&pBuffer, "hello world");
    Json_AddNumber(&pBuffer, 321.0123);
    Json_AddNumber(&pBuffer, .1);
    Json_AddNumber(&pBuffer, -0.5);
//the text was printable at any time, but here is the end result
printf("%s", pBuffer);

char* pPretty = Json_Indent(pBuffer);
//and here it is formatted and indented
printf("%s", pBuffer);

//the formatted version must be released with "free" 
//construction buffer CANT be used with "free",  `Json_ReleaseBuffer` MUST be used

How it works

Scoped data

To understand a bit about how this technic works we must realize that JSON has extra information that occupies space that is not needed for a native manipulation of the data. Take the following string "foo" for example. It takes up 5 bytes with the following information

|   "|   f|   o|   o|   "|

To turn it into a native null terminated string, all we have to do is put a null after the last o of the string. But there is a byte already there with a " that we don't need. So we can just change the memory content to be :

|   "|   f|   o|   o|  \0|

Now, returning a pointer to the address 0x02, will point to a valid null terminated c string. And since we are reusing bytes, there is a extra byte in the beginning of the string with another " that as no purpose. We can use it to put a specific byte value to "mark" the beginning of a string. So the actual data in memory will become something like:

| str|   f|   o|   o|  \0|

Of course a string may need to be unescaped, but that works in our favor since it means it will occupy even less space. Here is another example for the string "foo\nbar":

original|   "|   f|   o|   o|   \|   n|   b|   a|   r|   "|    |    |    |    |    |
  parsed| str|   f|   o|   o|  \n|   b|   a|   r|  \0|    |    |    |    |    |    |

The same happens for a JSON object, it provides us with 2 extra bytes in the form of {} and the arrays in the form of []

Objects always consist of name/value pairs, so their content can be parsed and iterated em pairs, allowing us to not need any type of separator and discard the : and , characters

And the same thing happens for arrays, until we reach the end of the array, every consecutive value is an item of the array:

So an example of the object {"foo":"bar"} can be parsed like this:

original|   {|   "|   f|   o|   o|   "|   :|   "|   b|   a|   r|   "|   }|    |    |
  parsed| obj| str|   f|   o|   o|  \0| str|   b|   a|   r|  \0| end|    |    |    |

While an array like ["foo","bar"] will be very similar the difference will be only in the type "marker" and out we end up iterating the data:

original|   [|   "|   f|   o|   o|   "|   ,|   "|   b|   a|   r|   "|   ]|    |    |
  parsed| arr| str|   f|   o|   o|  \0| str|   b|   a|   r|  \0| end|    |    |    |


Having understood the replacements done in memory, it becomes obvious that for the literals null, true and false is even easier, because they provide us 4 and 5 bytes when all we need is single byte to place a "marker" with a byte value that signals the corresponding type. So here is a simple example of the JSON [true,false,null]:

original|   [|   t|   r|   u|   e|   ,|   f|   a|   l|   s|   e|   ,|   n|   u|   l|   l|   ]|
  parsed| arr| tru| fal| nul| end|    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |    |


Here is where he hit a bump, unlike the scoped data there are no extra bytes for us to put our "marker", and also unlike the literals there is no fixed size used.

There are easy situations like the number 1234 that occupies 4 bytes allowing us to store a 32bit int, but that still leaves situations like 9, where we have a single byte available. If we use it to put our number "marker", we will have no space for the data. If we store the data, we won't know how to interpret that data without a "marker" signaling the type.

But if we thing about that "marker" byte and it's values, we can see that up until now we have only defined a few unique values (7 to be exact), and to store 8 different values we only need 3 bits. That leaves us 5 bits of the "marker" byte that we will never use, maybe we can use those bits to store actual data.

This puts us on the right track. Not only that, but fiddling with the "marker" bits we can take care of another problem...

Lets take the JSON ["One","Two","Three"] for example. If we have a pointer to the start of the array, and we wish to get the item at position 1 (that being the second string). We need to "skip" the first item, but the only way to go to the end of a null terminated string is to read all bytes until we get to a \0. If we knew the size of the string, we could actually jump to its end, and fetch the following value.

So if we are able to store the size of our objects, it will make random access faster. Of course JSON allows for arbitrarily big strings, arrays or objects. A 32bit int could handle all of that but we have no place to put it so a compromise must be made. We will store the size of small strings, arrays or object in the available bits of our "marker", and have a different value "marker" for the ones that need to be iterated to find the actual size.

This leads us to the final version of our "marker" values, that are actually an encoding of flags and data about the values that we have parsed.

8   7   6   5   4   3   2   1
6bit size [0-63]        0   1   JsonMarkerSmallString
6bit size [0-63]        1   0   JsonMarkerSmallObject
6bit size [0-63]        1   1   JsonMarkerSmallArray
5bit int [0-31]     1   0   0   JsonMarkerDecimal
4bit int [0-15] 1   0   0   0   JsonMarkerDigit
3bit [0-7]  1   0   0   0   0   JsonMarkerInt
1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   JsonMarkerLargeString
1   0   1   0   0   0   0   0   JsonMarkerLargeObject
1   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   JsonMarkerLargeArray
1   1   1   0   0   0   0   0   JsonMarkerSequenceEnd
0   0   1   0   0   0   0   0   JsonMarkerNull
0   1   0   0   0   0   0   0   JsonMarkerTrue
0   1   1   0   0   0   0   0   JsonMarkerFalse
0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   unused null

If any of the first 2 bits of our "marker" are signaled, we know we are dealing with a scope and we can use the other 6 bits to hold a value from 0 to 63 indicating the byte size of the scope. This allows us to easily skip small strings, which I bet will be 100% of the cases of the names of the properties of an object. And other small objects like {"x":123,"y":321} that may occur in bulk will also be easily skipped.

If the first 2 bits are 0, then we check the next one. If signaled it means it will be followed by an integer but the decimal must be shifted n places. The n is stored in the next 5 bits of the maker, allowing us to have up to 15 decimal places. And if you are wondering if the have "space" to store this "marker", just remember that to define anything with a decimal place in JSON you need to put a . so an extra byte will always be available for the decimal marker.

If the 3rd bit is also 0 we check the 4th bit. If is 1, this is the marker for a single digit and the next 4 bits allow us to have values from 0 to 16 which is more that enough to store values from '0' to '9', being these the worst case scenario for numbers.

If the 4th bit is also 0 but the 5th is 1 we have in the remaining 3 bits a enumerator that tells us the size of the int that follows

  • 1 = 8bit signed int
  • 2 = 16bit signed int
  • 3 = 32bit signed int
  • 4 = 64bit signed int

And the bytes for that int are guaranteed by the digits placed in the JSON text, and we can check the worst case scenarios to be sure.

  • 9 1 byte - special case in witch we use JsonMarkerDigit
  • 99 2 bytes - 1 byte "marker" to signal a 8bit int, 1 byte to store values from -128 to 127
  • 999 3 bytes - 1 byte "marker" to signal a 16bit int, 2 bytes to store values from -32768 to 32767
  • 9999 4 bytes - 1 byte "marker" to signal a 16bit int, 2 bytes to store values from -32768 to 32767 (saves 1 byte)
  • 99999 5 bytes - 1 byte "marker" to signal a 32bit int, 4 bytes to store values from -2147483648 to 2147483647
  • and so on...

And if at any of these we add a - minus sign, we get even more space.

Finally the combination of the last 3 bits of our marker, gives us 8 combinations that are just enough to define the markers we need for our other types of values.

The all 0 combination was left unused on purpose, so mistakes are not made with the termination of string, or with the passed buffer. A 0 encountered will always mean error.

Final thoughts

This technic and encoding was created by myself without any inspiration from other sources. This does not mean I think it is unique or novel. There are many smart people out there, I wouldn't be surprised if some other algorithm used a similar encoding technic. Anyway, I think that this code can be of use for projects that have very tight memory requirements, this as a very small memory footprint, while not compromising performance too much.

The code is provided AS IS, you can use it as you wish.

Happy coding.

This article was originally posted at


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Software Developer
Portugal Portugal
From the age of 15 I started programing in QBasic at home after several jobs I realized that what I wanted was to work with computers, so I joined a IT company, originally as a web designer, but thanks to my self learning abilities I made my way into the programmers team. Today I know VB, VBScript, Javascript, HTML, SQL , C# and C++... even if I never went to college.. Smile | :)

Comments and Discussions

GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Ștefan-Mihai MOGA14-May-24 3:45
professionalȘtefan-Mihai MOGA14-May-24 3:45 
PraiseRe: My vote of 5 Pin
CaldasGSM16-May-24 0:08
CaldasGSM16-May-24 0:08 
SuggestionMy XML Parser for SVG on embedded did the same thing Pin
honey the codewitch10-May-24 19:56
mvahoney the codewitch10-May-24 19:56 
AnswerYes, but... Pin
CaldasGSM12-May-24 3:54
CaldasGSM12-May-24 3:54 
GeneralRe: Yes, but... Pin
honey the codewitch12-May-24 4:54
mvahoney the codewitch12-May-24 4:54 
GeneralRe: Yes, but... Pin
honey the codewitch12-May-24 4:57
mvahoney the codewitch12-May-24 4:57 

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