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Customizing Routes in ASP.NET MVC

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26 Nov 2013CPOL12 min read 441.7K   114   32
How to customize routes in ASP.NET MVC.

electric_wire_by_uminotorino-500-375Routing is one of the primary aspects of the MVC framework which makes MVC what it is. While that is possibly over-simplifying, the routing framework is where the MVC philosophy of "convention over configuration" is readily apparent.

Routing also represents one of the more potentially confounding aspects of MVC. Once we move beyond the basics, as our applications become more complex, it generally becomes necessary to customize our routes beyond the simple flexible default MVC route.

Image by ~uminotorino. Some rights reserved.

Route customization is a complex topic. In this article, we will look at some of the basic ways we can modify the conventional MVC routing mechanism to suit the needs of an application which requires more flexibility. If you are new to MVC, you may want to reveiw Routing Basics in ASP.NET MVC as well.  

Update 9/26/2013 - ASP.NET 5.0 and WebApi 2.0 introduce Attribute Routing as a standard "out-of-the-box" feature. Attribute routing still follows most of the patterns discussed here, but moves the route definitions out to the controller methods they service. Attribute routing does not replace the normal centralized route table discussed here, and in fact there is some contention about what is the "one true way" to define routes. I will look more closely at this new feature of ASP.NET in an upcoming post.  Suffice it to say there are differing architectural and design concerns implicit with both approaches.   

Note: Most of the examples in this post are somewhat contrived, and arbitrary. My goal is to demonstrate some basic route customization options without getting distracted by the business case-specifics under which they might be required. I recognize that in the real world, the examples may or may not represent reasonable cases for customized routes.

In any sufficiently complex ASP.NET MVC project, it is likely you will need to add one or more custom routes which either supplement or replace the conventional MVC route. As we learned in Routing Basics in ASP.NET MVC, the default MVC route mapping is:


This basic convention will handle a surprising number of potential routes. However, often there will be cases where more control is required, either to:

  • Route incoming requests to the proper application logic in complex scenarios.
  • Allow for well-structured URLs which reflect the structure of our site.
  • Create URL structures that are easy to type, and "hackable" in the sense that a user, on examining the structure of a current URL, might reasonably make some navigation guesses based on that structure.

Route customization is achieved in a number of ways, usually by combining modifications to the basic pattern of the route mapping, employing route default options to specify controllers and actions explicitly, and less frequently, using route constraints to limit the ways in which a route will "match" a particular URL segment or parameter.

URLs are Matched Against Routes in Order – The First Match Wins

Incoming URLs are compared to route patters in the order the patterns appear in the route dictionary (that is what we added the route maps to in our RouteConfig.cs file). The first route which successfully matches a controller, action, and action parameters to either the parameters in the URL or the defaults defined as part of the route map will call into the specified controller and action. This is important, and requires us to think our routes through carefully so that the wrong handler is not called inadvertently.

The basic process of route matching was covered in Routing Basics in ASP.NET MVC.

Modifying the URL Pattern

As we learned previously, in an MVC application, routes define patterns by which incoming URLs are matched to specific controllers, and actions (methods) on those controllers. Route mappings recognize URLs as a pattern of segments separated (or delimited) by a slash (/) character. Each segment may contain various combinations of literals (text values) and parameter placeholders. Parameter placeholders are identified in a route definition by braces.

MVC recognizes the special parameter placeholders {controller} and {action} and uses these to locate the appropriate controller and method to call in response to an incoming URL. In addition to these two special placeholders, we can add just about anything to a route as a parameter placeholder to suit our purpose, so long as we adhere to good URL design principles, and of course, reasonably expect the parameter to be useful.

We are familiar with the default MVC pattern shown above. We can see that the route is composed of three segments, with no literals, and parameter placeholders for the special parameters {controller} and {action}, as well as an additional parameter called {id}.

When creating route URL patterns, we can combine literals with parameter placeholders in any number of ways, so long as parameter placeholders are always separated by either a delimiter, or at least one literal character. The following are examples of valid route patterns (whether they are sensible or not is another issue):

Examples of Valid Route Patterns in ASP.NET MVC
Route PatternURL Example
public/blog/{controller}-{action}/{postId} ~/public/blog/posts-show/123

The following pattern is not valid, because the {controller} parameter placeholder and the {action} parameter placeholder are not separated by either a slash (/) or another literal character. In this case, the MVC framework has no way to know where one parameter ends, and the next begins (assume the controller is named "People" and the action is "Show"):

Route PatternURL Example
mysite/{controller}{action}/{id} ~/mysite/peopleshow/5

Not all of the valid route examples above include either the {controller} parameter placeholder or the {action} parameter placeholder. The last example does not include either. Also, most include user-defined parameters, such as {username} or {country}. We'll take a look at both in the next two sections.

Modifying Route Default Options

In conjunction with modifying the route URL pattern, we can also take advantage of the route defaults to create routes which are more specific, and in some cases which map only to a specific controller and/or action.

The standard MVC project file contains the route mapping configuration in a file named RouteConfig.cs:

The standard MVC RouteConfig.cs File
public class RouteConfig
    public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
            name: "Default",
            url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
            defaults: new { 
                controller = "Home", 
                action = "Index", 
                id = UrlParameter.Optional }

The route above establishes a default value for both the controller and the action, in case one more both are not provided as part of an incoming URL.

We can take this a step further, and add a new, more specific route which, when it matches a specific URL pattern, calls into one specific controller. In the following, we have added a new route mapping in our RouteConfig.cs file:

Adding a More Restrictive Route
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
    // rentalProperties/
        name: "Properties",
        url: "RentalProperties/{action}/{id}",
        defaults: new
            controller = "RentalProperty",
            action = "All",
            id = UrlParameter.Optional
        name: "Default",
        url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
        defaults: new { 
            controller = "Home", 
            action = "Index", 
            id = UrlParameter.Optional }

First off, take note that we have added the new, more specific route before the default in the file (which determines the order it is added to the route dictionary). This is because routes are evaluated for a match to an incoming URL in order. The default MVC route is pretty general, and if route order is not carefully considered when adding additional routes to your project, the default route may inadvertently match a URL intended for a different handler.

Beyond this, what we see in the new route added above is that there is no {controller} parameter placeholder in the URL pattern of the "Properties" route. Since no controller can be passed to this route as a parameter, it will always map to the RentalPropertiesController , and to whichever Action is provided as a parameter. Since there is a default action defined, if the incoming URL matches the route but does not contain an Action parameter, the default All() method will be called.

A Contrived Example

So far, in this rather contrived example, we haven't accomplished anything we couldn't have done using the default MVC route pattern. However, suppose in our application we wanted to define the following URL patterns and associated URL examples for accessing views in a property management application:

Desired URL patterns for Simple Property Management Application
BehaviorURL Example
Show all the rental properties ~/rentalproperties/
Show a specific rental property~/rentalproperties/propertyname/
Show a specific unit at a property ~/rentalproperties/propertyname/units/unitNo

We could define a RentalPropertyController class as follows:

Rental Property Controller Example
public class RentalPropertiesController : Controller
    private RentalPropertyTestData _data = new RentalPropertyTestData();
    // List all the properties
    public ActionResult All()
        var allRentalProperties = _data.RentalProperties;
        return View(allRentalProperties);
    // get a specific property, display details and list all units:
    public ActionResult RentalProperty(string rentalPropertyName)
        var rentalProperty = _data.RentalProperties.Find(a => a.Name == rentalPropertyName);
        return View(rentalProperty);
    // get a specific unit at a specific property:
    public ActionResult Unit(string rentalPropertyName, string unitNo)
        var unit = _data.Units.Find(u => u.RentalProperty.Name == rentalPropertyName);
        return View(unit);

Given the above controller, and the desired URL patterns in the previous table, we can see that the default MVC route mapping would work for some, but not all of our URLs. We might be better served by adding the following controller-and-action-specific routes to our application, so that our RouteConfig.cs file looks like this:

Modified Route Config File for Property Management Example Application
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
    // RentalProperties/Boardwalk/Units/4A
        name: "RentalPropertyUnit",
        url: "RentalProperties/{rentalPropertyName}/Units/{unitNo}",
        defaults: new
            controller = "RentalProperties",
            action = "Unit",
    // RentalProperties/Boardwalk
        name: "RentalProperty",
        url: "RentalProperties/{rentalPropertyName}",
        defaults: new
            controller = "RentalProperties",
            action = "RentalProperty",
    // RentalProperties/
        name: "RentalProperties",
        url: "RentalProperties",
        defaults: new
            controller = "RentalProperties",
            action = "All",
            id = UrlParameter.Optional
        name: "Default",
        url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
        defaults: new
            controller = "Home",
            action = "Index",
            id = UrlParameter.Optional

As we see now, all of the newly added routes explicitly specify both the controller and action, and allow for our progressively enhanced URL structure which includes the property name as part of the URL.

Of course, in the real world, this URL scheme would likely not work the way we desire, because (depending upon how our database is going to be used) the names of rental properties may not be unique, even within a given management company. If the company operated rental properties in several states or even counties within a state, it is entirely possible that there would be more than one property named (for example) "Maple Glen." It is a sad fact that despite all the wonderfully simple examples we can find while learning, the real world often fails to model in the way we want.

Adding Route Constraints

Route constraints can be used to further restrict the URLs that can be considered a match for a specific route. While we have so far examined whether routes match based upon URL structure and parameter names, Route Constraints allow us to add some additional specificity.

The MVC framework recognizes two types of constraints, either a string, or a class which implements the interface IRouteConstraint.

Regular Expressions in Route Constraints

When a string is provided as a constraint, the MVC framework interprets the string as a Regular Expression, which can be employed to limit the ways a URL might match a particular route. A common scenario in this regard would be to restrict the value of a route parameter to numeric values.

Consider the following route mapping:

Example Route Mapping for Blog Application with no Constraint
    name: "BlogPost",
    url: "blog/posts/{postId}",
    defaults: new
        controller = "Posts",
        action = "GetPost",

This route will call into the PostsController of a hypothetical blog application and retrieve a specific post, based on the unique postId. This route will properly match the following URL:


Unfortunately, if will also match this:


The basic Route constraint allows us to test the value of the {postId} parameter to determine if it is a numeric value. We can re-write our route mapping thus:

Example Route Mapping for Blog Application with Added Constraint
    name: "BlogPost",
    url: "blog/posts/{postId}",
    defaults: new
        controller = "Posts",
        action = "GetPost",
    new {postId = @"\d+" }

The tiny Regular Expression @"\d+ in the code above basically limits the matches for this route to URLs in which the postId parameter contains one or more digits. In other words, nothing but integers, please.

I'm not going to dig too deep into Regular Expressions here. Suffice it to say that Regular Expressions can be used to great effect in developing a complex routing scheme for your application.

A Note and More Resources for Regular Expressions

Regular Expressions are a powerful tool, and also a giant pain in the ass. As Jamie Zawinskie said, "Some people, when confronted with a problem, think 'I know, I'll use regular expressions.' Now they have two problems." However, Regular Expressions are sometimes the very best tool for the job – restricting route matches in an MVC application is one of those cases. I find three tools most helpful when writing more complex regular expressions. In order of importance:

Custom Route Constraints using IRouteConstraint

The other option for using route constraints is to create a class which implements the IRouteConstraint interface.

We'll take a quick look at a custom route constraint which can be used to make sure a particular controller is excluded as a match for our default MVC route.

Note: The following code was adapted from a CodeProject article by Vijaya Anand (CodeProject member After2050), originally posted at his personal blog Proud Parrot.

In creating a custom constraint, we first create a new class which implements IRouteConstraint. IRouteConstraint defines a single method, Match for which we need to provide the implementation. In order for the constraint to work, we will also need to create a constructor with which we set the argument(s) required for the method:

The Custom Constraint Class ExcludeController
public class ExcludeController : IRouteConstraint
    private readonly string _controller;
    public ExcludeController(string controller)
        _controller = controller;
    public bool Match(HttpContextBase httpContext,
        Route route, string parameterName,
        RouteValueDictionary values,
        RouteDirection routeDirection)
        // Does the _controller argument match the controller value in the route
        // dictionary for the current request?
        return string.Equals(values["controller"].ToString(),
            _controller, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

Now, suppose we have a hypothetical controller ConfigurationController for which we have defined a special route which requires authentication. We don't want the MVC default route map to inadvertently allow access to the Configuration controller for unauthenticated users. We can make sure of this by modifying our default MVC route like so:

Adding a Custom Constraint to the Default MVC Route
    name: "Default",
    url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
    defaults: new
        controller = "Home",
        action = "Index",
        id = UrlParameter.Optional
    constraints: new { controller = new ExcludeController("Configuration")}

Now, if a URL which has not been matched by any previous route mapping is evaluated for a match with our default route, the MVC framework will call the Match method of our custom constraint ExcludeController. In the case above, if the URL contains the {controller} parameter with a value of "Configuration" the Match method will return a value of false, causing the route to reject the URL as a match.

Stephen Walther presents an excellent tutorial on Custom Route Constraints, and specifically, creating a authentication constraint at his blog in ASP.NET MVC Tip #30 – Create Custom Route Constraints.

11/26/2013 – UPDATE: Since this article was written, ASP.NET MVC 5 has been released. In addition to including Attribute Routing out-of-the-box (as mentioned previously), ASP.NET MVC 5 also brings a new Identity management system to replace the Forms Membership used until now. Check out Extending Identity Accounts and Implementing Role-Based Identity Management using the new Identity libraries in this exciting new release.  

Additional Resources


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Software Developer XIV Solutions
United States United States
My name is John Atten, and my username on many of my online accounts is xivSolutions. I am Fascinated by all things technology and software development. I work mostly with C#, Javascript/Node.js, Various flavors of databases, and anything else I find interesting. I am always looking for new information, and value your feedback (especially where I got something wrong!)

Comments and Discussions

QuestionBut how... Pin
#realJSOP30-Nov-17 5:01
professional#realJSOP30-Nov-17 5:01 
QuestionThanks Pin
Rajay Sachdeva26-Jun-17 4:32
Rajay Sachdeva26-Jun-17 4:32 
GeneralLMAO Pin
bborac11-Jul-16 1:31
bborac11-Jul-16 1:31 
GeneralVery helpful Pin
Daniel Miller19-Oct-15 13:55
professionalDaniel Miller19-Oct-15 13:55 
QuestionHow we Set Route pattern Ordering in MVC at time of execution Pin
pramodkumarw20-May-15 11:32
pramodkumarw20-May-15 11:32 
QuestionNice work Pin
Mike Hankey15-Feb-15 11:28
mveMike Hankey15-Feb-15 11:28 
AnswerRe: Nice work Pin
John Atten15-Feb-15 11:42
John Atten15-Feb-15 11:42 
GeneralRe: Nice work Pin
Mike Hankey15-Feb-15 11:44
mveMike Hankey15-Feb-15 11:44 
BugCorrection? Pin
irnbru9-Feb-15 23:38
irnbru9-Feb-15 23:38 
GeneralRe: Correction? Pin
John Atten10-Feb-15 1:03
John Atten10-Feb-15 1:03 
SuggestionTypo error in 'Examples of Valid Route Patterns in ASP.NET MVC' section Pin
satyajit mohanta8-Dec-14 2:59
satyajit mohanta8-Dec-14 2:59 
QuestionCustom Routing Pin
Rajaraman Soundar31-Jul-14 14:16
Rajaraman Soundar31-Jul-14 14:16 
AnswerRe: Custom Routing Pin
John Atten1-Aug-14 1:11
John Atten1-Aug-14 1:11 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
jaguar8424-Jul-14 10:37
professionaljaguar8424-Jul-14 10:37 
QuestionSuper article Pin
anurag1928923-Jul-14 15:59
anurag1928923-Jul-14 15:59 
QuestionNice useful article. Pin
pkfox25-Feb-14 20:17
professionalpkfox25-Feb-14 20:17 
AnswerRe: Nice useful article. Pin
John Atten26-Feb-14 1:55
John Atten26-Feb-14 1:55 
QuestionNice one , my five Pin
Assil31-Jan-14 9:09
professionalAssil31-Jan-14 9:09 
QuestionAwesome Pin
Pramod Sharma Tech6-Jan-14 16:12
Pramod Sharma Tech6-Jan-14 16:12 
AnswerRe: Awesome Pin
John Atten6-Jan-14 17:17
John Atten6-Jan-14 17:17 
Questionchanging browser URL Pin
Arjun Menon U.K31-Dec-13 23:59
Arjun Menon U.K31-Dec-13 23:59 

I am trying to study MVC and i am using AJAX to get details of a particular user. What i want to achieve is that i have make the url browser change based on pages i visit. Lets say in my case the browser should show something like this


what should i do to achieve this?
Since the method am using is AJAX the browser url doesn't get updated.

Can you please help me out. Thanks in advance.

Questioncustomed routes Pin
Arjun Menon U.K31-Dec-13 23:59
Arjun Menon U.K31-Dec-13 23:59 
AnswerRe: customed routes Pin
John Atten1-Jan-14 13:45
John Atten1-Jan-14 13:45 
GeneralRe: customed routes Pin
Arjun Menon U.K1-Jan-14 19:35
Arjun Menon U.K1-Jan-14 19:35 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
Champion Chen25-Oct-13 17:28
Champion Chen25-Oct-13 17:28 

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