A FREE complete real estate agent, or for sale by owner website.
The complete code download is available at
or from http://sourceforge.net/projects/real-estate-web/
Completely web-based administration, set site colors, titles and layout all from the administrator login. Includes user signup, listing creation, printable listing format, image uploads with automatic thumbnail creation, user management, and site statistics. Create, edit, and update pages to the site with a WYSIWYG editor. Includes a mortgage calculator with Amortization table. Users can also sign up automatically to create their own listings if you wish to set Real-Estate-Website up as a for-sale-by-owner site. All code is free and open-source released under the GPL.
Real Estate Website uses ASP (Active Server Pages) and Microsoft MS Access database. The package has many features, and requires the following components to run properly.
- IIS 5 or higher
- ASP 3.0 or higher
- ASP Mail by Server Objects
- ASP Image by Server Objects
- Persits Upload
- Read/Write/Delete permission on 1 folder
- Database located outside of the web root (highly recommended)
Once the files are copied to your website, you then login with the default username and password. You will see a screen like the one below.

From this screen you can setup your site's main settings. The homepage text, the site colors, url, title, mail server, support email, site font, etc. These settings allow you to customize the look and feel of the site to make it distinct. Many of these changes are made using one "command" file, which I thought made things simpler.
ID = Request("ID")
response.write "ID = " & id & "
homepage_text = PreSubmit(request.form("homepage_text"))
site_color = PreSubmit2(request.form("site_color"))
site_title = PreSubmit2(request.form("site_title"))
site_title_color = PreSubmit2(request.form("site_title_color"))
site_font = PreSubmit2(request.form("site_font"))
email_server = PreSubmit2(request.form("email_server"))
support_email = PreSubmit2(request.form("support_email"))
site_slogan = PreSubmit2(request.form("site_slogan"))
site_slogan_color = PreSubmit2(request.form("site_slogan_color"))
site_url = PreSubmit2(request.form("site_url"))
site_keywords = PreSubmit2(request.form("site_keywords"))
useractive = request.querystring("useractive")
isadmin = request.querystring("isadmin")
clearhits = request.querystring("clearhits")
addcity = PreSubmit2(request.form("addcity"))
city = PreSubmit2(request.form("city"))
cityactive = PreSubmit2(request.querystring("cityactive"))
cityid = PreSubmit2(request.querystring("cityid"))
cid = PreSubmit2(request.form("cid"))
editcity = request.form("editcity")
deletecity = request.querystring("deletecity")
if clearhits <> "" then
mySQL = "DELETE FROM accesslog1;"
redirect = "hits.asp?message=cleared"
end if
if homepage_text <> "" then
mySQL = "UPDATE tblSettings SET homepage_text = '" & homepage_text & "' WHERE ID = " & id & ";"
redirect = "settings.asp"
end if
if site_url <> "" then
mySQL = "UPDATE tblSettings SET site_url = '" & site_url & "' WHERE ID = " & id & ";"
redirect = "settings.asp"
end if
if site_font <> "" then
mySQL = "UPDATE tblSettings SET site_font = '" & site_font & "' WHERE ID = " & id & ";"
redirect = "settings.asp"
end if
Can also set a limit on the number of images a user can upload:
filepath = server.mappath("\userfiles\" & LoginID)
Set myFso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set Myfolder = Myfso.GetFolder(filepath & "\imagelist")
Dim imagecount, allowedimages, uploadlimit
imagecount = 0
For Each myFile in MyFolder.Files
imagecount = imagecount + 1
Set myFso = Nothing
Set myFolder = Nothing
allowedimages = session("imagecount")
if imagecount >= allowedimages then
uploadlimit = 1
end if
Very important step is to change the default password and email address to your own.

Now that your main site settings are complete, and you've changed the password and email, time to setup what cities are available. On the main menu click on City List.

This screen lets you add, edit, or disable/enable cities on the site.

Now you can also add any additional pages to the site, these can be added, edited, deleted, activated/de-activated, and ordered from the web-based interface.

Edit the pages

Add Home Listings
Now you are ready to begin adding homes-to-sell to the real estate website.
1. Upload Images

Uploaded images are automatically resized to proper sizes (can't be to big) and a thumbnail size images is also automatically created also. Here is a sample of the automaic resizing, while keeping aspect ratio, this took me a little bit to get just right. (using rusty math skills I try to avoid)
Set Image = Server.CreateObject("AspImage.Image")
Image.AutoSize = false
Set FSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Image.LoadImage userimage2
Set FSO = Nothing
intXsizeMain = Image.MaxX
intYsizeMain = Image.MaxY
if intYsizeMain > 300 then
targetY = 300
findsize1 = intYsizeMain - targetY
findsize2 = findsize1 / intYsizeMain
findsize3 = (1 - findsize2)
intXSizeNew = (intXsizeMain * findsize3)
Image.ResizeR intXSizeNew, targetY
Image.FileName = userimage2
end if
Set Image = nothing
2. You can also do some simple image editing online.

3. Now visit the Home Setup Screen to start creating your first home listing.

From this screen you can describe the house, and choose what common options it may have, you also choose your images here.

Finished home listing
The thumbnails appear on the right side, the full size image is pre-loaded when the page loads, when you click on the the image is replaces the main image on the page, so it's very easy to browse quickly through all the pictures.
Once your home is up, you can then watch and see how many users visit the page with the User Hits section of the website.
Logging of user hits:
Dim logRS, remote_addr
remote_addr = Request.ServerVariables("Remote_Addr")
if remote_addr <> "" then
Set logrs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
logRS.Open "AccessLog1", whtConn, 1, 3
logRS("logQuery_String")= Request.queryString("hID")
logRS("logRemote_Addr")= remote_addr
logRS("logForm_String")= Request.form("hID")
Set logRS = Nothing
end if

The site includes many more features.
- Print format function for the home listing, for printable brochures
- User Signup function, if you set this up as a for-sale-by-owner site, users can signup and begin listing their own home within minutes, includes an email verification, and "forgot password" reset email function.
- Contact form, so you can be contacted directly from a form on the website.
- Mortgage ammoritization calculator
The complete code download is available at