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Image processing as fast as possible in C#

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19 Nov 2013CPOL3 min read 99.1K   10.3K   101   29
Extensible, hardware accelerated image processing library written in HLSL and C#.


Most image processing applications use hardware acceleration for heavy image filters. So why not this bring to C#? That's what this library does.

Effects in this library:

  • Blur
  • Directional Blur
  • Zoom Blur
  • Invert
  • Tone Level
  • Gray scale
  • Old Image
  • MonoChrome
  • Pixelate
  • Ripple
  • Wave Warper
  • Swirl

Custom effects are supported to extend the library.

Using the Effects:

EffectHelper class is the actual worker so you must load it first.

EH = new EffectHelper();
Size s = EffectHelper.GetMaxSize();
EH.Load(s.Width, s.Height); 

EffectHelper class has two methods (ApplyEffect, ApplyMultipleEffects) that you will use to apply an effect. They:

  • take the input (imagedata(Frame), effectdata)
  • copy imagedata to video memory
  • process (one effect or multiple effects)
  • Copy imagedata to system memory
  • return the output data.

The difference between them is that ApplyMultipleEffects doesn't return the processed image and take it as input again. it process all given effects and then return.

To apply an effect to an image:

BitmapData bd;
Bitmap b = (Bitmap)CurrentBitmap.Clone();
Frame frm = Frame.OpenBitmap(b, out bd);

frm = EH.ApplyEffect(frm, data);

Frame.CloseBitmap(b, bd); 

To apply multiple effects:

BitmapData bd;
Bitmap b = (Bitmap)CurrentBitmap.Clone();
Frame frm = Frame.OpenBitmap(b, out bd);
EffectData[] dataseries = new EffectData[3];
dataseries[0] = SwirlEffect.GetData(20f, 1f, new PointF(.5f, .5f));
dataseries[1] = ZoomBlurEffect.GetData(0.5f, new PointF(0.5f, 0.5f));
dataseries[2] = GrayScaleEffect.GetData();
frm = EH.ApplyMultipleEffects(frm, dataseries);
Frame.CloseBitmap(b, bd);    

To register a new effect:

scaleEff = new ScaleExtended(EH.Device);
EH.Manager.Register("ScaleExtended", scaleEff); 


Before you read the following code you must know that:

  1. You must have a background about how DirectX shader effects work to well understand how these effects work.
  2. All effects are rendered perpixel and written by HLSL shader language (it is similar in syntax to C#).
  3. So these effects are not written by c# code but it uses directX to comile the effect code (found in resources folder) to be run on video processor. this takes the advantage of performance but has some limits.

  4. You can create your own effects easly by Shazzam tool, but when you use it here you must add this part of hlsl code
technique Tech
    pass Pss
        pixelshader = compile ps_2_0 main();

The code you write on shazzam tool is simply a small program running on graphics card and the above lines tells the directx hlsl compiler that you will use the method 'main()' as the start of this small program.

Let's start.

1. Blur Effect

float Amount : register(C1);
sampler2D  Texture1Sampler : register(S0);

float4 main(float2 uv : TEXCOORD) : COLOR
    float4 c = 0;
    float r360 =  0.0174533f;
    float rad ;
    float xOffset;
    float yOffset;

    c += tex2D(Texture1Sampler, uv);
    float2 v; 
    for(int i=0; i<8; i++)
        rad= i*45 * r360;
        xOffset = cos(rad);
        yOffset = sin(rad);
        v.x = uv.x -( Amount * xOffset);
        v.y = uv.y -( Amount * yOffset);
        c += tex2D(Texture1Sampler, v);
    c /= 9;
    return c;

2. Directional Blur

 float Angle : register(C0);
float Amount : register(C1);
sampler2D  Texture1Sampler : register(S0);
float4 main(float2 uv : TEXCOORD) : COLOR
    float4 c = 0;
    float rad = Angle * 0.0174533f;
    float xOffset = cos(rad);
    float yOffset = sin(rad);
    for(int i=0; i<16; i++)
        uv.x = uv.x - Amount/16 * xOffset;
        uv.y = uv.y - Amount/16 * yOffset;
        c += tex2D(Texture1Sampler, uv);
    c /= 16;
    return c;

3. Zoom Blur

sampler2D  input : register(S0);

float progress  : register(c0);
float2 center : register(c1);

float4 main(float2 uv : TEXCOORD) : COLOR

float BlurAmount =- progress * .4;
 float4 c = 0;    
 uv -= center ;

 for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++)  {
  float scale = 1.0 + BlurAmount * (i / 13.0);
  c += tex2D(input , uv * scale + center );
 c /= 14;
return c;

4. Grayscale

sampler2D input : register(s0);

float4 main(float2 uv : TEXCOORD) : COLOR 
    float4 color; 
    color= tex2D( input , uv.xy); 
    color.r = (color.r +color.g + color.b)/3.0f;
    color.g = color.r;
    color.b = color.r;
    return color; 

5. Invert

sampler2D Texture1Sampler : register(S0);

float4 main(float2 uv : TEXCOORD) : COLOR
   float4 color = tex2D( Texture1Sampler, uv );
   float4 invertedColor = float4(color.a - color.rgb, color.a);
   return invertedColor;

6. Monochrome

float4 FilterColor : register(C0);
sampler2D  Texture1Sampler : register(S0);

float4 main(float2 uv : TEXCOORD) : COLOR
   float4 srcColor = tex2D(Texture1Sampler, uv);
   float3 rgb = srcColor.rgb;
   float3 luminance = dot(rgb, float3(0.30, 0.59, 0.11));
   return float4(luminance * FilterColor.rgb, srcColor.a);

7. Old

sampler2D TexSampler : register(S0);

float4 main(float2 uv : TEXCOORD) : COLOR
    float4 color = tex2D(TexSampler, uv);
    float gray = dot(color, float4(0.3, 0.59, 0.11, 0)); 
    color = float4(gray * float3(0.9, 0.8, 0.4) , color.a); 
    return color;

8. Ripple

float2 Center : register(C0);
float Amplitude : register(C1);
float Frequency: register(C2);
float Phase: register(C3);
float AspectRatio : register(C4);
sampler2D Texture1Sampler : register(S0);

float4 main(float2 uv : TEXCOORD) : COLOR
    float2 dir = uv - Center; // vector from center to pixel
    dir.y /= AspectRatio;
    float dist = length(dir);
    dir /= dist;
    dir.y *= AspectRatio;

    float2 wave;
    sincos(Frequency * dist + Phase, wave.x, wave.y);
    float falloff = saturate(1 - dist);
    falloff *= falloff;
    dist += Amplitude * wave.x * falloff;
    float2 samplePoint = Center + dist * dir;
    float4 color = tex2D(Texture1Sampler, samplePoint);

    float lighting = 1 - Amplitude * 0.2 * (1 - saturate(wave.y * falloff));
    color.rgb *= lighting;
    return color;

9. Swirl

float2 Center : register(C0);
float SpiralStrength : register(C1);
float AspectRatio : register(C2);
sampler2D input : register(S0);

float4 main(float2 uv : TEXCOORD) : COLOR
    float2 dir = uv - Center;
    dir.y /= AspectRatio;
    float dist = length(dir);
    float angle = atan2(dir.y, dir.x);

    float newAngle = angle + SpiralStrength * dist;
    float2 newDir;
    sincos(newAngle, newDir.y, newDir.x);
    newDir.y *= AspectRatio;
    float2 samplePoint = Center + newDir * dist;
    bool isValid = all(samplePoint >= 0 && samplePoint <= 1);
    return isValid ? tex2D(input, samplePoint) : float4(0, 0, 0, 0);

10. Wave wrapper

sampler2D input : register(s0);
float Time : register(C0);
float WaveSize: register(C1);

float dist(float a, float b, float c, float d){
    return sqrt((a - c) * (a - c) + (b - d) * (b - d));

float4 main(float2 uv : TEXCOORD) : COLOR 
    float4 Color = 0;
    float f = sin(dist(uv.x + Time, uv.y, 0.128, 0.128)*WaveSize)
                  + sin(dist(uv.x, uv.y, 0.64, 0.64)*WaveSize)
                  + sin(dist(uv.x, uv.y + Time / 7, 0.192, 0.64)*WaveSize);
    uv.xy = uv.xy+((f/WaveSize));
    Color= tex2D( input , uv.xy);
    return Color; 

11. Pixelate

float2 PixelCounts : register(C0);
float BrickOffset : register(C1);
sampler2D Texture1Sampler : register(S0);

float4 main(float2 uv : TEXCOORD) : COLOR
   float2 brickSize = 1.0 / PixelCounts;

   // Offset every other row of bricks
   float2 offsetuv = uv;
   bool oddRow = floor(offsetuv.y / brickSize.y) % 2.0 >= 1.0;
   if (oddRow)
       offsetuv.x += BrickOffset * brickSize.x / 2.0;
   float2 brickNum = floor(offsetuv / brickSize);
   float2 centerOfBrick = brickNum * brickSize + brickSize / 2;
   float4 color = tex2D(Texture1Sampler, centerOfBrick);

   return color;

12. Tone level

float Levels : register(C0);
sampler2D Texture1Sampler : register(S0);

float4 main(float2 uv : TEXCOORD) : COLOR
    float4 color = tex2D( Texture1Sampler, uv );
    color.rgb /= color.a;

    int levels = floor(Levels);
    color.rgb *= levels;
    color.rgb = floor(color.rgb);
    color.rgb /= levels;
    color.rgb *= color.a;
    return color;

ScaleExtended (Example of effect extension)

sampler2D input : register(s0);

float scalex : register(C0);
float scaley : register(c1);

float centerx : register(C2);
float centery : register(c3);
float4 main(float2 uv : TEXCOORD) : COLOR 
    float4 color; 
    uv.x -= centerx;
    uv.y -= centery;
    uv.x /= scalex;
    uv.y /= scaley;
    uv.x += centerx;
    uv.y += centery;
    if (uv.x < 0 || uv.y < 0 || uv.x > 1 || uv.y > 1 )
    color = 0 ;
    color= tex2D( input , uv.xy); 

    return color; 

Multiple effects in one shot

Tthis is an example on applying multiple effects at a time

BitmapData bd;
Bitmap b = (Bitmap)CurrentBitmap.Clone();

Frame frm = Frame.OpenBitmap(b, out bd);

EffectData[] dataseries = new EffectData[3];

dataseries[0] = SwirlEffect.GetData(20f, 1f, new PointF(.5f, .5f));
dataseries[1] = ZoomBlurEffect.GetData(0.5f, new PointF(0.5f, 0.5f));
dataseries[2] = GrayScaleEffect.GetData();
frm = EH.ApplyMultipleEffects(frm, dataseries);

Frame.CloseBitmap(b, bd); 

This code will do the following

SwirlEffect then >> ZoomBlurEffect then >> GrayScaleEffect.

There is an option in the test application "Set As Original Image" to put the result as input:


  • Take the maximum hardware acceleration of your GPU.
  • extend your custom effects.
  • can draw a full scene (3D objects, particles, and blend modes) with lights and 3d shadows in your custom effect (full DirectX features).
  • every input is handled separately by the ShaderEffect class hence you can pass texture, color, matrix, point, vector, or any other type as input.


  • Number of effects is small but you can use Shazzam Shader Editor to get more and more effects and extend the library .
  • Max size of image is hardware dependent. But most Graphics cards support 2048 X 2048 pixels.
  • Library uses software vertex processing so it renders only the ps_2_0 effects but you can change the device initialization at EffectHelper to hardware vertex processing to allow ps_3_0 effects( this will run only on Graphics card that support ps_3_0 and if not it will throw exception).
  • Effects are running on GPU so any running game with fullscreen mode will pause the effect till returning to window mode or closing the game.


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Software Developer (Senior)
Egypt Egypt
DotNet developer

Graphics researches and GPU Acceleration Developer.

Full stack web developer.

Bachelor's degree of Medicine and Surgery.

Comments and Discussions

QuestionUpdate the code or demo app? Pin
D. Infuehr17-Aug-17 3:41
D. Infuehr17-Aug-17 3:41 
GeneralMy vote of 1 Pin
Member 107301792-Jun-14 20:54
Member 107301792-Jun-14 20:54 
GeneralMy vote of 2 Pin
Uday P.Singh16-Dec-13 19:17
Uday P.Singh16-Dec-13 19:17 
QuestionAlready have the pixel shader effects Pin
Uday P.Singh16-Dec-13 19:15
Uday P.Singh16-Dec-13 19:15 
Suggestiondirectx references Pin
Florian Rosmann7-Dec-13 22:33
Florian Rosmann7-Dec-13 22:33 
GeneralRe: directx references Pin
sameh obada7-Dec-13 23:36
sameh obada7-Dec-13 23:36 
Bugno valid win32 app Pin
Florian Rosmann7-Dec-13 22:32
Florian Rosmann7-Dec-13 22:32 
GeneralRe: no valid win32 app Pin
sameh obada7-Dec-13 23:32
sameh obada7-Dec-13 23:32 
BugOutofvideomemory exception Pin
Dan Roma26-Nov-13 7:07
Dan Roma26-Nov-13 7:07 
GeneralRe: Outofvideomemory exception Pin
sameh obada26-Nov-13 9:35
sameh obada26-Nov-13 9:35 
GeneralRe: Outofvideomemory exception Pin
Dan Roma27-Nov-13 8:06
Dan Roma27-Nov-13 8:06 
GeneralRe: Outofvideomemory exception Pin
sameh obada27-Nov-13 10:17
sameh obada27-Nov-13 10:17 
GeneralRe: Outofvideomemory exception Pin
Dan Roma2-Dec-13 5:12
Dan Roma2-Dec-13 5:12 
GeneralRe: Outofvideomemory exception Pin
sameh obada2-Dec-13 11:18
sameh obada2-Dec-13 11:18 
GeneralRe: Outofvideomemory exception Pin
Dan Roma3-Dec-13 3:03
Dan Roma3-Dec-13 3:03 
GeneralRe: Outofvideomemory exception Pin
sameh obada4-Dec-13 4:37
sameh obada4-Dec-13 4:37 
QuestionCompiling Error? Pin
descartes24-Nov-13 23:39
descartes24-Nov-13 23:39 
AnswerRe: Compiling Error? Pin
sameh obada25-Nov-13 5:14
sameh obada25-Nov-13 5:14 
AnswerRe: Compiling Error? Pin
descartes25-Nov-13 6:33
descartes25-Nov-13 6:33 
QuestionCool article Pin
Member 1035257720-Nov-13 21:58
Member 1035257720-Nov-13 21:58 
AnswerRe: Cool article Pin
sameh obada21-Nov-13 2:23
sameh obada21-Nov-13 2:23 
well ,there is many grayscale algorithms.I know that the eye sensitivity to blue is less than red and red is less than green


but i made it (r + g + b) / 3.0 to be simple for beginners only.
GeneralRe: Cool article Pin
Member 1035257721-Nov-13 3:31
Member 1035257721-Nov-13 3:31 
GeneralDelicious! Pin
Ravi Bhavnani20-Nov-13 6:11
professionalRavi Bhavnani20-Nov-13 6:11 
QuestionSir, this is an absolute 10 Pin
RO2520-Nov-13 3:41
RO2520-Nov-13 3:41 
QuestionAccess problem Pin
Mohammed Hameed19-Nov-13 18:22
professionalMohammed Hameed19-Nov-13 18:22 

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