During one of my daily visits to CodeProject, I ran across an excellent article by Aprenot: A Generic - Reusable Diff Algorithm in C#. Aprenot�s method of locating the Longest Common Sequence of two sequential sets of objects works extremely well on small sets. As the sets get larger, the algorithm begins experiencing the constraints of reality.
At the heart of the algorithm is a table that stores the comparison results of every item in the first set to every item in the second set. Although this method always produces a perfect difference solution, it can require an enormous amount of CPU and memory. The author solved these issues by only comparing small portions of the two data sets at a time. However, this solution makes the assumption that the changes between the data sets are very close together, and reports inefficient results when the data sets are large with dispersed changes.
This article will present an algorithm based on the one presented by aprenot. The goals of the algorithm are as follows:
- Maintain the original concepts of Generic and Reusable.
- Correctly handle large data sets.
- Greatly lower the number of comparisons necessary.
- Greatly lower the memory requirements.
The Problem Defined
Given a data set of 100,000 items, with the need to compare it to a data set of similar size, you can quickly see the problem with using a table to hold the results. If each element in the result table was 1 bit wide, you would need over a Gigabyte of memory. To fill the table, you would need to execute 10 billion comparisons.
Some Terminology
There are always two sets of items to compare. To help differentiate between the two sets, they will be called Source and Destination. The question we are usually asking is: What do we need to do to the Source list to make it look like the Destination list?
Generic and Reusable
In order to maintain the generic aspects of the original algorithm, a generic structure is needed. I chose to make use of C#�s interface
public interface IDiffList
int Count();
IComparable GetByIndex(int index);
Both the Destination list and Source list must inherit IDiffList
. It is assumed that the list is indexed from 0 to Count()
-1. Just like the original article, the IComparable
interface is used to compare the items between the lists.
Included in the source code are two structures that make use of this interface; DiffList_TextFile
and DiffList_BinaryFile
. They both know how to load their respective files into memory and return their individual items as IComparable
structures. The source code examples for these objects should be more than adequate for expanding the system to other object types. For example, the system can be easily expanded to compare rows between DataSet
s or directory structures between drives.
The Overall Solution
The problem presented earlier is very similar to the differences in sorting algorithms. A shell sort is very quick to code but highly inefficient when the data set gets large. A quick sort is much more efficient on a large dataset. It breaks up the data into very smaller chunks using recursion.
The approach this algorithm takes is similar to that of a quick sort. It breaks up the data into very smaller chunks and processes those smaller chunks through recursion. The steps the algorithm takes are as follows:
- Find the current Longest Matching Sequence (LMS) of items.
- Store this LMS in a results pile.
- Process all data left above the LMS using recursion.
- Process all data left below the LMS using recursion.
These steps recursively repeat until there is no more data to process (or no more matches are found). At first glance, you should be able to easily understand the recursion logic. What needs further explanation is Step 1. How do we find the LMS without comparing everything to everything? Since this process is called recursively, won�t we end up re-comparing some items?
Finding the Longest Matching Sequence
First, we need to define where to look for the LMS. The system needs to maintain some boundaries within the Source and Destination lists. This is done using simple integer indexes called destStart
, destEnd
, sourceStart
and sourceEnd
. At first, these will encompass the entire bounds of each list. Recursion will shrink their ranges with each call.
To find the LMS, we use brute force looping with some intelligent short circuits. I chose to loop through the Destination items and compare them to the available Source items. The pseudo code looks something like this:
For each Destination Item in Destination Range
Jump out if we can not mathematically find a longer match
Find the LMS for this destination item in the Source Range
If there is a match sequence
If it�s the longest one so far � store the result.
Jump over the Destination Items that are included in this sequence.
End if
Next For
If we have a good best match sequence
Store the match in a final match result list
If there is space left above the match in both
the Destination and Source Ranges
Recursively call function with the upper ranges
If there is space left above the match in both
The Destination and Source Ranges
Recursively call function with upper ranges
There are no matches in this range so just drop out
End if
The Jumps are what gives this algorithm a lot of its speed. The first mathematical jump looks at the result of some simple math:
maxPossibleDestLength = (destEnd � destIndex) + 1;
if (maxPossibleDestLength <= curBestLength) break;
This formula calculates the theoretical best possible match the current Destination item can produce. If it is less than (or equal too) the current best match length then there is no reason to continue in the loop through the rest of the Destination range.
The second jump is more of a leap of faith. We ignore overlapping matching sequences by jumping over the destination indexes that are internal to a current match sequence, and therefore, cut way down on the number of comparisons. This is a really big speed enhancement. If the lists we are testing contain a lot of repetitive data, we may not come up with the perfect solution, but we will find a valid solution fast. I found in testing that I had to manually create a set of files to demonstrate the imperfect solution. In practice, it should be very rare. You can comment out this jump in the source code and run your own tests. I have to warn you that it will greatly increase the calculation time on large data sets.
There is a very good chance during recursion that the same Destination Item will need to be tested again. The only difference in the test will be the width of the Source Range. Since the goal of the algorithm is to lower the number of comparisons, we need to store the previous match results. DiffState
is the structure that stores the result. It contains an index of the first matching item in the source range and a length so that we know how far the match goes for. DiffStateList
stores the DiffState
s by destination index. The loop simple requests the DiffState
for a particular destination index, and DiffStateList
either returns a pre-calculated one or a new uncalculated one. There is a simple test performed to see if the DiffState
needs to be recalculated given the current Destination and source ranges. DiffState
will also store a status of 'No Match' when appropriate.
If a DiffState
needs to be recalculated, an algorithm similar to the one above is called.
For each Source Item in Source Range
Jump out if we can not mathematically find a longer match
Find the match length for the Destination Item
on the particular Source Index
If there is a match
If it�s the longest one so far � store the result
Jump over the Source Items that are included in the match
End if
End for
Store the longest sequence or mark as 'No Match'
The Jumps are again giving us more speed by avoiding unnecessary item comparisons. I found that the second jump cuts the run time speed by 2/3rds on large data sets. Finding the match length for a particular destination item at a particular source index is just the result of comparing the item lists in sequence at those points and returning the number of sequential matches.
Gathering the Results
After the algorithm has run its course, you will be left with an ArrayList
valid match objects. I use an object called DiffResultSpan
to store these matches. A quick sort of these objects will put them in the necessary sequential order. DiffResultSpan
can also store the necessary delete, addition and replace states within the comparison.
To build the final result ArrayList
of ordered DiffResultSpan
s, we just loop through the matches filling in the blank (unmatched) indexes in between. We return the result as an ordered list of DiffResultSpan
s that each contains a DiffResultSpanStatus
public enum DiffResultSpanStatus
public class DiffResultSpan : IComparable
private int _destIndex;
private int _sourceIndex;
private int _length;
private DiffResultSpanStatus _status;
public int DestIndex {get{return _destIndex;}}
public int SourceIndex {get{return _sourceIndex;}}
public int Length {get{return _length;}}
public DiffResultSpanStatus Status {get{return _status;}}
You can now process the ArrayList
as is necessary for your application.
Algorithm Weaknesses
When using the algorithm described above, and when the data sets are completely different, it will compare every item in both sets before it finds out that there are no matches. This can be a very time consuming process on large datasets. On the other hand, if the data sets are equivalent, it will find this out in one iteration of the main loop.
Although it should always find a valid difference, there is a chance that the algorithm will not find the best answer. I have included a set of text files that demonstrate this weakness (source.txt and dest.txt). There is a sequence of 5 matches that is missed by the system because it is overlapped by a previous smaller sequence.
Algorithm Update 6/10/2004
To help address the 2nd weakness above, three levels of optimization were added to the Diff Engine. Tests identified that large, highly redundant data produced extremely poor difference results. The following enum
was added:
public enum DiffEngineLevel
This can be passed to an additional ProcessDiff()
method. The engine is still fully backward compatible and will default to the original Fast method. Only tests can identify if the Medium
or SlowPerfect
levels are necessary for your applications. The speed differences between the settings are quite large.
The differences in these levels effect when or if we jump over sections of the data when we find existing match runs. If you are interested, you will find the changes in the ProcessRange()
method. They start on line 107 of Engine.cs.
Included Files
The project DiffCalc is the simple front-end used to test the algorithm. It is capable of doing a text or binary diff between two files.
The DLL project DifferenceEngine is where all the work is done.
- Engine.cs: Contains the actual diff engine as described above.
- Structures.cs: Contains the structures used by the engine.
- TextFile.cs: Contains the structures designed to handle text files.
- BinaryFile.cs: Contains the structures designed to handle binary files.
Special Note
The first line in Structures.cs is commented out. If you uncomment this line, you will lower the memory needs of the algorithm by using a HashTable
instead of an allocated array to store the intermediate results. It does slow down the speed by a percent or two. I believe the decrease is due to the reflection that becomes necessary. I am hoping that the future .NET Generics will solve this issue.
If you take a step back from the algorithm, you will see that it is essentially building the table described in aprenot's original article. It simply attempts to intelligently jump over large portions of the table. In fact, the more the two lists are the same, the quicker the algorithm will run. It also stores what it does calculate in a more efficient structure instead of rows & columns.
Hopefully, others will find good uses for this code. I am sure there are some more optimizations that will become apparent over time. Drop me a note when you find them.
- May 18, 2004 'Off by One' error on line 106 in Engine.cs fixed. Thanks goes to Lutz Hanusch for identifying the bug.
- May 27, 2004 Incrementor was missing on line 96 in Results.cs in the demo. Thanks goes to Cash Foley for identifying the bug.
- June 10, 2004 Speed optimizations led to very poor diff results on redundant data. Two slower diff engine levels have been added to solve this problem. Thanks goes to Rick Morris for identifying this weakness.