This article will explain how to use SVN, MSBuild, Cruise control and CCtray to automate the build process.
document is used to build the .NET solution file. Below is the snapshot of the msbuild
It starts with tag Project and we must have to import the msbuild path installed on our local system.
There are Target tags (can be more than one) and we can give them any name. The compiler will search for the tag Build and starts with that tag. Before that, it will go through the tags specified in DependsOnTarget
Code Snap of msbuild.xml
Below is the code snippet displayed in the image to copy in your application.
<Project DefaultTargets="Build"
<Import Project=
"C:\Program Files\MSBuild\MSBuildCommunityTasks\MSBuild.Community.Tasks.Targets"/>
<Target Name="GetSource">
<Message Text="Checking out trunk into $(SourceDirectory)" />
<SvnCheckout RepositoryPath="PATH TO SVN"
<Output TaskParameter="Revision" PropertyName="Revision" />
<Message Text="Have got revision: $(Revision)"/>
<Target Name="Build" DependsOnTargets="GetSource;Clean;" />
<Target Name="Clean">
<MSBuild Projects="D:\Projects\SOLUTIONFILENAME.sln" Targets="Clean;Rebuild" />
Configure Cruise Control
Now go to “C:\Program Files\CruiseControl.NET\server” and open “ ccnet.config”
<project name="YOURPROJECTNAME">
<intervalTrigger seconds="14400" buildCondition="ForceBuild" />
<workingDirectory>PATH OF WORKING DIRECTORY</workingDirectory>
<logger>C:\Program Files\CruiseControl.NET\server\
Now, configure the cc tray by passing the SERVERIPADDRESS
as above XML document and click on build. If build is successful, then it will show a green symbol otherwise it will show a red symbol.
Configure CCTray
Step 1
go to File - >Settings
Step 2
Then in Build project tab, click on Add button.
Step 3
After that, click on Add Server button.
Step 4
Then in URL part, type the IP address of the server or localhost on which the ccnet is installed.
Step 5
When server is added, all the projects added in the configuration file will be displayed on the right side panel. Click on project to add in cctray.
In the next tutorial, I will discuss how to send email through ccnet and how to configure the web dashboard of ccnet.
Having more than 9 years of experience in Programming and web application development.
Writing technical blog articles, learning new Programming languages , frameworks and sharing knowledge with others is one of my hobby. The more I learn, more I understood that how little I know and that drives me to dig into technology and languages to explore.
From last few years now, working on Salesforce platform and providing customer solutions using as an Architect and Technical Lead Role. I have worked on many area of Salesforce like, Heroku, PHP Toolkit, Partner Webservices, Metadata and Enterprise webservices, Tooling API, Customer Portal, Partner Portal, Community, Salesforce1 etc...