Amazon web service (AWS) provides the services to build the connected mobile applications. SimpleDB
is web service provided by AWS for data storage in cloud. In this blog, e are going to see the connectivity of Android app with the AWS simpleDB. For more details about the SimpleDB
, you can go to the following link-
SimpleDB Concept
is highly available data store. SimpleDB
is non-relational data store with the simple web service API which make it easy for development process. SimpleDB
provides the simple web service call for storing and retrieving the data stored in the Amazon SimpleDB
For more details, you can go to the link here.
Being the non-relational database system SimpleDB
uses different terminologies compared to the Normal Database System. The following table shows the terminologies used in Normal database system and Amazon SimpleDB.
Normal Database System | Amazon Simple DB |
Table | Domain |
| Attribute |
Row | Item |
Using the Code
Now let's see step by step how we can work on the SimpleDB
database from start to end. We will try to create a simple project to store the movie information at the SimpleDB
and retrieve the information from the same.
In this project, we are going to create an application for the Movie
database. This application will allow user to store the movie information in the SimpleDB
and allow user to retrieve the movie information from the simpleDB
For the above project requirement, we are going to design the SimpleDB
domain ‘movie_info
’ as follows:
Name | Rating | Description |
Movie Name 1 | 3.5 | Movie 1 Description |
Movie Name 2 | 5.0 | Movie 2 Description |
For creating an Android app with the SimpleDB
, you will need the following steps:
1. Create AWS account
For using the SimpleDB
, you need to first create the AWS account. Use the following link for the login which is free.
- Go to link for creating the AWS account.
- For more details about creating AWS account visit the link:
2. Create Access Key Id and Secret Access Key for the SimpleDB
- Once the AWS account is created using the steps mentioned in step 1, you need to create the Access Key Id and Secret Access Key pair for the
. Access Key Id and Secret Access Key will be used in our application for authentication the web service request for the SimpleDB database. - Login to AWS account, click on the user name from the left top corner and select Security Credentials option from the list.
- On the next page, select the Users Options from the left side of the page.
- Click on the Create new Users button, enter the user name in the pop up.
- Once the user name is created, download and store the security credentials for the user.
- Downloaded credentials.csv file contains the user name, Access Key Id and Secret Access Key. Save credentials.csv file at the safe location.
- For performing the read, write operation on the
, we need to assign the administrative rights to the user. For assigning the administrative rights to the end user, select the permissions tag for the user and click on Attach User Policy button. - From the Manage User Permission policy, select the option Administrative access.
- Click on the apply policy to make the changes in users permission.
3. Download SDK
For accessing the AWS services, download the AWS SDK using the following link: This is a zip file, containing API libraries for accessing the AWS SimpleDB database. We need to import this library in the Android project in the next steps.
4. Creating a new Project
After completing the required configuration, it’s time to start our project.
In this project, we are going to create an application for the Movie
database. This application will allow user to store the movie information in the SimpleDB
and allow user to retrieve the movie information from the simpleDB
First, we will complete the project configuration for the SimpleDB
access and then we will see how to call the various SimpleDB
API from the Android project.
Project Configuration
- In Eclipse, create a new project by going to File -> New -> Android Application Project and fill the required details. I kept my project name as
and package name as
- Now we need to add the AWS Android SDK to our Android project.
- Right click on the libs folder of the project and select the import option.
- From the import form, select the General-> File System option.
- From the File System form, click the browse button and provide the path of the SDK downloaded in step 3. Path e.g. “C:\...\aws-android-sdk-\aws-android-sdk-\lib”.
- Now from the left list of the import form, select the option aws-android-sdk- option.
- Click the finish button on the Import form to add selected jar file in Android project.
needs an Internet permission so add internet permission code in AndroidManifest.xml file. - Now we need to store the Access Key Id and Secret Access Key in Android project. For that, create new property file as follows and store Access Key Id and Secret Access Key.
- Select src-> (Package name) -> (right click) New -> File give File name as
- Access Key Id and Secret Access Key are the keys that we downloaded in step 2. Open credentials.csv file that we obtained from step 2 and copy Access Key Id and Secrete key Id.
- In the file, add Access Key Id and Secret Access Key as follows:
- In this project, we are going to create three activities:
- Main Activity: This is main activity which shows the option to store and read movie information.
- Store Activity: This activity collects the movie information from the user and stores it into the SimpleDB.
- Read Activity: This activity retrieves all the movie information stored in the domain and shows it to the user.
Code for the above activities can be found in the attached project zip file.

SimpleDB API Call
A. Create an Amazon SimpleDB Connection
To create a SimpleDB Connection, create separate
class file. In this code, getProperties
function is used to retrieve the access key and secret key that is stored in the
file. getAwsSimpleDB
function provides the Credentials to the AWS web service and returns the created SiimpleDB
import java.util.Properties;
import com.amazonaws.auth.BasicAWSCredentials;
public class Connection {
public static AmazonSimpleDB awsSimpleDB;
public static Properties properties;
public static AmazonSimpleDB getAwsSimpleDB()
BasicAWSCredentials credentials= new BasicAWSCredentials(getProperties().getProperty("accessKey"), Connection.getProperties().getProperty("secreteKey"));
awsSimpleDB= new AmazonSimpleDBClient(credentials);
return awsSimpleDB;
public static Properties getProperties()
properties=new Properties();
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
} }
return properties;
B. Create a Domain & Store Data to Domain
Domain in the simpleDB
is same as table. In project, we created the StoreToDB
class for storing row in the domain.
public static void saveMovie(String name, float rating, String description)
try {
Connection.getAwsSimpleDB().createDomain(new CreateDomainRequest( "movie_info"));
List<ReplaceableAttribute> attribute= new ArrayList<ReplaceableAttribute>(1);
attribute.add(new ReplaceableAttribute().withName("movieName").withValue(name));
attribute.add(new ReplaceableAttribute().withName("movieRating").withValue(Float.toString(rating)));
attribute.add(new ReplaceableAttribute().withName("movieDescription").withValue(description));
Connection.awsSimpleDB.putAttributes(new PutAttributesRequest("movie_info",name, attribute));
} catch (Exception e) {
C. Retrieve Stored Data from Domain
For retrieving the stored data from the domain, we have created
class. For retrieving the data, we need to create the SelectRequest
which returns the list of rows in item list format.
In this project, we are retrieving all rows from the table, we can retrieve the particular row from the domain by using where
condition on particular attribute.
To separate the particular field, we use the attribute name as filter as follows:
public static Movie [] getAllMovies() throws Exception
SelectRequest selectRequest= new SelectRequest("select * from movie_info").withConsistentRead(true);
List<> items = Connection.getAwsSimpleDB().select(selectRequest).getItems();
{ temp1;
int size= items.size();
Movie [] movieList= new Movie[size];
for(int i=0; i<size;i++)
temp1= (( i ));
List<> tempAttribute= temp1.getAttributes();
movieList[i]= new Movie();
for(int j=0; j< tempAttribute.size();j++)
else if(tempAttribute.get(j).getName().equals("movieDescription"))
movieList[i].movieDesctiption =tempAttribute.get(j).getValue();
else if(tempAttribute.get(j).getName().equals("movieRating"))
movieList[i].movieRating =Float.valueOf(tempAttribute.get(j).getValue());
return movieList;
catch( Exception eex)
throw new Exception("FIRST EXCEPTION", eex);
Amazon SimpleDB
service is a low touch, highly available, flexible and simple to use service for the small database application. SimpleDB application can be included in many other applications like logging, auditing, tracking application, etc. With Amazon SimpleDB, you can focus on application development without worrying about infrastructure.