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Export DataGrid to Excel

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2 Mar 2005CPOL 264.9K   53   53
Easily export DataGrid data to Excel.

Export to Excel (Windows forms only)

This is basically the easiest way to export data from a DataGrid or DataSet to Excel.

I looked all over the Internet and could not find anything useful, only ASP.NET ways of exporting. You just need to add to Excel DLL your references. I have looked over the Internet for the easiest way of doing it and at the end ended up doing this. Just put the code where ever you want to call the event that export the Dataset or DataGrid to Excel.

Excel.ApplicationClass excel = new ApplicationClass();

DataTable table = DATASETNAME.Tables[0];
int ColumnIndex=0; 
foreach(Datacolumn col in table.Columns)
int rowIndex=0; 
foreach(DataRow row in table.Row) 
    foreach(DataColumn col in table.Columns)         
excel.Visible = true; 
Worksheet worksheet = (Worksheet)excel.ActiveSheet; 

I know its not the most difficult thing on the planet to make, but it can be useful to beginners.


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Written By
Web Developer
United States United States
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Comments and Discussions

Generalthe correct assignment in the foreach loop Pin
Anonymous7-Oct-05 4:47
Anonymous7-Oct-05 4:47 
Generalan optional "using" Pin
Anonymous7-Oct-05 3:38
Anonymous7-Oct-05 3:38 
GeneralRe: an optional "using" Pin
Asbj0rn22-Jul-06 1:03
Asbj0rn22-Jul-06 1:03 
GeneralAlternative way Pin
Jan Gex23-Sep-05 6:14
Jan Gex23-Sep-05 6:14 
QuestionThanks but can it be more? Pin
Member 200611919-Jul-05 0:33
Member 200611919-Jul-05 0:33 
AnswerRe: Thanks but can it be more? Pin
gcavin27-Apr-06 4:46
gcavin27-Apr-06 4:46 
Generalsome errors Pin
melissah16-Mar-05 16:38
melissah16-Mar-05 16:38 
GeneralRe: some errors Pin
JJ G18-Mar-05 0:08
JJ G18-Mar-05 0:08 
Hi there, sorry for coming back now only, Sometimes the dll reference give a little trouble, i worked with other datagrid not the .net datagrid and when you call your reference directly it sometimes works

Here is an example.

EXCEL.excel.Cells[rowIndex+1, columnIndex] = row.Cells[col.ColumnName].Text;
EXCEL.WorkSheet worksheet = (EXCEL.Worksheet)excel.ActiveSheet;

You have to add the
"Microsoft Excel 11.0 Object Library" DLL and not the .10

'System.Data.DataRow' does not contain a definition for 'Cells'
If you try colunm, havent tested yet will come back to you about that one

GeneralRe: some errors Pin
Stephen McAllister1-Apr-05 9:55
Stephen McAllister1-Apr-05 9:55 
GeneralASP.NET Pin
NStratton8-Mar-05 20:47
sussNStratton8-Mar-05 20:47 
GeneralRe: ASP.NET Pin
JJ G8-Mar-05 21:20
JJ G8-Mar-05 21:20 
GeneralRe: ASP.NET Pin
Nigel Stratton9-Mar-05 3:51
Nigel Stratton9-Mar-05 3:51 
GeneralRe: ASP.NET Pin
Nigel Stratton9-Mar-05 5:38
Nigel Stratton9-Mar-05 5:38 
GeneralRe: ASP.NET Pin
JJ G9-Mar-05 19:52
JJ G9-Mar-05 19:52 
GeneralRe: ASP.NET Pin
Ilove.net24-Jan-07 10:56
Ilove.net24-Jan-07 10:56 
GeneralRe: ASP.NET Pin
Ilove.net24-Jan-07 11:43
Ilove.net24-Jan-07 11:43 
GeneralGreat thanks!! Pin
Joe Sonderegger23-Feb-05 1:17
Joe Sonderegger23-Feb-05 1:17 
GeneralRe: Great thanks!! Pin
JJ G7-Mar-05 1:51
JJ G7-Mar-05 1:51 

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