This article deals with enhancements for the Simple C# Genetic Algorithm by Barry Lapthorn. It makes an extensive use of "foreach" loop and .NET2.0 C# language improvements, so the .NET 2.0 framework or higher is needed.
The program does the same thing and gives the same results as Barry's one.
My Modifications :
Improvements that can be done
The scaling of the GA parameters, ie allowing other mathematical functions to work with the GA (Genetic Algorithm) not only those with values between 0 and 1 (double floating point precision).
For example :
double f3 = (x * x * x + y * y * y + 3 * x * y);
I encourage you to follow this link to Barry Lapthorn's site : http://www.lapthorn.net/
I made this to learn visual c# express 2005. I hope someone will find some elements interresting in my work. Nevertheless, I don't pretend to be a top-level OO Programmer :-)