I am doing implementation for this type of
query in a Spring boot application using named parameter jdbc template. Database used is postgres.
SELECT lp.*,
FROM global_products gp
INNER JOIN local_products lp
ON gp.product_id = lp.product_id limit :limit offset :offset;
public class ProductRepository {
private NamedParameterJdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
public ProductResponse getProducts(int offset, int limit) {
String sql = "SELECT lp.*, gp.name, gp.description,
FROM global_products gp INNER JOIN local_products lp " +
"ON gp.product_id = lp.product_id LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset";
MapSqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource();
params.addValue("limit", limit);
params.addValue("offset", offset);
List<productresponse> responseList =
jdbcTemplate.query(sql, params, new ProductMapper());
ProductResponse productResponse = new ProductResponse();
return productResponse;
private static class ProductMapper
implements RowMapper<productresponse> {
public ProductResponse mapRow
(ResultSet resultSet, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
return ProductResponse.builder()
What I have tried:
I am doing implementation for this type of
query in a Spring boot application using named parameter jdbc template. Database used is postgres.
SELECT lp.*,
FROM global_products gp
INNER JOIN local_products lp
ON gp.product_id = lp.product_id limit :limit offset :offset;
Here is the implementation.
public class ProductRepository {
private NamedParameterJdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate;
public ProductResponse getProducts(int offset, int limit) {
String sql = "SELECT lp.*, gp.name, gp.description,
FROM global_products gp INNER JOIN local_products lp " +
"ON gp.product_id = lp.product_id LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset";
MapSqlParameterSource params = new MapSqlParameterSource();
params.addValue("limit", limit);
params.addValue("offset", offset);
List<productresponse> responseList =
jdbcTemplate.query(sql, params, new ProductMapper());
ProductResponse productResponse = new ProductResponse();
return productResponse;
private static class ProductMapper
implements RowMapper<productresponse> {
public ProductResponse mapRow(ResultSet resultSet, int rowNum)
throws SQLException {
return ProductResponse.builder()
The problem is the order of the result and some data of
is different when executing
method each time.
However, if I execute the same query directly in the database, it never gives different order or data. Those are the same every time.
clause gives the similar order and data every time but I do not need that for the requirement. Because I do not need the order of ascending or descending. Just having consistent data set and order for given limit and offset value is enough. On the other hand, adding
for the query introduces new weight to the operation. Therefore, I am trying to do this without
Why is this happening? What would be the solution for this?