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Overview. As mentioned in "Manage Staffs - Part 2" part, It was easy to query the list of staffs as they were prepared before hand.. All necessary preparation steps occurred in "Add/ update staff information".. Let see "Add staff" first.. Add the following line into staffs.
[TinyERP: SPA for Enterprise Application]Cross Modules/ Domains Communication
[TinyERP: SPA for Enterprise Application]Manage Staffs - Part 2
by Tomasz Naumowicz
Take a closer look at scenarios where working with GUID and UUID in a MongoDB environment becomes tricky. We will make you aware of those configurations and provide a set of best practices to follow.

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Overview. As mentioned in "Manage Staffs - Part 2" part, It was easy to query the list of staffs as they were prepared before hand.. All necessary preparation steps occurred in "Add/ update staff information".. Let see "Add staff" first.. Add the following line into staffs.
[TinyERP: SPA for Enterprise Application]Cross Modules/ Domains Communication
[TinyERP: SPA for Enterprise Application]Manage Staffs - Part 2
by Tomasz Naumowicz
Take a closer look at scenarios where working with GUID and UUID in a MongoDB environment becomes tricky. We will make you aware of those configurations and provide a set of best practices to follow.

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by ColdskyXia
How to add new documents to a collection more efficiently
by Pankaj Jha
This tip explains how to apply a filter on a nested array in a MongoDB collection.
by Lazaro Lima
This paper attempts to pass all the steps to create an automated backup for a MongoDB Server on a Linux Server where all backups are sent to Amazon AWS S3 service scheduled through crontab.
by binit.ku.singh
Connect MongoDB from any working directory on ubuntu
by Vishal_Gupta
Steps to connect Mongo shell to Atlas Cluster
by anoopk01
This tip shows how to connect with MongoDB from a .NET application.
by dmgcodevil
Framework for performing aggregation and plain MongoDB queries in myBatis style
by ColdskyXia
How to get started with mongodb
by ColdskyXia
Installing Mongodb
by roks nicolas
For those who deal with Text Research in MongoDb 3.2 with the new C# Driver, here is some advice.
by A. Fry
MonogoDB server side projection using the C# driver
by Luke Vosyka
What if your Json contains a datetime value like "2018-11-23T20:56:05.3117673Z" and you need it to be in a BsonDocument as a proper BsonDateTime value?
by Luke Vosyka
Serializing DateTimeOffset to DateTime in MongoDB is currently not supported. This solution will show you how it can work.
by LM Heah
MongoDB Hadoop Hortonworks in Windows Server 2008
by Paul Welter
MongoDB Messaging library is a lightweight queue pub/sub processing library based on MongoDB data store
by ColdskyXia
How to remove documents from a collection more efficiently
by DiponRoy
Quick start example to run DB and clients in docker
by Oliver Smith 2022
Save time comparing JSON docs and build collaboration features into your applications
by Manjesh_A
Using Docker-Compose for defining and running multi-container application with ASP.NET Core MVC, Web API and MongoDB
by Fitim Skenderi
Connecting securely to MongoDB by using SSL from GO