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by Anurag Prajesh
Add new user registeration information in XML with C#
by Ed Gadziemski
A collapsible split container control for Windows Forms
by eug_acc (Eugene Akimov)
A photo images gallery browsing template - CatalogView style.
by azharkhan
This article provides the steps to solve the "Unrecognized Tag" problem for an Atlas control.

Latest Articles

by Anurag Prajesh
Add new user registeration information in XML with C#
by Ed Gadziemski
A collapsible split container control for Windows Forms
by eug_acc (Eugene Akimov)
A photo images gallery browsing template - CatalogView style.
by azharkhan
This article provides the steps to solve the "Unrecognized Tag" problem for an Atlas control.

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by Anurag Prajesh
Add new user registeration information in XML with C#
by #realJSOP
Don't reinvent the wheel - use the one that's already on the cart.
by TheGreatAndPowerfulOz
The following is far easier to understand and use than the Outlaw's tip (IMHO).text = Regex.Replace(text, "screen_fadetimeout=\"[^\"\']+\"", "screen_fatetimeout="99");It has the following advantages:1. It is one line of code2. It is easier to read3. It is faster (note: XmlElement...
by Peter T. Ringering
A program that makes editing code comments and XML comments easier.
by Member 12660776
Programmatically Adding New ConfigurationSectionGroup Corrupts Declaration Section With Multiple Group Declarations.
by emadns
Second tutorial for loading data through code - Sqlite
by simonp_ca
How to remove Windows service from Service List (not just stop/disable it, but to delete it from the list totally)
by cesar_boucas
A custom derivative of ServiceHostFactory to control how WCF service hosts are created.
by Dirk Bahle
Making better use of the available UI space.
by Southmountain
This tip shares some lessons and thoughts after using this converter.
by RickZeeland
PostgreSQL notifications Windows Forms application
by Keerthi_Kumar_N
Configuring the web.xml for any Java/J2ee project using a programmatic approach
by David A. Gray
The routines in this library can parse any string that I can throw at it, including Common Name strings read from X.509 Digital Certificates.
by Erik Vullings
Generate a PowerPoint presentation, consisting of slides with a title and an image, without requiring Microsoft Office
by Steffen Ploetz
How to realize text copy functionality via inter process communication for your OpenTK based C# OpenGL application running on X11
by B. Clay Shannon
Wherein the steps to add menu items, and respond to them being selected, is delineated
by Praveen Maniyath
Code for implementing a click event for button in Android.
by Dominic Burford
Adding unit testing and code coverage to your Nant scripts
by dreamzlife
A simple way to parse multiple CodeMetrics XML data and generate a summary report.
by Matias Lopez
How to open an XML file in JavaScript for Web
by ShubhamSaxena
Running an Android app.
by Azim Zahir
This is a demonstration of a Torch application built using Android.
by Malak Zia Nasir
Override the Windows Store app default splash screen with an animated one
by Member 3471983
Add Filter Sort and Theme to a datagridview
by Ilka Guigova
Setup: A data from one module is passed into another so that Module 1 takes a (flat) file as input and feeds an xml structure into Module 2. While Module 2 is internal, Module 1 is designed to handle different customer inputs into the system. However, it is not always possible to generate the...
by Anurag Prajesh
How to add banner and slideshow in your website with adrotator
by karlodegrano
A generic HttpContent Reader that can be used to replace FromBody parameter on Http Action
by be05x5
SQL script that will generate XML code that you can copy paste into your RDL file and just do it that way
by rohitsies
This article describes an advanced technique and configuration to automatically transform and run your all or selected T4 templates when a project is build.
by tc99
Immediate access to resources without clicking
It shows how to display a badge notification in Windows 8 metro app
by Martin Vorbrodt
Base64 encoding
by honey the codewitch
A B-tree, an AVL tree, and a Splay tree in C#
by Peter Sun (247)
Create a C# WPF app to read Twitter tweets and retweets via REST API with grouping related users / friends by categories. As a bonus, tweets can be saved in Azure / Cloud, and viewed in an Azure website.
by Karthik. A
When dynamically creating XML documents, they appear just like a normal text file. This tip is to add line breaks and indentation automatically (I posted this in my blog a while ago)
by dietmar paul schoder
Read rows and cells from an xlsx-file: quick, dirty, effective.
by Fabrice Lacharme
Yet another slider/trackbar in C#
by Peter Sun (247)
Master-detail view navigation using manageable data-driven and code-behind techniques
by Shao Voon Wong
C++11 std::div() Benchmark
by SibeeshKV
Calling an ASMX webservice from other server using jquery and PHP
by adityave22
This article explains how to write JavaScript code in Atlassian Jira to call external REST APIs and load json data into Jira custom fields
by Christiaan van Bergen
How to perform XPath queries on all lower case elements
by B. Clay Shannon
How to quickly and easily change a Layout's header text
by mohamedkamaleed
Network check v1.0
by Cinchoo
Tip to convert JSON to XML with namespaces using Cinchoo ETL
by Cinchoo
Use Cinchoo ETL to deserialize selective XML nodes from large XML file
by Cinchoo
Quick tutorial about converting JSON to XML file using Cinchoo ETL
by Frankxcid
Class that allows you to programmatically create an Open XML Excel spreadsheet
by tomjoly45
How to connect an external stylesheet to XML.
by Emiliano Musso
A quick method to convert a CSV file in XML
by Jesse Fatherree
Convert DataSet or XML to JSON using VB.NET
by pramod.hegde
Converts DataTable to XML, XSD, or HTML using XSLT and C#
by kingddd
Introducing a new tool to transform trx (mstest results file) into HTML report
by Naufel Basheer
Convert complex XML to an object using LINQ
by Jason N. Gaylord
When using a WCF or ASMX web service in ASP.NET, you might find the need to pass back a DateTime object via JSON. However, what you might not realize is that by passing a .NET DateTime object back to JavaScript, you’d receive an “Invalid date” script exception. The data being passe
by Shru37
Modified code from another article to consider field repetitions while converting HL7 message to XML
by Rajesh Kuramdasu
This article describes about converting an XML string to a HTML table.
by RemcoReitsma
Load an XML document and convert it to a dynamic object
by Yaseer Arafat
Using Extension Method and JSON Serializer
by SaahilPriya
Creates an XML File, and extends its Node if it already exists
by Abhijit Ghosh (Subho)
Creating a Issue in Jira using Rest API and Microsoft XML Core Services (MSXML)
by B. Clay Shannon
How to create an Android Activity and its associated Layout file, then invoke (intent) them from another Activity
by Clifford Nelson
A way to create a custom derived control with the XAML file attached like a UserControl
by Israel Gebreselassie
This tip/trick shows you how to edit the web.config file dynamically .
by David_Cui
A brief introduction to CrossCutterN tool remade for AOP programming in .NET technologies
by Javad Taheri (drjackool)
Show or hide, reorder, save and restore list view column headers
by Vishnu Kesaraju
Using LINQ to XML to convert datatables to formatted XML.
by Carsten Breum
Data Virtualization example with a pagesize and async data request
by mohammad amiri
this tip discuss about showing datagridview data to crystal report using c#
by b4usat
How to delete an XML node using its name.
by George Swan
Can't you do the same thing without the need for a select statement?XElement xElement = XElement.Load(path);xElement.Elements ("Node").Remove();xElement.Save(path);
by Sunny Makode
There are several contents available on the internet that talk about injecting dependencies through .svc file's markup [in WCF service application] and it's easy when you have a WCF service application. But, it is equally easy to do that even in your WCF Library project (without .svc).
by Dominic Burford
Deploying your WCF web service to IIS
by hasan bozkurt
Determining all bootable partitions using PInvoke
by Ifat Chitin Morrison
This tip shows the differences in XML serialization when a serializable class has a combination of [XmlElement] and [XmlText].
by Matias Lopez
Displaying XML Files with CSS/XSLT
by Joshi, Rushikesh
You learn how to create your own Code Snippets and publish them to your Team to use them.
by Radhakrishna Banavalikar
How to develop patient monitoring systems based on a WinMobile device
by Preetam U Ramdhave
How to develop connection string encryption on the application config file.
by Carlos Bocanegra
This tip describes a useful way to create and send an email with a summary of the exceptions from a file validation process in a SSIS package using a XML and a XSLT template.
by Sotirios Diamantis
You have latitude and longitude coordinates in Excel and you want to display them in Google maps; this simple Excel add-in will let you do just that.
by JakeG
WIX template for wrapping EXE with a MSI installer for easier deployment with group policy
by mbruchet
It is often requested by the customer to import a data file in XML format. It is therefore easier to work in object mode, however, the XML transformation into a pure object might take time to be developed. ExpandoObject provides an answer to this problem ...
by Ion_tichy
Xsd2Struct is a software for the creation and run-time processing of an external description data structure.
by moneema14
A parser event listener for PDF tables to .NET Dataset object
by Shao Voon Wong
Performance of Floating Point and Integer Arithmetic has closed gap in modern CPU
by Paul Schwartzberg
Formatting XML in a string for visual presentation.
by Paul Schwartzberg
If you have unformatted XML in a string and need to format it for visual presentation, e.g. for sending it to your UI, here's how to do it for Silverlight 4.0.
by CodingLover
How to format unformatted XML string easily with LINQ.
by Alessio Aronica
Generate forms from MVC models in one simple line of code
by dmgcodevil
Framework for performing aggregation and plain MongoDB queries in myBatis style
by Pablo A Martinez
How to use Google map and Spatial search to do freehand drawing
by rj45
General string parsing techniques
by Andrew Rissing
I would have actually opted to remove the start index being passed in. Then, you can spruce up the calls with extension methods (albeit not necessary).Usage:removeList.AddRange(html.ToString().GetBetween("");Code:public static class StringUtilities{ ///...
by ChunkyStool
namespace ParseTests{ using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; public static class ExtensionMethods { /// /// Extracts text from a source string that is between two specified tags. ...
by Joshi, Rushikesh
How to Generate Sample XML from XSD
by Md._Mehedi_Hasan
This tip will help you to generate .xml file in AngularJs and ASP.NET MVC5 using XElement of C#.
by Harsh Gandhi
Generate XML Using FOR XML ; Difference between different modes (AUTO, RAW, PATH, EXPLICIT) of FOR XML to generate XML in SQL Server
by Sergii Syrovatchenko
This tip describes the most convenient way of process automation of generating HTML reports for dynamic table-structures and sending them to different people.
by Yoel Schejter
A solution presented in C# .NET 3.5 using the latest in LINQ technology.
by Bob Sandberg
How would you do this, if objects included inside one of the serialized objects was an abstract class? E.g.:abstract class Base{ public int x;}class A : Base{ public int y;}class B : A{ public int z;}class SomeOtherClass{ public string...
by Daniel Gidman
Serializable Extra Types for .NET 4[^]Does what you are looking for using attributes.
by Gusdor
The above solution made me grin as it helped me solved my serialization puzzle. However, if you have an extensible format with components spread over multiple assemblies, this solution may not pick up all the types.I brute force it as follows:List knownTypes = new...
by ShubhamSaxena
Getting started with Android development.
by suis
Integrating Google direction and geocoding services using C#. NET code behind.
by Hariprasanth S
Navigation pattern like in Google News Stand app with transitions
by gaurav_rwt
Gridview paging with numeric with first and last button using jquery and code behind
by Adel Refaat
A quick example of how to do grouping in XSLT version 1.0
by thatraja
Using XSLT version 1.0 to group XML using Multiple Columns
by Mehul Donga
Handle managed (C#) event in managed (C++/CLI)
by Codes Of Shadows
Header Style Combo Box Drop Down Filter Button
by Prasaad SJ
This is a small tip regarding highlighting items and getting the element XML path that is clicked in the Web Browser control.
by B. Clay Shannon
Step-by-step instructions for adding an Async Task to an Android Activity
by B. Clay Shannon
Add borders to Android widgets, such as EditTexts, to "set them off/apart"
by RemcoReitsma
This tip shows how you can add an XSD schema in Visual Studio to enable XML intellisense.
by Vassili Kravtchenko-Berejnoi
A generic workaround for auto-generating multiple custom columns in a WPF DataGrid in case where the data class has multiple properties of the same type
by Southmountain
Some tips on how to compile legacy Win32 programs in Visual Studio 2019 - may save you few hours to figure out why
by Mark Springer
Allow navigation - forward, backward, branching, and loops with a few changes to your existing projects
by O.Nasri
A good demo to know how you can implement an XSD & XSLT processor using C#
by B. Clay Shannon
In which the user is shown how to enclose multiple widgets in a rectangle
by altomaltes
Effortless configuration file added to your existing code
by Rob_Smith_MN
Oracle session provider
by ashishkumar008
Here, I am going to apply a good look and feel on EditText in Android. For this purpose, we can use image also but I'll use XML here.
by V. Subhash
I made this list for CNN but it might be useful for any website owner.
by B. Clay Shannon
Pass a long string to a Web API method (not as part of the URI query)
by B. Clay Shannon
Easily create and hook up values to display in an Android Spinner
by B. Clay Shannon
A handful of easy steps to enable using names instead of hex vals for colors
by Hadrich Mohamed
This tip shows you how to easily retreive soma data from xml file
by Bhushan W. Juare
The different ways of retrieving XML data from SQL Server.
by B. Clay Shannon
Easily save an object as XML
by Khunt Suchit
How to Select XML Node by name in C#
by @donis2014
How to configure IIS Express "applicationhost.config" for handler mappings
by Hamid Mosalla
In the next two posts, I’m going to show you how to build a load more button for your page using ASP.NET MVC, you can use it for any various kind of things, but in the case of this tutorial, I’ll use it for my fictitious product list.
by Dankwansere
How to insert an image into an "inline shape" in Word Document using Microsoft Open XML SDK
by sunhui
Integrate .NET Component to your Native MFC Application at runtime
by Ștefan-Mihai MOGA
A look at the URLDownloadToFile function and architecture of IntelliLink
by Amogh Natu
This tip explains how to call a web method with a POST request using xml request messaage in C#.
by Safak Tarazan
A simple application that communicates web service (SOAP).
by rj45
Ergonomic syntax to iterate through XML
by FrankNight
In this tip, I show a set of helper classes useful to prepare and send messages to the SqlXML Joomla component and execute remote SQL calls to your hosted website.
by Mohit Johri
This article will give a brief introduction about WIX toolset that builds Windows installation packages from XML source code with an example
by veen_rp
A simple, step by step tutorial to set up an MS-Office Excel Ribbon, launch your own .NET applications from Excel and interact with the spreadsheet values.
by Ngọc Minh Trần
How to use VideoView and MediaController in Kotlin
by Alojzy Leszcz
I've had enough reading WPF tutorials and wanted to test learned skills in a real-life application. As I've always had problems with memorizing LoL items, I thought I could do something about this and kill two birds with a one stone.
by KumarM.NET
Leveraging the benefits of Open XML
by shunninghuang
Software named M1.NET which shows the details of decrypting arcade game audio
by MarcusCole6833
A simple program to make an HTML page from an XML file
by Kai Schtrom
Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WMI class in plain C and C++
by Stephan Stricker
A Modbus TCP class.
by Niyazi Yarar
Helps developer to get excel column letter or index
by arsser
Choose the UI language at runtime and using XML to save the infomation.
by CodingLover
Learn how to manage multiple log files in a single application using log4net.
by BrokenEvent
Simple and fast .NET XML parser without using System.Xml
by Shao Voon Wong
It could be a hacking to crash your program.
by loody
A quick tip about creating a custom view type for Odoo8
by DiponRoy
Upgrade a legacy ASP.NET project to use managed Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client instead of unmanaged Oracle.DataAccess.Client while using Entity Framework DB first or EDMX.
by Lance Ford
Step-by-step guide to enable an ASP.NET web application to override date, time, currency and number formats.
by CRMcoaching
Parameterized Custom Help Webpages in Microsoft CRM 2015 With Input By a Super User
by marc9889
This is an example of one way to parse an HTML document by using a recursive function. In this example, an html document is loaded from a text file, but the code also demonstrates (in remarks) using a web page as a source file.When the recursive function is called, a conditional statement...
by marc9889
In response to the request to use a website (instead of a file), the pertinent code is shown below. Note that you will need to replace "" with the website page that you want to capture the source code (HTML, for example) from.Dim webclient As System.Net.WebClient = New...
by ac-2008
Maybe this would have saved you some efforts:[^]. I have already developed a project (Delivery Predictor) with this reader:[^]
by Bhanu Pratap Singh Rathore
This tip contains easy steps to extract XML data from URLs in VB.NET
by amitthk
A useful class for persisting your settings to XML config files.
by Handy Torres
POCO to CAML simplifies creating of CAML queries by using expression trees.
by fernando amatulli
Polynomial interpolation algorithm from 1 to 9 degree that allow forcing constant term to 0
by Lance Roberts
A tray utility for monitoring log files and popping up error messages
by Shah Ankita
PopupMenu and Message DailogBox in Windows 8
by Nikita D. Sinelnikov
Creating a pretty-view XML for web applications (or other needs)
by ednrg
This is a .NET port of a VBScript utility
by PIEBALDconsult
This is an alternative for "PrettyXML (.NET Port)"
A sample project shows How to print XML documents by a WebBrowser control , with orientation setted programingly.
by jim lahey
Installing .NET 4.5 breaks serialization to XML
by Sandeep Neela
Platform independent jQuery workaround for legacy “Data Islands”
by HemendraSingh88
Hi, here we will see how to query a DataSet with LINQ(Language Integrated Query).
by Michael Safyan
If you've done a regular search for API reference documentation, most likely you've come across links to very old versions of the API (e.g. links to Java 1.4.2 instead of Java 5 or Java 6), or you've probably come across plenty of links that are completely unrelated to the actual search (getting...
How to read XML files and add them into SharePoint 2010 through Powershell
by Gunaprasad Shetty
The tip provides the code snippet for inserting a huge XML file with details such as node level, node value, node desc and node child, etc.The snippet provides the solution for recursive reading of node and provides the value of XML nodes along with its value.
by Bhis
Read XML File and change date contents
by VBTheory
Save and load configuration files in both XML and INI with ease
by Mannava Siva Aditya
Reading XML data into a DataTable.
by Member 13092868
This tool helps you create a label with given degrees of view angle. Also helps you estimate REAL label height and width by providing you linear correction functions to apply to inaccurate MeasureString values
by Marcus Müller
Use Windows 10 build-in tools to configure VPNs for automatic reconnection after a connection is lost
by rvjagadheesh
Brief introduction about YQL (Yahoo Query Language). Also describes how to use the REST API provided by Yahoo! to gather information.
by sbarnes
Sometimes better isn't, necessarily
by flyhigh
By implementing a UI library and exporting its necessary components to lua script, we can create a beautiful UI and implement relevant logic in Lua script completely.
by B. Clay Shannon
How to save a collection of objects as XML, JSON, or CSV
by yrimal
How to search XML content using LINQ in .NET.
by rj45
Select an XML attribute "and" another attribute using xpath.
by Luca Astolfi
User defined procedure for make an HTML table from T-SQL Select statment
by Martin Vorbrodt
How to serialize data to XML
by jmix90
You often read on the web that the DependencyObjects are not marked as serializable and that this is a major drawback of them...But there is a easy way to perform a serialization of these object : use XAMLWriter and XAMLReader :public class MyDependencyObject : DependencyObject{public...
by George Jonsson
Two ways to serialize and deserialize a property of type TimeSpan to XML
by akramKamal
Code to serialize/deserialize any object to an XML file.
by SoumenBanerjee
In this article I have tried to cover a few topics like serialization to XML, bulk insertion, etc.
by VinaJosh
Step by step information on configuring Form Based Authentication (FBA) in SharePoint 2010.
by Ashish Tripathi
Sharp RepoGen is a simple tool to create repository interface having methods for CRUD operation and its implementing class. Using this tool easily you can generate your repositry class and interface. Code is generated with the help of xml template, so very easily you may change the template to creat
by HenkAlles
Show Simple Log - see the article by Jochen Scharr - in the browser with a nice layout
by charles henington
using System;using System.Windows.Forms;namespace WindowsFormsApplication1{ public partial class Form1 : Form { private Panel panel1; private ComboBox comboBox1; public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } ...
by jarvisa
ComboBox items do not have to be strings.The combobox calls ToString on each object in Items so simply add the enum values to the combobox.using System;using System.Drawing;using System.Windows.Forms;namespace Anchor_Form{ public class Form1 : Form { public...
by Artur Khondkaryan
Upload Photoshop PSD files, extract layer bitmaps, extract info into xml.
by MarkWardell
An aid to Port WPF Framework Applications to .NET Core 3.1
Simple Word Document File Viewer
by Bloody Chicken
Sometimes, I wanted to know that I did write the right path for getting a single value from XML or JSON string. So, I made a simple program like this.
by n.massari
Library to send and receive objects between an android client and a web service
by Bryian Tan
Social sharing buttons script created by using jQuery and XML for your website
by Bryan Lyman
Generic list wrapper that returns a smaller strongly typed sub-list which modifies the parent-list when changed, without using events
by B. Clay Shannon
Learn the easiest way to create an Android Layout, especially when form factors of the target devices are limited
by db_developer
xmlns is special attribute. It determines namespace of current element and its children all as well. You do not have to add it to XmlDocument (XmlElement) explicitly. Use method of XmlDocument:public virtual XmlElement CreateElement( string prefix, string localName, string...
by gxm_ddsr
Use XML to configure a database server
by Arun Babu Madhavan
Extension method to throttle multiple Tasks in C#
by Lothar Perr
Simple and lightweight XML Serialization using tinyxml2
by honey the codewitch
A simple home HTTP server that works across all .NET platforms
by Jaime Olivares
Workaround to mimic's Xml Literals in C#
by Leo Chapiro
Update Checker
by Awesh Vishwakarma
By reading this trick, you will be able to update your database from DataGridView through external class instead of writing code on each page.
by B. Clay Shannon
Simple steps needed to globally change a widget property
by Mohsen dorparasti
NoAPI is a website that assists web developers to scrap pieces of data they need from public web pages, save them and use them in their web pages
by Bajirao_
Create a Word document from a docx template
by #realJSOP
Extension methods can help you avoid sticky situations.
by Rama Krishna Vavilala
I will just make it a little more compact by omitting the Contains method:public static string GetValue(this XElement root, string name, string defaultValue) { return (string)root.Elements(name).FirstOrDefault() ?? defaultValue; }The explicit operators for XElement...
by Richard Deeming
You can avoid all of this by using the explicit cast operators:public XElement Element{ set { this.MyVar1 = (string)value.Element("MyVar1") ?? "NO VALUE"; this.MyVar2 = (string)value.Element("MyVar2") ?? "NOVAL"; }}Both XElement and XAttribute define...
by Richard Deeming
This is an alternative for "Using Extension Methods To Avoid XML Problems"
by Dominic Burford
Using FTP with Nant
by Clifford Nelson
I had a situation where a control appearing was significantly affected by the initialization of the UserControls. This behavior fixed my problem.
by Bruce Yang CL
A way to query the data from Internet
by vblover Programmer
Load Menu from Resource-Only DLL (created by VC++) and Set for Form As MainMenu by API Functions.
by Dominic Burford
Versioning your .NET application with Nant and Subversion
by Yvan Rodrigues
The web server that is built into Visual Studio 2010 can't serve all MIME types.
by MarcusCole6833
Visual Basic SQL to XML
by A Mahesh
In WCF, you can easily create custom bindings using configuration and custom implementations.
by sandeep12jain
WCF Restful Service Authentication without SSL Certificate
by Avirup Das
This tip describes an application to control with Sony TVs connected to your Home Wi-Fi network from PC.
by Paul Marques
Simple way to do internationalization on your Windows Phone app.
by AdventureDriver
The goal is to clean-up double entries in Windows Media Player playlists because the player doesn’t do that itself. For that, a WPL class has been written, and a program that uses that class.
by Clifford Nelson
This behavior will select the entire text when a TextBox or PasswordBox gains focus
by Harshit Gindra
Check and request for Permissions in Xamarin Forms mobile application
by Arkadeep De
XMl read, write, edit, search in .NET using C#
by chris_mackay
Save and retrieve user settings for your application in an XML file
by Vijay Gill
XML Comparer library in C#
by chiheb-Geek
What's Data Binding: Data binding is the process that establishes a connection between the application User Interface and business logic.
by John C Rayan
How to process very large XML files
by Slava Khristich
Parsing and navigating XML tree in Windows Phone 7 (WP7)
Use System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer to perform XML serialization and deserialization.
by E. Scott McFadden
XML Strategies to Improve Test Organization
by KinnMirr
Moving data to/from hierarchical data is tricky. This will help.
by Raghavendra Hosad
It is a commandline XML/XSD validator
by db_developer
I was thinking that it is a simple task "select nodes using XPath expression and then to delete them from XML Document", but after I spent a couple of hours ... My fault was I searched for something likes 'Remove current node', 'Delete active node', 'Detach node from tree', etc.Way to delete...
by Er.aruntyagi
Creating XML from Object & populating your Object from XML using one line of code
by Martin Vorbrodt
by Anamera
This XSLT will output an Excel worksheet containing a CSV type of record collection in a more usable XML format.