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Compare Two Excel Files

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19 Jan 2021CPOL 22.4K   507   9   10
How to compare two Excel Files using VBS
In this post, you will see how to drag and drop two Excel files to compare.


Drag and drop two Excel files to compare.

Image 1

The changes will be highlighted in yellow. Use ExcelCompare.vbs to compare cells.

Image 2

If your Excel files might have new rows or columns, use ExcelRowCompare.vbs.

Image 3

Using the Code

ExcelRowCompare.vbs compares rows, column and cells. You can modify the code to exclude some worksheets or to save the file at the end. The script might take a long time to run depending on the size of the files.

Const sFirstColData = "Calendar"
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim sFilePath1, sFilePath2

If WScript.Arguments.Count = 2 then
    sFilePath1 = WScript.Arguments(0)
    sFilePath2 = WScript.Arguments(1)
    MsgBox("Please drag and drop two excel files.")        
End If

If fso.FileExists(sFilePath1) = False  Then
    MsgBox "File 1 is missing: " & sFilePath1
End If

If fso.FileExists(sFilePath2) = False Then
    MsgBox "File 2 is missing: " & sFilePath2
End If

Dim sMissingSheets: sMissingSheets = ""
Dim iDiffCell: iDiffCell = 0
Dim iDiffRow: iDiffRow = 0
Dim iDiffCol: iDiffCol = 0
Dim oExcel: Set oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
oExcel.Visible = True
oExcel.DisplayAlerts = false
Set oWorkBook1 = oExcel.Workbooks.Open(sFilePath1)
Set oWorkBook2 = oExcel.Workbooks.Open(sFilePath2)

For Each oSheet in oWorkBook1.Worksheets
    If SheetExists(oWorkBook2, oSheet.Name) = False Then
        if sMissingSheets <> "" Then sMissingSheets = sMissingSheets & ","
        sMissingSheets = sMissingSheets & oSheet.Name
        Set oSheet2 = oWorkBook2.Worksheets(oSheet.Name)
        Set rs = GetExcelRecordset(oSheet)
        Set rs2 = GetExcelRecordset(oSheet2)
        CompareCells oSheet, rs, oSheet2, rs2
        CompareCells oSheet2, rs2, oSheet, rs
    End If

For Each oSheet in oWorkBook2.Worksheets
    If SheetExists(oWorkBook1, oSheet.Name) = False Then
        if sMissingSheets <> "" Then sMissingSheets = sMissingSheets & ","
        sMissingSheets = sMissingSheets & oSheet.Name
    End If

Dim sDiff: sDiff = ""

if iDiffCell <> 0 Then
    sDiff = sDiff & iDiffCell & " cell differences."
End If

if iDiffRow <> 0 Then
    if sDiff <> "" Then sDiff = sDiff & " "
    sDiff = sDiff & iDiffRow & " row differences."
End If

if iDiffCol <> 0 Then
    if iDiffCol <> "" Then sDiff = sDiff & " "
    sDiff = sDiff & iDiffCol & " column differences."
End If

If sMissingSheets <> "" Then
    if sDiff <> "" Then sDiff = sDiff & " "
    sDiff = sDiff & "Missing Worksheets: " & sMissingSheets & "."
End If

If sDiff = "" Then
    MsgBox "Files match"
    MsgBox "Found " & sDiff
End If

Sub CompareCells(oSheet, rs, oSheet2, rs2)

    ResetRs rs
    ResetRs rs2

    Dim oColDiff: Set oColDiff = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Dim col: Set col = GetColDiff(oSheet,oSheet2)
    Dim iRow, iRow2

    While rs.EOF = False
        iRow = rs("RowNumber").Value
        sFirstCol = rs("c1").value & ""
        If sFirstCol <> "" Then
            rs2.Filter = "c1 = '" & sFirstCol & "'"
            If rs2.RecordCount = 0 Then
                oSheet.Rows(iRow & ":" & iRow).Interior.Color = RGB(219, 255, 0)
                iDiffRow = iDiffRow + 1

            ElseIf rs2.RecordCount = 1 Then
                iRow2 = rs2("RowNumber").Value
                For iCol = 1 to rs.Fields.Count - 1
                    iCol2 = iCol
                    If col.Exists(iCol) Then
                        iCol2 = col(iCol)
                    End If

                    If iCol2 = -1 Then
                        'Col not found
                        If oColDiff.Exists(iCol) = False Then
                            oSheet.Columns(iCol).Interior.Color = RGB(219, 255, 51)
                            oColDiff(iCol) = True
                        End If

                    ElseIf iCol >= rs.Fields.Count Or iCol2 >= rs2.Fields.Count Then
                        'Out of range

                    ElseIf rs(iCol).Value & "" <> rs2(iCol2).Value & "" Then
                        oSheet.Cells(iRow, iCol ).Interior.Color = 65535
                        iDiffCell = iDiffCell + 1
                    End If
            End If
        End If

    If oColDiff.Count > 0  Then
        iDiffCol = iDiffCol + oColDiff.Count 
    End If
End Sub

Sub ResetRs(rs)
    rs.Filter = ""
    If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then
    End If
End Sub

Function GetColDiff(oSheet,oSheet2)
    Dim oRet: Set oRet = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Dim oCols: Set oCols = GetExcelColumns(oSheet)
    Dim oCols2: Set oCols2 = GetExcelColumns(oSheet2)
    Dim iCol: iCol = 0

    For Each sKey In oCols.Keys
        iCol = oCols(sKey)
        If oCols2.Exists(sKey) Then
            If iCol <> oCols2(sKey) Then
                oRet(iCol) = oCols2(sKey) 'Col 1 => 2 (column was moved for 1 to 2)
            End If
            oRet(iCol) = -1 'Col not found
        End If

    Set GetColDiff = oRet
End Function

Function GetExcelColumns(oSheet)
    Dim oCols: Set oCols = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
    Dim iHeaderRow: iHeaderRow = 1

    If sFirstColData <> "" Then
        For i = 1 to 100
            If oSheet.Cells(i, 1).Value = sFirstColData Then
                iHeaderRow = i -1
                Exit For
            End If
    End If

    Dim iColCount: iColCount = GetLastCol(oSheet)

    For iCol = 1 to iColCount
        sVal = oSheet.Cells(iHeaderRow, iCol).Value
        If sVal <> "" Then
            oCols(sVal) = iCol
        End If
    Set GetExcelColumns = oCols
End Function

Function GetExcelRecordset(oSheet)
    Dim iColCount: iColCount = GetLastCol(oSheet)
    Dim iRowsCount: iRowsCount = GetLastRowWithData(oSheet)

    Dim rs: Set rs= CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
    rs.Fields.Append "RowNumber", 3 'adInteger

    For iCol = 1 to iColCount
        rs.Fields.Append "c" & iCol, 200, -1 'adVarChar


    For iRow = 1 to iRowsCount
        rs("RowNumber") = iRow

        For iCol = 1 to iColCount
            rs("c" & iCol) = oSheet.Cells(iRow, iCol).Value            

    Set GetExcelRecordset = rs
End Function

Function GetLastRowWithData(oSheet)
    Dim iMaxRow: iMaxRow = oSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    If iMaxRow > 500 Then
        iMaxRow = oSheet.Cells.Find("*", oSheet.Cells(1, 1),  -4163, , 1, 2).Row
    End If

    Dim iRow, iCol
    For iRow = iMaxRow to 1 Step -1
         For iCol = 1 to oSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
            If Trim(oSheet.Cells(iRow, iCol).Value) <> "" Then
                GetLastRowWithData = iRow
                Exit Function
            End If
    GetLastRowWithData = 1
End Function

Function GetLastCol(st)
    GetLastCol = st.Cells.Find("*", st.Cells(1, 1), , 2, 2, 2, False).Column
End Function

Function SheetExists(oWorkBook, sName)
    on error resume next
    Dim oSheet: Set oSheet = oWorkBook.Worksheets(sName) 
    If Err.number = 0 Then
        SheetExists = True
        SheetExists = False
    End If
End Function

ExcelCompare.vbs compares cells. It is smaller and can be more easily understood.

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Dim sFilePath1, sFilePath2
If WScript.Arguments.Count = 2 then
    sFilePath1 = WScript.Arguments(0)
    sFilePath2 = WScript.Arguments(1)
    MsgBox("Please drag and drop two excel files.")        
End If

If fso.FileExists(sFilePath1) = False  Then
    MsgBox "File 1 is missing: " & sFilePath1
End If

If fso.FileExists(sFilePath2) = False Then
    MsgBox "File 2 is missing: " & sFilePath2
End If

Dim sMissingSheets: sMissingSheets = ""
Dim iDiffCount: iDiffCount = 0
Dim oExcel: Set oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
oExcel.Visible = True
oExcel.DisplayAlerts = false
Set oWorkBook1 = oExcel.Workbooks.Open(sFilePath1)
Set oWorkBook2 = oExcel.Workbooks.Open(sFilePath2)

For Each oSheet in oWorkBook1.Worksheets
    If SheetExists(oWorkBook2, oSheet.Name) = False Then
        if sMissingSheets <> "" Then sMissingSheets = sMissingSheets & ","
        sMissingSheets = sMissingSheets & oSheet.Name
        Set oSheet2 = oWorkBook2.Worksheets(oSheet.Name)

        iColCount = GetLastCol(oSheet)
        iRowsCount = GetLastRowWithData(oSheet)

        For iRow = 1 to iRowsCount
            For iCol = 1 to iColCount
                If oSheet.Cells(iRow, iCol).Value <> oSheet2.Cells(iRow, iCol).Value Then
                    oSheet.Cells(iRow, iCol).Interior.Color = 65535
                    oSheet2.Cells(iRow, iCol).Interior.Color = 65535
                    iDiffCount = iDiffCount + 1
                End If
    End If

For Each oSheet in oWorkBook2.Worksheets
    If SheetExists(oWorkBook1, oSheet.Name) = False Then
        if sMissingSheets <> "" Then sMissingSheets = sMissingSheets & ","
        sMissingSheets = sMissingSheets & oSheet.Name
    End If

If iDiffCount = 0 Then
    MsgBox "Files match"
    MsgBox "Found " & iDiffCount & " differences"
End If

If sMissingSheets <> "" Then
    MsgBox "Missing Worksheets: " & sMissingSheets
End If

Function GetLastRowWithData(oSheet)
    Dim iMaxRow: iMaxRow = oSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    If iMaxRow > 500 Then
        iMaxRow = oSheet.Cells.Find("*", oSheet.Cells(1, 1),  -4163, , 1, 2).Row
    End If

    Dim iRow, iCol
    For iRow = iMaxRow to 1 Step -1
         For iCol = 1 to oSheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count
            If Trim(oSheet.Cells(iRow, iCol).Value) <> "" Then
                GetLastRowWithData = iRow
                Exit Function
            End If
    GetLastRowWithData = 1
End Function

Function GetLastCol(st)
    GetLastCol = st.Cells.Find("*", st.Cells(1, 1), , 2, 2, 2, False).Column
End Function

Function SheetExists(oWorkBook, sName)
    on error resume next
    Dim oSheet: Set oSheet = oWorkBook.Worksheets(sName) 
    If Err.number = 0 Then
        SheetExists = True
        SheetExists = False
    End If
End Function


  • 18th November, 2020: Initial version
  • 1st December, 2020: Added ExcelRowCompare.vbs


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Web Developer
United States United States
Igor is a business intelligence consultant working in Tampa, Florida. He has a BS in Finance from University of South Carolina and Masters in Information Management System from University of South Florida. He also has following professional certifications: MCSD, MCDBA, MCAD.

Comments and Discussions

BugNot comparing as expected Pin
Saleem Sarfani20-Dec-22 7:29
Saleem Sarfani20-Dec-22 7:29 
GeneralMy vote of 4 Pin
Rusty Bullet20-Jan-21 7:39
Rusty Bullet20-Jan-21 7:39 
Questionvery good Pin
Member 1231403020-Jan-21 3:26
Member 1231403020-Jan-21 3:26 
QuestionMessage Closed Pin
19-Jan-21 19:30
ismaeelbrothers19-Jan-21 19:30 
QuestionImages Pin
Nelek19-Jan-21 10:02
protectorNelek19-Jan-21 10:02 
Questioncould you give steps on how to use your VB script? Pin
Southmountain23-Nov-20 7:40
Southmountain23-Nov-20 7:40 
AnswerRe: could you give steps on how to use your VB script? Pin
Igor Krupitsky24-Nov-20 2:39
mvaIgor Krupitsky24-Nov-20 2:39 
There are no steps. Drag and drop two excel files on top of this file to compare.
GeneralRe: could you give steps on how to use your VB script? Pin
Southmountain28-Nov-20 13:47
Southmountain28-Nov-20 13:47 
GeneralRe: could you give steps on how to use your VB script? Pin
Igor Krupitsky1-Dec-20 11:31
mvaIgor Krupitsky1-Dec-20 11:31 
GeneralRe: could you give steps on how to use your VB script? Pin
Southmountain2-Dec-20 13:22
Southmountain2-Dec-20 13:22 
GeneralRe: could you give steps on how to use your VB script? Pin
Igor Krupitsky2-Dec-20 18:38
mvaIgor Krupitsky2-Dec-20 18:38 

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