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2D Graph ActiveX Control

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5 Aug 2003MIT8 min read 1.6M   70.3K   339  
An ActiveX control for 2D data visualisation
// NTGraphCtl.h : Declaration of the CNTGraphCtrl ActiveX Control class.
// CNTGraphCtrl : See NTGraphCtl.cpp for implementation.
// Autor : Nikolai Teofilov
// Comment	: Use with your own risk !
// Copyright (c) 2003.
#if !defined(AFX_NTGRAPHCTL_H__5991E2FF_DB47_484E_93AC_35BAE9A2B382__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_NTGRAPHCTL_H__5991E2FF_DB47_484E_93AC_35BAE9A2B382__INCLUDED_

#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000

//Line style constants
typedef enum LineType {Solid, Dash, Dot, DashDot, DashDotDot, Null, XYStep, YXStep, Bars, Stick};
//Enum to describe symbol style constants
typedef enum SymbolType {Nosym, Dots, Rectangles, Diamonds,	Asterisk, 
	            DownTriangles, UpTriangles, LeftTriangles, RightTriangles};

typedef enum CursorMode {Fixed, Floating, Snap};
typedef enum Crosshair  {XY, X, Y};
// Declaration of the CElementPoint class.
class CElementPoint

   double x, y;
   CElementPoint () { x=y=0; }
   CElementPoint (double c1, double c2)
      x = c1;      y = c2;    
   CElementPoint& operator=(const CElementPoint& pt)
      x = pt.x;  y = pt.y;
      return *this;
   CElementPoint (const CElementPoint& pt)
      *this = pt;

// Declaration of the CGraphAnnotation class.
class CGraphCursor 

	OLE_COLOR m_Color;
	BOOL m_bVisible;
	CursorMode m_nMode;
	CElementPoint position;
	Crosshair m_nStyle;

	CGraphCursor () 
		m_Color = RGB(255,255,255);
		m_bVisible = TRUE;
		position = CElementPoint(0,0);
		m_nStyle  = XY;
		m_nMode = Fixed;
// Declaration of the CGraphAnnotation class.
class CGraphAnnotation 
	CString   m_Caption;
	OLE_COLOR m_Color, m_BkColor;
	BOOL m_bHorizontal;
	BOOL m_bVisible;
	CElementPoint place;

	CGraphAnnotation () 
		m_Caption = _T("");
		m_Color = RGB(255,255,255);
		m_BkColor = RGB(120,120,120);
		m_bHorizontal = TRUE;
		m_bVisible = TRUE;
		place = CElementPoint(0.5,0.5);

// Declaration of the CGraphElement class.
class CGraphElement : public CObject
	CGraphElement(int id=0)
		bIsPlotAvailable = FALSE ;
		m_LineColor = m_PointColor = RGB(0,0,0);
		m_nType =   Solid;
		m_nWidth =  0 ;
		m_nSymbol =   Solid;
		m_bSolid = TRUE;
		m_nSize =  0 ;
		m_bShow = TRUE;      // Added by A. Hofmann
	BOOL m_bShow; 
	BOOL bIsPlotAvailable ;
	COLORREF m_LineColor ;
	COLORREF m_PointColor ;
	long m_nType;
	long m_nWidth ;
	long m_nSymbol;
	BOOL m_bSolid;
	long m_nSize;
	CString m_strName;
	CElementPoint min, max;
	CList<CElementPoint, CElementPoint&> m_PointList;

// CNTGraphCtrl : See NTGraphCtl.cpp for implementation.

class CNTGraphCtrl : public COleControl

// Constructor

// Overrides
	// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
	virtual void OnDraw(CDC* pdc, const CRect& rcBounds, const CRect& rcInvalid);
	virtual void DoPropExchange(CPropExchange* pPX);
	virtual void OnResetState();
	virtual DWORD GetControlFlags();
	virtual void OnFontChanged();
	virtual void OnTextChanged();
	virtual void OnDrawMetafile(CDC* pDC, const CRect& rcBounds);		 

// Implementation
	void DrawGraphOffScreen(CDC* pDC, const CRect& rcBounds);
	void DrawGraph(CDC* pDC, const CRect& rcBounds);
	void DrawControlFrame(CDC* pDC);
    void DrawCursor(CDC *pDC);
	void DrawTitle(CDC *pDC);
	void DrawGrid(CDC *pDC);
	void DrawAxis(CDC *pDC);
	void DrawTicks(CDC *pDC);
	void DrawAxisLabel(CDC *pDC);
	void DrawXLogGrid(CDC *pDC);
	void DrawYLogGrid(CDC *pDC);
	void PlotElement(CDC *pDC);
	void DrawElementLabel(CDC *pDC, CGraphElement *pElement, int index);
	void PlotElementLines(CDC *pDC, CGraphElement *pElement);
	void PlotElementPoints(CDC *pDC, CGraphElement *pElement);
	void CursorPosition(CPoint point);
	void Annotate(CDC *pDC);
	void ResCalc();
	void CalcRect(CDC *pDC);
	void CreateFont(CDC *pDC);
	CPoint Corrdinate(double x, double y);
    CPoint Corrdinate(CElementPoint pt);
	CElementPoint FindPoint(double x, double y);
	CString FormatXAxisLabel(double data);
	CString FormatYAxisLabel(double data);
	void PrepareForDrawing(CDC *pDC, CRect rect);
    void FillToolInfo(TOOLINFO *ti);
	void DoPan(CPoint point, long mode);
	void DoZoom(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
	void RelayEvent(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
	void CreateBMPFile(LPTSTR pszFile, PBITMAPINFO pbi, HBITMAP hBMP, HDC hDC);
	PBITMAPINFO CreateBitmapInfoStruct(HBITMAP hBmp);

   // Enum to describe tracking mode state
   enum TrackModeState {None, Track, Zoom, PanXY , PanX, PanY};

   // Enum to describe control's frame style constants
   enum FrameStyle {Flat, Scope, Bitmap};


	DECLARE_OLECREATE_EX(CNTGraphCtrl)    // Class factory and guid
	DECLARE_OLETYPELIB(CNTGraphCtrl)      // GetTypeInfo
	DECLARE_PROPPAGEIDS(CNTGraphCtrl)     // Property page IDs
	DECLARE_OLECTLTYPE(CNTGraphCtrl)		// Type name and misc status

// Message maps
	afx_msg void OnLButtonDblClk(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
	afx_msg void OnLButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
	afx_msg void OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
	afx_msg void OnMouseMove(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
	afx_msg void OnRButtonDown(UINT nFlags, CPoint point);
	afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct);

// Dispatch maps
	OLE_COLOR m_axisColor;
	afx_msg void OnAxisColorChanged();
	OLE_COLOR m_gridColor;
	afx_msg void OnGridColorChanged();
	OLE_COLOR m_labelColor;
	afx_msg void OnLabelColorChanged();
	OLE_COLOR m_cursorColor;
	afx_msg void OnCursorColorChanged();
	short m_nGridX;
	afx_msg void OnXGridNumberChanged();
	short m_nGridY;
	afx_msg void OnYGridNumberChanged();
	BOOL m_showGrid;
	afx_msg void OnShowGridChanged();
	CString m_xLabel;
	afx_msg void OnXLabelChanged();
	CString m_yLabel;
	afx_msg void OnYLabelChanged();
	OLE_COLOR m_elementLineColor;
	afx_msg void OnElementLineColorChanged();
	OLE_COLOR m_elementPointColor;
	afx_msg void OnElementPointColorChanged();
	long m_elementLinetype;
	afx_msg void OnElementLinetypeChanged();
	long m_elementWidth;
	afx_msg void OnElementWidthChanged();
	long m_elementPointSymbol;
	afx_msg void OnElementPointSymbolChanged();
	BOOL m_elementSolidPoint;
	afx_msg void OnElementSolidPointChanged();
	BOOL m_elementShow;
	afx_msg void OnElementShowChanged();
	CString m_elementName;
	afx_msg void OnElementNameChanged();
	BOOL m_elementIdentify;
	afx_msg void OnElementIdentifyChanged();
	BOOL m_xLog;
	afx_msg void OnXLogChanged();
	BOOL m_yLog;
	afx_msg void OnYLogChanged();
	OLE_COLOR m_controlFrameColor;
	afx_msg void OnControlFrameColorChanged();
	OLE_COLOR m_plotAreaColor;
	afx_msg void OnPlotAreaColorChanged();
	short m_frameStyle;
	afx_msg void OnFrameStyleChanged();
	CString m_annoLabelCaption;
	afx_msg void OnAnnoLabelCaptionChanged();
	double m_annoLabelX;
	afx_msg void OnAnnoLabelXChanged();
	double m_annoLabelY;
	afx_msg void OnAnnoLabelYChanged();
	OLE_COLOR m_annoLabelColor;
	afx_msg void OnAnnoLabelColorChanged();
	BOOL m_annoLabelHorizontal;
	afx_msg void OnAnnoLabelHorizontalChanged();
	short m_nAnnotation;
	afx_msg void OnAnnotationChanged();
	BOOL m_annoVisible;
	afx_msg void OnAnnoVisibleChanged();
	short m_nElementID;
	afx_msg void OnElementChanged();
	OLE_COLOR m_annoLabelBkColor;
	afx_msg void OnAnnoLabelBkColorChanged();
	short m_nCursorID;
	afx_msg void OnCursorChanged();
	double m_cursorX;
	afx_msg void OnCursorXChanged();
	double m_cursorY;
	afx_msg void OnCursorYChanged();
	short m_cursorStyle;
	afx_msg void OnCursorStyleChanged();
	BOOL m_cursorVisible;
	afx_msg void OnCursorVisibleChanged();
	short m_cursorMode;
	afx_msg void OnCursorModeChanged();
	CString m_formatAxisBottom;
	afx_msg void OnFormatAxisBottomChanged();
	CString m_formatAxisLeft;
	afx_msg void OnFormatAxisLeftChanged();
	BOOL m_yTime;
	afx_msg void OnYTimeChanged();
	BOOL m_xTime;
	afx_msg void OnXTimeChanged();
	afx_msg LPFONTDISP GetLabelFont();
	afx_msg void SetLabelFont(LPFONTDISP newValue);
	afx_msg LPFONTDISP GetTickFont();
	afx_msg void SetTickFont(LPFONTDISP newValue);
	afx_msg LPFONTDISP GetTitleFont();
	afx_msg void SetTitleFont(LPFONTDISP newValue);
	afx_msg LPFONTDISP GetIdentFont();
	afx_msg void SetIdentFont(LPFONTDISP newValue);
	afx_msg long GetTrackMode();
	afx_msg void SetTrackMode(long nNewValue);
	afx_msg LPPICTUREDISP GetControlFramePicture();
	afx_msg void SetControlFramePicture(LPPICTUREDISP newValue);
	afx_msg LPPICTUREDISP GetPlotAreaPicture();
	afx_msg void SetPlotAreaPicture(LPPICTUREDISP newValue);
	afx_msg short GetAnnoCount();
	afx_msg short GetElementCount();
	afx_msg short GetCursorCount();
	afx_msg void SetRange(double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax);
	afx_msg void AutoRange();
	afx_msg void CopyToClipboard();
	afx_msg void PrintGraph();
	afx_msg void AddElement();
	afx_msg void DeleteElement(short ElementID);
	afx_msg void ClearGraph();
	afx_msg void PlotXY(double X, double Y, short ElementID);
	afx_msg void PlotY(double Y, short ElementID);
	afx_msg void ShowProperties();
	afx_msg void SaveAs(LPCTSTR szFilename);
	afx_msg void AddAnnotation();
	afx_msg void DeleteAnnotation(short annoID);
	afx_msg void AddCursor();
	afx_msg void DeleteCursor(short cursorID);
	afx_msg double GetElementXValue(long index, short ElementID);
	afx_msg void SetElementXValue(long index, short ElementID, double newValue);
	afx_msg double GetElementYValue(long index, short ElementID);
	afx_msg void SetElementYValue(long index, short ElementID, double newValue);

	afx_msg void AboutBox();

// Event maps
	void FireCursorPosition(double x, double y)
		{FireEvent(eventidCursorPosition,EVENT_PARAM(VTS_R8  VTS_R8), x, y);}
	void FireTrackModeChanged(long lNewState)
		{FireEvent(eventidTrackModeChanged,EVENT_PARAM(VTS_I4), lNewState);}

// Dispatch and event IDs
	enum {
	dispidAxisColor = 1L,
	dispidGridColor = 2L,
	dispidLabelColor = 3L,
	dispidCursorColor = 4L,
	dispidLabelFont = 43L,
	dispidTickFont = 44L,
	dispidTitleFont = 45L,
	dispidIdentFont = 46L,
	dispidXGridNumber = 5L,
	dispidYGridNumber = 6L,
	dispidShowGrid = 7L,
	dispidXLabel = 8L,
	dispidYLabel = 9L,
	dispidElementLineColor = 10L,
	dispidElementPointColor = 11L,
	dispidElementLinetype = 12L,
	dispidElementWidth = 13L,
	dispidElementPointSymbol = 14L,
	dispidElementSolidPoint = 15L,
	dispidElementShow = 16L,
	dispidTrackMode = 47L,
	dispidElementName = 17L,
	dispidElementIdentify = 18L,
	dispidXLog = 19L,
	dispidYLog = 20L,
	dispidControlFramePicture = 48L,
	dispidPlotAreaPicture = 49L,
	dispidControlFrameColor = 21L,
	dispidPlotAreaColor = 22L,
	dispidFrameStyle = 23L,
	dispidAnnoLabelCaption = 24L,
	dispidAnnoLabelX = 25L,
	dispidAnnoLabelY = 26L,
	dispidAnnoLabelColor = 27L,
	dispidAnnoLabelHorizontal = 28L,
	dispidAnnotation = 29L,
	dispidAnnoVisible = 30L,
	dispidAnnoCount = 50L,
	dispidElement = 31L,
	dispidElementCount = 51L,
	dispidAnnoLabelBkColor = 32L,
	dispidCursorCount = 52L,
	dispidCursor = 33L,
	dispidCursorX = 34L,
	dispidCursorY = 35L,
	dispidCursorStyle = 36L,
	dispidCursorVisible = 37L,
	dispidCursorMode = 38L,
	dispidFormatAxisBottom = 39L,
	dispidFormatAxisLeft = 40L,
	dispidYTime = 41L,
	dispidXTime = 42L,
	dispidSetRange = 53L,
	dispidAutoRange = 54L,
	dispidCopyToClipboard = 55L,
	dispidPrintGraph = 56L,
	dispidAddElement = 57L,
	dispidDeleteElement = 58L,
	dispidClearGraph = 59L,
	dispidElementXValue = 68L,
	dispidElementYValue = 69L,
	dispidPlotXY = 60L,
	dispidPlotY = 61L,
	dispidShowProperties = 62L,
	dispidSaveAs = 63L,
	dispidAddAnnotation = 64L,
	dispidDeleteAnnotation = 65L,
	dispidAddCursor = 66L,
	dispidDeleteCursor = 67L,
	eventidCursorPosition = 1L,
	eventidTrackModeChanged = 2L,

	CFont m_fontY, m_fontVLabel;
    CFontHolder m_fontTick;
	CFontHolder m_fontTitle;
    CFontHolder m_fontLabel;
    CFontHolder m_fontIdent;

	CPictureHolder    m_picControlFrame; 
	CPictureHolder    m_picPlotArea; 
	CPictureHolder    m_picFrame; // Default bitmap frame (FrameStyle = Bitmap)

    CRect m_ctlRect, m_axisRect;
	double dResY, dResX ;
	double dRangeY[2], dRangeX[2];
	double dOldRangeX[2], dOldRangeY[2];
   	double dAutoRangeX[2], dAutoRangeY[2];

	CPen m_axisPen, m_gridPen, m_cursorPen;
	CBrush m_brushPlot, m_brushFrame;

	CPen   m_linePen,  m_pointPen;
	CBrush m_lineBrush, m_pointBrush, m_annoBrush;

	CPoint m_panPoint;
	BOOL bUnzoom;
	BOOL bIsPlotAvailable;
	double RoundUp(double val, int ex);
	int m_nExponentX;
	int m_nExponentY;

	long m_nTrackMode;
	CToolTipCtrl m_ttip;

	CTypedPtrList<CObList, CGraphElement*> m_ElementList; // Element List
	POSITION m_Position;
	BOOL bIsElementAllocated;
	short m_elementCount;

	CList<CGraphAnnotation, CGraphAnnotation&> m_AnnotationList;
	short m_nAnnoCount;

	CList<CGraphCursor, CGraphCursor&> m_CursorList;
	short m_nCursorCount;


// Microsoft Visual C++ will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.

#endif // !defined(AFX_NTGRAPHCTL_H__5991E2FF_DB47_484E_93AC_35BAE9A2B382__INCLUDED)

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Germany Germany
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