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Great Reads

by Erik Westermann
Book Review of .NET and COM: The Complete Interoperability Guide
by Daniel Ranger
Native C++ implementation of the .NET Asynchronous Design Pattern using Windows I/O Completion Ports
by Leon Finker
An example of using LDAP/OpenLDAP with .Net
by flipdoubt
Command Prompt Here for VS.NET Users

Latest Articles

by Erik Westermann
Book Review of .NET and COM: The Complete Interoperability Guide
by Daniel Ranger
Native C++ implementation of the .NET Asynchronous Design Pattern using Windows I/O Completion Ports
by Leon Finker
An example of using LDAP/OpenLDAP with .Net
by flipdoubt
Command Prompt Here for VS.NET Users

All Articles

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by Erik Westermann
Book Review of .NET and COM: The Complete Interoperability Guide
by Daniel Ranger
Native C++ implementation of the .NET Asynchronous Design Pattern using Windows I/O Completion Ports
by Leon Finker
An example of using LDAP/OpenLDAP with .Net
by flipdoubt
Command Prompt Here for VS.NET Users
by Lim Bio Liong
Demonstrates how to intercept .NET console keyboard input and display a * in place of each actual typed-in character.
by Naveen K Kohli
Using the ProcessThread class to monitor the states of threads inside a process.
by Stoyan Damov
A Draft Implementation of an Idea for .NET Dynamic Software Load Balancing
by Jörgen Sigvardsson
This article describes a design pattern on how to implement generic delegates as found in .NET, but using ordinary/unmanaged C++
by Daniel Pistelli
An article on .NET Manifest Resources internal format.
by zhi
An upper logic layer transparent way to redirect .NET remoting calls, enabling exposure of .NET remoting services behind firewall/NAT, to anywhere.
by Naveen K Kohli
Microsoft's RemSpy sample's implementation has been explained and more remoting explanations.
by leppie
.NET wrapper for libbz2, written in MC++
by ZhaoRuFei
This article provides a macro + template solution to support .NET-like Reflection for enums such as ToString, IsDefined, Parse, GetValues, GetNames.
by Marc Clifton
When to use .NET's ThreadPool class, and when to use something different.
by Jonathan [Darka]
Setting up a Microsoft Symbol Server
by Ivan Shcherbakov
The article describes 10 time-saving debugging techniques available in Visual Studio.
by Karel Donk
Describes how to do 2D Blits in DirectX 9 with direct surface access between various surface formats (using color conversion).
by Nikolai Teofilov
An ActiveX control for 2D data visualisation
by Alex Chirokov
This article presents a 2D Matrix container with [][] indexing. Indexing works as if you had overloaded the mythical operator [][].
by Chesnokov Yuriy
The article demonstrates a 2D vector wrapper, optimized with SSE intrinsics, for math operations with floating point precision.
by mdgray
SafeArray Wrapper to simplify and speed up 2D CComSafeArray
by Mike Melnikov
Google-like Toolbar with customization from xml file and update from web features
by Nikolai Teofilov
An ATL/STL ActiveX control based on OpenGL library for 3D data visualization
by John Aspras
Ever seen 3D Studio 2.5 Slidable DialogBar? Want to know how they did it?
by ThatsAlok
Collection of Q&A from VC++ forum between 10 Dec 2004 to 23 Jan 2005.
by ThatsAlok
Collection of Q&A from VC++ forum between 25 April 2005 to 8 June 2005
by ThatsAlok
Collection of Q&A from VC++ forum
by Clay Breshears
By following these rules, you will have more success in writing the best and most efficient threaded implementation of your applications.
by ima_c++_programmer
Tries to solve the queen problem using backtracking
by Phillip Sitbon
Write portable object-oriented threads that work on Win32 and Posix-Compliant systems without modification.
by Joseph M. Newcomer
A simeple editor to make my polygon class a bit more usable.
by Ben Peterson
An application to examine .NET assemblies both directly and with reflection
by Marc Clifton
An Example Of How To Interface To Dallas Semiconductor's iButton And 1-Wire Network
by Yingle Jia
An article on implementing undo/redo functionality in C++.
by logicchild
This is an article directed at those beginners who might benefit from understanding pointers
by Stefan Spenz
An article about basic function and class templates
by Stefan Spenz
Using advanced template functionality
by Ranjan Banerji
A tutorial on how to create connection points using VC++ and ATL
by Nguyen Binh
A more heap-friendly template CArray using a memory pool
by James R. Twine
An article that describes yet another hyperlink control
by David Salter
An article describing the basic use of the log4net library.
by logicchild
An article that steps through some essential C++ concepts.
by Aric Wang
The article will give you an idea on how to design a source filter.The source filter creates samples and outputs it from its output pin.
by Giannakakis Kostas
A generic class implementing an exhaustive searching algorithm for solving a variety of puzzles and riddles
by George Anescu
Presenting a C++ class for correct operations on BSTR strings with binary data contents
by George Anescu
Presenting a small C# application which provides Grep-like functionality under .NET.
by Dave Loeser
A pseudorandom number generator.
by Marty Cerisano
A C# usercontrol that enumerates servers and displays the list in a drop-down list
by Ronounours
A very simple C++ source code showing how to create an interactive 2D graphical blobs editor, using the CImg library.
by Ronounours
I propose a simple version of a Breakout (or Arkanoid) game in few C++ lines.
by Antonio Perrone
A C++ class to register and start device drivers.
by freejack
An STL based C++ utility class to parse structured config files.
by ravenspoint
Give a C++ application its own web page
by Jonathan de Halleux
DP Line approximation algorithm is a well-known method to approximate 2D lines. It is quite fast, O(nlog_2(n)) for a n-points line and can drastically compress a data curve. Here, a fully OOP implementation is given.
by Romout
The control overwrites the windows event handler to overtake the paint event.
by Alex C. Punnen
The Command Pattern and Chain of Responsibility for implementing a plug-in Thread Pool library.
by Magerusan Grigore Cosmin
An ATL filter control
by Luo Pei'en
An article on how to write an Edit control used for HEX and DEC number input.
by Rob Manderson
Browse your images with a file open dialog and see what you've selected
by YangTze
This class can be used to get netcard adapter information such as MAC,IP,DHCP
by Ankit Tandon
This class uses keybd_event and CreateProcess to create a script processor and executor. The script can be used for automation of daily tasks such as opening and checking mail accounts, automating the functionality of software etc. This will work with any app which can take input via keyboard.
An article on how to combine Slider Controls and Progress bar into one class using custom draw
by Chris Maunder
A simple class to ease the task of downloading files from the net
by Rob Manderson
Overlapped I/O - practice
by Rob Manderson
Enumerating folder contents the reusable way
by Kuniva
CListBoxSafe is a class that can save data from a listbox to file and load data from a file into a listbox.
by Rob Manderson
Synchronising thread completion the easy way
by Jonathan de Halleux
Eases up the use of the Matlab(c) COM server...
by Sprotty
An introduction to XML Data Binding, and a review of a number of leading products.
by jack Mesic
A color picker and dropper that extends the standard Windows dialogs to behave like Photoshop or Frontpage 2000
by Philipos Sakellaropoulos
A COM component written in C++ that offers functions for multiple parallel downloads, Internet cache access, URL and path resolving.
by Johnson Zhou
Create a new combobox which can fill itself automatically using a dictionary in XML
by Martyn Pearson
An edit control that encapsulates compacting of filenames
by gspatwal
A brief article comparing and contrasting the features of Java and C#.
by Garry Freemyer
Example screensaver in source code. Does a mini-preview too!
by Chen Su
complete screen saver framework with an installation program.
by Vasudevanms
A web based Google Web services client using ASP.NET.
by Shaun Harrington
A context menu handler that makes it easier to work with paths, command windows, and program arguments from within Explorer.
by James Duy Trinh (VietDoor)
A cool skin GUI with shadow border; display images (supports many formats) on dialogs, buttons, listboxes.
by Joaquín M López Muñoz
A block allocator for use with STL containers that greatly improves speed in programs doing massive data insertions and extractions.
by Marc Clifton
Use this class when high precision is required in basic numerical operations.
by Paul M Watt
An interpretation of a popular falling block game implemented with DirectX that attempts to avoid any copyright infringement.
by shudingbo
You can arbitrarily add DOC/View, and all the view can be resized.
by Olan Patrick Barnes
Win32 Mutexes are slow and cumbersome, this is a fast and nifty alternative!
by Jerry Jiang
A fast version of Conway's Game of Life with thread and DirectX draw
by Simon.W
Inject a File Switch Tabbar to Source Insight, which like uEdit or Visual Studio
by Nish Nishant
The article shows how to interop between a WCF service and a WWS client, and also how to rewrite the WCF service in WWS retaining compatibility with existing WCF clients.
by Andrzej Markowski
Provides a fix to the flicker problem in MDI applications.
by Johnson Zhou
In Visual Studio, you will find an auto-completion list when you type your code in the IDE. This is a similar control but using a tree.
by DavidRipple
Change the back color of an edit box when it gets the focus, and back to another color when focus is lost
by Renjith Ramachandran
This article will help you to approach COM basics in a friendly manner.
by Nemanja Trifunovic
A policy based deletion functor that can be used with for_each function.
by Stefan Voitel
Build a NT Service
by mystro_AKA_kokie
This is a demostration of a general purpose ruler control in use. It consist of 2 apps and the ActiveX control itself. Control code is included.
by Voinkov
A policy based implementation of UI updating that accumulates and executes UI changes.
by @deel@bbas
A Garbage Collector framework that is based upon Generational Copying
by maskisland
A generic tracing library implementation.
by Binoy
Writing a generic C++ template class to implement a smart pointer for automatic deletion of memory
by Arun N Kumar
This article presents a class that can either be readily used as a Container for existing worker threads or can be enhanced(inherited) for OO Style programming
by Leandro T C Melo
A generic standalone STL-like implementation of a hash table that uses either linear probing or double hashing as the collision resolution mechanism.
by theidealist
Presentation of a generic, extendable C++ pipeline framework
by Tao Zhu
Provides and demonstrates the use of a generic "well" control that can be used to facilitate color-pickers, hash-style selectors amongst others
by Yap Chun Wei
An article describing the use of a generic matrix class and how it is implemented.
by Irek Zielinski
A Static control will gradient
by Ilya Solnyshkin
A Static control with a gradient
by Paul M Watt
Guide to understand the three different types of clipping regions, and how they relate to the Device Context
by Feng Xu
An article on a mutex pool manager based on heap or shared memory.
by Ranjan Banerji
SRComHelper makes it easier to call invoke specially in cases where there are several calls to Invoke
by remarkpk11
Bitwise operations with enumerations.
by Len Holgate
Although socket based TCP/IP servers using IO Completion Ports are often written in C++, it's sometimes useful to write such a server in Visual Basic.
by pradeep shivadasan
timer based task scheduler
by mystro_AKA_kokie
This is a partially implemented IDE for the Java platform.
by Daniel Junges
A simple and very small stack implementation for any type.
by sultan_of_6string
The .NET ArrayList class provides "dynamic arrays" which, to a C++ programmer should seem really innane. Here's a linked list collection class that can be used in any .NET language.
by liuxiao
This control provides hyperlink function for the list control with exact positioning for the cursor.
by zjsmile
A Dialog using Listview in report style and icon style
by Alexey Sinutin
An article on a small managed C++ class which gives ability to use the "Send To" feature of Windows Explorer.
by Paul Ingles
An ASP.NET Validator Control implemented in Managed C++ that can be used to verify email addresses by connecting to SMTP servers listed as Mail eXchangers for a domain, includes example of Win32 API Interoperability with C++ .NET. The validation is not RegEx based.
by Gene OK
This is an update to Don Kackman's UxTheme component originally written for Visual Studio 2003
by Roger Allen
A Matrix class derived from CObject with serialization and operator overloading
by 73Zeppelin
An article on 2-D Polygon Clipping
by Paul A. Howes
An article detailing a simple memory-based device context for the WTL, to be used when flicker-free double-buffered drawing is desired
by Dave Loeser
A pseudorandom number generator.
by Pradeep Kumar Sahu
A Method of Worker Thread Pooling
by Drew_Benton
This article explores a more complete method of injecting a DLL into another process using the CreateRemoteThread approach.
by Xiao Wu Guang
A multicolumn, customizable, editable combobox
by zlike
Demostration of a multi-threaded HTTP proxy server implemented with WinSock on Windows.
by John Hilton
Simple yet comprehensive viewing code for OpenGL and Direct3D.
by Peter Mares
A CStatic derived Progress bar control that can indicate "busy states" effectively and double up as a good looking progress bar
by kookoo
This article intruduce you a new software encryption method.
by Nish Nishant
Gives an elementary introduction to the use of ShellExecute/ShellExecuteEx, CreateProcess, WaitForSingleObject. How to bring up the Find window, the Properties window.
by TomKat
A nice multiline ToolTipCtrl example looking like the one available in Delphi.
by Zeeshan Amjad
A class that cannot be inherited from
by Jonathan de Halleux
A fast random generator with normal or exponential distribution + a histogram class
by gamitech
A not so simple firewall if I can call it so. This application will ask you if you want a certain program to start.
by Tibor Blazko
How your control can eat its parent's messages.
by Martyn Pearson
A simple method of maintaining a wait cursor across messages
by Emilio Garavaglia
Reference counting smart pointers and handles of various flavours.
by Chris Maunder
A popup window containing a progress control and cancel button - no resource file needed
by Nitron
A quick reference to pointers and pointer operations
by Nitron
Presenting the std::vector with a discussion on STL algorithms and predicates.
This article demonstates how to use Microsoft C++ as a spellchecker while programming by making excessive use of the user-defined keyword feature
by kuhx1980
A Progress-iner Message System
by skybirdcao
An article showing a property table editor like VC7.0's property table.
by KarstenK
Connecting and disconnecting network drives
by amleth
A real time log file viewer.
by Aric Wang
This is a class derived from CWinThread class. It is used to record and play sound in the specific thread.
by logicchild
An article to help explain how C/C++ use pointers.
by Eric Woodruff
A class implementing IHttpHandler for use in custom controls, to send embedded resources such as scripts, images, and style sheets to the client.
by Len Holgate
Writing a high performance server that runs on Windows NT and uses sockets to communicate with the outside world isn't that hard once you dig through the API references. What's more, most of the code is common between all of the servers that you're likely to want to write.
by Len Holgate
To maintain performance a socket server shouldn't make blocking calls from its IO threads. This article builds on the previous one to add a business logic thread pool to our example server.
by Len Holgate
When a server has to deal with lots of short lived client connections, it's advisable to use the Microsoft extension function for WinSock, AcceptEx(), to accept connections.
by Jonathan de Halleux
A helper framework for generation of SQL queries in C++ and Lua
by Emilio Guijarro
SSD SDK provides security for your shareware programs through strong cryptographic techniques.
by Stefan Kuhr
Creating a self-extracting file that allows to start multiple setups
by Zuoliu Ding
A CComboBox derived combo-box class
by Ravi Bhavnani
This tutorial describes how to easily serialize a simple object.
by Ravi Bhavnani
This tutorial describes how to handle invalid data stores and support versioning during serialization.
by Ravi Bhavnani
This tutorial describes how to serialize complex objects.
by Carlos Antollini
Simple database catalog access using a set of ADOX classes
by Nikolay Denisov
The article gives a sample of how to implement Internet Explorer-style sizable re-bar and menu bar controls.
by Carlos Antollini
A set of classes that make it easy to work with Network Management.
by Daniel Andersson
Writing generic code with templates and the C++ standard library.
by Johnson Zhou
A set of universal data check functions can be used in any systems with checking requirement.
by Paresh Solanki
This article describes, in simple terms, how to translate three dimensional co-ordinates into the two dimensional co-ordinates to be displayed on a screen
by Colin Angus Mackay
Driving the PC Speaker from .NET.
by Rogério Paulo
An example framework for toolbar handling, written in C#.
by Carlos Jiménez de Parga
An introduction to the Visual C++ CORBA development
by Johnson Zhou
Generate C++ classes using XML & XSL
by Rob Manderson
Using Variants in your C++ code
by mjtsai
WDM Driver programming introduction with three Pseudo Drivers.
by auralius manurung
An article on how to build a simple HTTP proxy server
by Rob Manderson
Using GDI+ in conjunction with an owner-draw static window
by Neil Yao, Zoltan
A simple logfile to record runtime information
by David Saelman
How to minimize or maximize an SDI application without any flash artifacts.
by flyhigh
Introducing a simple method to display a transparent PNG file.
by erjan123
2D basic OpenGL Primitives Lines, Points, Triangles, Quads and Polygons
by PrasadPerera
A follow up to the simple pie chart control article which will detail the new improvements
by Binoy R
The NotifyIcon Component will display an icon in the status bar notification area, which you can use as notiification purpose to alert users that an action or event has occured.
by Weiye Chen
This is a simple class that you can use to load and use another resource DLL if it is present during runtime.
by Stephan Pilz
A tool to generate/manage news and provide news via RSS.
by zcln
An easy way to do validation for MFC Dialogs, FormViews, PropertyPages
by ChauJohnthan
Article on a simple string generator
by Wang Yingwu
CTabDialog bundles buttons and dialogs, so users can add their owner draw buttons and dialogs
by GMachiavelli
An article useful to understand simple thread use, TCP/IP networking, and basic use of XML.
by Zorglab
This class allows you to create transparent static controls. For instance, you can add text on a bitmap in a dialog.
by gomorgan89
How to implement a simple UDP time server and client using WinSock.
by Nicolas Etienne
Demonstrates the simple use of a multimedia timer in user classes
by Abdellatif_El_Khlifi
How to delete/modify a system file which is protected by Windows without being detected by the OS protection.
by dazinith
Replace your current menus with another set of menus with this function
by Jason Henderson
How to make a Win32 application object oriented, without using MFC.
by Rama Krishna Vavilala
A utility that can be used to spy the properties of any Windows forms control in the system
by Sreekanth Muralidharan
A simple task enumerator for Windows Mobile SmartPhones.
by ice911
This project is a simple Windows port scanner which can be very useful for checking your machine to make sure it is locked down!
by Barretto VN
A Simple WordPad
by Michael A. Barnhart
A class to read and write non validated XML files
by Stephane Rodriguez.
Tutorial showing how to build COM components from scratch (DLL, EXE, automation)
by Chandra Hundigam Venkat
A Single Instance control component which checks whether any instance of your application is running on the system.
by Brian van der Beek
A Singleton Template Class
by TomKat
A small but effective discussion on threads , how they work , and tips and tricks ! Plus a cool implementation !
by Joris Koster
A solution to the Readers/Writers Problem using semaphores
by Shaun Wilde
An IE menu extension that allows you to spell check your form submissions.
by John Gonzalez
An implementation of the spin-edit control used in Jasc Paint Shop Pro
by Rama Krishna Vavilala, Nish Nishant
This article compares and contrasts the relative performances of various languages like native C++, Visual Basic 6, C#, VB.NET, Managed C++, MC++ and native code mix, ngen'd assemblies etc. using a prime number generation function as a generic benchmark
by Bryan Brown
A strategy for displaying numeric data with significant figures using Log10.
by Ernesto Perales Soto
A tabbed frame window to show several views of a document in a single frame.
by PJ Arends
Presents a header file that allows a single source file that uses STL to be built in either ANSI or Unicode, without any changes or lots of #ifdefs.
by Junlei Li
Use an easy-to-use templated class to custom the title bar of windows.
by .dan.g.
Simplifying the implementation of Windows hooking through the use of a templatized manager class
by Ma Xi
Using templates to sovle problems in the Observer Pattern.
by Rajeev Sadasivan
A simple thread pool
by Tony Ioanides
An alternative approach to selecting date ranges.
by mi-chi
Tokenize and access string contents using a format mask
by G. Steudtel
This article explains how to place a toolbar right in the middle of a dialog or a form.
by vcepa
An article about menu enable/disable management in a semi-automated way
by Olan Patrick Barnes
TryEnterCriticalSection is a useful tool to determine if some protected resource is busy, but it's only available on the NT Platform... until now.
by skinui
A XP bar with GDI+ for MFC, like the Apple dockbar.
by lilyco
Introduces an open source UDP-based data transfer library.
by Nicolas Bonamy
Some dialog boxes separators that replace group boxes
by Darren Sessions
With this class, you can add a PNG image to your button and automatically get a highlighted and grayscale version.
by Jonathan Enders
A user interface infrastructure quickly attachable to your application, accompanied by a simple text-based platform-independent user interface that builds on the infrastucture.
by Jeffrey Walton, Jordan Walters
A UTF-16 class derived from CStdioFile for reading and writing Unicode files
by dacris
This utility converts projects and solutions from VS.NET 7.0 to VS.NET 7.1 and vice versa.
by coder112
A way to avoid unnecessary recompiles when using RCSTamp to update the .RC file.
by kim-ryo
CItemIDList class helps manage ITEMIDLIST more easily
by Paul M Watt
A message loop class that is suitable for game programming in WTL.
by _oti
A WTL Hunspell-checked edit control.
by Derick Cyril Thomas
A WTL Implementation of XP Button and Edit Box
by vipulparmar
Basic understanding of Pro*C
by Mahfuzur Rahman.
What is the useful of CObject , CRuntimeClass and related macros.
by Rahman Mahmoodi
Abstract class versus Interface: Usage and Implementation.
by Johnson Zhou
How to access RDBMS liks MS SQL or Orcale using XML. The core part using COM technology and ATL.
by Lonnie McCullough
A set of macros and classes that allow declarative access to registry settings.
by Karismatic
Using this dll anyone can access 3 databases i.e Oracle,SQLServer,Access
by thomask
How to access a dBase file
by yann bertaud
How to get the song list, song information from ITunes using .NET.
by Code4Food
A class to access the WAB
by Renato Tegon Forti
A set of class to access and manipulate MySQL database using MySQL C API
by Renato Tegon Forti
A set of class to access and manipule PostgreSql data base using libpq - C Library.
by MoustafaS
Solving old ACM problems
by Lea Hayes
A useful undo/redo system that can be implemented into most programs easily.
by Jim Crafton
An article on adding action support to your VCF application.
by Andrey Levin
This addin provides some useful functions for editing source code: change selection case to upper case, change selection case to lower case, capitalize selection and conver spaces in a selection to TABs.
by Peter Tewkesbury
This article shows how to write an ActiveSync file filter in C#.
by Binoy R
This example demonstrates how can you make a baloon tooltip message using windows tooltip component.
by Sarvesvara (BVKS) Dasa
An article that explains a method to add your own custom template in the Visual Studio .NET 2003 IDE.
by xiaojin
The article explains adding a user in SQL Server programmatically, using VC++
by Zhang YanFeng
This article will show you how to make MDI window of WTL into ATL control by using a real world example.
by Mike Carruth
This article describes how to use the CrashRpt library to generate crash report for your application that can be debugged using WinDbg or VS.NET.
by David Y. Zhao
Wrapper class that uses visual style APIs available in WinXP
by Alain Rist
CZoomScrollImpl extends WTL CScrollImpl to allow continuous zooming.
by Catalin Stavaru
Finally, an add-in that increments build number for VC++.NET !
by Tingu Abraham
Creating Add-in Menus in Lotus Notes using Lotus C APIs and MFC.
by Huang Wei
Adding "Merge cells" support to the MFC GridControl.
by Igor Tolmachev
This article explains how to add a drop-down menu to a toolbar button of Internet Explorer.
by Simon Parmenter
A VS2008 C++ project to add an icon resource in a file to an executable.
by adrian cooper
A beginner's guide to adding a binary resource in visual studio and a simple class for programmatical extraction.
by roel_v2
Step-by-step instructions on how to add OLE automation to an already existing application. In addition, it illustrates how to do things without using the code as provided by the application wizard.
by Mohammed El-Afifi
Given an existing win32 application, how to provide COM automation capability to it?
by kokholm
This short article demonstrates the ability to add Context Help to your application.
by NormDroid
Norm demonstrates how to coerce GDI+ into displaying animated GIFs
by Chris Maunder
A class for adding icons to the system tray
by Ernest Laurentin
Introduction to Microsoft Script Hosting and Adding Macro Scripting language support to existing MFC Application
by Fred Ackers
An article on adding mouse based functionality to any CWnd derived control
by perlmunger
A tutorial to demonstrate adding regular expressions to your project using Regex++ from
by kla_boot
Doc/View MRU reflected in a ComboBox on the document form view
by Carlos Antollini
A list of ODBC DSN Connection Strings.
by Tim Kohler
ADO classes that closely resemble CDatabase and CRecordset.
by Naveen K Kohli
How to use the event handlers for various ADO.NET connection & data objects.
by Bill Ferreira
A primer on using ADO.NET with Managed extensions for Visual C++ .NET
by Kevin Wittmer
101-level tutorial on ActiveX Data Objects
by rocky_pulley
How to use the Adobe Acrobat 7 Reader ActiveX control inside a C++ application.
by Brad P. Taylor
A template class to making loading Adobe Photoshop files easier
by 0xdeadbeef
Advanced critical section which features TryLock and timeouts
by Oleksandr Kucherenko
Simple to use classes for logging and tracing
by valdok
A template class for multi-dimensional regions for any coordinate type.
by Agus Kurniawan
Class wrapper for Message Queue (MSMQ)
by Jeff Turner
Installing .NET framework with your application.
by Noel Frankinet
A virtual WTL ListView control on an SQLite3 table or view.
by metcarob
This article describes a timestamp class that can be used as an alternative to the standard C date time functions.
by Rahman Mahmoodi
A class that returns the ad details from an XML file.
by Rob Langston
A DLL which creates a system hook to trap WM_INITMENUPOPUP and append an "Always on Top" option to all system menus.
by Alexey
A dBASE syntax parser of one expression. Functions and variables are supported.
by Okeno Palmer
Create an ASP.NET application that uses the Amazon Web Service to search the Amazon catalogs.
by Anders Molin
A small utility to make easy logging to files
by Amzi! inc.
C++ ASP.NET interface to Amzi! Prolog + Logic Server for building Rule-Based Expert Systems
by iranvig
An ActiveX Control - you can create a Skinable Form in Desgin Time.
by Abin
An easy to use keyboard hooking DLL that is suitable for most applications.
by Pascal Hurni
An implementation of a shell namespace extension that uses the system provided ShellView (SHCreateShellFolderView)
by Jeffrey Walton
An Analysis Demonstrating the PE Checksum is an Additive Checksum based on RFC 1071
by Joshua Tully
A look into what goes into the area of preventing reverse engineering, and gives developers some functions and ideas about preventing reversing engineering of their programs.
by YangXiaoWang
An apple style docking bar implemented by eGui lib
by SuperEric
This application is just a simple simulator but its ability is that u can simply add much more properties to ur mobile and the interface and the source code are so separate so u can change the interface with just a low cost!!!
by crazybit
An asynchronous HTTP download class for C++
by Neville Dastur
A COM component that implements interprocess communication, and illustrates firing events to a COM container such as Visual Basic
by Johnson Zhou
A set of classes for batch inputting, validating, and packing user's data.
by Joseph M. Newcomer
A button control that autorepeats after a set period of time
by PJ Arends
This is an alternative for "An AutoRepeat Button Class"
by Yi Yang
A more real Document Template Class
by Jesus Oliva
Firewall application developed using Packet Filtering API.
by Muhammad Ahmed
A very simple class which can list all the Active Directory users just by calling a single member function.
by Corneliu Tusnea
Observer Pattern implemented in a nice template model, easy to use as it does not require the classical inheritance and can easily decouple Subject and Observer
by Frank Melber
Use worker threads in your application without the complicated details
by Daniel Cohen Gindi
I have created classes to wrap the SQLite3 library, to remove many headaches...
by Mingliang Zhu
An article showing how to easily but effectively extract all frames from a video as bitmaps
by Roger Allen
A quick and easy way to customise the CPrintDialog object in an MFC application
by Dr. Goulu
DicoLib stores words in lists of anagrams indexed by their length and a 26 bits bitset which describe which letters are present in the words. This makes it extremely fast to search for words which contain specified letters, and to search for words which are "close" for spell checking appli
by Andrea Cacciarru
How to implement a class that derives from a Xstream class and how to serialize from and to it.
by Magerusan Grigore Cosmin
Hybrid control simulating a combo box with checkboxes on a dropdown tree
by Tobias Wenig
A platform independent game model.
by GMazzo65
This shows how to use a "working" progress bar like Windows XP does.
by markmalin
Book Review of Programming With Managed Extensions for Microsoft Visual C++.NET 2003
by Peter Hancock
Provides a plug in multithreaded environment, using an exception safe thread-pool and functors.
by RockmanZero
An extendable report editor. You can simply add your own controls without recompiling the program or writing annoying plug-ins.
by Sanjay1982
The MFC CListCtrl does not allow editing labels for all columns. This extended class implements ways to specify column editors, row, cell, and column colors etc.
by YangTze
An Icon Explorer which looks like Windows Resource Explorer
by Chen Su
A sample that can load, display, and print graphics files.
by strnghrs
This article shows how to decode image with IImgCtx interface provided by IE
by jemodurn
An image preview dialog for adjusting brightness and contrast
by Kenneth Kasajian
The Service Locator can be used to decouple classes, which improves the overall design and significantly helps with unit testing.
by Nitron
This article presents an in-depth analysis of std::deque and offers guidance as to when to prefer using it as opposed to std::vector, by taking into consideration memory allocation and container performance.
by Modesty Zhang
This article presents a practical technique to achieve interface based object implementation by ATL only. This technique implements basic COM concepts about interface while doesn't rely on COM runtime.
by Chris Maunder
Herb Sutter has just joined Microsoft as their new Visual C++ .NET community guy. Read about who he is, what he does, and what is happening with our beloved Visual C++.
by programmersmind
An Introduction for how to insert your own custom objects inside a std:::set
by Wouter Dhondt
Explanation of the debugger pseudoregisters like @ERR, @TIB
by Rob Manderson
A guide to using lex and yacc to create parsers in your projects
by Rob Manderson
Using lex and yacc to create parsers for your projects
by roel_
An introduction to libsig c++ using the Microsoft Visual Studio compiler
by Rob Manderson
How to define and implement COM interfaces inside an MFC class
Part two of this series introduces signing and encryption principals. It explains the steps to digitally sign and encrypt a message using the WSE and an X.509 certificate.
This article explains the first steps to build secure Web Services. It introduces the WSE specification and the easiest authentication mechanism based on username identification and password validation.
by peterboulton
A re-usable calculator custom control which works and looks like a hand held calculator, which can be used in any MFC application by simply adding a cpp and a h file to the project (no resource file dependencies).
by Tony Ioanides
An MS Outlook-style mini-calendar control using WTL
by Kenny Moens
Function pointers provide a handy mechanism for 1st order functions but are rather complex in usage. This article gives a wrapper around those function pointers making the use of them easier.
by Binoy R
This article is based on a pre-release version of Microsoft Visual Studio 2005, formerly code-named “Whidbey”. All information contained herein is subject to change.
by Doru Cioata
A class built around the use of ShGetFileInfo() function.
by Jack Hui
It is an SMPP implementation of v3.3 and v3.4 ( partial support). You can use it to connect to SMSC and send/receive SMS.
by Jack Hui
A multi-node Tree class by using map and vector
by Ambidextrous Coder
A portable implementation of a templated, STL-compliant math vector class.
by Joaquín M López Muñoz
A template container implementing a bidirectional map that blends well with STL.
by Mo Hossny
An STL-Like Vector with Matlab indexing facilities.
by Chris Maunder
What looks like a normal pushbutton - until the user tries to click on it.
by Yubo Dong
An updated wrapper class to retrieve and modify id3 tag information for a given MP3 file.
by Chris Losinger
A simple class to animate the movement of child windows
by Vladimir Ralev
This article shows how to create an animated menu, on any CWnd
by dTianx
How to create a RichEdit control to display animated emoticons like MSN Messenger's.
by João Paulo Figueira
How to animate child view transitions on a Windows Mobile WTL application.
by Yoramo
Class Factory based on C# events & delegate
by Johnson Zhou
To process user input from a HTML interface in windows using MFC
by Andres Kaasik
Illustrates how MFC based List View content can be printed.
by Marc Clifton
A discussion of the Dispose method, how to use it, when to use it, and problems using it.
A useful skill to get rid of ATL, but do similar flexible architectures by yourself.
by SteveKing
A registry class with overloaded operators to use registry values like normal variables
by Abin
A report style CListCtrl supporting sorting, sub-item editing, sub-item image, sub-item color etc.
by BadKarma
The Star Trek game reworked, using a 2D retro look
by imagiro
A simple thread pool with minimal dependencies
by Bjornar Henden
A WTL Grid mostly aimed for use against databases.
by Chris Maunder
The definitive set of 'What's the deal with MFC' answers from Microsoft's Nick Hodapp.
by Chris Losinger
A utility to edit IE URL history
by Paul J. Weiss
C++ implementation of the Doomsday Rule to determine the weekday
by Elias Bachaalany
An article to show how to write a code that will unify two different API set into one
by Adam Roderick J
A simple approach to Hook LoadLibrary API with a sample
by xryl669
The final article about API hooking, with a working example of a thread deadlock detector.
by Parag Paithankar
Shows undocumented stuff to monitor 3rd party applications
by alonvx
Type-safe access to read-only or read/write configuration file variables using "one-line-of-code".
by Andreas Saurwein
How to (really) annoy your friends and foes or even your boss.
by Jeffrey Walton
Encrypt data using Block Ciphers with Crypto++.
by Jeffrey Walton
How to Choose a Crypto++ Pseudo Random Number Generator
by Jeffrey Walton
Create and Verify RSA Digital Signatures with Appendix Using Crypto++
by abhinaba
This article discusses how an application can apply visual effects to the desktop, by copying desktop contents, applying effects on it and then re-displaying it.
by Steve Thresher
Apply Windows XP visual styles to applications without a rebuild.
by Chesnokov Yuriy
The article presents C++ code for estimation of approximate and sample entropies suitable for biological signals analysis
by Tarek Eslim
Allows Arabic POS system developers to work the easiest way on thier receipt printers.
by Darroll Walsh
Extremely simple crypto class
by Andrew Phillips
How to use overflow checking effectively and avoid some pitfalls.
by Binoy R
Whidbey is a major component of Microsoft Visual Studio .NET suite. The .NET version of Visual Basic is a new improved version with more features and additions. After these new additions, VB.NET qualifies to become a more smarter approach for the software developers.
by Binoy R
This article explains step by step dynamic creation of an SQL Server database, tables and stored procedure through Whidbey (or VB.NET).
by Binoy R
This article explains how we can display data using DataSet and DataGrid control after the database is created.
by Binoy R
Display data using Dataset and Data Grid control after the database is created
by Tony Truong
ASP.NET DataGrid Header plug-in that allows the header to stay on screen.
by Ashish Kaila
An outlook style toolbar control in ASP.NET
by James W. Threadgill
An article demonstrating the use of Dreamweaver MX to create a simple ASP.NET application.
by TigerNinja_
Use Managed C++ as your code-behind file for ASP.NET web pages
by l a u r e n
A shell application for the asp2php utility.
by Marc Clifton
Everything you ever wanted to know but were afraid to ask about AOP/AOSD
by Leon Langleyben
Simple utility to browse assembly object hierarchy
by Rob Manderson
How to use assert to find bugs in your programs
by JaeWook Choi
An article on the new approach to utilize Win32 threads in a more intuitive manner.
by soundman32
A technique to register functions to be called during InitInstance and ExitInstance
by jason lue
A subtle memory leak problem on CDynamicParameterAccessor on special occasions
by Katasonov
Easiest way to add XML persistence to an existing IDispatch based ATL COM object.
by Leon Finker
Web Application/Web Service development using ATL Server classes
by Erik Thompson
Create an ATL Server to generate random tips using a Server Response File
by Eugene Polonsky
Complete implementation of .NET IDE's snapping windows in ATL/WTL
by Zeeshan Amjad
In this series of tutorials I am going to discuss some of the inner workings of ATL and the techniques that ATL uses.
by Zeeshan Amjad
This is article 2 in a series of tutorials that discuss some of the inner workings of ATL and the techniques that ATL uses.
by Zeeshan Amjad
Contininuing the ATL Under the Hood series to explain the inner workings of ATL
by Zeeshan Amjad
Contininuing the ATL Under the Hood series to explain the inner workings of ATL
by Zeeshan Amjad
Creating user interface elements with ATL
by Leon Finker
ATL7 and Attributes description and sample usage
by lyshsd
ATL/WTL version of Samuel Gonzalo's CPath1.2
by WajihUllahBaig
A console program that captures audio and saves it.
by Chen Su
Several demo applications that illustrate how to use the Audio Mixer functions in your own applications.
by Carlos Jiménez de Parga
An extension of the DirectMidi class library for audio handling
by Jeffrey Walton
Perform authenticated encryption with Crypto++.
by Joshua Jensen
Provides support for customized global environment build settings on a per solution basis
by Gordon W. Ahn
A program that clicks your mouse automatically.
by NormDroid
Implementation of Auto Completion ComboBox for WTL
by Brian Davis
Quick and dirty hack for automatically bringing DUN dialog if not connected to the internet.
by c-smile
Auto Value is an implementation of variables having undefined state
This freeware allows to edit a Windows Resources File (*.rc) and to produce a file named 'version.h' containing several string constants (#define). It can also synchronize a RC file and version.h with the Classbuilder Master Header File.
by Neeraj Sathe
This article talks about the usage of STL's auto_ptr class
by Paolo Vernazza
A control that allows to use an autocomplection feature in RichEdit controls as the one in Visual Studio
by Chris Losinger
How to enable file system and URL auto-complete for edit controls and combo-boxes, without downloading the entire Platform SDK
by Andreas Kapust
An AutoCompletion control that doesn't use IAutoComplete but still retains the same look and feel.
An article on how to discover Oracle TNS service names.
by Stephane Rodriguez.
This article demonstrates how to automate IE's Save As functionality
by Beau Skinner
Automatic build version awareness, incrementing, and archiving.
by Alexandre GRANVAUD
Automate your data classes initialization from an XML file.
by abc876
This article explains how to prevent your programs from memory leaks, by incorporating Garbage Collector in your class.
by Till Krullmann
A WTL extension which introduces layout maps to automatically update the layout in resizable dialogs.
by drice
Mechanism to automatically dock/anchor your controls in a window or dialog.
by Mohamed Hendawi
Get a list of running Visual Studio instances, and a reference to the automation server.
by VGirish
This tutorial helps you to automate PowerPoint, with hints to automate other MS-Office applications
by Igor Ladnik
A Windows application that does not export any program interface, may be converted to automation server with COM object(s) injected into the application process.
by Patje
The presented template class offers an easy way to create simple classes that handle the initialisation and cleanup of 'logic' in code blocks.
by Svante Seleborg
A small and efficient collection of classes and templates to create multi-stage multi-threaded data processing pipe lines
by Chesnokov Yuriy
This article demonstrates a backpropagation artificial neural network console application with validation and test sets for performance estimation using uneven distribution metrics.
by Shog9
Although sometimes useful, message boxes used to display information are often just annoying. This article describes a non-modal replacement.
by rocky_pulley
A Code 39 barcode control with printing and saving support.
by Barretto VN
Barry's Chat System
by Juan Carlos Cobas
A beginner introduction to Endianness.
by Nish Nishant
Demonstrates the use of the reader/writer classes as well as the file/directory info classes
by Abraxas23
Starting your app minimized on the sytem tray.
by ErnestoNet
Finance, contacts, notes organizer
by Yap Chun Wei
A Class to Read and Write to Microsoft Excel
by VGirish
This tutorial helps you to upload and download files from an FTP server.
by amonlee
for some novice of STL, like me, who might make some low level errors when trying to release memory
by fato
This article introduces a set of C functions you can use in you projects to write windows services in few lines of code
by Nish Nishant
Includes a generic skeleton for a simple NT service. Explains how to install, start, and stop the service programmatically.
by Nish Nishant
Explains how to register, use and unregister hotkeys
by Vahid Kazemi
Start Direct3D programming and create a window
by Vahid Kazemi
Create your first application using Direct3D 10.
by Marc Clifton
This console mode applet illustrates the significant performance hit of methods invoked using reflection.
by airlobster
A very efficient BEncode Lexer in C++.
by hagarwal
Here is a class that will help you to control the execution of your threads that involves looping/polling and also limits their CPU usage to a specified limit.
by moshe masas
How to use RPC for doing bi-directional client/server procedure calls.
by Pawan84
A C++ program to read/write files in binary mode.
by #realJSOP
One technique for performing a binary insertion sort on a std::list
by Mazdak
This version of MFC grid works with database.
by ImmelmanQ
An article on setting a Bitmap as the Dialog Background. NO API
by serup
An article on how to generate an outline of a bitmap. Used when designing user shaped dialogs.
by Roger65
The anatomy of a bitmap.
by Nicolas Gazelle
This is my attempt to create a simple toolbar class that allows to set a bitmap in the background of a toolbar.
by programmersmind
Few well known bitwise operation problem collection
by M S Vinay
A quick method of manipulating the current state of a multi-state variable using enums.
by panboza
A layout algorithm for layout controls in a row or column
by Jan van den Baard
Syntax coloring, multi-level undo/redo editor control.
by Mingliang Zhu
An article on how to make application frame window shadowed. MFC/ATL not required.
by bijua2001
Broadcast a message to multiple instances of an application
by JHawkZZ
Opens a Browse Folder window, then searches each file of the selected folder and all subfolders
by Uri Twig
An article on optimization of the use of dynamic memory.
by Kevin Spaeth
Code for buffering and rotating your drawing context.
by mdj_moon
A reusable class inherited from CScrollView to implement buffered scrolling
by soptest
How MS implements them and why they do not want you to see the source code of those functions.
by skst
A bug in MFC 7.0's CByteArray::Serialize() causes it to read too much data.
by Jack Janssen
An article on a tool for making a database containing the directories of CDs etc.
by Petr Stejskal
How to build a separate executable for each language version.
by Robert Umbehant
How to build a simple C++ script compiler from Scintilla and CINT.
by Amit Dey
This article shows how to program an Outlook2000/2K+ COM addin using a pure ATL COM object.
by Ganyob
How to build secure private file sharing client/server using a freeware SDK
by Mubbasher Adeel
Building COM Objects in C#.
by Yulianto.
An article on building database with ADO.NET application for a beginner.
by Alex Kolesnichenko
Tutorial article about how to build components with rich functionality using attributed ATL.
by Michael Dunn
No, that's not a typo
by Eric Haddan
Example of a CD/DVD burning application using IMAPI2.
by _AnsHUMAN_
A simple button control showing the use of a property page.
by IGx89
Instructions on how to implement _fseeki64 and _ftelli64.
by Gilad Novik
Two classes to compress/decompress data using bzip2
by Gopi Krishna Nuti
Code snippets detailing Interop programming in C# and ATLCOM
by Konrad Rotuski
A simple C# [VB.NET] compiler without using csc.exe
by Barretto VN
Creating Menus Dymanically in C#.
by Barretto VN
C# Wizard for Beginners
by Walt Karas
A C++ AVL Tree Template
by Chien-Chung, Chung
C++ class of HMAC-SHA1
by Chesnokov Yuriy
The article describes C++ coding styles and practices to be followed to develop robust and reliable code that is easily comprehended and maintained by other developers.
by Nemanja Trifunovic
An unbiased analysis of good and bad cases for using exceptions vs. error codes.
by s o v a n n
generate c++ file and interface header
by jeff00seattle
A C++ implementation of the C# functionality for both Property and Indexer, and controlling their compile-time accessibility using accessor-modifiers.
by xushiwei
Most of the C++ programmers do not benefit from "Garbage Collection" technique (GC). Here is a new memory management technique named "GC Allocator" (Note it is not "GC").
by Niraj Kedar
A class that can be modified at run-time
by MarcosCB
A design pattern that gives the advantages of a common Object inheritance to C++
by Chris Grimes
Shows how to create C++ property accessors that support C#-like syntax
by Member 2516638
C++ wrapper class to compute moving averages
by Olivier Gaumond
A simple class to use the DesktopToDevice and DeviceToDesktop functions from a C++ project.
by Tim Smith
The included class definitions provide complete and easy to use C++ wrappers for the Expat C API
by Alex Hazanov
A wrapper for the XML DOM for C++.
by Michael Lüftenegger
Explanation of a calculator
by Elmue
How to implement creation and extraction of Microsoft CAB files
by Pablo Software Solutions
This control can be use as an about box for your applications
by Joydeep Ghosh
Demonstrates data caching in ASP.NET
by Omid Shahabi
A link-library and its interface class to create, load and modify DXF files.
by Michael Pauli
Tray calendar for WinXP+ (replaces MirandaPlanner).
by hasansheik
It will help you to call a managed function from unmanaged DLL function.
by Thor's Kettle
Describes how to interface 'C' code with C# through Dlls compiled in 'C'
This article deals with calling webService (managed C# webservice) from MFC (unmanaged) application by retaining the session using Cookies Container
by Diego Andrade
This program shows how a CN machine works
by voodoopriestess
A class to detect ALL the features of the CPU / CPUs in the local system. Now at version 1.2
by Jim Xochellis
This article is discussing the efficiency of the most popular search_n implementations. Furthermore, it is introducing a new search_n specialization for random access iterators, which outruns by far the most commonly used implementations.
by Neil Yao
A reusable WTL base class to support AppBar
by Rob Manderson, Vadim Tabakman
Capturing HTML documents as images
by Dillip Kumar Kara
LiveVideo is an application to capture live video from various video capture devices.
by Y. Huang
Capture screen image to clipboard including dropdown menu, combobox lists etc
by Nish Nishant
Demonstrates and compares the various casting operators available. Also suggests when to use and what to use!
by Tim Kosse
This class allows you to establish connections through SOCKS4/5 and HTTP 1.1 proxies.
by Tim Kosse
CAsyncSocketEx is an MFC-less replacement for CAsyncSocket which does also offer a flexible layer system. With the layer class CAsyncProxySocketLayer, you can connect through proxy servers.
by Tim Kosse
This class is an SSL layer for CAsyncSocketEx using OpenSSL.
by Yury Lukach
A fix of ATL 7 CAtlHttpClientT code
by Abin
A file/folder browsing control that integrates an editbox and a button with built-in images
by ucc801
It implements the angle custom control, a circle with a line indicating a rotation angle. Give your application a professional look now!
by Alexander Kloep
A small class to create a button with an icon on it
by Davide Calabro
A fully featured owner-draw button class - it's got the lot!
by PJ Arends
A ComboBox that has a checkbox by each of its items.
by Davide Calabro
A simple digital clock and date class derived from the MFC CStatic class
by PEK
A very simple button that shows a color and lets the user change it by clicking on the button.
by Zorglab
An theme-aware colour picker MFC control that combines the functionalities of other colour pickers on CodeProject and adds some new functionality.
by User 6658
Show debug information in an easy to handle console
by Wolfgang Busch
A bitmap class with a "brute-force" region creator
by Hou Tianze
A CStatic derived class that wraps the cool FX effect by dswigger.
by Nitron
This class reads numeric data and stores it for easy access. The data can be accessed by (row, column) from any data reduction routines you may have.
by Old Timer
A class used to manipulate and convert decimal and fractional data.
by iTreeSoft
An article on how to use CSS, JavaScript and images in resource with CDHtmlDialog in VC++ .NET
by Johan Rosengren
A feature rich vector editor skeleton.
by Martin Ziacek
CDialogEx and CPropertySheetEx2 are classes derived from CDialog and CPropertySheetEx with support for status bar, toolbar and tool tips
by SGarratt
Get rid of annoying groupbox flicker when using resizeable windows; also effects adjustable minimum and maximum window size.
by Nish Nishant
Explains how you can suppress the File-Save-As dialog in a Doc/View app, how to save files to multiple formats, and how DoSave is implemented.
by DavyBoy
A simple plug-in replacement for CScrollBar, which provides direct access to scrolling with double values.
by Chris Losinger
Drag and drop files onto a CEdit, instead of using a file open dialog.
by Augusto Maia
A CEdit enhancement for efficient currency capturing.
by Morten Abrahamsen
A simple _bstr_t extension to wrap basic string functionality (find, mid, replace aso)
by Davide Pizzolato
A small class to read EXIF data from JPEG images.
by Dmitriy Yakovlev
An enhanced status bar which allows you to easily add/remove almost any controls to/from its panes, on-the-fly.
by Hou Tianze
A CStatic derived class that adds in fade in/out effect to your picture controls.
by Joseph Dempsey
Provides a class capable of providing a CFile sytle interface with no MFC dependecies and more importantly providing the ability to read/write if full overlapped IO mode with a user defined callback between each segment read/write.
by Samuel Gonzalo
Search for files by name, size, date, text contents. The search can be performed in a single folder or including it's subfolders.
by Abin
A class that allows fast and easy file/directory operation
by Nish Nishant
A class for packing and unpacking file archives.
by Massimiliano Conte
An owner drawn header control and a CListControl that uses it
by Johan Rosengren
A flowchart editor with linked objects, based on CDiagramEditor.
by Armen Hakobyan
The CFolderDialog class allows you to add a folder-selection dialog box to your applications.
by Patrik Svensson
An easy way to change the look of a CStatic.
by Nish Nishant
A wrapper class for SHFormatDrive (XP/2K only). Corrects some errors in KB article Q173688
by Cagdas Calik
A custom control for n-tuple input.
by Jason Troitsky
A comprehensive class to help working with the different "Rect" classes in Win32 & .NET
by Geert van Horrik
This class enables you to easily parse a command line in any C++ application.
by Youngman Park
This is a simple class that makes transparent dialog boxes rise more smoothly.
by Joel Holdsworth
A pair of classes for rendering and editing colourful washes
by Marius Negrutiu
This article presents a tiny grid control derived from the standard list control
by Jonathan de Halleux
A minimal class for handling gzip methods included in the zlib library.
by isemenov
A simple Win32 HANDLE type wrapper.
by Raghuwanshi.G.S
This article shows how to improve Server / System performance by changing the FILE DESCRIPTOR limit and TIME_WAIT in Windows 2003, XP and Vista.
by Star_Friend
Changing the default form of dialog window making it as a circle instead of rectangular form.
by Jason Walsh
How to change the number of items that appear in the Most Recently Used List (MRU)
by Nathan Blomquist
This article discusses how to change the icon that is placed on the tools menu by the Visual Studio .NET Add-in Wizard
by Ludvik Jerabek
Programmatically changing the Windows time zone information.
by Naren Neelamegam
Vistra code walkthrough article, to explain a few of the interesting things about Windows.
by Gonzales Cenelia
Tutorial on making an artificial intelligence chatbot
by Softomatix
A component to check if given user has a particular access rights on a file/folder or not.
by Nemanja Trifunovic
Answers to some common questions on C++ checked iterators.
by H. Joseph
This program pops up a message box if the installation CD is not in the CD Drive by checking the serial number of the CD.
by Christian Graus, James T. Johnson
Our attempt at a screen saver with a Code Project theme, written in C#
by Stephen C. Steel
How to get buttons using an icon or bitmap to use XP visual styles.
by anuragvelekkattu
Bitmap button which embeds text on it.
by Abin
A comprehensive INI file handling class.
by PacoGM
CIniEx without MFC.
by Todd Davis
A fully featured and cross platform friendly way to handle *.ini and *.cfg files.
by Mustafa Demirhan
A CDialog derived class that provides functionality similar to the VB InputBox function
by Nish Nishant
A CFrameWnd derived class that provides functionality similar to the VB InputBox function. You don't need a dialog resource to use the class!
by RiriOnTheWeb
Easier mouse event management for your owner drawn controls
by Emre Guldogan
A System for Simulation and Analysis of Logic Circuits
by Midi_Mick
Using ATL and STL to create collections of COM objects without circular references
by Peter Mares
A CWnd-derived control that can attach itself to any window, without the programmer making provisions for it
by Mustafa Demirhan
A set of classes used to send keystrokes to a selected window
by Tydia-kun
Shows how to make callback to functions within classes that are non-static.
by Chris Maunder
Some classes and utility functions for general computational geometry
by Jan van den Baard
C++ class library.
by Metaldude
A CStatic derived control that allows multiple layers of bitmaps to be displayed or hidden in the same control.
by Davide Calabro
A wrapper class for transparent windows
by Black Horus
A shell extension to delete temporary files (e.g visual c++ intermediate files).
by Shankara Narayanan
Describes the File Access, Persistance with C Sharp
by Dominique Doucet
Utility to quickly archive any project to a Zip file.
by olden69
A CStatic derived digital LED screen with transparency. Based on "CStaticTime class" of Jason Hattingh.
by cgoldsch
Extended ListCtrl class that supports web links.
by Don Kackman
A mouse trailing clock screen saver written in MFC
by Rama Krishna Vavilala
A Visual Studio .NET addin that allows non-admin accounts to debug CLR applications running under different logon credentials.
by Stefano Basili
CM_ConfigBuilder generates and compiles the required files to manage your application's settings/preferences and to store/retrieve them in XML format.
by Sam NG
How to use a CMap
by eugi
A simple and efficient interface for using a multi-level matrix of values.
by eugi
This class provides MFC Control functionality to CMapEditor, and supports isometric view
by Jonathan de Halleux
This class adds additional features to the XML parser CMarkup: file handling, namespaces, numerical helpers and new find methods.
by Pablo Software Solutions
This is an attempt to create a control which looks a little bit like the credits of the Matrix movie.
by Jean-Michel LE FOL
Owner drawn menu with the Office XP visual style
by Dean Thomas
An article on reading and writing tags for MP3 files.
by Mauricio Ritter
Present a combo-box class that allows multiple checkbox bitmaps to be placed next to each item.
by rbid
An MFC class for fast extraction and interpretation of values from a 32 bit provided value.
by Alexander Wiseman
A class to wrap the use of CDatabase and CRecordset into one object to communicate with databases
by Prashanth Uppunda
Code Counter is a GUI tool, which can be used for counting the number of source lines, commented lines and blank lines in a VC++ project.
by kalicharan
The small function block will return a structure consisting of number of folders & files existing in the given folder.
by Andrew Schetinin
A set of macros for detecting and reporting critical errors, combined with a technique of writing solid code.
by Roger Allen
A base class that provides all the functions you need to print a CTreeCtrl
by NeWi
Source code that shows how to decompress and extract text from PDF documents.
by .dan.g.
A Visual Studio addin for creating and editing ASCII diagrams in source files
by .dan.g.
A 'Visio-like' tool for adding and editing ascii diagrams in your source code
by ucc801
CodeWizard includes a tool that lets you visually create functionality on-screen and automatically generate C++ code files!
by Edwin Evans
A simple macro to collapse all the project nodes in the Solution Explorer
by Nicolas Gazelle
Collapsible, resizable and dockable XP style control bar
by Loack_
Using CAdvancedComponent to change the background, foreground, and other colors on CButton, CEdit, and CDialog.
by Tim Smith
Color picker control for WTL applications including optional support for XP themes
by pseudonym67
Selecting colors with a combo box.
by abhinaba
This article discusses the ColorFinder application that can be used to retrieve the color of any pixel on the desktop in various formats
by Mahfuzur Rahman.
Column based selection in rich edit control.
by Vladimir L.
A control to split text into fixed width columns
by Zhefu Zhang
Interaction with MSN Messenger 6.0
by Igor Chouvalov
A demoonstration of COM Interop, showing early and late binding to a COM component
by Roman Kiss
This sample shows how to retrieve a subscriptions registered in the Event System store using C#.
by Janardhan Babu Chinta
A resizable combobox which can bind data through an interface
by Pavel Antonov
An intuitive and extensible command line parser class that handles multiple command line formats
by kamnas
A command line tool with source code to add any native Win32 resource (HTML, Icons, BMPs, etc.) to an executable.
by Pavel Zolnikov
This tool extends explorer with functionality of a command prompt. Implemented as a band object completely in C#. Demonstrates COM Interop and P/Invoke, windows hooking and API interception. Finally you can run all these .Net SDK tools and ‘Hello World!’ programs without leaving explorer shell.
by Bartosz Bien
Command routing and UI updates for inactive views in a split frame.
by lazybug_in
Comments workbench for C++ - a Visual Studio .NET add-in.
by Sp1ff
Writing add-ins for DevStudio, Visual Studio, and Office
by lizhiwei
An article on Communication between GUI Application and Device Driver
by Emilio Garavaglia
This is the first of a series of articles where a comparison between different code styling is evaluated and made available.
by Emilio Garavaglia
Second part: multiple projects, templates and inheritance.
by PJ Arends
Code snippet that compares two HBITMAP handles to see if the bitmaps they contain are the same
by Brandon Bray (MSFT)
This paper discusses buffer overruns and the complete picture of the Microsoft® Visual C++® .NET security checks feature provided by /GS
by Marcelo A. B. Slomp
How compiler's code optimization models works and mixing its to create an hybrid optimization model.
by Garth J Lancaster, Jeffrey Walton
Avoid common pitfalls when using Crypto++ and VC++.
by tojohere
Composite pattern made as a reusable C++ template class
by Emilio Garavaglia
An implementation of the composite-visitors pattern avoiding the use of rescursive generic code.
by James Lee
Compress/uncompress data in CFile, CByteArray and IStream(ISequentialStream)
by Karl Josefsson
Compressing attachments before sending the mail
by Furer Alexander
An article about concatenating .WAV files "on the fly"
by Hai, Nguyen
How to configure Log4Net for desktop and Web applications
by Dofu
Use the IWebBrowser2 to connect Gmail
by Ayhan AVCI
A sample class which illustrates how to connect to a HTTPS server, the class sends the desired client certificate and authenticates the user.
by Vladimir L.
This article describes the problems one can meet during using Wizard 97 with MFC and the way to resolve them
This article explains garbage collection and memory management using C language
by Dominique Bijnens
A framework for rapidly creating a console application.
by Kumar Gaurav Khanna
This article discusses how to handle console-window specific events
by LaymanZheng
This article illustrates the common usage of a const in C++
by Diana Mitran (MSFT)
This white paper guides you through the process of writing a client application that will consume a sample .NET My Services service
by Jason Henderson
How to access and use a web service from a C# application, using the CodeProject Web Services.
by Kodanda Pani
How to access a web service from Microsoft Excel
by ManojRajan
This article explains control arrays with example.
by conio
Control Center for Windows 2K and more
by Paul Vickery
A class to enable data to be set on a control
by carlos@takeapps
This is a step-by-step guide to build your own control panel applet
by Ziming
This is a small class for control repositioning. It can create an INI file, which logs all aspects of your control.
by Daniel Bright
An article on controlling popular media players from external programs.
by DCUtility
Add/Remove/Scroll/Sort Object List (CButton, CStatic, etc..)
by sswater shi
Regular Expression for VC++ using VBScript.RegExp
by Pravarakhya
An article on conversion of EMF file to Bitmap file format and BMP to EMF
by kero
Convert a delegate to a function pointer to implement callback function, for mixed Managed C++ and unmanaged C++ coding, and for DLL call.
by Jeremy Falcon
Convert an integer to its textual description
by anand choubey
The code snippet converts MAC Address String Format into Bytes
by Nikhil Doshi
Tool to convert SIDs to object name and vice versa.
by Roger Wright
A Utility to converter negative values displayed with trailing minus to a leading minus format
by Shrishail Rana
An article on converting numbers and strings to different code bases such as binary, octal, decimal and hex.
by Eloff
Benchmarks on various conversion technqiues, commentary, and some custom conversion functions.
by Brian Friesen
How to convert SIDs between string and binary representations
by mshoukry_alkhwarazmi
a class to convert from VC++.NET String* data type to leagcy LPCTSTR
by Fred Ackers
Article discussing how to convolve images, specificially the convolution of bitmaps.
by Lea Hayes
This colour selector helps to make selecting colours more efficient
by Ramon Smits
An article about changing the look of WTL icon menu
by Matthew R. Miller
An article on an easy and neat way to include options, preferences, or settings into your applications
by Denny50
How to copy a period of AVI video by copying the chunk data.
EZ methods to copy a complete folder, while filtering the filetypes as needed.
by Kenneth Kasajian
I get asked this question sometimes from seasoned programmers who are new to C++. There are plenty of good books written on the subject, but I found no clear and concise set of rules on the Internet for those who don't want to understand every nuance of the language—and just want the facts.
by Ferdie
Getting the correct column ordinals of an ADOX Table object.
by Luuk Weltevreden
This article shows a workaround to the graphics bug that a checkbox or radio button is displayed with a black background on themed dialogs.
by Tanzim Husain
An oscilloscope control with multiple band(frequency) support
by Roger65
An article on counting lines of code.
by xiaogi
A software to count lines in our source code.
by Paul Watson
An app which retrieves the latest Articles and Lounge Posts from CP and displays them to you within your VS.NET IDE
by J. Dunlap
A GUI library collaborative project.
by Samuel Gonzalo
A class to work with path strings, to parse command line arguments and get file properties
by PJ Arends
A class that draws an image with various options - transparently, disabled or grayscale, centered on or stretched to fit a given rectangle.
by Christopher Zmorzynski
This is simple CPop3 class that can connect to a pop3 server and receive messages.
by Nish Nishant
CPopProxyMT is a skeletal class that wraps a multi-threaded POP3 proxy. You can further modify this class to suite your needs.
by Eugene Pustovoyt
A control based on CStatic for displaying HTML-like text formatting elements.
by Rob Groves
A C++ wrapper around the SQLite embedded database library.
by Eugene Pustovoyt
A class that allows you to display your data for a control as tooltip
by Nish Nishant
CProcessData is a template class that makes it easy to use data allocated in a different process, and is useful when making inter-process SendMessage/PostMessage calls.
by Hernán Di Pietro
This simple class allows to profile code sections and optionally print time elapsed and tracing strings in different formats.
by sramsay
Custom MFC tree control that support dynamic editable items
by PEK
A custrom-draw virtual list control. Support for subitem editing, images, button (checkboxes, radio buttons), custom colors, and "column navigation".
by Martin.Holzherr
Second article on building a language interpreter describing error handling and direct evaluation during parsing.
by Martin.Holzherr
Third article on building a language interpreter describing the generation of parse trees and syntax trees.
by Martin.Holzherr
First of a series of articles on building a language interpreter, describing basics about parsing and grammars.
by Brian Friesen
How to generate a CRC32 based on a file
by Rocom
A more easy to generate toolbar images.
by Gopalakrishna Palem
Explains methods for creating a movie (AVI/ WMV/ MOV) programmatically.
by hagarwal
This is a macro which takes the name of any void returning global\static procedure, followed by the list of arguments to be passed to that procedure, and invokes the procedure with the arguments supplied, in a new thread.
by dean170
Introduce a programming technology to design a very complex, rich document type.
by DGoins
This article describes another way to implement asychronous webservices using ASP.NET and WSE v2.0.
by autodebug
It is very easy to create In-Place ToolTips on yourself control like treeview control.
by Gordon Kushner
Utility program for generating SQL Server INSERT scripts
by Stephan Pilz
Create multilingual web pages very easily, without using localization and resources.
by Aric Wang
To show you how to create a easy animation with palette
by Youngho Kim
This Article is make of a CView under CView using CWnd control
by Philipos Sakellaropoulos
An article on writing thumbnail shell extensions for your MFC document types
by Davide Calabro
A Win32 function to create grayscale icons
by fyrewolfe
How to use a template to create a custom collection class and using the C++ std::vector STL library as well as the operator. I will expect you to understand how pointers, classes, templates and the operator works.
by Nilesh K.
Step by step creation of a control panel applet
by zebbedi
Creating a custom wizard to generate managed C++.NET applications with a default form
by pratheesh
An MFC based implementation of a MS Word Speller.
by CheerJeer
Using two common techniques to create an uncommon UI.
by Ranjeet Chakraborty
This article explains how easy it is to write custom host applications for the .NET Common Language Runtime to run managed code.
by Daniel Bowen
Issues and solutions when creating a new MDI child in a WTL application when the last active child was maximized
by pratheesh
Describes a practical use of the HTML interfaces available in C++.
by Abdul Hye
An understanding of ActiveX controls.
by Jim Crafton
An article on hosting your own custom window inside of Microsoft Developer Studio
by Keith Jacquemin
Accessing application level user interface elements from plug-in components.
by Nish Nishant
An MC++ class that uses IJW to invoke the IShellLink interface
by Yogesh M Joshi
This article will create a custom control using the custom control on the control bar.
by Rahman Mahmoodi
An example of how to create custom headers and footers in Application level events using the global.asax file.
by Seiya Fujii
Describes how to create a new phone-book entry, and set it up with the user profile.
by Nish Nishant
Shows how you can create windows that can be dragged around, not just through the title bar, but anywhere within the window body
by EK_Kiwi
Creating embedded dialogs in MFC using DS_CONTROL
by Andy-Scott
JavaScript can be used to dynamically generate a bar graph with user supplied data. This article shows you how.
by saud_ad
A walkthrough on building a Windows control that can be moved by the user at runtime.
by Nir Dremer
How to create a Self-Extracted executable with minimal overhead
by Leshchuk Aleksey
Creating the General ProfUIS Dialog and ProfUIS MessageBox
by Star_Friend
How to Create your first project created in .NET environment espetially using VC++...?
by VGirish
Steps to create your first DLL file
by rj45
An MDI MFC generated project has only one view by default, here is one way to add more CView derived classes and initiliaze them without adding any special initialization code.
by S van Leent
An easy to use all-in-one registry class
by Magomed Abdurakhmanov
Simple class to store application settings in registry
by Abin
An MFC CListCtrl derived class specialized in report-style list control manipulation.
by bryce
Providing a popup menu for the CRichEditCtrl
by G. Steudtel
A derived CRichEditCtrl class which focuses on streaming and on the visual aspects of formatting. Also includes the use of the link-formatting.
Helper Class for using CRITICAL_SECTION
by Chris Maunder
An introduction to cross-language inheritence in .NET.
by Nick Parker
Cross Language XML based Web Service Implementation between Managed C++ and C#.
by Gulyan
Using Mutexes on cross platform programming
by einaros
An article which discusses the need for synchronization in multi-threaded applications, and features a generic framework for making calls across threads: ThreadSynch.
by Jonathan de Halleux
A C++ wrapper for the Ghostscript DLL that enables to render PS directly to GDI+ Bitmap
by Alex_Intw
This article shows you how to send or post events among processes using shared memory queues for the Windows and Linux platforms.
by JtR1977
A self drawing, round button for different styles and usages.
by Johan Rosengren
A complete mini-editor with a formatting toolbar and a ruler with editable tab-positions.
by Jeffrey Walton
Sign and verify messages using Crypto++, Java, and C#.
by Jeffrey Walton
Import and export Cryptographic Keys in PKCS#8 and X.509 formats, using Crypto++, C#, and Java.
Cryptography with symmetric key using bitmaps
by Shog9
Display autoscrolling text with logo and patterned background. Useful for about dialogs, misc fluff.
by Florin Ochiana
A tab control with true color icons for an SDI application with multiple views.
by Dominik Reichl
CSecureEditEx controls are resistant to password revealers. Passwords aren't visible in the process memory.
by tojine
It implements the serial communication using a thread to enable data being captured anytime, you just handle the event of READ/WRITE/OPEN/CLOSE via inheriting this class
by Nish Nishant
A simple class to install, uninstall, start, stop, pause, continue Win32 services
by Dominik Reichl
CSHA1 - A C++ class implementation of the SHA-1 hash algorithm
by Kochise
A bitmapped progress bar in a status bar with optional completion status message
by Nish Nishant
An SMTP proxy class with ability to insert signatures to outgoing mails. Does not require MFC.
by lvidaguren
The CSoundFileDlg Class allows you to use a file open dialog for sound files, but allows yow to hear the sound before open it.
by John O'Byrne
CSplashScreenEx allows to display a non rectangular bitmap with information about the init of your app
by Pyatex
This class splits a source file into many smaller pieces which can be distributed accross the web or on floppy disk.
by Rob Caldecott
Wrapper class for the WinInet InternetCrackUrl function
by Yap Chun Wei
A Class to Read and Write to Excel and Text Delimited Spreadsheet
by hector santos
Class framework for creating client/server protocol servers
by Pablo Software Solutions
This is an attempt to create a control which looks like the credits of the Star Wars movies.
by Henry Tan Setiawan
A simple SpeedoMeter class based on CStatic base class.
by Gerald Naveen A
C++ source to create a control that graphically displays the current status of an application variable.
by David Pritchard
A class, derived from CStdioFile, which transparently reads and writes both Unicode and multibyte files. Version 1.5.
by ImmelmanQ
An article on converting CStrings to chars without data loss.
by MJ_Karas
A CEdit derived class with string content / length checking and highlighted status / alert display.
by yellowine
Progress indicator for multi-tasks in a project
by PEK
CTextFileDocument lets you write and read text files with different encodings (ASCII, UTF-8, Unicode 16 little/big endian are supported).
by PEK
CThread simplifies the process to start, run and stop threads. You can use it to work with threads in the same way as you do in C# or Java.
by Lucian Barbulescu
A CDialog derived class that contains a floating toolbar.
by Alain Rist
Add this small class to your existing dialog inheritance list and get nice tooltips on controls and dialog.
by João Filipe de Castro Ferreira
A CListCtrl derived class providing per SubItem tooltips, adapted from Nate Maynard's CToolTipTreeCtrl
by Irek Zielinski
Ever wanted to know position of your tray icon? Windows supplies no API for that. This class is a compact solution that works.
by John Melas
This class implements a combo box that reads its data from an XML file, displays a tree as a drop down window, and supports mulitple selections.
by ran wainstein
A CTreeCtrl derived class providing tooltips based on item data
by lion
Allows to display color items and change the font style
by Sven Wiegand
This framework introduces a property sheet, based on the original Windows property sheet (derived from CPropertySheet) which uses a tree control to browse the pages instead of a tab control
by Yves Tkaczyk
CTreePropSheetEx is an extension of CTreePropSheet offering new features such as resizing, skipping empty pages, and new property frames such as Office 2003 option sheet.
by Julien Martino
An iterator to parse subtree and execute function on each item/node
by DCUtility
Very simple true color toolbar (It's true!)
by Dominik Reichl
The CTrueRandom class gets true random numbers for you.
by voodoopriestess
How to remotely upgrade applications from a web server with just two lines of code! Does not use MFC.
by John Crenshaw
C++ has no native support for adding new operators, but this article shows how, with macros and some clever overloading, it is possible to easily add your own anyway.
by Colin Vella
A custom MFC control that allows the user to manipulate 32-bit RGBA colour attributes.
by valdok
Regions encapsulation in light-weight C++ objects.
by Jamie Hale
How to build C/C++ custom extension libraries for Python.
by Daniel Bowen
An extensible framework for creating customized tabs in ATL/WTL, with a VS.NET-like tab control implementation, tabbed frames, tabbed MDI, and more.
by kenearle
Put anything you want in a ToolTip
by Youngho Kim
Create OpenGL Window using MFC in Visual Studio .NET
by lata07mahi
Modal dialog with a user-defined look and feel.
by Michael Sheinin
Create a fully integrated document window inside the Visual Studio IDE.
by Yogesh M Joshi
Adding and subclassing the custom controls
by Yogesh M Joshi
This Program customizes the "Browse For folder dialog" with a few lines of code...
by jiulun
CvsIn add-in for Visual Studio .NET 2002 and 2003 and Visual Studio 2005.
by Patrik Svensson
Getting the weekday and weeknumber
by PJ Arends
An MFC control for adding middle mouse button scrolling to any CWnd derived window
by Alvaro Mendez
Class with static functions and nested classes to make working with CWnd-derived objects easier
by Davide Pizzolato
Disc and memory files within the same object
by Emilio Guijarro
A MFC class to store an application's profile in an XML file.
by Davide Calabro
Windows XP buttons with all CButtonST features
by Dana Holt
This class makes it easier to use the shell function SHBrowseForFolder
by Vincent Richomme
A CStatic control with text wrapping, color, and transparency.
by Sp1ff
Yet another wrapper for the ::BrowseForFolder function
by Jim Dill
A scrollable child window for pictures of any size.
by Jeremy Boschen
An Internet Explorer browser bar, which acts as a pseudo-debug output device
by drice
Create and maintain CDAORecordset classes for MS Access Tables in Visual Studio .NET
by VGirish
These are a few samples of data conversions which you can use for a quick reference
by Andreas Saurwein
A wrapper class for the Data Protection API
by Hatem Mostafa
This article demonstrates a new technique to optimize DBMS output cursor storage using Virtual Cursor.
by Binoy R
Automatically handle to adjust grid widths
by Daniel Fruzynski
How to reduce DataGrid's ViewState size, while maintaining all DataGrid's functionalities.
by RK_2000
This is an article on the various usages of date and time in Windows C++
by Eugen Podsypalnikov
A DateTime control for editing date or time values inplace in the MFC Grid Control
by nickadams
A set of classes to encapsulate DB2 CLI APIs in ADO style.
by Rama Krishna Vavilala
This add-in launches IE properly during ASP.NET debugging when running VS7 under alternate credentials.
by Johann Anhofer
An easy to use debug logger, implemented via a custom stream buffer.
by Toby Opferman
Introduction to the most important ally in the fight against bugs, the stack.
by Toby Opferman
Introduction to the heap.
by Toby Opferman
This tutorial we will attempt to write a simple debug extension.
by Toby Opferman
Learn how to debug handle leaks in Windows.
by #realJSOP
Here's some code that will automatically start your app on a secondary monitor if it's compiled with debug info.
by Sumeet Kumar
This article explains how it is possible to seamlessly set breakpoints, step into, set watches and examine local variables for .NET framework classes as well as any other managed assemblies.
by Kumarpal Sheth
Some macros and tips to take the air out of bugs, and classes to make unit testing painless and simple
by Jeffrey Walton
Using WinDbg to survive in a .NET world.
by Jörgen Sigvardsson
A simple DECIMAL wrapper class suitable for C++ code interfacing VB scripts/OLE automation code etc.
by Gabhan Berry
How to use the STL for_each algorithm to implement loops and why it's a good idea to do so.
by sswater shi
DEELX regular expression engine is the most convenient and easiest engine to use.
by ETA
Easy to use library which let you use different compilers, to optimize-compile your DLL for different processors
by Shog9, Nish Nishant
This message box delays its dismissal by disabling the OK button for a delay interval. It also has an optional auto-close feature. There are two versions, one uses a WH_CBT hook and some basic window tricks like sub-classing to achieve its goal. The other one is more MFC-ied.
by A. Abdul Azeez
This is a part of a series of articles that aims at fully understanding delegates and events
by Ben Chan
A method to duplicate .NET delegates in unmanaged C++ using the External polymorphism pattern.
by arystotenes
Michael J.
Delegate type just like in C# or Delphi.
by Chris Maunder
This sample demonstrates single- and multi-cast delegates using C++, including declaration, creation and usage, and a discussion on type safety.
by Jonathan Pouliot
This article shows you how to delete all the files and subfolders in a selected folder
by Priyank Bolia
How to add delete submenu to the file menu of Document/View program in VC++
by Feroz Zahid
Function that deletes whole of a directory structure.
by Lim Bio Liong
Build an assembly searching system via custom attributes and reflection.
by Anishcv
An article that demonstrates automation by showing how to split a MS-Word file based on Bookmarks
by SteveKing
An add-in written in VB.NET to generate an inheritance and/or dependency graph of a c++-project. Uses the graphviz library from AT&T.
by Christian Graus
An exploration of extending the iostreams framework through custom streams.
by Kevin McFarlane
An implementation of Design by Contract in C++
by Antoine Tandin
Macros to write "Design by Contract" conditions in the header of the functions and inoculate it in your doxygen documentation automatically.
by Andreas Saurwein
How to design a commercial quality Windows control
by Partha Kuchana
An introduction to COM+ queued services.
by Jim D'Agostino
Tutorial on designing classes using Boost libraries
by Chris Losinger
How to get path and line number info for memory leaks, in a console app
by Chen Su
Simple function to enable you to programmatically detect the user-selected font at runtime
by Ivo Ivanov
An article on how to get notification from the OS when a process starts
by Alastair Dallas
How To Detect Theme Settings in Windows XP
by Sidney Chong
Two ways to programmatically determine the version of Internet Explorer installed on a local machine
by John Aldrich
This article will explain a method of benchmarking a W9X/W2K/XP based computer to determine the maximum safe level of thread usage while keeping the system able to process other input without entering into a freeze condition.
by Jagadeesh VN
An article that describes how to write applications that always quit gracefully.
by Jesus Oliva
An article about developing Firewalls for Windows 2000/XP
by Carlos Jiménez de Parga
A wrapper class library for the DirectMusic MIDI.
by Rama Krishna Vavilala
Demonstrates different ways to move MFC based controls to .NET Windows Forms
by valdok
The difference between DFB and DIB.
by Elmue
A complete class encapsulating a versatile HTML editor
by Vikram Kashyap
A small dialog based application that allows the user to change the color of progress bar.
by jmgurgel
Add a header to any dialog or property sheet
by toxcct
On the art of exchanging data
by Marc Clifton
Marc bares all in a discussion of a bug involving the atof function.
by leandrobecker
Differences in the behaviour of CString >> and << using MFC 7 and double '\0' ended strings (like REG_MULTI_SZ) and a workaround
by Patje
This article presents different ways of implementing factories, each with their own advantages and disadvantages.
by Barretto VN
Digital analog clock
by Michael Chourdakis
Draw your vectors using a new, ActiveX based hardware accelerated interface.
by Liaqat Fayyaz
How to fine tune a TV channel in DirectShow / How to set custom video frequencies of TV tuner devices?
by tanvon malik
This article is about DirectShow filters and how to create them
by Ashok Jaiswal
How to paint in DC in source filter
by Arman S.
An article on multimedia - playing Waves by using the DirectSound component.
by Anthony Roach
An extension to the DirectX framework for adding backgrounds
by IrrationalThinking
Shows you how to implement a DirectX Render Window into a .NET Form.
by Rashid Thadha
A port of Paul Dilascia MFC CTabCtrlWithDisable to WTL
by John L. DeVito
This code is a simple way to disable the close button on a Windows Console Application. It can also be used to disable any of the system menu buttons
by Adrian Bacaianu
This article presents a way to send cookies to client browser from an ISAPI extension.
by Adrian Bacaianu
That article present a way to retrieve the GET-POST data from a form into an ISAPI extension.
by Adrian Bacaianu
A good approach to build an ISAPI web application using XML and XSL
by Adrian Bacaianu
A way to build HTML pages in ISAPI using OLE DB database access
by Daniel Ribeiro
This code is used to check for free space available on logical disks
by Matt Fichtenbaum
A disk usage viewer with tree-view output.
by Jim Koornneef
Combine CXImage and DibSectionLite on Pocket PC.
by Zarembo Maxim
This article shows how to display tooltips at any location on the screen
by Shibu K V
An article showing how to display a picture within a dialog, and add scrollbars where needed to view the whole image.
by chhibs
exactly what the title says
by hax_
Introduction to the open-source hxGrid library for distributed computing. Main benefits of the library: cluster uses only idle time of Windows 2000/XP/Vista workstation (no dedicated workstations required); easy to use; free.
by Peredelsky Alexey
AFX_MANAGE_STATE(AfxGetStaticModuleState()) results in an error. This is the solution to the problem.
by Mahmoud Komeily
This article describes how to create a DLL with a DEF file and use it.
by Mahmoud Komeily
This article describes how to create a Resource-Only DLL and how to using it for creating multimedia applications.
by Mahmoud Komeily
How to create DLLs and use them.
by Mahmoud Komeily
This article describes how to export classes from a DLL.
by DarkSn0w
Simple quering DNS servers for retrieve information about host's DNS records
by Christian Graus
Using GDI+ to create a paint program with soft brushes and loading/saving images
by Davide Icardi
With this tool the developer can define the application prerequisites and install the correct version of these components in the correct order based on the user operating system type and language, allow the user to download these components from the web or install these components directly.
by Mazdak
Simple example about Double Buffering with GDI+
by Paul Vickery
Control to allow users to pick items from a list, and add to another list
by Ralph Varjabedian
An article that describes a way to subclass controls that are already subclassed (double), The example includes a runtime form editor
by Sheng Jiang 蒋晟
Take advantage of the output window in Developer Studio
by Chen Su
A sample to demonstrate how to use URLDownloadToCacheFile and IBindStatusCallback.
by Jochen Duell
A dialog-class which you can drag around the screen by clicking anywhere on it.
by Ali Rafiee
Rearrange listbox items using drag and drop using OLE.
by ckorda
A replacement for MFC's CDragListBox that supports multiple selection and dragging between lists
by Brigsoft
Article that explains drag, drop, cut, copy and paste operations on lists of files using MFC
by Andrew Qu
This article shows how to draw oblique/slant text string
by Thiadmer Riemersma
A drop-in replacement for the DrawText() SDK function with minimal HTML support
by jyodak
Drawing a self-erasing line or a rubber-band line from a base-point to the current mouse point in GDI+ seemed to be impossible - here's how to do it.
by Jamie Hale
How to draw arrows (with arrowheads) to an arbitrary DC
by Neil Van Eps
An article on drawing Code 39 barcodes to the screen or to the clipboard
by Neil Van Eps
An article on drawing Codebar barcodes to the screen or to the clipboard
by Neil Van Eps
An article on drawing I2of5 barcodes to the screen or to the clipboard
by Neil Van Eps
An article on drawing Code 93 barcodes to the screen or to the clipboard
by Neil Van Eps
An article on drawing Code 128 barcodes to the screen or to the clipboard
by Konrad Rotuski
This article explains how to draw images on MDI Main Frame background using window subclassing
by Davide Pizzolato
Quick reference to draw lines, shapes, or text on bitmaps
by marb
Drawing Graphics fast with DirectDraw than with GDI
by VGirish
Steps for Double buffering ( Drawing without flicker )
by Gobinath.K.R
This article explains how to display the list of Drive in a ComboList box.
by valdok
Using C++ objects with destructors and exceptions in drivers
by Asim Goheer
How to add dual / multiple monitor support to your Win32 programs.
by ChauJohnthan
How to understand more about certain objects' implementation details
by mimicry
An article about class factory with dynamic subscription / auto registration
by Franck Paquier
Dynamic activation of application menus and toolbars through an external XML file.
by Marcel Scherpenisse
Create dialogs dynamically, and easily, without the need for a dialog resource script.
by John White
A dynamic embossed text progress control that uses no resource file
by Waldermort
A method of sharing several items of any size between processes.
by calaquendi
This article explains invoking unmanaged DLL functions from C#.
by VGirish
A blinking LED-style control
by AhmedEssamNaiem
Using Vector and double linked list to create trees
by Achilleas Margaritis
Dynamic message passing for C++.
by Jeffrey Walton
Detect Hardware Faults and Unauthorized In-Memory Patches with Hashing using Crypto++
by Jonathan de Halleux
A class wrapper to write GDI+ images to the client browser using an ISAPI extension.
by Paul Vickery
Function to recreate a combo box at run-time to allow new styles, preserving its data
by Paul Vickery
Function to recreate a listbox at run-time to allow new styles, preserving its data, and selections
by Eddie Velasquez
A collection of templates that simplify the comprehension of bitwise operations
by Steve Schaneville
This is a class (SS_TrayIcon) that allows for the easy addition of a tray icon into any project (whether you use MFC or not).
by Michael Gopshtein
Describes a tool for easy detection of memory leaks.
by uemaker
Simple implementation of "anchors" and "docking" features implemented in .NET forms
by Petr Stejskal
Handling HRESULT return values with TRY_HRESULT/CATCH_HRESULT macros
by Abu Mami
The Easy Installer program
by upredsun
This article describes what port forwarding is. UPnP source code is also given.
by Albert Hermann
A class for easily capturing screen and printing to default printer
by kariem2k
Easy way to access listview from treeview and vice versa in a Windows Explorer style application.
by .dan.g.
A 'drop-in' FTP solution for applications providing a full GUI, extended commandline options and no resource files. Use standalone or compiled into your own app.
by Shiju PK
Implementing an edge based template matching or pattern matching algorithm.
by Paul Vickery
Fully editable date picker control based on CDateTimeCtrl
by TomKat
A ListBox control providing multi-line support.
by FlamTaps
Wrapping the Win32 Thread API into a C++-friendly class.
by FlamTaps
Wrapping the Win32 Thread API into a C++-friendly class.
by Ahmed Ismaiel Zakaria
Media audio player with 3D and 2D effects and skinning.
by Vitaly Tomilov
Demonstrates effective data processing of ADO recordset objects in C++ via Safe Arrays provided by method GetRows.
by Emanuele Ruffaldi
Fast matrix expressions evaluation, based on dynamic code generation and partial evaluation
by ThatsAlok
Free component for parsing HTML, .NET version of EfTidyCom
by Yang XiaoWang
A easy-to-use widget libary to develop the animation GUI based on Windows GDI
by ManiB
Tutorial to solve Einstein's riddle using C++
by joseangelmt
We are going to enable your application to write entries in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, elevating your application when necessary.
by Rid@
A basic algorithm for drawing ellipses on a window
by Catalin Stavaru
This light, yet very usable, application notifies users when new mail is received on multiple GMail (and other) accounts. Written in C++/MFC. No .NET framework, no browser instances launched, low system resource requirements!
by Jeff Glatt
Specifically shows how to embed a browser OLE object in your own window, and more generally demonstrates how to manipulate and create COM/OLE objects, in plain C (ie, no MFC, WTL, ATL, .NET, C#, nor even C++). The latter is applicable to many other uses, such as creating your own script engine.
by Sharjith
Demo to show use of Python Interpreter to evaluate methematical expressions
by Heath Stewart
Learn to embed .NET user controls in Java applications, applets, and beans using COM to bridge the gap between the two frameworks.
by vikas maan
Create a 2008 MFCOutlookBar in any pane of a SplitterWnd.
by AnOldGreenHorn
Wrapper classes to embed the Python interpreter in Standard C++ code
by Elias Bachaalany
Describes how to use COM objects without registration.
by Randolph Duke
RFC-compliant Mime-En/Decoder
by Pavel Sokolov
This article demonstrates a CButton derived class that is used to enable or disable a set of controls with a single click.
by Jamil Ahmed
Using the STL bitset class to create an elegant solution to a common problem
by Barretto VN
Enabling Windows XP Visual Style UI for your C# applications
by Leon Finker
Encrypts/self-decrypts a file at a time based on password and chosen algorithm
by ryszarddrozd
WTL and console applications based on ATL implementation of Cryptography
by y0da
This article shows an implementation of the main TCP/UDP functions of the IP Helper API that is used to get info about active connections including the process attached to a connection.
by BillyNorwak
Waits for the child process to exit, minimizes the main window while the child process runs, and automatically restores the window when it exits.
by jasonee
This is a little enhancement so you can simply highlight the mines on minesweeper while you play.
by sidpage
Enum iteration and string conversion
by Warren Stevens
An easy way to bind C++ enums to strings, combo-boxes, list-boxes, arbitrary data structures.
by Jason Henderson
Get all possible display modes and change them using EnumDisplaySettings and ChangeDisplaySettings functions.
by Mark Belles
Demonstrates how to enumerate and host Windows Control Panel Applets using C# and unmanaged C++.
by Rashid Thadha
Get a list of SQL Servers to which you can connect.
by Jaded Hobo
An article on a set of macros and a factory class to enumerate and dynamicaly create leaf classes derived from virtual base classes
by Irfan Dawood
Enumerating processes using ToolHelp32 library and also shows how to change priority and terminate a process.
by Zach Gorman
Enumerating the serial ports using the SetupDi* API provided with Win2K and later
by Jeffrey Walton
A Survey of Popular Check Digit Schemes
by voodoopriestess
Allows users to send bug reports to manufacturers without having to manually create bug reports. Requires only four lines of code to be added to your application and works with all versions of Microsoft Windows. No MFC.
by Jim Wiese (aka Spunk)
An article on event notification for operations on large streams...
by Chris Maunder
Microsoft's Visual C++ .NET Product Manager talks about the changes in store for the next version of Visual Studio .NET
by Rama Krishna Vavilala
Examining the assembly listing generated by the C++ compiler
by Ivor S. Sargoytchev
The given example in the documentation of CListCtrl::SortItems(...) shows us exactly the WRONG way of using the function.
by Roger Allen
An example project of how to break up a long string that you want to print across multiple pages
by Victor Vogelpoel
A speedy algorithm to convert Excel numbers to DMY and vice versa
by Martin Fuchs
ExcelFormat allows reading, writing, and editing of XLS (BIFF8 format) files using C++.
by Maxim Alekseykin
Explains how to execute native code from a .NET program.
by Vishalsinh Jhala
This article explains how to enumerate all the objects in a Portable Executable and manipulate them.
by AntonGogolev
Yet another password manager.
by Ben Houston
A basic 3D engine built using C# and the .NET platform