This is an example of how to enable colors in Tree Controls. Actually, I saw a similar article from a friend, but it was based on CTreeView
, not on CTreeCtrl
which I actually needed.
Below are some of the many features that CTreeCtrlEx
- Change the item color
- Change the item font
- Make the item bold
- Get the item color
- Get the item font
- Get if item is bold
- And more in future
It is so easy, you only need to include the class CTreeCtrlEx
in your project, and create control member variable from that class. You can find the function name and the parameters in the source zip file. Here is some sample code from the demo app. Here, m_cTree
is a member of type CTreeCtrlEx
HTREEITEM hOrder[1024], hContent[1024];
CString sStr;
for(int i = 0; i < 255; i++)
sStr.Format("Parent%d", i);
hOrder[i] = m_cTree.InsertItem(sStr);
for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++)
sStr.Format("Child%d", j);
hContent[j] = m_cTree.InsertItem(sStr, hOrder[i]);
m_cTree.SetItemColor(hContent[j], RGB(i, 255, 0));
m_cTree.SetItemColor(hOrder[i], RGB(255, i, 0));
The CTreeCtrlEx
is inspired by code, ideas, and submissions from the following:
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