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Display ToolTip in any place on the screen

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1 Sep 2002 2  
This article shows how to display tooltips at any location on the screen

Sample ToolTip


This article shows how to display tooltips at any location on the screen.

To create a tooltip it is necessary to create a window of class TOOLTIPS_CLASS, then to fill a TOOLINFO structure:

typedef struct tagTOOLINFO{
	UINT      cbSize; 
	UINT      uFlags; 
	HWND      hwnd; 
	UINT_PTR  uId; 
	RECT      rect; 
	HINSTANCE hinst; 
	LPTSTR    lpszText; 
    #if (_WIN32_IE >= 0x0300)
	LPARAM lParam;

We determine two parameters in this structure which are interesting to us: uFlags and lpszText.

uFlags it is chosen equal TTF_TRACK, that gives us an opportunity of use message sending to choosing a position for ToolTip and control visibility.

lpszText - the task of the text which we want display.

Now we send the message in system, about desire to create the emerging help where we transfer the reference to our structure TOOLINFO

SendMessage (hwndTT, TTM_ADDTOOL, 0, (LPARAM) (LPTOOLINFO) *ti);

Then we send a TTM_TRACKPOSITION message  which sets the coordinates of ToolTip

SendMessage (hwndTT, TTM_TRACKPOSITION, 0, (LPARAM) (DWORD) MAKELONG (m_x, m_y));
where m_x and m_y coordinates x and y on the screen.

And finally we send the message to activate the ToolTip

SendMessage (hwndTT, TTM_TRACKACTIVATE, true, (LPARAM) (LPTOOLINFO) *ti);
where the true value indicates we will display the ToolTip. If we specified false, the ToolTip will be hidden.


1 Sep 2002 - updated source code


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