Here are a few data conversions with small examples :-
Decimal Conversions
Decimal To Hex
char hexstring[10];
int number = 30;
itoa( number, hexstring, 16);
Hex To Decimal
char * hexstring= "ABCDEF";
char * p;
int number = strtol(hexstring, &p,16);
bool HexToDecimal (char* HexNumber, int& Number)
char* pStopString;
Number = strtol (HexNumber, &pStopString, 16);
return (bool)(Number != LONG_MAX);
Decimal to time
char *DecToTime(float fTime, char *szTime)
int nHrs, nMin, nSec;
fTime *= 3600;
nHrs = (int)fTime / 3600;
nMin = (int)(fTime - nHrs * 3600) / 60;
nSec = (int)(fTime - nHrs * 3600 - nMin * 60);
wsprintf(szTime, "%02d.%02d.%02d Hrs.Min.Sec.", nHrs, nMin, nSec);
return szTime;
String Conversions
String to Hex
sscanf(string, %04X, &your_word16);
Hex to CString
CString Str;
unsigned char Write_Buff[1];
Write_Buff[0] = 0x01;
COleVariant to CString
CString strTemp;
COleVariant Var;
Var = "FirstName";
strTemp = Var.bstrVal;
CString to char pointer
CString MyString = "ABCDEF";
char * szMyString = (char *) (LPCTSTR) MyString;
char *pBuffer = new char[1024];
CString strBuf = "Test";
pBuffer = strBuf.GetBuffer(sizeof(pBuffer));
char pointer to CString
char * mystring = "12345";
CString string = mystring;
Double to CString including the fractional part
CString strValue,strInt, strDecimal;
int decimal,sign;
double dValue = 4.125;
strValue = _fcvt(dValue,6,&decimal,&sign);
strInt = strValue.Left(decimal);
strDecimal = strValue.Mid(decimal);
CString strFinalVal;
Double To CString
CString strValue;
int decimal,sign;
double dValue = 123456789101112;
strValue = _ecvt(dValue,15,&decimal,&sign);
CString To Double
strValue = "121110987654321";
dValue = atof(strValue);
CString to LPCSTR
CString str1 = _T("My String");
int nLen = str1.GetLength();
LPCSTR lpszBuf = str1.GetBuffer(nLen);
CString to LPSTR
CString str = _T("My String");
int nLen = str.GetLength();
LPTSTR lpszBuf = str.GetBuffer(nLen);
CString to WCHAR*
CString str = "A string here" ;
LPWSTR lpszW = new WCHAR[255];
LPTSTR lpStr = str.GetBuffer( str.GetLength() );
int nLen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0,lpStr, -1, NULL, NULL);
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lpStr, -1, lpszW, nLen);
AFunctionUsesWCHAR( lpszW );
delete[] lpszW;
int nLen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lptStr, -1, NULL, NULL);
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, lptStr, -1, lpwStr, nLen);
string to BSTR
string ss = "Girish";
BSTR _bstr_home = A2BSTR(ss.c_str());
CString to BSTR
CString str = "whatever" ;
BSTR resultsString = str.AllocSysString();
_bstr_t to CString
#include <ANSIAPI.H>
#include <comdef.h>
_bstr_t bsText("Hai Bayram");
CString strName;
W2A(bsText, strName.GetBuffer(256), 256);
char szFileName[256];
Character arrays
Char array to integer
char MyArray[20];
int nValue;
nValue = atoi(MyArray);
Char array to float
char MyArray[20];
float fValue;
fValue = atof(MyArray);
Char Pointer to double
char *str = " -343.23 ";
double dVal;
dVal = atof( str );
Char Pointer to integer
char *str = " -343.23 ";
int iVal;
iVal = atoi( str );
Char Pointer to long
char *str = "99999";
long lVal;
lVal = atol( str );
Char* to BSTR
char * p = "whatever";
_bstr_t bstr = p;
Float to WORD and Vice Versa
float fVar;
WORD wVar;
fVar = 247.346;
wVar = (WORD)fVar;
wVar = 247;
fVar = (float)fVar;
All luck and have a great time. I've checked most of the code above, but if
I've been wrong somewhere, I'd like to know about it so that I can modify it.
Thank you.
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