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ASP.NET tutorial using Dreamweaver MX

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28 Nov 200216 min read 423.6K   6.1K   135  
An article demonstrating the use of Dreamweaver MX to create a simple ASP.NET application.
// Copyright 2001-2002 Macromedia, Inc. All rights reserved.
function CreateVBArray(elem1,elem2,elem3,elem4)

	elem1 = "" + elem1
	elem2 = "" + elem2
	elem3 = "" + elem3
	elem4 = "" + elem4

	if (Len(elem1) = 0) then
		elem1 = Empty
	end if

	if (Len(elem2) = 0) then
		elem2 = Empty
	end if

	if (Len(elem3) = 0) then
		elem3 = Empty
	end if

	if (Len(elem4) = 0) then
		elem4 = Empty
	end if

	if (elem4 = "PrimaryKeys") then
		CreateVBArray = Array(elem1,elem2,elem3)
		CreateVBArray = Array(elem1,elem2,elem3,elem4)
	end if

end function


function CreateMMConnection(ConnectionString,UserName,Password,Timeout)
	var Object;
	Object = new MMConnection(ConnectionString,UserName,Password,Timeout);
	return Object;

function MMConnection(ConnectionString,UserName,Password,Timeout)
	this.isOpen = false;
	this.ConnectionString = ConnectionString;
	this.UserName		  = String(UserName);
	this.Password		  = String(Password);
	this.Connection		  = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection");
	this.Connection.ConnectionTimeout = Timeout;

function MMConnReconnect(Object)
	Object.GetODBCDSNs				= ConnGetODBCDSNs;
	Object.Open						= ConnOpen;
	Object.GetTables				= ConnGetTables;
	Object.GetViews					= ConnGetViews;
	Object.GetProcedures			= ConnGetProcedures;
	Object.GetColumnsOfTable		= ConnGetColumns;
	Object.GetPrimaryKeysOfTable	= ConnGetPrimaryKeys;
	Object.GetParametersOfProcedure = ConnGetParametersOfProcedure;
	Object.ExecuteSQL				= ConnExecuteSQL;
	Object.ExecuteSP				= ConnExecuteSP;
	Object.ReturnsResultSet			= ConnReturnsResultSet;
	Object.SupportsProcedure		= ConnSupportsProcedure;
	Object.GetProviderTypes			= ConnGetProviderTypes;
	Object.HandleExceptions			= ConnHandleExceptions;
	Object.TestOpen					= ConnIsOpen;
	Object.Close					= ConnClose;

function ConnOpen()
	var theConnectionString = new String(this.ConnectionString);

	//  ????????????? OBSOLETE: begin ????????????????????????????????
	if (this.UserName && this.UserName.length)
		theConnectionString = theConnectionString + ";uid=" + this.UserName;
	if (this.Password && this.Password.length)
		theConnectionString = theConnectionString + ";pwd=" + this.Password;
	//  ????????????? OBSOLETE: end ????????????????????????????????

	//  The given connection string may not be formatted for OLE DB.  It may, for example,
	//  be a SQL Server connection string.  In such cases we need to morph it into
	//  an OLE DB connection string so it can be digested by the ADODB.Connection that
	//  we're using.
	//  For now, we are only dealing with morphing SQL Server connection strings.  In the
	//  future, this logic may have to be expanded to deal with Oracle, Informix, etc. as
	//  those vendors make their own ASP.Net drivers available for use (circumventing
	//  the current need to go through OLE DB to access those databases).

	var dbType = Request("DATABASETYPE");
	if (dbType != null)
		var strDBtype = new String(dbType);
		if ((strDBtype.length > 0) && (strDBtype.toLowerCase() == "sqlserver"))
			if (theConnectionString.charAt(0) == "\"")
				theConnectionString = "\"Provider=SQLOLEDB;" + theConnectionString.substring(1);
				theConnectionString = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;" + theConnectionString;

	var aConn = ConnEval(theConnectionString);
	this.isOpen = (this.Connection.State == adStateOpen);

function ConnIsOpen()
	var xmlOutput = "";

	if (this.isOpen)
		xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "<TEST status=";
		xmlOutput = xmlOutput + this.isOpen;
		xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "></TEST>";

	return xmlOutput;

function ConnClose()
	if (this.Connection && this.isOpen)

function ConnGetTables(SchemaName,CatalogName)
	if (this.Connection && this.isOpen)
		var VBVariant = new VBArray(CreateVBArray(CatalogName,SchemaName,"","TABLE"));
		return MarshallRecordsetIntoHTML(this.Connection.OpenSchema(adSchemaTables,VBVariant));

	return null;

function ConnGetViews(SchemaName,CatalogName)
	if (this.Connection && this.isOpen)
		var VBVariant = new VBArray(CreateVBArray(CatalogName,SchemaName,"","VIEW"));
		return MarshallRecordsetIntoHTML(this.Connection.OpenSchema(adSchemaTables,VBVariant));

	return null;

function ConnGetProcedures(SchemaName,CatalogName)
	if (this.Connection && this.isOpen)
		var VBVariant = new VBArray(CreateVBArray(CatalogName,SchemaName,"",""));
		return MarshallRecordsetIntoHTML(this.Connection.OpenSchema(adSchemaProcedures,VBVariant));

	return null;

function ConnGetColumns(TableName,SchemaName,CatalogName)
	if (this.Connection && this.isOpen)
		var VBVariant = new VBArray(CreateVBArray(CatalogName,SchemaName,TableName,""));
		return MarshallRecordsetIntoHTML(this.Connection.OpenSchema(adSchemaColumns,VBVariant));

	return null;

function ConnGetPrimaryKeys(TableName,SchemaName,CatalogName)
	if (this.Connection && this.isOpen)
		var VBVariant = new VBArray(CreateVBArray(CatalogName,SchemaName,TableName,"PrimaryKeys"));
		return MarshallRecordsetIntoHTML(this.Connection.OpenSchema(adSchemaPrimaryKeys,VBVariant));

	return null;

function ConnGetParametersOfProcedure(ProcedureName,SchemaName,CatalogName)
	if (this.Connection && this.isOpen)
		var VBVariant = new VBArray(CreateVBArray(CatalogName,SchemaName,ProcedureName,""));
		return this.Connection.OpenSchema(adSchemaProcedureParameters,VBVariant);

	return null;

function ConnExecuteSQL(aStatement,MaxRows)
	if (this.Connection && this.isOpen)
		var oRecordset = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset");
		if (oRecordset)
			aStatement = "" + aStatement;
			oRecordset.MaxRecords = MaxRows;
			return MarshallRecordsetIntoHTML(oRecordset);

	return null;

function ConnGetProviderTypes()
	if (this.Connection && this.isOpen)
		return MarshallRecordsetIntoHTML(this.Connection.OpenSchema(adSchemaProviderTypes));

	return null;

function ConnExecuteSP(aProcStatement,TimeOut,Parameters)
	if (this.Connection && this.isOpen)
		var oCommand = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command");

		aProcStatement = "" + aProcStatement;
		oCommand.CommandTimeout = TimeOut;
		oCommand.CommandText = aProcStatement;
		oCommand.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc;
		oCommand.ActiveConnection = this.Connection;

		Parameters = "" + Parameters;

		if (!Parameters.length)
			if (oCommand)
				return MarshallRecordsetIntoHTML(oCommand.Execute());
			//Substitute Parameters.
			var Params = Parameters;
			var ParamArray = new Array();

			if (Params && Params != "undefined")
				var cSize = 0;
				for (;;)
					var index = Params.indexOf(",");
					if (index == -1)
						index = Params.length;

					var name = Params.substring(0,index);

					Params = Params.substring(index+1,Params.length);
					index = Params.indexOf(",");
					if (index == -1)
						index = Params.length;

					var value = Params.substring(0,index);

					var Pair = new Object(); = name;
					Pair.value = value;

					ParamArray[cSize] = Pair;

					if (index >= Params.length)

					Params = Params.substring(index+1,Params.length);

				if (oCommand.Parameters.Count == -1)
					//Create Parameters
					var oRecordset = ConnGetParametersOfProcedure(aProcStatement);
					if (oRecordset)
						var pCount=0;
						while (!oRecordset.EOF)
							var pName    = oRecordset.Fields.Item("PARAMETER_NAME").Value;
							var pOrdinal = oRecordset.Fields.Item("ORDINAL_POSITION").Value;
							var pType	 = oRecordset.Fields.Item("PARAMETER_TYPE").Value;
							var pDataType = oRecordset.Fields.Item("DATA_TYPE").Value;
							switch (pDataType)
								case adBinary:
								case adBSTR:
								case adChar:
								case adLongVarBinary:
								case adLongVarChar:
								case adLongVarWChar:
								case adLongVarChar:
								case adVarBinary:
								case adVarChar:
								case adVarWChar:
									var pSize = oRecordset.Fields.Item("CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH").Value;
									var pSize = null;

							if ((pType == adParamInput) || (pType == adParamInputOutput))
								var pValue = ParamArray[pName];
								//if we could not find parameter by name ..try to find 
								//parameter by index.
								if (!pValue)
									//try the case when the parameter is set by index.
									pStrCount = "" + pCount;
									pValue = ParamArray[pStrCount];
								var pValue = null;
					for (var i =0 ; i < ParamArray.length ; i++)
						Pair = ParamArray[i];

						if (Pair.value)
							var pIndex = "" + parseInt(;

							if (pIndex ==
								var aParameter = oCommand.Parameters(parseInt(;
								var aParameter = oCommand.Parameters(;

							if (aParameter)
								if ((aParameter.Direction == adParamInput) || (aParameter.Direction == adParamInputOutput))
									aParameter.Value = Pair.value;
					return MarshallRecordsetIntoHTML(oCommand.Execute());

	return null;

function ConnReturnsResultSet(ProcedureName,SchemaName,CatalogName)
	if (this.Connection && this.isOpen)
		var VBVariant =  new VBArray(CreateVBArray(CatalogName,SchemaName,ProcedureName,""));
		var oRecordset = this.Connection.OpenSchema(adSchemaProcedureColumns,VBVariant);

		var status = "true";
		if (oRecordset.EOF) 
			status = "false";

		var xmlOutput = "";
		xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "<RETURNSRESULTSET status=";
		xmlOutput = xmlOutput + status;
		xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "></RETURNSRESULTSET>";
		return xmlOutput;

function ConnSupportsProcedure()
	if (this.Connection && this.isOpen)
		var aProvider = "" + this.Connection.Provider;

		var status = "true";

		if (aProvider.indexOf("Microsoft.Jet") != -1)
			status = "false";

		if (aProvider.indexOf("MSDASQL")!=-1)
			var ProviderTypes = this.Connection.OpenSchema(adSchemaProviderTypes);

			if (ProviderTypes.Fields.Count > 0)
				aProviderType = ProviderTypes.Fields(0).Value;
				aProviderType = aProviderType.toLowerCase();

				if (aProviderType == "guid")
					status = "false";
				else if (aProviderType == "short")
					status = "false";
				else if (aProviderType == "image")
					status = "false";
				else if (aProviderType == "logical")
					status = "false";
				} //For FoxPro
				else if (aProviderType == "l")
					status = "false";
				} //For MySQL....
				else if (aProviderType == "tinyint")
					status = "false";

		var xmlOutput = "";
		xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "<SUPPORTSPROCEDURE status=";
		xmlOutput = xmlOutput + status;
		xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "></SUPPORTSPROCEDURE>";
		return xmlOutput;

function ConnHandleExceptions()
	var xmlOutput = "";

	xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "<ERRORS>";
	if (this.Connection)
		var Errors = this.Connection.Errors;

		for (var i =0 ; i < Errors.Count ; i++)
			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "<ERROR";

			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + " Identification=\""
			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + Errors(i).Number;
			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "\"";

			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + " Source=\""
			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + Errors(i).Source;
			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "\"";

			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + " HelpFile=\""
			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + Errors(i).HelpFile;
			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "\"";

			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + " HelpContext=\""
			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + Errors(i).HelpContext;
			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "\"";

			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "><DESCRIPTION>";
			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + HTMLEncode(Errors(i).Description);
			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "</DESCRIPTION></ERROR>";
	xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "</ERRORS>";

	return xmlOutput;

function MarshallRecordsetIntoHTML(aResultSet)
	var xmlOutput = "";
	if (aResultSet)
		xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "<RESULTSET>";
		xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "<FIELDS>";

		for(var i=0 ;i < aResultSet.Fields.Count ; i++)
			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "<FIELD";

			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + " type=\"";
			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + aResultSet.Fields(i).Type;
			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "\"";

			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + " definedSize=\"";
			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + aResultSet.Fields(i).DefinedSize;
			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "\"";

			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + " actualsize=\"";

			if (!aResultSet.EOF)
				xmlOutput = xmlOutput + aResultSet.Fields(i).ActualSize;
				xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "-1";

			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "\"";

			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + " precision=\"";
			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + aResultSet.Fields(i).Precision;
			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "\"";

			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + " scale=\"";
			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + aResultSet.Fields(i).NumericScale;
			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "\"";

			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + ">";

			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "<NAME>";
			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + HTMLEncode(aResultSet.Fields(i).Name);
			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "</NAME>";
			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "</FIELD>";


		xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "</FIELDS>";
		xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "<ROWS>";

		while (!aResultSet.EOF)
			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "<ROW>";
			for(var i=0 ;i < aResultSet.Fields.Count ; i++)
				xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "<VALUE>";
				var aValue = aResultSet.Fields(i).Value;
				if (aValue && aValue.length)
					xmlOutput = xmlOutput + HTMLEncode(aValue);
					xmlOutput = xmlOutput + aResultSet.Fields(i).Value;
				xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "</VALUE>";
			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "</ROW>";

		xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "</ROWS>";
		xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "</RESULTSET>";
	return xmlOutput;

function ConnGetODBCDSNs()
   var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
   var dsnList=new Array();
   var OdbcIniFile = null;
   var odbcFileName = "";
   var e = new Enumerator(fso.Drives);
   var xmlOutput="";
   for (; !e.atEnd(); e.moveNext())
	  var x = e.item();

	  //Skip Drive that not ready...
	  if (!fso.DriveExists(x) || !x.IsReady || (x.DriveType==1))

	  var driverLetter = x.DriveLetter;
	  var WinFolderName1 = driverLetter + ":\\" + "Winnt";
	  var WinFolderName2 = driverLetter + ":\\" + "Windows";
	  if (fso.FolderExists(WinFolderName1))
         //Get the ODBC FileName.
		odbcFileName = WinFolderName1 + "\\" + "ODBC.INI";
	  else if (fso.FolderExists(WinFolderName2))
         //Get the ODBC FileName.
		odbcFileName = WinFolderName2 + "\\" + "ODBC.INI";

   if (odbcFileName.length > 0)
	  if (fso.FileExists(odbcFileName))
	     //  Don't use the FSO's OpenTextFile method because it hangs Windows XP.
		 //  Work around that Windows bug by using the equivalently functional Stream
		 //  object.

		 OdbcIniFile = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Stream");
		 OdbcIniFile.Type = 2;

		 //  Initially, we will try to use the charset associated with the codepage
		 //  for this ASP session.  This should be the default charset for this
		 //  web site or for this server.  This helps in cases where the OS is in,
		 //  say, Japanese.  However, we have found (empiracally) that on some
		 //  computers this causes the stream to be unreadable.  So, we will
		 //  (below) test the stream.  If it looks bogus, we will default to using
		 //  "ascii" as the charset.

		 OdbcIniFile.Charset = getCharsetStringFromCodepageNumber(currentSessionCodePage);

		 if (OdbcIniFile && (!OdbcIniFile.EOS))
			 //  Test to see if we can, in fact, read the stream.

			 var aLine = OdbcIniFile.ReadText(-2);

			 //  Reset the stream's position so if we can read it we haven't lost the test line
			 //  that we just read.

			 OdbcIniFile.Position = 0;

			 if (aLine == "")
				 //  It appears that the stream is bogus.  Try reading it as ASCII.

				 OdbcIniFile.Type = 2;
				 OdbcIniFile.Charset = "ascii";

   if (OdbcIniFile)
	 var i =0;
	 var odbcSection = -1;
	 while (!OdbcIniFile.EOS)
		 var aLine = OdbcIniFile.ReadText(-2);
		 var odbcSection = aLine.indexOf("[ODBC");
		 if (odbcSection != -1)
	 if (odbcSection != -1)
		 while (!OdbcIniFile.EOS)
			 var aLine = OdbcIniFile.ReadText(-2);
			 if (aLine.charAt(0) != "[")
				 var anIndex = aLine.indexOf("=");
				 if (anIndex != -1)
					var dsnName = aLine.substring(0,anIndex);
					dsnList[dsnList.length]= dsnName;

   xmlOutput = "<RESULTSET>";
   if (dsnList.length)
		xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "<FIELDS>";
		xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "<FIELD>";
		xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "<NAME>NAME</NAME>";
		xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "</FIELD>";
		xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "</FIELDS>";

		xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "<ROWS>";
		for (var i =0 ; i < dsnList.length; i++)
			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "<ROW>";
			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "<VALUE>";
			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + HTMLEncode(dsnList[i]);
			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "</VALUE>";
			xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "</ROW>";
		xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "</ROWS>";
   xmlOutput = xmlOutput + "</RESULTSET>";
   return xmlOutput;

function ConnEval(ConnString)
	ConnString = "" + ConnString;
	if (ConnString.length)
		var delimiter = (ConnString.indexOf("+") != -1) ? "+" : "&";
		var aConnString = "";

		for (;;)
			var index = ConnString.indexOf(delimiter);

			if (index == -1)
				index = ConnString.length;

			var aStringlet	= ConnString.substring(0,index);

				aConnString = aConnString + eval(aStringlet);
			catch (e)
				aConnString = ConnString;
				return aConnString;

			if (index >= ConnString.length)

			ConnString = ConnString.substring(index+1,ConnString.length);

		return aConnString;

	return ConnString;

function HTMLEncode(TheString)
	if ( Session.CodePage == 65001 )
		return TheString;
		return Server.HTMLEncode(TheString);

function getCharsetStringFromCodepageNumber(nCodePage)
	var strCharSet = "ascii";

	switch (nCodePage)
		case 20106: strCharSet = "DIN_66003"; break;
		case 20108: strCharSet = "NS_4551-1"; break;
		case 20107: strCharSet = "SEN_850200_B"; break;
		case 50932: strCharSet = "_autodetect"; break;
		case 50949: strCharSet = "_autodetect_kr"; break;
		case 950: strCharSet = "big5"; break;
		case 50221: strCharSet = "csISO2022JP"; break;
		case 51949: strCharSet = "euc-kr"; break;
		case 936: strCharSet = "gb2312"; break;
		case 52936: strCharSet = "hz-gb-2312"; break;
		case 852: strCharSet = "ibm852"; break;
		case 866: strCharSet = "ibm866"; break;
		case 20105: strCharSet = "irv"; break;
		case 50220: strCharSet = "iso-2022-jp"; break;
		case 50222: strCharSet = "iso-2022-jp"; break;
		case 50225: strCharSet = "iso-2022-kr"; break;
		case 1252: strCharSet = "iso-8859-1"; break;
		case 28591: strCharSet = "iso-8859-1"; break;
		case 28592: strCharSet = "iso-8859-2"; break;
		case 28593: strCharSet = "iso-8859-3"; break;
		case 28594: strCharSet = "iso-8859-4"; break;
		case 28595: strCharSet = "iso-8859-5"; break;
		case 28596: strCharSet = "iso-8859-6"; break;
		case 28597: strCharSet = "iso-8859-7"; break;
		case 28598: strCharSet = "iso-8859-8"; break;
		case 20866: strCharSet = "koi8-r"; break;
		case 949: strCharSet = "ks_c_5601"; break;
		case 932: strCharSet = "shift-jis"; break;
		case 1200: strCharSet = "unicode"; break;
		case 1201: strCharSet = "unicodeFEFF"; break;
		case 65000: strCharSet = "utf-7"; break;
		case 65001: strCharSet = "utf-8"; break;
		case 1250: strCharSet = "windows-1250"; break;
		case 1251: strCharSet = "windows-1251"; break;
		case 1252: strCharSet = "windows-1252"; break;
		case 1253: strCharSet = "windows-1253"; break;
		case 1254: strCharSet = "windows-1254"; break;
		case 1255: strCharSet = "windows-1255"; break;
		case 1256: strCharSet = "windows-1256"; break;
		case 1257: strCharSet = "windows-1257"; break;
		case 1258: strCharSet = "windows-1258"; break;
		case 874: strCharSet = "windows-874"; break;
		case 51932: strCharSet = "x-euc"; break;
		case 50000: strCharSet = "x-user-defined"; break;

	return strCharSet;



//---- ObjectStateEnum Values ----
var adStateClosed = 0x00000000;
var adStateOpen = 0x00000001;
var adStateConnecting = 0x00000002;
var adStateExecuting = 0x00000004;
var adStateFetching = 0x00000008;

//---- DataTypeEnum Values ----
var adEmpty = 0;
var adTinyInt = 16;
var adSmallInt = 2;
var adInteger = 3;
var adBigInt = 20;
var adUnsignedTinyInt = 17;
var adUnsignedSmallInt = 18;
var adUnsignedInt = 19;
var adUnsignedBigInt = 21;
var adSingle = 4;
var adDouble = 5;
var adCurrency = 6;
var adDecimal = 14;
var adNumeric = 131;
var adBoolean = 11;
var adError = 10;
var adUserDefined = 132;
var adVariant = 12;
var adIDispatch = 9;
var adIUnknown = 13;
var adGUID = 72;
var adDate = 7;
var adDBDate = 133;
var adDBTime = 134;
var adDBTimeStamp = 135;
var adBSTR = 8;
var adChar = 129;
var adVarChar = 200;
var adLongVarChar = 201;
var adWChar = 130;
var adVarWChar = 202;
var adLongVarWChar = 203;
var adBinary = 128;
var adVarBinary = 204;
var adLongVarBinary = 205;
var adChapter = 136;
var adFileTime = 64;
var adDBFileTime = 137;
var adPropVariant = 138;
var adVarNumeric = 139;

//---- PositionEnum Values ----
var adPosUnknown = -1;
var adPosBOF = -2;
var adPosEOF = -3;

//---- ParameterDirectionEnum Values ----
var adParamUnknown = 0x0000;
var adParamInput = 0x0001;
var adParamOutput = 0x0002;
var adParamInputOutput = 0x0003;
var adParamReturnValue = 0x0004;

//---- CommandTypeEnum Values ----
var adCmdUnknown = 0x0008;
var adCmdText = 0x0001;
var adCmdTable = 0x0002;
var adCmdStoredProc = 0x0004;
var adCmdFile = 0x0100;
var adCmdTableDirect = 0x0200;

//---- SchemaEnum Values ----
var adSchemaProviderSpecific = -1;
var adSchemaAsserts = 0;
var adSchemaCatalogs = 1;
var adSchemaCharacterSets = 2;
var adSchemaCollations = 3;
var adSchemaColumns = 4;
var adSchemaCheckConstraints = 5;
var adSchemaConstraintColumnUsage = 6;
var adSchemaConstraintTableUsage = 7;
var adSchemaKeyColumnUsage = 8;
var adSchemaReferentialConstraints = 9;
var adSchemaTableConstraints = 10;
var adSchemaColumnsDomainUsage = 11;
var adSchemaIndexes = 12;
var adSchemaColumnPrivileges = 13;
var adSchemaTablePrivileges = 14;
var adSchemaUsagePrivileges = 15;
var adSchemaProcedures = 16;
var adSchemaSchemata = 17;
var adSchemaSQLLanguages = 18;
var adSchemaStatistics = 19;
var adSchemaTables = 20;
var adSchemaTranslations = 21;
var adSchemaProviderTypes = 22;
var adSchemaViews = 23;
var adSchemaViewColumnUsage = 24;
var adSchemaViewTableUsage = 25;
var adSchemaProcedureParameters = 26;
var adSchemaForeignKeys = 27;
var adSchemaPrimaryKeys = 28;
var adSchemaProcedureColumns = 29;
var adSchemaDBInfoKeywords = 30;
var adSchemaDBInfoLiterals = 31;
var adSchemaCubes = 32;
var adSchemaDimensions = 33;
var adSchemaHierarchies = 34;
var adSchemaLevels = 35;
var adSchemaMeasures = 36;
var adSchemaProperties = 37;
var adSchemaMembers = 38;

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Written By
Web Developer WWWeb Concepts
United States United States
James W. Threadgill began his education with community college computer science certification program. He continued to the University of Houston-Clear Lake where he earned a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Arts. His first paying jobs as a web developer took place were during his first year of graduate school in 1998. He soon established WWWeb Concepts a web design and development firm located in Houston Texas that he still owns and operates today.

He has authored tutorials on web development for the Microsoft Developer Network Academic Alliance, Code Project and the Dynamic Zones. He co-authored the Glasshaus book Dreamweaver MX: ASP.NET Web Development released by Wrox Press February 2003.

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