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A Comprehensive CE Class Library to Replace ATL and MFC

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4 Oct 2000CPOL 283K   998   70  
A collection of classes for CE that do not use ATL or MFC, plus an FTP client, database viewer, and sample application that solves beam deflection equations.
#ifndef __CEWnd_h__
#define __CEWnd_h__

#if _MSC_VER >= 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000

#include "CeDebug.h"

#include <windows.h>
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <tchar.h>

#define UNUSED_ALWAYS(var)

#ifndef GetFirstChild
#define GetFirstChild(hWnd)		GetWindow(hWnd, GW_CHILD)

typedef struct tagCEMSG {
	HWND hwnd;
	UINT uMsg;
	WPARAM wParam;
	LPARAM lParam;

#ifdef _WIN32_WCE

#define RectWidth(rc)		(rc.right - rc.left)
#define RectHeight(rc)		(rc.bottom -
#define RectSize(rc, sz)	( = (rc.right - rc.left), = (rc.bottom -


// Raw window class, base for ALL window classes, provides generic HWND wrapper
class CeBaseWnd
	HWND m_hWnd;		// the only member required

	CeBaseWnd() { m_hWnd = NULL; }
	virtual ~CeBaseWnd() { if (IsWindow()) DestroyWindow(); }

	// hookup the window
	BOOL Attach(HWND hWndNew);
	HWND Detach();

	BOOL DestroyWindow();

	// Attributes

	operator HWND() const { return m_hWnd; }
	DWORD GetStyle() const;
	DWORD GetExStyle() const;

	// these were left out by accident, they work, so use them
	#  define GWL_HINSTANCE       (-6)
	#  define GWL_HWNDPARENT      (-8)
	LONG GetWindowLong(int nIndex) const;
	LONG SetWindowLong(int nIndex, LONG dwNewLong);

	static BOOL ModifyStyle(HWND hWnd, DWORD dwRemove, DWORD dwAdd, UINT nFlags);
	BOOL ModifyStyle(DWORD dwRemove, DWORD dwAdd, UINT nFlags);

	// Message Functions

	LRESULT SendMessage(UINT message, WPARAM wParam = 0, LPARAM lParam = 0);
	BOOL PostMessage(UINT message, WPARAM wParam = 0, LPARAM lParam = 0);
	BOOL SendNotifyMessage(UINT message, WPARAM wParam = 0, LPARAM lParam = 0);

	// support for C style macros

	static LRESULT SendMessage(HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);

	// Window Text Functions

	BOOL SetWindowText(LPCTSTR lpszString);
	int GetWindowText(LPTSTR lpszStringBuf, int nMaxCount) const;
	int GetWindowTextLength() const;

	// Font Functions
	void SetFont(HFONT hFont, BOOL bRedraw);
	HFONT GetFont() const;

	// Menu Functions (non-child windows only)

	BOOL DrawMenuBar();
	BOOL HiliteMenuItem(HMENU hMenu, UINT uItemHilite, UINT uHilite);

	// Window Size and Position Functions

	BOOL IsIconic() const;
	BOOL IsZoomed() const;
	BOOL MoveWindow(int x, int y, int nWidth, int nHeight, BOOL bRepaint = TRUE);
	BOOL MoveWindow(LPCRECT lpRect, BOOL bRepaint = TRUE);
	BOOL SetWindowPos(HWND hWndInsertAfter, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, UINT nFlags);
	BOOL SetWindowPos(HWND hWndInsertAfter, LPCRECT lpRect, UINT nFlags);
	UINT ArrangeIconicWindows();
	BOOL BringWindowToTop();
	BOOL GetWindowRect(LPRECT lpRect) const;
	BOOL GetClientRect(LPRECT lpRect) const;
	BOOL CenterWindow(HWND hWndCenter = NULL);

#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
	// methods supported by 95/98/NT but NOT CE
	WORD GetWindowWord(int nIndex) const;
	WORD SetWindowWord(int nIndex, WORD wNewWord);
	HMENU GetMenu() const;
	BOOL SetMenu(HMENU hMenu);
	HMENU GetSystemMenu(BOOL bRevert) const;
	BOOL GetWindowPlacement(WINDOWPLACEMENT FAR* lpwndpl) const;
	BOOL SetWindowPlacement(const WINDOWPLACEMENT FAR* lpwndpl);
	BOOL ScrollWindow(int xAmount, int yAmount, LPCRECT lpRect = NULL, LPCRECT lpClipRect = NULL);
	BOOL FlashWindow(BOOL bInvert);
	HWND GetTopWindow() const;
	BOOL ValidateRgn(HRGN hRgn);
	BOOL ShowOwnedPopups(BOOL bShow = TRUE);
	HDWP DeferWindowPos(HDWP hWinPosInfo, HWND hWndInsertAfter, int x, int y, int cx, int cy, UINT uFlags);
	BOOL WinHelp(LPCTSTR lpszHelp, UINT nCmd = HELP_CONTEXT, DWORD dwData = 0);
	BOOL EnableScrollBar(UINT uSBFlags, UINT uArrowFlags = ESB_ENABLE_BOTH);

	// Implemented by WinCE

	BOOL ShowScrollBar(int nBar, BOOL bShow);
	int GetScrollPos(int nBar) const;
	BOOL GetScrollRange(int nBar, LPINT lpMinPos, LPINT lpMaxPos) const;

	// Coordinate Mapping Functions

	BOOL ClientToScreen(LPPOINT lpPoint) const;
	BOOL ClientToScreen(LPRECT lpRect) const;
	BOOL ScreenToClient(LPPOINT lpPoint) const;
	BOOL ScreenToClient(LPRECT lpRect) const;
	int MapWindowPoints(HWND hWndTo, LPPOINT lpPoint, UINT nCount) const;
	int MapWindowPoints(HWND hWndTo, LPRECT lpRect) const;

	// Update and Painting Functions

	HDC BeginPaint(LPPAINTSTRUCT lpPaint);
	void EndPaint(LPPAINTSTRUCT lpPaint);
	HDC GetDC();
	HDC GetWindowDC();
	int ReleaseDC(HDC hDC);
	BOOL UpdateWindow();
	void SetRedraw(BOOL bRedraw = TRUE);
	BOOL GetUpdateRect(LPRECT lpRect, BOOL bErase = FALSE);
	int GetUpdateRgn(HRGN hRgn, BOOL bErase = FALSE);
	BOOL Invalidate(BOOL bErase = TRUE);
	BOOL InvalidateRect(LPCRECT lpRect, BOOL bErase = TRUE);
	BOOL ValidateRect(LPCRECT lpRect);
	void InvalidateRgn(HRGN hRgn, BOOL bErase = TRUE);
	BOOL ShowWindow(int nCmdShow);
	BOOL IsWindowVisible() const;
	BOOL LockWindowUpdate(BOOL bLock = TRUE);

	// Timer Functions

	UINT SetTimer(UINT nIDEvent, UINT nElapse);
	BOOL KillTimer(UINT nIDEvent);

	// Window State Functions

	BOOL IsWindowEnabled() const;
	BOOL EnableWindow(BOOL bEnable = TRUE);
	HWND SetActiveWindow();
	HWND SetCapture();
	HWND SetFocus();

	// Dialog-Box Item Functions

	BOOL CheckDlgButton(int nIDButton, UINT nCheck);
	BOOL CheckRadioButton(int nIDFirstButton, int nIDLastButton, int nIDCheckButton);
	UINT GetDlgItemInt(int nID, BOOL* lpTrans = NULL, BOOL bSigned = TRUE) const;
	UINT GetDlgItemText(int nID, LPTSTR lpStr, int nMaxCount) const;
	HWND GetNextDlgGroupItem(HWND hWndCtl, BOOL bPrevious = FALSE) const;
	HWND GetNextDlgTabItem(HWND hWndCtl, BOOL bPrevious = FALSE) const;
	UINT IsDlgButtonChecked(int nIDButton) const;
	LRESULT SendDlgItemMessage(int nID, UINT message, WPARAM wParam = 0, LPARAM lParam = 0);
	BOOL SetDlgItemInt(int nID, UINT nValue, BOOL bSigned = TRUE);
	BOOL SetDlgItemText(int nID, LPCTSTR lpszString);

	// Scrolling Functions

	int ScrollWindowEx(int dx, int dy, LPCRECT lpRectScroll, LPCRECT lpRectClip, HRGN hRgnUpdate, LPRECT lpRectUpdate, UINT uFlags);
	int ScrollWindowEx(int dx, int dy, UINT uFlags, LPCRECT lpRectScroll = NULL, LPCRECT lpRectClip = NULL, HRGN hRgnUpdate = NULL, LPRECT lpRectUpdate = NULL);
	int SetScrollPos(int nBar, int nPos, BOOL bRedraw = TRUE);
	BOOL SetScrollRange(int nBar, int nMinPos, int nMaxPos, BOOL bRedraw = TRUE);

	// Window Access Functions

	HWND ChildWindowFromPoint(POINT point) const;
	HWND ChildWindowFromPointEx(POINT point, UINT uFlags) const;
	HWND GetWindow(UINT nCmd) const;
	HWND GetLastActivePopup() const;
	BOOL IsChild(HWND hWnd) const;
	HWND GetParent() const;
	HWND SetParent(HWND hWndNewParent);
	HWND GetTopLevelWindow() const;
	static HWND GetTopLevelWindow(HWND hWnd);

	// Window Tree Access

	int GetDlgCtrlID() const;
	int SetDlgCtrlID(int nID);
	HWND GetDlgItem(int nID) const;

	// Alert Functions

	int MessageBox(LPCTSTR lpszText, LPCTSTR lpszCaption = _T(""), UINT nType = MB_OK);

	// Clipboard Functions

	BOOL ChangeClipboardChain(HWND hWndNewNext);
	HWND SetClipboardViewer();
	BOOL OpenClipboard();

	// Caret Functions

	BOOL CreateCaret(HBITMAP hBitmap);
	BOOL CreateSolidCaret(int nWidth, int nHeight);
	BOOL CreateGrayCaret(int nWidth, int nHeight);
	BOOL HideCaret();
	BOOL ShowCaret();

	// Drag-Drop Functions
	void DragAcceptFiles(BOOL bAccept = TRUE);

	// Icon Functions

	HICON SetIcon(HICON hIcon, BOOL bBigIcon = TRUE);
	HICON GetIcon(BOOL bBigIcon = TRUE) const;

	// Help Functions

	BOOL SetWindowContextHelpId(DWORD dwContextHelpId);
	DWORD GetWindowContextHelpId() const;

	// Hot Key Functions

	int SetHotKey(WORD wVirtualKeyCode, WORD wModifiers);
	DWORD GetHotKey() const;

	// Misc. Operations

	BOOL GetScrollInfo(int nBar, LPSCROLLINFO lpScrollInfo) const;
	BOOL SetScrollInfo(int nBar, LPSCROLLINFO lpScrollInfo, BOOL bRedraw = TRUE);
	BOOL IsDialogMessage(LPMSG lpMsg);
	void NextDlgCtrl() const;
	void PrevDlgCtrl() const;
	void GotoDlgCtrl(HWND hWndCtrl) const;
	int GetWindowRgn(HRGN hRgn) const;
	int SetWindowRgn(HRGN hRgn, BOOL bRedraw = FALSE);
	DWORD GetWindowThreadID();
	DWORD GetWindowProcessID();
	BOOL IsWindow() const;
	BOOL IsWindowUnicode() const;
	BOOL IsParentDialog() const;
	BOOL ShowWindowAsync(int nCmdShow);

// The HWND wrapper class for working more easily with window handles and
class __declspec(novtable) CeMsgWnd
	WNDPROC m_lpfnOldWndProc;
	CEMSG m_cemsg;

	CeMsgWnd() { m_lpfnOldWndProc = NULL; }
	virtual ~CeMsgWnd() {}

	// Default handling of the message procedure
	virtual LRESULT Default();
	virtual LRESULT ProcessMessage(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, bool& bHandled);

// Window message virtual functions
	virtual void OnChar( UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags, bool& bHandled );
	virtual void OnClose( bool& bHandled );
	virtual int OnCreate( LPCREATESTRUCT lpCS, bool& bHandled ); 
	virtual BOOL OnCommand(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, bool& bHandled);
	virtual LRESULT OnNotify(int nCtrlId, LPNMHDR pNMH, bool& bHandled);
	virtual void OnDestroy(bool& bHandled); 
	virtual void OnEnable( BOOL bEnable, bool& bHandled );
	virtual BOOL OnEraseBkgnd( HDC hDC, bool& bHandled );
	virtual void OnKeyDown( UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags, bool& bHandled );
	virtual void OnKeyUp( UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags, bool& bHandled );
	virtual void OnLButtonDblClk( UINT nFlags, POINT point, bool& bHandled );
	virtual void OnLButtonDown( UINT nFlags, POINT point, bool& bHandled );
	virtual void OnLButtonUp( UINT nFlags, POINT point, bool& bHandled );
	virtual void OnMouseMove( UINT nFlags, POINT point, bool& bHandled ); 
	virtual void OnMove( int x, int y, bool& bHandled ); 
	virtual void OnPaint( bool& bHandled );
	virtual void OnShowWindow( BOOL bShow, UINT nStatus, bool& bHandled );
	virtual void OnSize( UINT nType, int cx, int cy, bool& bHandled );
	virtual void OnTimer( UINT nTimer, bool& bHandled );
	virtual void OnSettingChange( WORD wFlag, LPCTSTR pszSection, bool& bHandled );

	virtual LRESULT OnMessage(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, bool& bHandled);

#ifndef _WIN32_WCE
	virtual BOOL OnQueryEndSession( UINT nSource, BOOL fLogOff, bool& bHandled );
	virtual void OnEndSession(BOOL fEndSession, UINT fLogoff, bool& bHandled );
	virtual BOOL OnSetCursor( HWND hWnd, UINT nHitTest, UINT message, bool& bHandled );

// Other timely virtual functions for override
	virtual void OnFirstMessage(HWND hWnd);
	virtual void OnFinalMessage(HWND hWnd);

class CeWnd: public CeBaseWnd, public CeMsgWnd
	static LRESULT CALLBACK StartWndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
	static LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);

	static LPCTSTR CreateGenericWndClass(HINSTANCE hInst=NULL);
	BOOL RegisterWndSuperclass(LPCTSTR lpszClass, WNDPROC& lpfnWndProc, HINSTANCE hInst=NULL);
	BOOL IsCeWndProc(LPCTSTR lpstrWndClass, HINSTANCE hInst=NULL);

	BOOL Subclass(UINT nID, HWND hWndParent);
	BOOL Subclass(HWND hWnd);
	HWND Unsubclass();

	// Association, initialization, creation

	static bool RegisterClass(LPCTSTR lpszClassName, UINT style=0,
							  int cbClsExtra=0, int cbWndExtra=0, HICON hIcon=NULL,
							  HCURSOR hCursor=NULL, HBRUSH hbrBackground=NULL,
							  LPCTSTR lpszMenuName=NULL,
							  HINSTANCE hInst=NULL);

	BOOL Create(LPCTSTR lpstrWndClass, HWND hWndParent,
				const RECT& rcPos, LPCTSTR szWindowName=NULL, DWORD dwStyle=0, DWORD dwExStyle=0,
				UINT nID = 0, HINSTANCE hInst=NULL);
	BOOL Create(LPCTSTR lpstrWndClass, HWND hWndParent,
				LPCRECT lpRect, LPCTSTR szWindowName=NULL, DWORD dwStyle=0, DWORD dwExStyle = 0,

#include "CeWnd.inl"
#include "CeCmdBar.h"

#endif // __CEWnd_h__

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