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Directory and Network Browsing Using a Tree Control

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5 Sep 2000 286.8K   9K   78  
An article explaining browsing my computer and the network using a TreeCtrl
// DlgGetPath.cpp : implementation file
//	Display a dialog to allow the user to select a file path.
//	John McTainsh (
//	1)	Display the recycle bin appropiatly.
//	2)	Display the contents of the recycle bin with out S- numbers.
//	3)	Sort items when added except for "Entire Network"
//	4)	Check on a more complex network.
//	5)	Get icons for the network items.
//	6)	Determine why icon disappears from the ALT-TAB bar when active?
//	7)	Handle WNetEnumResource for more than 16384 bytes of data.
//	8)	Use SHGetFileInfo to load the correct icons to display.
//	Ver 1.0 - 21.5.99
//		*Inital release.
//  Ver 2.0 - 10.7.99
//		*Corrected Bug identified by Sven Wiegand when locating Drives.
//		*Added Set Path option to expand to the tree to 
//		 the inital path on startup.
//	Copyright 1999 (C) John McTainsh.
//	I am happy for any developer to use this dialog. I think it is pretty
//	cool and suites my purposes. Feel free to copy and alter whatever
//	you please. Keep me informed of any good things you do to it
//	and also what it has been used for (for my ego).
//	This is shareware and can be copied or distrabuted without my concent,
//	permision or knowledge. It would be uncool to use it without putting
//	my name in the credits (ego) but that is up to you.
//	This code is provide as is. If it dont work or dont do what it should
//	then dont come crying to me. It is full of bugs (undocumented features)
//	which you the user/developer must find to use it.
//	Remember, you to can become a Jedi master (VC++ developer) if you can
//	resist the temptations of the dark side of the force (VB).
//	PS
//		Comments regarding my spelling will NOT be kindly recieved.
//	PSS
//		All the best software is written by New Zealanders.

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "Resource.h"								//Definitions for resource ID's
#include "DlgGetPath.h"								//Definition to get path

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#undef THIS_FILE
static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;

//Handy local functions.
TCHAR*	MakeObjectDynamic( LPTSTR szData );
CString WindowName( CString sName );
bool	ParsePath( CString sPath, int nLevel, CString *const psDirName );

#define NETWORK_NEIGHBOUR   _T("Network Neighborhood")

// CDlgGetPath dialog
CDlgGetPath::CDlgGetPath(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/)
	: CDialog(CDlgGetPath::IDD, pParent)
	TRACE( _T("CDlgGetPath::CDlgGetPath(%p)\n"), pParent );
	m_hNetworkRoot = NULL;

void CDlgGetPath::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
	DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_TREE, m_Tree);


//	Parse the path and extract the given directory or drive name.
//	nLevel 0 will return the drive number or "" for a network name.
//	10-7-1999  11:37:47
//	sPath		Full path to parse.
//	nLevel		Level to return 0 = the root or drive name.
//	psDirName	returned directory name
//	true	if a directory or drive name was returned.
//	false	if no more directorys
bool ParsePath( CString sPath, int nLevel, CString *const psDirName )
	ASSERT( psDirName );
	//find first match
	int nStart = 0;									//Location in sPath to search from
	while( nLevel )
		nStart = sPath.Find( _T('\\'), nStart );
		if( nStart < 0 )
			return false;
	//We now have the start point to find the end.
	int nEnd = sPath.Find( _T('\\'), nStart );
	if( nEnd < 0 )
		*psDirName = sPath.Mid( nStart );
		*psDirName = sPath.Mid( nStart, nEnd-nStart);
	return true;

//	Setup inital Dialog Data.
//	8-5-1999  19:57:09
//	See help
BOOL CDlgGetPath::OnInitDialog() 
	TRACE( _T("CDlgGetPath::OnInitDialog()\n") );

	//Setup the Image lists
	if( !m_ImageListTree.Create( IDB_FILE_TYPES, 17, 1, RGB( 255, 255, 255 ) ) )
		TRACE( _T("Image list creation fault") );
	m_Tree.SetImageList( &m_ImageListTree, TVSIL_NORMAL );

	//List the local drives
	for( TCHAR cLetter = _T('A'); cLetter <= _T('Z'); cLetter++ )
		CString sDrive = cLetter;
		sDrive += _T(":");						
		UINT nType = GetDriveType( sDrive + _T("\\") );
		if( DRIVE_REMOVABLE <= nType && nType <= DRIVE_RAMDISK )
			InsertItem( TVI_ROOT, NULL, sDrive, nType );
	//Network neighbour hood

	//Expand the Tree to the Inital Path.
	int nLevel = 0;
	CString sDirName;
	HTREEITEM hCurrent = TVI_ROOT;					//Current item in the list being expanded.
	while( ParsePath( m_sPath, nLevel, &sDirName ) )
		//Network or Drive expand
		if( !nLevel && sDirName.IsEmpty() )
		//Search for the matching tree item and expand
		HTREEITEM hItem = m_Tree.GetChildItem( hCurrent );	
		while( hItem )
			if( sDirName.CompareNoCase( m_Tree.GetItemText( hItem ) ) == 0 )
				hCurrent = hItem;
				m_Tree.Expand( hCurrent, TVE_EXPAND );
			hItem = m_Tree.GetNextSiblingItem( hItem );
	return TRUE;  // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control
	              // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE

//	Insert an Item in to the List
//	10-5-1999  13:49:20
//	hParent		Parent to Attach to.
//	sText		Text to Add.
//	iImage		Image.
//	Handle of Item created
HTREEITEM CDlgGetPath::InsertItem( HTREEITEM hParent, NETRESOURCE *const pNetResource, CString sText, int iImage, int iImageSelected /* = -1 */ )
	TRACE( _T("CDlgGetPath::InsertItem(%p,%p,%s +++ )\n"), hParent, pNetResource, sText );
	sText = WindowName( sText );
	InsertStruct.hParent		= hParent;	
	InsertStruct.hInsertAfter	= TVI_LAST;
	InsertStruct.itemex.mask	= TVIF_IMAGE | TVIF_TEXT | TVIF_CHILDREN | 
	InsertStruct.itemex.pszText	= sText.GetBuffer( sText.GetLength() );  sText.ReleaseBuffer();
	InsertStruct.itemex.iImage	= iImage;
	InsertStruct.itemex.cChildren= 1;
	InsertStruct.itemex.lParam	= (LPARAM)pNetResource;
	if( iImageSelected == -1 )
		InsertStruct.itemex.iSelectedImage = iImage;
		InsertStruct.itemex.iSelectedImage = iImageSelected;
	return m_Tree.InsertItem( &InsertStruct );

//	Called in request to expand an item in the tree.
//	8-5-1999  19:57:09
//	sPath	Path to use for populating from
//	hParent	Where to add the data
//	True if some children were added
bool CDlgGetPath::PopulateTree( CString sPath, HTREEITEM hParent ) 
	TRACE( _T("CDlgGetPath::PopulateTree( %s )\n"), sPath );
	bool bGotChildren = false;						//True if a child is added.	
	//Populate Network neighbourhood tree (Entire network and Local-Computers)
	if( hParent == m_hNetworkRoot )
		bGotChildren = EnumNetwork( hParent );
	//Network item(Search deep into the network)
	else if( m_Tree.GetItemData( hParent ) )
		bGotChildren = EnumNetwork( hParent );
	//Search for files and populate the CTreeCtrl
		CFileFind finder;
		BOOL bWorking = finder.FindFile( sPath+_T("*.*") );
		while (bWorking)   
			bWorking = finder.FindNextFile();
			if( finder.IsDots() )
			if( finder.IsDirectory() )
				InsertItem( hParent, NULL, finder.GetFileName(), DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR, DRIVE_UNKNOWN );
				bGotChildren = true;

	//Remove the [+] if no children
	if( !bGotChildren )
		TVITEM item		= { 0 };
		item.hItem		= hParent;
		item.cChildren	= 0;
		m_Tree.SetItem( &item );
	return bGotChildren;

//	Get the Part from a given selection point.
//	8-5-1999  22:29:00
//	hItem	Item to Get Path for.
//	Full path as a string.
CString CDlgGetPath::GetItemPath( HTREEITEM hItem ) 
	TRACE( _T("CDlgGetPath::GetItemPath(%p)\n"), hItem );
	CString sRet;
		//End with a share name.
		NETRESOURCE *const pNetResource = (NETRESOURCE *)(m_Tree.GetItemData( hItem ) );
		if( pNetResource )
			sRet = CString(pNetResource->lpRemoteName) + _T('\\')+ sRet; 		
		//Add the directory name to the path.
		sRet = m_Tree.GetItemText( hItem ) + _T('\\')+ sRet; 
		hItem = m_Tree.GetParentItem( hItem );
	} while( hItem );
	return sRet;

//	Node on the tree is about to expand
//	Called when some user tries to expand the tree.
//	8-5-1999  19:56:55
//	See help.
void CDlgGetPath::OnItemexpandingTree(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) 
	TRACE( _T("CDlgGetPath::OnItemexpandingTree(%p)\n"), pNMHDR );
	CWaitCursor CursorWaiting;						//Show the wait cursor while expanding
	ASSERT( pNMTreeView );
	ASSERT( pResult );
	//Only action 2 notifications
	if( pNMTreeView->action == 2 )
		//Update location display
		CString sPath = GetItemPath( pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem );
		//Refresh children
		if( !m_Tree.GetChildItem( pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem ) )
			PopulateTree( sPath, pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem );
			if( m_Tree.GetSelectedItem( ) != pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem )
				m_Tree.SelectItem( pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem );
	*pResult = 0;

//	Update the Edit dox with the new selection path
//	9-5-1999  12:54:48
//	Seel help	
void CDlgGetPath::OnSelchangedTree(NMHDR* pNMHDR, LRESULT* pResult) 
	TRACE( _T("CDlgGetPath::OnSelchangedTree(%p)\n"), pNMHDR );
	ASSERT( pNMTreeView );
	ASSERT( pResult );
	CString sPath;									//Currently selected path or empty if not valid
	//Disable search on Workstation roots
	if( m_Tree.GetItemData( pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem ) || 
			pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem == m_hNetworkRoot )
		GetDlgItem( IDOK )->EnableWindow( false );
		GetDlgItem( IDOK )->EnableWindow( true );
		sPath = GetItemPath( pNMTreeView->itemNew.hItem );
	*pResult = 0;
	//TODO add code here to process users selection
	SetDlgItemText( IDC_STATIC_NOTE, sPath );


//	Created a duplicate of the given string. (There must be a function for this)
//	23-5-1999  15:55:53
//	String to be duplicated
//	Pointer to the duplicated string
TCHAR* MakeObjectDynamic( LPTSTR szData )
	TRACE( _T("MakeObjectDynamic( %s )\n"), szData );
	//Assume a NULL = empty string
	TCHAR * szRet = NULL;
	int nLength	  = 0;
	if( szData )
		nLength = _tcslen( szData )+1;
	if( nLength > 0 )
		szRet = new TCHAR[nLength];
		ASSERT( szRet );
		_tcscpy( szRet, szData );
	return szRet;

//	To display the same was window explorer
//	..names all uppercase letters are converted
// inital caps.
//	23-5-1999  16:10:34
//	sName		sName to convert.
//	Converted name
CString WindowName( CString sName )
	CString sRet;
	//Scan all charactors to determine if their are any lower case items
	for( int n = 0; n < sName.GetLength(); n++ )
		TCHAR ch = sName[n];
		if ((ch >= 'a') && (ch <= 'z') )
			return sName;
	if( sName.GetLength() > 0 )
		CString sFirstChar = sName[0];
		sName = sFirstChar + sName.Mid( 1 );
	return sName;

//	Enumerate the given network resource. This is where the magic happens.
//	10-5-1999  15:19:02
//	hParent	Item to create the child items from
//			..(item.lParam) == NULL if finding the NETWORK root.
//	ture if one or more items were found
bool CDlgGetPath::EnumNetwork( HTREEITEM hParent )
	TRACE( _T("CDlgGetPath::EnumNetwork( %p )\n"), hParent );
	bool bGotChildren = false;						//True if a child is added.	

	//Check if the item already has a network resource and use it.
	NETRESOURCE *const pNetResource = (NETRESOURCE *)(m_Tree.GetItemData( hParent ) );
	DWORD dwResult;      
	HANDLE hEnum;      
	DWORD cbBuffer = 16384;
	DWORD cEntries = 0xFFFFFFFF;      
	LPNETRESOURCE lpnrDrv;      
	dwResult = WNetOpenEnum(	pNetResource ?  RESOURCE_GLOBALNET  : RESOURCE_CONTEXT,
								pNetResource ? 	pNetResource		: NULL,
								&hEnum );      
	//Was the read sucessfull
	if (dwResult != NO_ERROR)      
		TRACE( _T("*** ERROR %d - Cannot enumerate network drives.\n"), dwResult );
		return false;
	//Get items until no more remain.
		lpnrDrv = (LPNETRESOURCE) GlobalAlloc( GPTR, cbBuffer );
		dwResult = WNetEnumResource( hEnum, &cEntries, lpnrDrv, &cbBuffer   );
		if (dwResult == NO_ERROR)         
			//Scann through the results
			for( i = 0; i < cEntries; i++ )            
				CString sNameRemote = lpnrDrv[i].lpRemoteName;
				int nType = 9;
				if( sNameRemote.IsEmpty() )
					sNameRemote = lpnrDrv[i].lpComment;
					nType = 8;
				//Remove leading back slashes 
				if( sNameRemote.GetLength() > 0 && sNameRemote[0] == _T('\\') )
					sNameRemote = sNameRemote.Mid( 1 );
				if( sNameRemote.GetLength() > 0 && sNameRemote[0] == _T('\\') )
					sNameRemote = sNameRemote.Mid( 1 );

				//Display a share or the appropiate icon
				if( lpnrDrv[i].dwDisplayType == RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SHARE )
					//Display only the share name
					int nPos = sNameRemote.Find( _T('\\') );
					if( nPos >= 0 )
						sNameRemote = sNameRemote.Mid( nPos+1 );
					InsertItem( hParent, NULL, sNameRemote, DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR, DRIVE_UNKNOWN );
					NETRESOURCE* pResource = new NETRESOURCE;
					ASSERT( pResource );
					*pResource = lpnrDrv[i];
					pResource->lpLocalName	= MakeObjectDynamic( pResource->lpLocalName );
					pResource->lpRemoteName = MakeObjectDynamic( pResource->lpRemoteName );
					pResource->lpComment	= MakeObjectDynamic( pResource->lpComment );
					pResource->lpProvider	= MakeObjectDynamic( pResource->lpProvider );
					InsertItem( hParent, pResource, sNameRemote, pResource->dwDisplayType+7 );
				bGotChildren = true;
		GlobalFree( (HGLOBAL) lpnrDrv );      
		if( dwResult != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS )
			TRACE( _T("*** ERROR %d - Cannot complete network drive enumeration\n"), dwResult );
	while( dwResult != ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS );      

	//Let go and go home
	return bGotChildren;

//	Release the dynamically created items in the list.
//	22-5-1999  16:59:56
//	See help
BOOL CDlgGetPath::DestroyWindow() 
	TRACE( _T("CDlgGetPath::DestroyWindow()\n") );
	//Get the current selection before heading home
	m_sPath = GetItemPath( m_Tree.GetSelectedItem( ) );

	//Start at the root deleting.
	HTREEITEM hItemCur = m_Tree.GetRootItem( );		//Current item under inspection

	//While their is still data in the tree
	while( hItemCur )
		HTREEITEM hItem = m_Tree.GetChildItem( hItemCur );
		//Has children then make the child current
		if( hItem )
			hItemCur = hItem;

		//Item has not children so we shall destroy it.
		//but first we must decide who is to take its place.
		HTREEITEM hNextSibItem = m_Tree.GetNextSiblingItem( hItemCur );
		HTREEITEM hPrevSibItem = m_Tree.GetPrevSiblingItem( hItemCur );
		HTREEITEM hParentItem  = m_Tree.GetParentItem( hItemCur );
		//Get item data to check if lparam is to be destroyed
		NETRESOURCE *const pNetResource = (NETRESOURCE *)m_Tree.GetItemData( hItemCur );//(item.lParam);
		if( pNetResource )
			delete [] (pNetResource->lpLocalName);
			delete [] (pNetResource->lpRemoteName);
			delete [] (pNetResource->lpComment);
			delete [] (pNetResource->lpProvider);
			delete pNetResource;
		m_Tree.DeleteItem( hItemCur );
		hItemCur = NULL;
		//Determine which item is next to recieve the focus
		if( hParentItem )
			hItemCur = hParentItem;
		if( hPrevSibItem )
			hItemCur = hPrevSibItem;
		if( hNextSibItem )
			hItemCur = hNextSibItem;
	//All items removed from list now. Lets trash this place and go home.
	return CDialog::DestroyWindow();

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Written By
United States United States
I starting writing code when Apple IIe was all the rage (1982?). Graduated Mechanical Engineering in New Zealand, so I could build Robots. Took up Commerical diving in Asia for a few years to make some quick money (Spent it all). I have been writing C/C++/Assembly and building underwater robots since MS QuickC/Quick Assembler in 1989. I currently live in Australia and work mosly with MS VisualC.

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