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CHttpClient - A Helper Class Using WinInet

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10 Aug 20073 min read 496.6K   24.9K   163  
A C++ class which helps you to interact with a HTTP web server.
 * \file	HttpClient.h
 * \brief	A header file of the HttpClient component.
 * \author	Jo Hyeong-ryeol
 * \since	2004.10.17
 * \version	$LastChangedRevision: 93 $
 *			$LastChangedDate: 2006-01-30 19:13:44 +0900 (월, 30 1 2006) $
 * This file is a header file of the HttpClient component.
 * \n\n
 * Copyright &copy; 2006 by <a href="">Jo Hyeong-ryeol</a>\n
 * Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this software is
 * granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies.
 * This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty,
 * and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.
#pragma once
#include "resource.h"

#include "RyeolHttpClientCom.h"

// CHttpClient

class ATL_NO_VTABLE CHttpClient : 
	public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>,
	public CComCoClass<CHttpClient, &CLSID_HttpClient2>,
	public ISupportErrorInfo,
	public IHttpClient2,
	public IDispatchImpl<IDispHttpClient2, &IID_IDispHttpClient2, &LIBID_RyeolHttpClientCom2Lib>




// ISupportsErrorInfo
	STDMETHOD(InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo)(REFIID riid);


	HRESULT FinalConstruct()
		return S_OK;
	void FinalRelease() 

	// HttpClient error methods


	STDMETHOD(Get##PropertyName##Len)(DWORD * pdwLen) ;											\
	STDMETHOD(Get##PropertyName##IntoBuff)(OLECHAR * szBuff, DWORD cchBuff) ;					\
	STDMETHOD(Get##PropertyName)(BSTR * pbstr##PropertyName) ;									\
	STDMETHOD(get_##PropertyName)(BSTR * pbstr##PropertyName) ;

	#define DECLARE_HTTPCLIENT_STRINGPROPERTY(PropertyName)										\
	STDMETHOD(Set##PropertyName)(PCWSTR sz##PropertyName) ;										\
	STDMETHOD(put_##PropertyName)(const BSTR bstr##PropertyName) ;

	#define DECLARE_HTTPCLIENT_VALUEPROPERTY(ValueType, PropertyName)							\
	STDMETHOD(Get##PropertyName)(ValueType * p##PropertyName) ;									\
	STDMETHOD(Set##PropertyName)(ValueType PropertyName) ;										\
	STDMETHOD(get_##PropertyName)(ValueType * p##PropertyName) ;								\
	STDMETHOD(put_##PropertyName)(ValueType PropertyName) ;


	STDMETHOD(ClearHeader)(BOOL * pbCleared) ;
	STDMETHOD(RemoveHeaderAt)(DWORD nIdx, BOOL * pbRemoved) ;
	STDMETHOD(RemoveHeader)(PCWSTR szName, DWORD nIdx, BOOL * pbRemoved) ;
	STDMETHOD(RemoveHeader)(const BSTR szName, DWORD nIdx, BOOL * pbRemoved) ;
	STDMETHOD(RemoveAllHeader)(PCWSTR szName, BOOL * pbRemoved) ;
	STDMETHOD(RemoveAllHeader)(const BSTR szName, BOOL * pbRemoved) ;

	STDMETHOD(AddHeader)(PCWSTR szName, PCWSTR szValue) ;
	STDMETHOD(AddHeader)(const BSTR bstrName, const BSTR bstrValue) ;
	STDMETHOD(SetHeader)(PCWSTR szName, PCWSTR szValue, DWORD nIdx) ;
	STDMETHOD(SetHeader)(const BSTR bstrName, const BSTR bstrValue, DWORD nIdx) ;

	STDMETHOD(GetHeaderNameAtLen)(DWORD nIdx, DWORD * pdwLen) ;
	STDMETHOD(GetHeaderNameAtIntoBuff)(OLECHAR * szBuff, DWORD cchBuff, DWORD nIdx) ;
	STDMETHOD(GetHeaderNameAt)(DWORD nIdx, BSTR * pbstrName) ;

	STDMETHOD(GetHeaderAtLen)(DWORD nIdx, DWORD * pdwLen) ;
	STDMETHOD(GetHeaderAtIntoBuff)(OLECHAR * szBuff, DWORD cchBuff, DWORD nIdx) ;
	STDMETHOD(GetHeaderAt)(DWORD nIdx, BSTR * pbstrHeader) ;

	STDMETHOD(GetHeaderLen)(PCWSTR szName, DWORD nIdx, DWORD * pdwLen) ;
	STDMETHOD(GetHeaderLen)(const BSTR bstrName, DWORD nIdx, DWORD * pdwLen) ;
	STDMETHOD(GetHeaderIntoBuff)(OLECHAR * szBuff, DWORD cchBuff, PCWSTR szName, DWORD nIdx) ;
	STDMETHOD(GetHeader)(PCWSTR szName, DWORD nIdx, BSTR * pbstrHeader) ;
	STDMETHOD(GetHeader)(const BSTR bstrName, DWORD nIdx, BSTR * pbstrHeader) ;

	STDMETHOD(HeaderExists)(PCWSTR szName, DWORD nIdx, BOOL * pbExist) ;
	STDMETHOD(HeaderExists)(const BSTR bstrName, DWORD nIdx, BOOL * pbExist) ;

	STDMETHOD(GetHeaderCount)(PCWSTR szName, DWORD * pdwCount) ;
	STDMETHOD(GetHeaderCount)(const BSTR bstrName, DWORD * pdwCount) ;
	STDMETHOD(GetAllHeaderCount)(DWORD * pdwCount) ;

	STDMETHOD(ClearParam)(BOOL * pbCleared) ;
	STDMETHOD(RemoveParamAt)(DWORD nIdx, BOOL * pbRemoved) ;
	STDMETHOD(RemoveParam)(PCWSTR szName, DWORD nIdx, BOOL * pbRemoved) ;
	STDMETHOD(RemoveParam)(const BSTR szName, DWORD nIdx, BOOL * pbRemoved) ;
	STDMETHOD(RemoveAllParam)(PCWSTR szName, BOOL * pbRemoved) ;
	STDMETHOD(RemoveAllParam)(const BSTR szName, BOOL * pbRemoved) ;

	STDMETHOD(AddParam)(PCWSTR szName, PCWSTR szValue, DWORD dwParamAttr) ;
	STDMETHOD(AddParam)(const BSTR bstrName, const BSTR bstrValue, DWORD dwParamAttr) ;
	STDMETHOD(SetParam)(PCWSTR szName, PCWSTR szValue, DWORD dwParamAttr, DWORD nIdx) ;
	STDMETHOD(SetParam)(const BSTR bstrName, const BSTR bstrValue, DWORD dwParamAttr, DWORD nIdx) ;

	STDMETHOD(GetParamNameAtLen)(DWORD nIdx, DWORD * pdwLen) ;
	STDMETHOD(GetParamNameAtIntoBuff)(OLECHAR * szBuff, DWORD cchBuff, DWORD nIdx) ;
	STDMETHOD(GetParamNameAt)(DWORD nIdx, BSTR * pbstrName) ;

	STDMETHOD(GetParamAtLen)(DWORD nIdx, DWORD * pdwLen) ;
	STDMETHOD(GetParamAtIntoBuff)(OLECHAR * szBuff, DWORD cchBuff, DWORD nIdx) ;
	STDMETHOD(GetParamAt)(DWORD nIdx, BSTR * pbstrParam) ;

	STDMETHOD(GetParamLen)(PCWSTR szName, DWORD nIdx, DWORD * pdwLen) ;
	STDMETHOD(GetParamLen)(const BSTR bstrName, DWORD nIdx, DWORD * pdwLen) ;
	STDMETHOD(GetParamIntoBuff)(OLECHAR * szBuff, DWORD cchBuff, PCWSTR szName, DWORD nIdx) ;
	STDMETHOD(GetParam)(PCWSTR szName, DWORD nIdx, BSTR * pbstrParam) ;
	STDMETHOD(GetParam)(const BSTR bstrName, DWORD nIdx, BSTR * pbstrParam) ;

	STDMETHOD(GetParamAttrAt)(DWORD nIdx, DWORD * pdwAttr) ;
	STDMETHOD(GetParamAttr)(PCWSTR szName, DWORD nIdx, DWORD * pdwAttr) ;
	STDMETHOD(GetParamAttr)(const BSTR bstrName, DWORD nIdx, DWORD * pdwAttr) ;

	STDMETHOD(ParamExists)(PCWSTR szName, DWORD nIdx, BOOL * pbExist) ;
	STDMETHOD(ParamExists)(const BSTR bstrName, DWORD nIdx, BOOL * pbExist) ;

	STDMETHOD(GetParamCount)(PCWSTR szName, DWORD * pdwCount) ;
	STDMETHOD(GetParamCount)(const BSTR bstrName, DWORD * pdwCount) ;
	STDMETHOD(GetAllParamCount)(DWORD * pdwCount) ;

	STDMETHOD(SetInternet)(PCWSTR szUserAgent, DWORD dwAccessType, PCWSTR szProxyName, PCWSTR szProxyBypass, DWORD dwFlags) ;
	STDMETHOD(SetInternet)(const BSTR bstrUserAgent, DWORD dwAccessType, const BSTR bstrProxyName, const BSTR bstrProxyBypass, DWORD dwFlags) ;


	STDMETHOD(MakeGetUrlLen)(PCWSTR szUrl, DWORD * pdwLen) ;
	STDMETHOD(MakeGetUrlLen)(const BSTR bstrUrl, DWORD * pdwLen) ;
	STDMETHOD(MakeGetUrlIntoBuff)(OLECHAR * szBuff, DWORD cchBuff, PCWSTR szUrl) ;
	STDMETHOD(MakeGetUrl)(PCWSTR szUrl, BSTR * pbstrGetUrl) ;
	STDMETHOD(MakeGetUrl)(const BSTR bstrUrl, BSTR * pbstrGetUrl) ;

	STDMETHOD(SetProxyAccount)(PCWSTR szUserName, PCWSTR szPassword) ;
	STDMETHOD(SetProxyAccount)(const BSTR bstrUserName, const BSTR bstrPassword) ;


	STDMETHOD(RequestGet)(LPCWSTR szUrl, BOOL bUseCache, IHttpResponse2 ** ppIHttpResponse2) ;
	STDMETHOD(RequestGet)(const BSTR bstrUrl, BOOL bUseCache, IHttpResponse2 ** ppIHttpResponse2) ;
	STDMETHOD(RequestGetEx)(LPCWSTR szUrl, DWORD dwFlags, LPCWSTR szReferer, LPCWSTR szUsrName, LPCWSTR szUsrPwd, IHttpResponse2 ** ppIHttpResponse2) ;
	STDMETHOD(RequestGetEx)(const BSTR bstrUrl, DWORD dwFlags, const BSTR bstrReferer, const BSTR bstrUsrName, const BSTR bstrUsrPwd, IHttpResponse2 ** ppIHttpResponse2) ;

	STDMETHOD(RequestGet)(LPCWSTR szUrl, BOOL bUseCache, IDispHttpResponse2 ** ppIDispHttpResponse2) ;
	STDMETHOD(RequestGet)(const BSTR bstrUrl, BOOL bUseCache, IDispHttpResponse2 ** ppIDispHttpResponse2) ;
	STDMETHOD(RequestGetEx)(LPCWSTR szUrl, DWORD dwFlags, LPCWSTR szReferer, LPCWSTR szUsrName, LPCWSTR szUsrPwd, IDispHttpResponse2 ** ppIDispHttpResponse2) ;
	STDMETHOD(RequestGetEx)(const BSTR bstrUrl, DWORD dwFlags, const BSTR bstrReferer, const BSTR bstrUsrName, const BSTR bstrUsrPwd, IDispHttpResponse2 ** ppIDispHttpResponse2) ;

	STDMETHOD(BeginPost)(LPCWSTR szUrl, BOOL bUseCache) ;
	STDMETHOD(BeginPost)(const BSTR bstrUrl, BOOL bUseCache) ;
	STDMETHOD(BeginPostEx)(LPCWSTR szUrl, DWORD dwFlags, LPCWSTR szReferer, LPCWSTR szUsrName, LPCWSTR szUsrPwd) ;
	STDMETHOD(BeginPostEx)(const BSTR bstrUrl, DWORD dwFlags, const BSTR bstrReferer, const BSTR bstrUsrName, const BSTR bstrUsrPwd) ;

	STDMETHOD(BeginUpload)(LPCWSTR szUrl, BOOL bUseCache) ;
	STDMETHOD(BeginUpload)(const BSTR bstrUrl, BOOL bUseCache) ;
	STDMETHOD(BeginUploadEx)(LPCWSTR szUrl, DWORD dwFlags, LPCWSTR szReferer, LPCWSTR szUsrName, LPCWSTR szUsrPwd) ;
	STDMETHOD(BeginUploadEx)(const BSTR bstrUrl, DWORD dwFlags, const BSTR bstrReferer, const BSTR bstrUsrName, const BSTR bstrUsrPwd) ;

	STDMETHOD(Query)(IDispHttpPostStat2 * pIDispHttpPostStat2) ;
	STDMETHOD(Query)(IHttpPostStat2 * pIHttpPostStat2) ;

	STDMETHOD(Cancel)(BOOL * pbCanceled) ;
	STDMETHOD(Proceed)(DWORD cbDesired, IHttpResponse2 ** ppIHttpResponse2) ;
	STDMETHOD(Proceed)(DWORD cbDesired, IDispHttpResponse2 ** ppIDispHttpResponse2) ;

	STDMETHOD(RequestPost)(LPCWSTR szUrl, BOOL bUseCache, IHttpResponse2 ** ppIHttpResponse2) ;
	STDMETHOD(RequestPost)(const BSTR bstrUrl, BOOL bUseCache, IHttpResponse2 ** ppIHttpResponse2) ;
	STDMETHOD(RequestPostEx)(LPCWSTR szUrl, DWORD dwFlags, LPCWSTR szReferer, LPCWSTR szUsrName, LPCWSTR szUsrPwd, IHttpResponse2 ** ppIHttpResponse2) ;
	STDMETHOD(RequestPostEx)(const BSTR bstrUrl, DWORD dwFlags, const BSTR bstrReferer, const BSTR bstrUsrName, const BSTR bstrUsrPwd, IHttpResponse2 ** ppIHttpResponse2) ;

	STDMETHOD(RequestPost)(LPCWSTR szUrl, BOOL bUseCache, IDispHttpResponse2 ** ppIDispHttpResponse2) ;
	STDMETHOD(RequestPost)(const BSTR bstrUrl, BOOL bUseCache, IDispHttpResponse2 ** ppIDispHttpResponse2) ;
	STDMETHOD(RequestPostEx)(LPCWSTR szUrl, DWORD dwFlags, LPCWSTR szReferer, LPCWSTR szUsrName, LPCWSTR szUsrPwd, IDispHttpResponse2 ** ppIDispHttpResponse2) ;
	STDMETHOD(RequestPostEx)(const BSTR bstrUrl, DWORD dwFlags, const BSTR bstrReferer, const BSTR bstrUsrName, const BSTR bstrUsrPwd, IDispHttpResponse2 ** ppIDispHttpResponse2) ;

	STDMETHOD(RequestUpload)(LPCWSTR szUrl, BOOL bUseCache, IHttpResponse2 ** ppIHttpResponse2) ;
	STDMETHOD(RequestUpload)(const BSTR bstrUrl, BOOL bUseCache, IHttpResponse2 ** ppIHttpResponse2) ;
	STDMETHOD(RequestUploadEx)(LPCWSTR szUrl, DWORD dwFlags, LPCWSTR szReferer, LPCWSTR szUsrName, LPCWSTR szUsrPwd, IHttpResponse2 ** ppIHttpResponse2) ;
	STDMETHOD(RequestUploadEx)(const BSTR bstrUrl, DWORD dwFlags, const BSTR bstrReferer, const BSTR bstrUsrName, const BSTR bstrUsrPwd, IHttpResponse2 ** ppIHttpResponse2) ;

	STDMETHOD(RequestUpload)(LPCWSTR szUrl, BOOL bUseCache, IDispHttpResponse2 ** ppIDispHttpResponse2) ;
	STDMETHOD(RequestUpload)(const BSTR bstrUrl, BOOL bUseCache, IDispHttpResponse2 ** ppIDispHttpResponse2) ;
	STDMETHOD(RequestUploadEx)(LPCWSTR szUrl, DWORD dwFlags, LPCWSTR szReferer, LPCWSTR szUsrName, LPCWSTR szUsrPwd, IDispHttpResponse2 ** ppIDispHttpResponse2) ;
	STDMETHOD(RequestUploadEx)(const BSTR bstrUrl, DWORD dwFlags, const BSTR bstrReferer, const BSTR bstrUsrName, const BSTR bstrUsrPwd, IDispHttpResponse2 ** ppIDispHttpResponse2) ;

	Ryeol::CHttpClientW			m_objHttpClient ;

	HRESULT _CheckActivePost (PCWSTR szTargetName) throw () ;
	HRESULT _CopyStringToBuff (PWSTR szBuff, DWORD cchBuff, PCWSTR szSrc) throw () ;
	HRESULT _DupStringAsSysStr (BSTR * pbstrDest, PCWSTR szSrc, BOOL bSetNull) throw () ;

	template<typename QueriedInterface>
	HRESULT _GetIHttpResponse2 (Ryeol::CHttpResponseW * pobjHttpRes, QueriedInterface ** ppQueriedInterface) throw () ;

OBJECT_ENTRY_AUTO(__uuidof(HttpClient2), CHttpClient)

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Written By
Software Developer
Korea (Republic of) Korea (Republic of)
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.

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